Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

just been to take in a repeat prescription for mark and thought id ask if the doc will send me an app for my post natal check or if i have to make it myself, i always thought it was 6 weeks after giving birth but the receptionist said its after 8 weeks and the doc will get in touch... arghhh i cant wait any longer i want to start weight watchers but reading their site they wont let u join until you have had the check up... im gonna start it myself at home on monday but im not as strict with myself that way, was rather looking forward to joining up again a week on wednesday :( i cant remember if they need proof of the app, im sure they didnt after i had soph.

Jo.. I have been advised that there is a post natal check at 6 wks for Mum only and then at 8 wks for baby. My "diet" starts on Monday too!:wacko:
Emera Oliver rolls onto his side by himself, he has done from about a week old! He seems to sleep much better on his side, I always put him pn his back but he just rolls! I sleep with my hand kind of in the way so he can't roll onto his front! He is a very still sleeper though, when he gets comfy he doesn't wriggle or anything. I would love to use reusable nappies but I have it in my head that its hard work, how do you find it? Our council do a free trial kit thing and I'm tempted to try it, would you recommend it?

Jolou I'd just tell weightwatches that you've got the all clear, as long as you are feeling well etc of course.

Marta sounds like you are getting on really well, you sound like such a fab chilled out mum!

Steve does the nail cutting in our house too lol, I just can't bring myself to do it! Oliver could do with his doing, it really hurts when he gets a bit carried away with my boob lol!

Well we are having a lovely day, my parents are here for the afternoon and I've got soooo much done! My dad has completely sorted my garden out too :) and now they have popped out to get some things for tea. I have the best parents :)

Hope you are all having a good day!
Emera, I'm going to have to ask! How do you pronounce Rohan's name?
Katie - Its pronounced Row-han, like Rowan but with an extra H, and shortened (which i always intended to call him as i really like it) its just pronounced Row (as in row row row your boat, hehe ) :haha:

Sarah - Personally i'm finding reusuable nappies just fine to use. The ones i have were quite expensive, but they are one size so they will last up to potty training. They are also the all in one type, so they have fleece on the inside and a waterproof lining outside, and then you put the inserts into them and thats the absorbant bit. Really easy :) I love them mostly as they wash really well and dry within an hour in the tumble dryer or in this lovely sunshine, so its not really a hassle for me. I just stick a wash on with some oxygen bleach at night before bed (I have a washer/dryer) and its ready in the morning. So basically one extra wash sometimes every day sometimes every 2 days, depends really...
Best bit is he is always totally dry on his skin, and has no soreness or rash at all, I use an extra fleece liner mostly to catch the poo as then i can just rinse that off rather than the whole nappy.
You could try out the starter kit, it might give you some idea how it would suit you, but i'd also recommend trying a few different brands to see which gives the best fit, you can always sell them on if it doesn't work out, they have a good re-sale value :) I think i spent about £150 in total for all my nappies and wipes, i'm certain i've made a saving over all against disposables, like i said, i'm a cheapskate!

About the checks, some surgeries do a 6 week mum and baby check,. some at 8 weeks and some do them just depends from place to place :)
Oh I love it, it's a lovely name! I've never heard it before and couldn't quite work it out, but it's really nice :)
I think you've definitely made a saving over disposable nappies too. I think once she's a bit older I might try them!
emera35 - I'm too lazy for using reusable but 12 points to you for using them. And I also like the name Rohan :thumbup:
Sarahwoo - I wouldn't be taht chilled if I woulnd have OH. He is really good and supportive with everything. Brr, letting him sleep on his back. I can't, I'm always putting him on his side when not next to him because I'm afraid he'll choke when milk comes up.
We have it drilled into us to put the baby on their back here Marta because of SIDS, is it different there?
I've just posted a thread in post natal, could you ladies please have a read if you get time? I know you're all really busy with babies, so just whenever you get a chance xx
I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight, I feel like it's just one thing after another. I'm young, my body should easily have coped with pregnancy, but it didn't, and it didn't cope with birth well either! And now it's being sh*tty at recovering. I feel like such a failure :(
Aww :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you Katie!

Pregnancy and childbirth are really tough on the body, you just need to look at the maternal mortality rate before we had advanced modern medicine to see that. Also being younger doesn't automatically make the whole thing easier. You've done a fantastic job growing and carrying your little girl, and you'll do a fantastic job as her Mummy too! Don't be so hard on yourself, its early days. I only started feeling like i'd ever feel normal again after at least 4-5 weeks, and i was quite pleased with that recovery rate. Give yourself time to recover from it all, physically and emotionally before you judge yourself honey :hugs: All you need to worry about now is taking good care of yourself so you can take care of the miracle you made :)

If you need someone to talk to there are plenty of places to go to, that alone should help you realise how much us new mums can need some support, especially early on. And you know we are all here if you need to vent, or some reassurance. Hang on in there, and be gentle with yourself!

well im now thinking the receptionist got it all mixed up, she was a trainee and said the HV sorts it for me, which i found odd, i think she thought i was asking about Harrison, stuff it im going next Wednesday to start, i cant stand feeling like a huge fat whale much longer and in august i have 2 weddings to attend and marks 30th birthday party, i need as long as possible to be on my weight watchers! i was looking back at my old card from just after i had Sophie, i lost 50llb in 10 months and that's with a holiday in the middle where i didn't follow the plan! hopefully i can do the same this time around.

katie i know its easy to say but please dont beat yourself up about it all, all our bodies react differently to what we put it through! and regardless of age pregnancy and birth is hard to go through. i felt crappy around the 2nd week due to doing myself a lovely little injury rendering me useless for a week or more.

