Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarah - loving the fb shop. So cute. Don't feel bad about the bf advice. So many people I have met thought they were not producing enough in the first few weeks just because they did not realise babies have to feed so much to begin with. Hope you are feeling better soon

Amy - you must have been so tired if you did not wake. Hope you have managed to catch up on a bit more sleep

H&F - that is a big difference in mileage. It's like an average year of extra mileage on there. Hope they give you more than the tow bar

Frufru - yay Joni doing the caterpillar. Scary she will be on the move very soon

LM - really hoping your niece gets the support she needs soon. :flower: Happy birthday!!

Katie hope your apt went well.

Modo hope Bobby improves soon. Che is also in the habit of falling asleep on the boob. Then I wait for floppy arm before moving him

Weather has been gorgeous today so went for a long walk with a teacher friend who is on half term. I am permanently hungry as well. Some days I can eat twice as much as everyone else and not even feel full.

I am also planning on doing BLW so very excited to hear some of you starting!
Forgot to say Che has discovered screaming in a very high pitch, hair pulling (as if I am not losing enough) and also attacking my face with his mouth which if he had teeth would really hurt.

I am presuming these are just phases??
modo - Bobby is ultra cute I'm not surprised he makes you smile :hugs:

maybe - hope you got some rest :hugs:

CG - Alex pulls my hair too :wacko: he also likes biting my face and also smearing his dribble all over my face too :haha:

We went swimming today, Alex's first swim. He took a couple of sharp breaths in when we got in the big pool (it was a bit chilly brrr) and I thought he was going to cry but he didnt he smiled and had a great time. We went in the beach pool for a bit, which was warmer and also the bubble pools. We had a lovely time, I'll definately go again :D
oh god, there's a young mummys section for people in their 20's - 30! I feel old!!
Hi everyone I need to go back and read the last few pages and see what you have all been up to.

I think Oliver is trying to tell me that he wants to start weaning as he was sitting on my knee earlier whilst I was eating a banana then he suddenly leant forward and licked it then poked it with his fingers! :lol:

Hope all of you are well.
Evening Ladies.

Well I have got mt car - drove it back from the dealership and it was brilliant so going to see my nan in Sutton tomorrow! Only small damage to it is a small tear on one of the seats but you cant see it so i'm not too worried.

I have had a good day - my niece is over and she is 20 months but a complete madam ... I know she is young but if it was me I would start disapline early so she knows boundaries as she just walks all over her mum and dad and wont eat anything but sweet stuff and has tantrums every meal time!

How is everyone getting on today?
Glad you got your car in the end H&F!

Hope you had a lovely birthday LM.
h&f - glad you got your car!

CG - i am pretty sure they are phases. owen lives face eating and hair grabbing too!

amy - glad alex liked swimming :thumbup:

muddles - like the banana story :haha: certainly seems oliver is ready for some grub!

i pulled apart my my4 to wash it. it says the seat unit is machine washable but it wont fit in my machine :dohh: so i have scrubbed it in the bath and am leaving it to soak for a bit. hope it comes out ok. the hood came out nice and clean last time i washed it in the bath but this is the 1st time i am doing the seat unit now that i have my techno XT to use whilst the my4 is drying. i like the fact the my4 is parent facing. the XT is great and nice and light but i cant chat to owen!

owen has a tooth coming at last i think but it is a canine! strange :wacko: we shall see if it errupts soon as he's really uncomfortable. i think he's been worse than dylan and erin on the teething front. erin cut her 2yr molars before she was 18months and didnt wince!

H&F I'm glad you got your car okay, good luck with the complaint letter - I hope you get somewhere :hugs:

Muddles - Oliver is the same, I'm going to start giving him a few bits. Today I had pancakes for breakfast and he sat on my knee and had a bit - he's very good at shoving stuff in his mouth :haha: I really need to finish reading my BLW book :dohh:

MaybeBaby I hope the pushchair cleaning goes well! And that you get some rest :hugs:

Katie how did the drs go :hugs:

Amy Swimming sounds fun! I really should take Oliver but I hate swimming . . . maybe if I can find a nice quiet pool. I'm trying to get Steve to find out if any of his customer friends from work have pools at home :haha:

Well I went to the doctor today and I have some kind of upper resiratiory virus :( At least its not a chest infection though. Its one of those things that will just get better, but I've got an inhaler for my asthma as I was feeling a bit wierd about not having one when my chest feels so tight :( I feel okay most of the time though, so I'm okay.

We also went to Mothercare and bought Oliver a cute FisherPrice Rainforest Coat but ended up taking it back because the stitching was wrong :( They didn't have another one in 6-9 and I couldn't see any other coats I liked :( So we are going to go to Pumpkin Patch tomorrow and see what they have.

