Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

maybe - do it! reactivate reactivate :happydance::thumbup::haha:

CG - re the formula, you have to do whats best for you. I had this with my DH when my supply was low. He kept insisting that I use formula so that Alex would sleep and I'd be less "moody" but for me it wasnt what I wanted at all. Well done to Che for the great night though :thumbup::happydance:

H&F - is zumba dancing? I think Ive seen adverts and it looks like fun!

sarah - I dont think you have to be strict about BLW - I think you have to make it work for you. Alex isnt great at picking up some things and sometimes when the food, e.g. banana gets all slimy it keeps popping out of his grip so I hold it for him. Today Alex had banana, 2 Heinz organic biscottti biscuits and some toasted bagel for breakfast and brocolli, carrot and a taster of tomato pasta followed by a petit filous and 1/2 kiwi in the evening.

I'm watching masterchef...ooooh yummy yummy
Awww Sarah Oliver is such a cutie in his bat outfit! I wouldn't worry if Oliver needs a little help at the moment to get stuff in his mouth. Sure as long as you aren't putting it in then it's fine as with you just holding it it means he can get a good taste of it or just ignore it if he doesn't want it, so still sounds like BLW to me. I hold two different things up for Oliver (this morning it was a breadstick with dairylea on it in one hand and a preloaded spoon of porridge made with expressed milk) and he grabs which ever one he wants, though he has picked things up himself a couple of times.

Argh, how hard is it to take a picture of Roh showing his teeth!!!

Modo - Growing up in Oman was cool, i really liked it there! I was only there for 3 years, my Dad used to be a diplomat, so we moved all the time as he got new postings, i've lived all over the place in my time, i was particularly fond of Oman though. I'd love to go back and take my family at some point :) Hope your finger feels better soon, sprains are painful! :hugs:

LM - Love the pictures!

Amy - Well done on the sitting Alex! :happydance: Roh can't sit for very long at all, well... i say can't, he occasionally does, but he's far too interested in rolling around the place at the moment so tends to sit for a second and then launch forwards into a roll! He's so hyper! :haha:

L-C - Men and being ill, honestly aren't they unbelievable? :shrug:

H&F - love Zumba its fun! I can't afford any more classes what with doing my postnatal excercise class, but to be honest, thats enough for me just now, i have achillies tendonitus, so i'm supposed to be taking it easy (well they told me to rest my foot as much as possible....uuuuuh....did they not see the baby with me? :dohh: )

CG - Glad you got your tickets! Loads of my friends are going to see take that, but to be honest i'm ok with missing out. OH has promised me Muse tickets next time they are playing, thats more my cup of tea really. Could definately handle Dirty Dancing though, sounds like the perfect girls night out!! :)
I wouldn't let OH pressure you into doing anything you aren't happy about, and the idea that babies sleep better if they are formula fed is a total myth. Its highly likely nothing would change. There are other options other than moving on to formula, I've always given Roh a bottle of expressed milk each night, up until a few weeks ago, when i finally accepted i just couldn't keep up with the expressing, as i was having to stay up late to do it and i was knackered. Anyway, now in the evenings, he has a bottle of follow-on milk and also a breastfeed. What can i say, he used to sleep through, and now sometimes he does, and sometimes he doesn't. I know for a fact that he's going to sleep with a full tummy, and that he can happily stretch the night without a feed....that doesn't stop him waking up though!

Sarah - Cutest picture ever! :flower: Also i agree with Amy, i don't think being too militant about BLW is important, if he's enjoying the flavours and textures, then why leave him to get frustrated that he can't quite grip things, and like you said, he's getting the chance to pick things up too. I don't see any harm in a bit of help here and there :thumbup:

Well, managed to get Roh asleep in his cot again, except this time it took 1hour 45 minutes rather than 4 hours! :happydance: I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one! His naps today were terrible, but he was a total angel all day, so he just must not have needed the sleep :shrug: He totally scoffed his lunch, and there was bits of peanutbutter and cream cheese sandwich all over the cafe we were in for lunch! :haha: He had a lovely time though, i think he's really getting the hang of finger foods :) I'm really chuffed as i wanted to BLW, but having to start early i couldn't really do it straight i feel a bit more relaxed about it i think i'm going to take a mixed approach and just see how it goes day to day :thumbup:
He scared the hell out of me at dinner time though, after his daal and sweetpotato i gave him half a pear to suck on, with the skin still on to hold it together, iykwim? Anyway, he was really enjoying it, sucking away, when he pulled it out of his mouth there was a big chunk out of it!! I was so freaked out. I decided to just leave him, and after a while he started gagging and a few bits came out, i looked in his mouth, but it was clear, he must have bitten the chunk off and really chewed it and swallowed most of it! I'm kind of proud, but also so scared of him choking! :wacko: Its a bit of a hazard with his teeth being there, i have to be careful what i give him finger food wise...
Have to visit the HV tomorrow, they want to check on his weight to make sure he's still gaining well, i'm pretty sure he is, but i doubt it will be as much as last time, seeing as he's been ill. Wish us luck!

keep trying emera, I want to see those little dazzlers :thumbup: I empathise with the fear over choking, Alex gags a bit and I stand there at the ready to scoop it out :) Good luck with the HV tomorrow :hugs::hugs:
Thanks so much ladies, I feel much better re the weaning now. Muddles I like that idea about holing two things up and letting him choose. Oliver looks at what I'm holding and then launches himself at it :haha: I have him a breadstick with cream cheese the other day and a second later he had cream cheese all over his eye :dohh:

H&F yep it was just normal scrambled egg (with no salt) and he didn't choke at all! I was very impressed! A lot did end up on the floor but I think he ate quite a bit too!

