Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Evening :)

Amy - think you asked how much Roh weighed? Think it was you anyway. He's 16lb 12oz now :thumbup: He was 13lb 8oz before i started weaning him about 5 weeks ago!

Sarah - We use bath seat, Roh loves it! He spends his whole bath chasing the rubber ducks around, then if he catches them he sucks their beaks :) We also pour water out of a watering can, and he loves trying to catch that too :haha:

We all had our first family meal this evening, i made a chicken stew, and we all sat down in the living room and ate together :) (I don't have a dining table currently as the dining room is taken up with OH's record decks and studio stuff when he got kicked out of the spare bedroom to turn it into a nursery) Roh had scrambled egg with toast soliders for lunch (Sarah, its all your fault, i'm suddenly obsessed with scrambled egg! :haha: ) anyway, he loved both meals :) :thumbup:
I worked yesterday ( baked 40 cakes in 6 hours!!) and OH was taking care of Roh, when i called in my break, Roh was having a total meltdown :dohh: Really i think i shouldn't call and just let them get on with it, as i was worried the whole of the rest of my shift. Anyway, when i got home, OH said that Roh had felt really hot so he'd given him some Calpol, and he'd calmed down and gone right to sleep. After his bath last night a big lump of hard wax and a load of goo came out of his ear! :wacko: I guess thats why he was upset, it couldn't have been comfortable, i think its a good sign though that his ear that was infected is finally clearing itself out. Today he's been fine. Poor OH, he always seems to get the grumpy days :winkwink:

We are on day 5 of the sleep training i'm doing, and Roh went down in 1 hour tonight. I heard that day 5 can be a bit of a regression, so i'm quite pleased with that, the last 2 nights he's fallen asleep in 10 minutes :thumbup: and he's staying asleep too! So far he's slept 3 nights from 8pm (the first night it was 9pm) to 6.30am and then last night he slept 7pm to 4.30am, then he settled himself back down within 20 minutes at slept again until 6.30am! :thumbup: Its fantastic, and there really haven't been any tears :) I still have to be in the room with him whilst he's falling asleep, but he's on his own in the cot, he notices if i'm not there though. Next step is to do the same thing with his naps, as i'm currently still feeding him to sleep for those. I hope it goes as well, although i have a feeling there will be more trouble with the naps!
We were going to move Roh into his room today, but i chickened out :blush: Its a bit of an issue between me and OH, he keeps moaning that he wants our bedroom back, and i really don't want to move Roh out, even though i think he's ready, i'm not! Argh, i'll have to do it soon i guess :(

Still working on the picture that shows his teeth, i think Roh is getting a bit annoyed with me constantly taking photos of him now! :haha:

:hugs: to you all!
Definately not wonderwoman! ...First pgce application has been turned down so it has been sent to be second provider so fingers crossed!

hmmm oh has just made pudding ... maybe i wont be saving those points!
Amy any time you're in Yorkshire there is a box of eggs here for you :hugs: Any some choccy and a cuppa :rofl:

We've always got waaaay too much crap in to pick at :dohh:

The chickens are good - you should get some!! To be fair Steve looks after them - when we got them Oliver was only 6 weeks old so I said if he wanted them, he had to care for them. I have a wonder up the garden with the baby led weaning leftovers once or twice a day :haha:
maybe I loathe ironing. I just iron what me or the girls need as we need it :shy: and DH irons his own stuff. The only clothes I iron in bulk are Alex's and thats because they are small and easy and I find it really satisfying putting it away in his little drawer :smug: do you find your washing machine is permanently on the go with 3 children? mine is, I feel like I work in a laundrette somedays!
I missed a load of posts!

emera - thats lovely you all had chicken stew together :hugs: poor Roh, earaches are so painful :hugs: Alex is still in our room, there's nowhere else for him to go. The girls have their own rooms and I dont want to put them in together, we moved here so they could have their own space :dohh: but secretly I want Alex in with us for as long as he still co-sleeps/feeds to sleep. Luckily DH isnt interested in DTD (he thinks thats normal at his grand old age of 33! and thats another story:winkwink:) and neither am I (with my blobby body) so it's fine that he's still in with us.