We then went to see my mum at her work, so Oliver got cooed over a lot! I also weighed him as its a medical centre so they have a baby room set up with the scales and everything - he doesn't 'officially' get weighed again until he's 8 months old!!!!! He weighs 19lbs!!!!!!!! I kept putting him back on the scales to make sure it was right :haha: So tonight I have packed away most of his 3-6 clothes and unpacked his 6-9 - it all looks so big but the 3-6 stuff is looking a bit small now. Its that inbetween stage! I tried to work out what else he might need - he has three 6-9 coats already but not really the style I want . . . and he has two pram suits but I want another one of those too :dohh: Its SUCH a good job I didn't have a girl!!!!
Sarah - Alex is long even though he's skinny and he's been in some 6-9 month bits. Arent they growing up fast! Alex has got really good at feeding himself. I dont give him bits every day but he's had brocolli (messy), carrots, pineapple (breaks easily and made him choke), mango, melon, cucumber, banana and orange segments (his favourite). He's been eating for the last couple of weeks because he kept grabbing my food. He gets really angry if I eat and dont share :haha: the only thing that seemed to upset his tummy was apple. I love watching him eat, he enjoys it so much! Oh and he's had a rusk too, messy messy :)
Modo - Joni had a week where she was hard to get down at bedtime and a couple of weeks where she has woken loads through the early evening. It seemed to be down to teething.

Amy - I have been feeding Joni to sleep at bedtime to :blush: it sure beats rocking, singing and jiggling for 20-45mins. I know what you mean about feeling a failure, however I have come to the conclusion that I have managed and coped the best I could given the circumstances so decided not to beat myself up about it anymore :thumbup: Brave little Alex in the big pool :mrgreen: I still have not taken Joni swimming :blush:

Sarah - Good grief, how do you have a chest infection for a morning :dohh: I hope the virus passes soon. :thumbup: on Oliver's weight. I tell you what all you BF ladies make damn good boobie juice :mrgreen: Joni is only between 15-16lb and she is mostly in 3-6 clothes but fits some 0-3 and 6-9 too :wacko: the sizing between brands can be pretty crazy. I really must go through her 6-9 stuff and see what I have and what I need before I get caught short!

LM - I am glad you had a lovely birthday and that the weather played along for you :hugs:

Katie - wow 5ft6" and a size 8! You put me to shame :haha: I am 5ft7" and never been less than a generous 12/mostly 14.

Maybebaby - :hugs: for you bad night. I hope you had a lie down. Wow about Erin's teething experience, if only Joni could have the same :rolleyes:

CG - Joni is in the hair pulling phase just now :rolleyes: As for the high pitched screaming/squeaking, she figured that out at about 3 and a half months :dohh: she does still do it but not as much as she has discovered lots of other new sounds to amuse herself with :thumbup:

Muddles :lol: bless Oliver, it sounds like he is looking forward to trying food.

H&F - glad the car is nice :thumbup:

Joni and I had a busy day. Last night was up and down again but not as bad as it has been so that is a positive. We were, however, up at 5am as Joni did another night poo :dohh:

Joni had another go with half a rusk at breakfast this morning. When she seemed done gumming it I crumbled it up and mixed it with milk to try as a sort of porridge. She liked me feeding it to her and kept shouting for more, although everything that went in her mouth dribbled back out 5 seconds later :dohh: Tomorrow we are going to try some slices of apples and petit filous :)

One thing I have noticed the last few weeks is that when you pass or hold out something for Joni to grab she always leads with her left hand. Hubby and I are both right-handed but I reckon we might have just made a little leftie :baby:

Well I am off to bed early tonight as Joni took a small feed this afternoon so has already woken and had her last feed. Sleep tight and sweet dreams everyone :hugs:
Sarah - I mieant to say, hope you get well soon :hugs: xxx

frufru - My DH and I are both RH but our Emily is LH :) I found it intruiging, she's the only leftie in our family. I hope Joni enjoys her petit filous and apple tomorrow xx
erin seems like a leftie too! she does some things with her left and right hands but seems to use her left more!
Sorry for going AWOL / not giving everyone a shout out- am sick as a dog. Be back soon!
Insomnimama and Sarah hope you both feel better soon

Frufru lefties are the best!! (I am one in case you did not realise!)

Amy - I saw that 'young mummies' thread and felt well old!!

