Evening Ladies!
I've got a few pages to go through here! I apologise in advance to everyone I miss out
MaybeBaby sorry to hear about Owens rash! I hope he's better soon

I don't have a non-facebook shop at the moment . . . I am thinking about opening an e-bay shop too so if I do I will let you have the link. Get yourself on facebook lady

even if its just for us BnB ladies! Thats really sweet of your OH to bring your flowers, so he does do some nice things
L-C I LOVE Wilbo Bagins!!! How cute!!!! I hope your cough gets better, I keep waking Oliver with mine
LM I hope Dillon is better
H&F I can't believe that your clutch has gone already!!!!! Thats just awful - I hope you get it sorted! Gosh I think I'd take it back and get a refund! Well done at weight watches!!!
Amy I'm glad Ruby is getting better
Emera sooooo good to see you - I've been thinking about you

It sounds like you have a lot in your plate, I hope the councilling helps and that the work / baby balance gets easier. Roh sounds like he is really coming on

Days like that are rubbish - I hope you have a good night tonight, and that everything is better tomorrow
We had a bit of a rubbish night, partly due to my coughing waking Oliver up

I also had my flu jab yesterday and kept waking up wondering why my arm hurt, it was only this morning that I remembered I'd had the vaccintion lol!
Today we took a drive up to York and went to the baby store that sells the extended rear facing car seats. Steve still isn't convinced but he suggested going for a look which I was pleased about. The shop was fab - they tried a few in Steve's car and one of them was great. Muddles - which one did you go for again? The sales lady said Oliver was still little too short for it, and said to leave it a month or so and go back when he's a little taller. I really liked it, plus it can go forward facing if - as Steve thinks will happen - Oliver gets to an age when he really wants to forward face.
The shop also sold ICandy's which we had a look at, Steve was really interested and thought they would be more expensive. They are lovely but I can't have three prams
I've been looking again at going back to work and things, I just don't know what I'm going to do. It just seems silly to pay for Oliver to be in nursery as between the nursery fees (which are subsidised too!) and petrol, keeping my car on the road etc, it would hardly be worth me working. I could work when my parents can have Oliver but that would be Friday & Saturday which could get in the way of my weddings which are worth SO much more money. So I just need to see if I can get more weddings and make enough not to go back to work. So much to think about
I hope everyone has a good night