H&F sorry about your application :hugs: there's always next year and that means you get to spend more time with Amy!
Haha, Amy, it made me laugh, my OH sounds very similar to yours in a way. It amuses me he's nagging about Roh being in our room, hinting about being able to DTD i assume. Its happening occassionally, but in all honesty, i'm not all that interested at the moment (like you feeling blobby and also a bit scared of getting pregnant again to so soon after my MC), and for all his whining about not having the bedroom to ourselves would blatantly rather play computer games until late than have an "early night" in bed with me! :haha:

Speaking of which, i'm definately falling asleep!

h&f - hope you get accepted by your second choice!

amy - yeah launderette sounds about right!!! we have v little drying room so my mum and mil take stuff for me sometimes!

I love ironing...I find it very therapeutic and I'm a nightmare in that I love it being done and away. It is a nightmare finding time to do it though. There is only the 3 of us and my washing machine is on constantly to.

H&F sorry to hear about your PGCE application.

Emera how lush having dinner together! Well done on the sleep training that's really good progress.

I've had a funny morning already. My DH got up at 0530, the dog kept flapping his ears and so woke Will up, I thought I would leave him as long as he was happy chatting away to his friends. At 0630 I thought I may as well have a shower and when I got out he was asleep again, he is just awake now. Really want him to know he has to stay in bed until at least 7 am - do you think that's harsh?

The tar barrels fireworks have gone off they start at 6 am and the move around the town setting them off to get everyone up - boooooo

So I'm up showered, make up on and had my breakfast and it's still so early!

We moved Will into his room a couple of weeks ago and I have managed to avoid DTD, on the plus side it's so infrequent it's over pretty quick!!
Good morning - just a quick update from me as I dont think I am going to have time to get on the computer again today! Just off to make a double chocolate cheesecake.

Not looking forward to fireworks tonight as they really seem to upset Amy but we will see!

Hope everyone has a brilliant day. x x x
Emera - well done for Roh with his weaning and weight gain :thumbup: Great news about Roh's progress with sleep training too :) We begin with Joni tonight :wacko:

Sarah - Joni has one of the white reclined bath seats. It works really well as you are hands free to wash her and she can splash with her arms and legs. Joni used to HATE bathtime right up until we bought a bath thermometer. Turns out 38C feels to hot on my elbow and the baths I was running for Joni using my elbow thermometer were too cool for her :dohh:
I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Amy - good news about baby loco. Your surestart seems to do way more classes and activities than mine. I am starting a baby yoga/massage class with Joni this week. I have wanted to do yoga with her for ages so I am really looking forward to it. As for washing, there is only 3 of us and I am struggling to keep up now as I could do with doing a load a day but I can't dry a load a day :rolleyes:

L-C - I hope fireworks night is not too bad for you guys. I don't think 7am is an unrealistic time for Will to get up. If he wakes up a bit earlier and seems happy to lay in his cot chatting away to himself then I would leave him be, that is what I do with Joni (when she actually sleeps past 5am of course :winkwink:)

Hannah - the new pictures of Amelia are just gorgeous :mrgreen: My HV weaning talk pretty much went over what is in the birth to five book they give you.

H&F - well done on your weigh in this week :happydance: you are doing so well! Double chocolate cheescake Mmmmmm now you are talking my language.

Amy - Alex is doing so well with his weaning too. Joni is still unsure of a lot of new flavours and textures but you can always win her over with a rusk :haha:

Lordy I can't believe how much you guys iron. I am awful and hardly ever iron, in fact I can remember the last thing I ironed and that was the Monday before Joni was born :blush:

Joni has been in her own room since mid-august when she moved over to FF. However, I have been sleeping in her room since the end of September when her sleep went FUBAR :rolleyes: Sleep training starts tonight, I can't decide whether I am feeling confident or absolutely bricking it :haha: I really hope it works as I am finding that aswell as waking through the evening and night, JOni has now started waking after 10-20mins into her naps :nope: For instance I put Joni down for her midday nap at 12.10 and she woke up 5 minutes ago :dohh: We are scheduled to go out after her naptime ends so if she does not sleep now I can't just delay to later, and I have just started cooking lunch double :dohh:

I have totally the opposite problem with DTD to you guys. My hubby would happily pounce on me daily but I am just so tired all the time and Joni has been waking so frequently in the evenings I just don't want to start something that we can't finish :rofl:

Right I have 10 mins before the oven timer goes off in which to try and settle Joni. She better enjoy the Mama cuddles at naptime as this it could be her last one, maybe thats why she has woken up :haha:

We moved Will into his room a couple of weeks ago and I have managed to avoid DTD, on the plus side it's so infrequent it's over pretty quick!!
:haha: really made me laugh! i know how you feel sometimes! i am rarely up for anything and would rather sleep :rofl:

Oh and i dont think it is harsh that you want wil to know he should be in bed til 7am!

