You’ve all been so chatty! There’s so much to catch up on……
Sarah I think you were right to offer advice! I wish I had had some and there is so little available, saying that I feel very passionately about breastfeeding too. I really like Oliver’s nicknames, Will is mostly Wilbo Bagins for some reason! Hope you are feeling better and it’s not a chest infection. I have a nasty cough for a week and a half now, I getting really fed up with it.
Can really sympathize with you on the poorly husband front, I had this cough for a week and was really feeling rough and think the limited sleep was preventing me from getting over it. So my MUM, who really should know better and my DH both start bleating on about their colds!! They both had a little bit of my mind xx A chest infection for the morning is very impressive though!
19lbs that’s a great weight. Love the Debenhams coat, Will really needs one.
Katie Happy belated five months to Daisy.
Frufru Happy 6 months to Joni!!

Haven’t really noticed which hand Will, will prefer, he seems to grab out with both, he’s into everything he shouldn’t, remotes phones, cups! Love the pictures of Joni and her face is a picture, lol at the poo story too, we’re lacking on that front at the moment.
LM glad you had a good Birthday, the beach! Now I’m jealous x
H&F gutted about the car saga, but really pleased you have it and are pleased with it now.
CG really hope the screaming and hair pulling things are phases were are there too! I know exactly how you feel about being in control. I tend to bicker more with my DH at the weekends, as he interrupts our schedule! And sometimes I wonder if it would be easier ourselves, but then like Sarah I see Will get really excited at Will and then I feel bad.
Amy glad you and Alex had a good swim, really need to go again. Daddy keeps threatening the pig pool, we have access to one, but have been paying about £10 for a 10 minute dip in a warmer one, which is quite frustrating.
Muddles really does sound like Oliver is ready, bless.
Insomnimama hope you feel better soon!
Modo - Brilliant weight for Bobby.

You still dummy free?
Marta really glad you are all sorted with your winter tyres it sounds so scary without!
Maybe - how great is that that Erin didn’t have too much of a problem with her teeth, wish all our babies could be that lucky. That Dr sounds rubbish, how frustrating, I’m quickly losing faith with Dr’s, HV’s and pharmasists, although there is one good one in our local boots. I’m glad Owen’s rash is a bit better today and I really hope you manage to get some sleep today.
Emera bless you a mc is hard at the best of times and there must be so much more pressure on you with Roh and being back to work and not enough sleep!! Really hope the counselling helps.
Well we had a nightmare weekend, good one level as Will was feeding much later in the night and one night not until 4:30 but was up looking for his dummy the rest of the night so I actually had less sleep. He also seems to be up a lot between 4 and 5 am. Anyone else have a wide awake baby at about 5 am, we started the day then yesterday - eek….. Also conscious that, that will be 4 am come Sunday.
So we decided to take the dummy away, now his wind has settled down, we have now been 48 hrs without and I can almost leave him to go off on his own, he does try ramming whatever is nearby in his mouth, but is managing without quite well.
We also thought seeing as we were going to disrupt him we might as well put him in his own room too and only upset him once. Well he has hardly noticed, it’s me that’s is up panicking about him! We do have a sensor alarm luckily, makes me feel a bit easier. With no dummy he has been feeding 2-3 times again instead of once but is so much more settled in between so I can get 3 hours in a go instead of one. I just hope he’ll settle down and the feeds with sort themselves out, if not I can address that once he is fully ok without the dummy. He has just gone down for a day time nap and was asleep within 15 minutes and I didn’t even need to rub his tummy as I have been. Please, please, please let this be it!
I am taking him to the Dr tomorrow as he has a bad nappy rash and pin prick type spots around his mouth, I’m worried it might be thrush. Does anyone now if this sounds right. I had initially thought it might just be the cold where he has been drooling?
Hope you all have a lovely day.