As for sleeping positions, i know its drilled into us to put babies on their backs but i don't really, i have a blanket rolled up on the side of the Moses basket and have Harrison slightly propped up against it, he isn't completely on his side or back but i feel better with him like that just in case he is sick.
Katie I just wrote a long reply to you on my phone, lost it, got annoyed with my phone, got the laptop out, and basically everything I was going to say Emera just said lol!! Don't be so hard on yourself honey - you've just grown a baby! Its a really tough job! Your body did a fab job because look at Daisy - shes bloomin amazing!! You grew her - your body grew her - it did a great job! Don't compare yourself to other people, everyone is so different - just give yourself a break. Lots of hugs coming your way :hugs:

Well I'm a bit fed up, I've had such a nice day with my parents. They went home at half eight, I bathed Oliver and got him ready for bed and Steve was due home at half nine. Oliver and I have got into a lovely routine of going to bed at ten, so I thought we'd stay up a bit later for some daddy time. But Steve text to say that because he's off next week he has stuff to finish, so he's still in work - he should have finished two hours ago :( I really wanted a shower as I feel all hot and bothered and sticky and milky . . . but its too late now. Oliver is fast asleep but I've missed my first stint of sleep, which is normally the longest, so I'm probably going to be tired out tomorrow. I know Steve has to get his work done and before Oliver arrived it wouldn't have been a problem but its completely thrown my routine now and it was going so well! I might just go to bed anyway, but then I feel bad that I'm not up when Steve gets home. Argh!!!!

Rant over :) I feel a bit better now :)

Same i'll have Roh on his back if he's comfy, but if he's a bit windy he's so much happier on his left side, so i do the rolled up blanket thing to to make sure he can't fall over onto his front. I don't worry about the sick thing too much as he tends to literally "spit" up, he's very good at ejecting it himself :thumbup: I was just really suprised this morning to find him on his front, as when i fell asleep he was on his back :shrug: I'm going to start wedging him in so he can't move i think!
Aww Sarah, just go to bed i say! :hugs:

My OH keeps working late too and being late for bathtime, he always does it and actually Roh doesn't seem to like it so much when i do it, so i keep him up, then he gets all overtired and hard to settle later on :dohh: Ah well, least he was home on time tonight, its our 13 year anniversary! Not that we'll celebrate today, he's off on sunday so we'll do something nice in the day then. We haven't got anyone free to baby sit sadly, but we can go out for lunch as a family, still be nice :)
Happy anniversary Emera!! Have a lovely time on Sunday! !

Well Oliver just woke up so he's feeding now, I'm tempted to go to bed but dirty dancig is on lol! I've got his moses basket down here so I might pop him in there, I could always sofa nap I guess.
thankyou all, you're all so lovely! I don't know what i'd do without this place sometimes :hugs:
Happy anniversary emera :kiss:
Sarah, I hope Oliver lets you get some decent sleep, it's so much harder when you're tired isn't it!! I know today I've found it really hard going because I couldn't switch off to go to sleep last night.. The same seems to be happening tonight :dohh: my silly brother is 14 and just got up off the couch and left weed behind.. Vinny was sat next to him and for some stupid reason took the blame to protect alex :dohh: so I got my mum down my ear about how irresponsie Vinny is. I've asked alex to own up in the morning, we'll see whether he does! xx
the BFing lying down thing- I'd be scared of falling asleep like that!

Thats the best part... we DO sleep like that. Every night. Thats why I'm not exhausted. Baby sleeps right next to me... eats when he wants, and I sleep lots and lots... only waking occasionally to help him latch back on, or peek at him to make sure he is okay....
Is it weird that I kind of love Daisy's night feed? :cloud9:

not weird at all! I love the night feeds too cause I can just cuddle... no pressure to feel like I need to get up and do this or that... just rest and snuggle. Love it.
I'm a bit scared about the lying down feeding now as i woke up this morning with my boob leaking milk everywhere and he was lying next to me looking up sweetie and LYING ON HIS FRONT!! how the heck he managed to roll over so far, i've no idea, but it made me panic for a moment! :

Dillon has done this too a couple times.. I swear he rolls to his side without a problem... and I think those few tines he managed to throw himself all the way over. I know he is much more comfy on his tummy. He loves to sleep that way (I let him when I'm watching... like on my chest or right next to me). If it wasn't a sids risk I'd always put him down that way! It is scary though... right?? Thats why I'm always peeking at him!
the BFing lying down thing- I'd be scared of falling asleep like that!

Thats the best part... we DO sleep like that. Every night. Thats why I'm not exhausted. Baby sleeps right next to me... eats when he wants, and I sleep lots and lots... only waking occasionally to help him latch back on, or peek at him to make sure he is okay....

That sounds so good, I'll have to work out this laying down feeding thing! Oliver would wake me up everytime though, he's so damn noisy when he eats!!!

Katie bless Vinny for taking the blame! I hope your brother admits it was his in the morning.

Well Steve came home just as I was taking Oliver up to bed, I was sooo tired so o think I might have been a bit short with him. It took me ages to settle him though and normally he settles fine, it was probably him picking up on my mood rather than because of the change in routine :)
What is it with men always thinking they know best..? :dohh: :lol:
Can't believe Rohan is 8 weeks old today! :wacko:

This time 8 weeks ago i was throwing the gas and air tube at the midwife, how time flies :haha:

Off out for a picnic now, yum yum, have a good day all of you :)


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