H&F Did you get the car sorted?
CG Yep, I think I am a pramaholic

I promise to stop now . . . .

Have you started weaning Che yet? Is it worth waiting to see if that makes him more settled before you stop breastfeeding? If you did switch to formula, would your OH help with night feeds? Would you want him to?
We got Take That tickets too

what day are you going?
Maybebaby yes you need to reactivate your FB account
Amy why is it that babies always have explosive poos when they have a really nice outfit on

Well done Alex for sitting unaided!!!! Woo hoo!
Oliver had a fairly good eating day today - he had mango - which he absolutely loved, kiwi fruit, and melon this morning, and then he had some scrambled egg and toast at lunch. He doesn't seem keen on picking things up - he will happily suck and chew away at things if I am holding them though. I don't do it all the time, so he gets chance to try to pick things up etc too. Is this okay do you think? I know its not strictly BLW . . . . .
Gorgeous photos of your babies ladies . . . I'll try to get some of Oliver in his Halloween outfit on for the non FB peeps