Sarah - i need to get a bath seat, we had one with dylan and erin but i chucked it :dohh: didnt think we were going to have another! i bath with the kids quite a lot as they enjoy it.
Thank you Frufru :)

Had my first driving lesson today, thought it went quite well :)

Anyone watching that Natalie Cassidy programme that's on tonight?
Glad the driving lesson went well Hannah. It sounds like you need to drive living where you are.

Not sure about the Natalie Cassidy programme. I have a feeling we won't get much done tonight.

I am off out now. JOni decided to be wide awake so after 25mins of trying to get her back to sleep I have given up. She can have a couple of catnaps in the buggy while we are out, it is not ideal but it will have to do! She is already Mmmmm'ing at me to tell me she is tired :dohh:
frufru - good luck getting joni to nap.

hannah - if OH goes out with his friends tonight i will watch the programme, otherwise he'll probably just moan at it being crap! :haha: Glad the lesson went well :thumbup:

oh well i finally got owen to nap so i'd best get my bum off the sofa and go and tidy some of the bomb site up! speak later xxx
Sorry I haven't been on too much! So busy getting ready for our flight on Monday night to Dubai. I hope you are all doing well

Welcome Hannah! Reading your posts I get the impression that you are lovely. Amelia is totally gorgeous :)

Sarah: I hate the bath thing we have which I think is better for newborns and smaller babies as Bobby seems to come off it quite easily.

:kiss: to you all girls and I will try and come online before we leave. In Dubai I will have wireless access (staying at my grandmothers) so should be able to get online.
Maybebaby - yay on getting Owen to nap :thumbup: I hope you managed to get some jobs done before he woke.

Modo - good luck with the packing and have a wonderful time away :hugs:

Well Joni eventually had a 25min nap at 4 o clock :rolleyes: and a 10 minute catnap around 5 so she did not really have enough naptime today but I did try! I had a lovely time with my friend and her baby boy and Joni had a little play together which was so sweet :cloud9:

We put Joni down in her cot at 7.16, she started crying at 7.20 and so far is still going and not showing any signs of stopping so far. She gave herself hiccups about 10 minutes ago and made herself sick :sad1: It is heartbreaking to hear her cry and be so upset :cry: but I know we have exhausted every other option to try and improve her sleep and we cannot keep on as we are. She needs to be able to fall and stay asleep independently for the sake of her wellbeing and development, and I need more than 3 hours broken sleep a night for the sake of my health and sanity. I have to say the only thing keeping my resolve strong here is the fact that she used to cry for hours just like this when she had colic.
frufru - huge :hugs: i hope joni fell asleep eventually!

modo - have a wonderful time in dubai! i am so jealous i really want a holiday! i really want to go to London! i love London!
Awwww FruFru :hugs: I hope Joni has settled to sleep now :hugs: If we were in your situation I think we would have to do the same. I really, really feel for you. My friend's baby was a terrible sleeper, at six months she could take no more and did controlled crying. She said it was awful for a few nights but then he was fine - I hope it works as well for you guys :hugs:

Modo I hope you have an amazing time in Dubai!!

Maybe I had to laugh at you saying about your OH moaning about the TV been crap - I was just watching corrie, Steve has just sat there for bloomin ages moaning about it. I told him to turn it over - he said 'No, I know you're watching it'. Well actually I'm trying to watch it, but all I can here is you going on about it been crap. I know its crap. I know they are rubbish actors. I know they are stupid story lines. But there is bugger all else on TV most nights when its on!!!!!!! Silly, silly men!!!!!!!

Hannah I'm glad your lesson went well! Those Cornish lanes are a nightmare to drive down - if you master them you'll be fine anywhere :haha:

Bath time went really well today!! I sat Oliver up in the bath again and he didn't cry! He even had a splash about, and we have some bath toys which squirt water and he laughed at them! It was quite fun - I hope they carry on like that!

My parents came up for the afternoon today while Steve was at work so that was nice. We went to the supermarket and Oliver spent the whole time (and it takes me ages to do a proper shop :haha:) trying to pull off his socks, and every time he got a sock off he waved it about and got all excited :rofl: I also bought some beer for Steve and got ID'd :dohh: I'm 30! Does that mean I look like a teenage mum?!?! :haha:

Amy - if you have posted at the same time again then there really is something wierd going on :rofl:

Oohhhh no Amy . . . . WHERE ARE YOU!!!

I'm worried now :rofl:

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