Emera - I want to see the teeth too!!!!!!!!!!!
sarah - i think its fine if u r holding the food!!

CG - dont do the formula thing if you want to bf!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was super pressurised with dylan and did combi feeding. my supply went and i had to make bottles in the middle of the night and dylan still slept just as badly!!! IMO if you dont have a supply issue its not going to help night wakings!
Sarah - im inspired ... Amy is going to have scrambled egg for lunch ... then i can have some to. yum yum

im just about to attempt to put amy down for a nap so will update with how it goes.
Hey guys, Amelia was born in July but I can't seem to find a July Mummies thread anywhere, maybe we should stretch this to July as well :D
Hey Hannah!

You are more than welcome to join us!! Amelia is so cute!!!

H&F enjoy your scrambled egg! I just made sure it was really well cooked etc and I did help him out with a baby spoon too. He just sat on my knee and we shared lol!

Hey Hannah!

You are more than welcome to join us!! Amelia is so cute!!!

H&F enjoy your scrambled egg! I just made sure it was really well cooked etc and I did help him out with a baby spoon too. He just sat on my knee and we shared lol!


Thank you :) I feel a bit overwhelmed though because everyone's babies are older :blush:
Hey Hannah :wave:,

all we do is chat about pushchairs, sleep (or lack of it), let off steam about OHs and food so it doesnt matter if Amelia is a few weeks younger :hugs:
doh, I knocked enter and it sent my post before I'd finished!

I have cravings for scrambled egg now :) we had a nice walk around the village this morning. This afternoon I've got to take my car back to the garage that did the breaks because they keep squealing. Whats eveyone else up to? x
Amy I am trying to do some shop / ebay / website stuff at the same time as doing housework and looking after Oliver :haha:

Later on we are going for a walk, when Steve gets up.

I think Oliver is getting ready for a snooze so I will put my feet up for a bit while he naps!
I just can't believe that Amelia's nearly 4 months it's going so quickly but I can't wait until she can crawl and things :)

I'm currently trying to watch TV, do some of my home learning course and look after a crabby baby :haha:
Hi Hannah - lovely to meet you ... time flies so fast with a baby!

Sarah - We tried scrambled egg ... she really enjoyed it but just tried to mush the toast up with her hands and stuff it all in her mouth, i panicked that she was going to choke so I took it off her!

We aren't upto much this afternoon ... trying to sort the house out a bit so I am hoping amy has a nice long nap this afternoon. Im going to put her down at 1.30 and then start cleaning! Only problem is she is go grumpy today she might not settle.

x x x
hi hannah :flower: it may seem your baby is younger now but a few months is nothing!!! welcome!

owen is napping and dylan and erin have just gone out with my cousin to the playground for a bit so i am going to have a cuppa (if owen doesnt wake up) and start reading the no cry sleep solution book! i need some :sleep: soon!!! OH is getting some chicken breast on his way back from work and am going to cook a curry tonight! i so need to diet though. am going to start cutting back on rubbish on monday but dont want to crash diet coz of bf! so depressing just about squeezing into a size 14 in oasis when i was a 10/12 before. refuse to buy oasis clothes til i lose weight though as they are too expensive!!!
ahh I have got my weigh in tomorrow ... so nervous ...I havent been very good this week but have pulled it back to under my points alowence so hoping I stay the same or lose a little bit this week!

Just putting amy upto bed then have to seriously look at mine and oh's finances incase i need to look for a job soon.
Evening all

:hi: Hello Hannah and welcome to the thread :flower: Amelia is just gorgeous :mrgreen:

I love all the updates on our babies weaning, they all sound like they are doing really well :thumbup: Today Joni had an Ella's kitchen biscuit which I kept dipping in mashed up banana for her. Funny isn't it that she will eat the mashed up banana if she sucks it off a biscuit but not off of a spoon :dohh:

I am really trying to focus on getting her to spoon feed at the moment in the hope that if I can get some food into her that it might help her sleep better as she does not eat much yet when she feed BLW style. After a week she is opening her mouth for the spoon but still pulls a face at the food and pushes most of it out :rolleyes: For those of you who are successfully spoon feeding, how long did it take your LO to cotton on and start swallowing the food?

I bumped into my HV today and had a quick word about Joni's sleeping. She started to say how sometimes babies sleep patterns changed and we just needed to adapt. Then when I explained that as well struggling for up to 2 hours to get her into bed, despite her being exhausted, she is also getting up for 90min plus at 3am and then up for the day anytime from 4.30 onwards and no longer napping well in the day she changed her tune and said we needed to have a proper chat. I am going to pop into the surestart tomorrow to see her and get Joni weighed and measured at the same time. I really hope she can suggest something that is going to work as 3 hours of broken sleep a night is turning me into a zombie. If it were not for the fact I manage to steal a couple of 40min naps across the day I don't think I would be able to cope.

I am really sorry I have not done a proper catch up replying to you all but it has already taken me 2 days just to find the time to read the pages I missed :wacko: I am going to have quick nose at a couple of other threads then off to bed to see if I can catch a few Z's before Joni's next feed.

:hugs: to you all
Too late :dohh:

Joni has woken after being asleep for less than an hour :cry:
I just wrote out a full post and then managed to delete the bloomin thing :dohh:

FruFru I hope your health visitor can help you :hugs:

Amy you summed us up pretty well there :rofl:

Maybe mmmmmm curry!! I hope it was good!

H&F How did the weigh in go?

We have had another good day with the weaning! At various points today Oliver had fruit (mango and melon), toast with Ella's Kitchen Strawberry & Apple stuff (which Oliver loves). I also roasted some parsnips and sweet potato, it was a bit of an experiment but they worked out so well! Oliver really, really loved them and ate quite a few . . . Steve and I had a few too, haha!

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