Well I am in bed getting more and more irate with the bloody baby monitor. Che is having a few grunts and moans in his nursery and each one is waking me or keeping me awake. I feel like I am going mad :wacko: it's not enough to warrant going in but enough to feel like I am being tortured. I am beginning to hate the monitor :growlmad:

Also DH is doing my head right in again. He just does not get it when Che cries. He thinks it is acceptable to just sit there shussing him whilst watching the telly when Che is having a complete meltdown. Ending mostly with DH then getting Che ready for bed too early so he can 'hand him over' to me for the last feed which means my evening is curtailed and I end up having Che restless like this all night as his routine is out. Also I have been trying not to observe DH get Che ready for bed as was warned at ante natal classes about hovering over partners when they are helping. But I saw him not drying Che's bum properly before starting to put the nappy on so I had to step in and say something and then when I checked I saw there was still some sudocream that I had put on earlier so he had not even cleaned him properly in the first place. No wonder it had started to go red. :growlmad: He is a 38yr old surely he knows how to clean a bum and the merits of being dry by now?!

I just feel at the moment that I love my days as I am in control of what we do and how we do it. I know it is down to me. In the evenings when I would like some support and it is not forthcoming I sometimes think it would be easier if I was on my own as at least then I know where I stand and that things are done properly. :cry:

Soz for the rant girlies I just needed to get it off my chest!! Monitor seems to have stopped flashing and making noises now so going to try and get a couple of hours :sleep: before the next wake up call.
insomnimama - get better soon!

sarah - get better soon hope you dont need your inhaler!

CG - men are useless! :hugs: i do everything for owen. he's quite happy to hold him ..... til he starts crying. and has onlybathed him once!

owen has woken 10 times since midnight :dohh:
Thanks Maybe sorry to hear you had a bad night too.

You may have said but I have no short term memory at the moment - have you started weaning? Both our LO are almost exactly same age and having same sleep issues. I am under pressure to start weaning to help with sleep even though I am not convinced it will and want to hold out for BLW.
Insomnimama - I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

CG - I do not have a baby monitor in my bedroom for the reason you have just described! I even close both our doors otherwise her snuffles keep me awake. I do have a baby monitor but only use it in the kitchen as it is the other end of the flat and once I am washing up or have the microwave on etc I don't hear her. Do you think you would try turning it off one night and seeing how you go?
It is hard to leave our DH's to it with our LO's. I have to say that sleep deprivation has been a great incentive to let hubby get on with it though :haha: Are there any games or things that you do to help Che calm down when he is having a meltdown that you could suggest to DH to try in an effort to avoid him starting bedtime early?
:hugs: to you, it is so hard when you feel like you might be better off just doing it all yourself. I think most of us have felt like that at times so you are not alone :hugs:
On the weaning issue. Some of the Mum's I know who have already weaned say that introducing solids did help them to start sleeping through, however their babies tend to be some of the better sleepers anyway. A couple of ladies whose babies have never been great sleepers have said weaning has improved the number of night wakings but their LO's are not sleeping through.
Don't wean under pressure, only do it if you feel it is the right thing for Che. Even if you did introduce a small amount of baby rice or puree TW style to see if it helps with Che's sleep, there is no reason why in 3 weeks time you could not start BLW as well. I am starting to give Joni some baby rice and puree's at the moment but also giving her lots of different finger foods to try at the same time as I think both BLW and TW have their merits and could not decide on one or the other :dohh:

Maybebaby - 10 time since midnight :shock: you poor lady :sad1: Joni decided to only wake a handful of times last night but she did have me up for an hour and a half from 3am :rolleyes:

Top comedy moment of the day was Joni doing a poo during naked kick time this morning :rofl: Hubby had to catch the poop with baby wipes and cotton wool :haha:

We tried petit filous and a small finger of cheese at breakfast this morning. Joni did really well at feeding herself with the spoon when I pre-loaded it with the yoghurt for her. By feeding I mean getting the spoon in her mouth, licking the yoghurt off, grimacing and spitting it out :rofl: Hopefully this is normal for the early days.

I am a grown up girl and can do it myself:

I thought you said this stuff was nice!?

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
CG: Bobby does that too and it hurts!

Muddles and Sarah: Glad that the Olivers are showing interest in food. As of yet Bobby has shown no interest himself but looks confused whenever he sees us eating!

Sarah: what BLW book are you reading? I am reading the one by Gill Rapley.

Maybe: which Baby Whisperer book are you reading? I have bought the one specifically about sleep and we think its really good.

h&f: Congrats on the car!

Maybe: I am sure your My4 will look great after its dry!

Sarah: I also really want to get Bobby swimming but until we have sorted out his sleeping again I do think I can.
Sorry about the coat :( Next does some cute ones as does John Lewis! Bobby is also in the in-between stage and i have been packing away his 3-6 clothes.


Bobby got weighed on Friday and he is now 19lbs :) I also couldn't believe it!

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