Amy -

MiLs are all a nightmare, just in different ways, i have sympathy! Also, ben and jerrys half baked! I'm coming round yours!!
Maybe - You have so much patience! I'd have strangled my OH by now if he was like yours.

I hope your night tonight is better than last night!!

L-C and FruFru - Well done on the sleep training, it sounds like its making a real difference!

We are on day 7 now, and its slow going as i've had to take a no-tears approach. I would cave in instantly if i had to let him cry, so there is no way i could get that to work. We are down to him falling asleep within 10 minutes as long as i'm by the cot. I don't have to hold his hand anymore

Tomorrow night i'll try moving a bit further away. Last night was a pain, he woke up at 2.30am and wouldn't go back to sleep until 4am, i'm tired today!

Other than that though he's been sleeping about 10-11 hours straight the rest of the nights, so its a real improvement from before!!

We haven't tackled naps in the cot at all, yet, mostly as i know its going to be a major battle, so he's still either feeding to sleep for those or taking them in his buggy. He falls asleep really well in the buggy and will sleep for at least an hour and a half in there, but if we are at home, he will only sleep either on me or with me on my bed. I've never really put him in his cot to nap though, so its my own fault. I think once i've fully completed the bedtime part it will make it alot easier for him. The only part of naps i have tackled is that he's now taking them at set times, and if he doesn't sleep long enough in the time allowed, then i keep him awake until the next one. He's napping on cue, and for longer each day
Thought i'd post some pictures of Roh!
One of him eating his "brocamole" on toast (i named it that, its actually broccoli, avocado and cream cheese

), one of him enjoying his bath, and another where you can kind of see his teeth, although only the tips of them...

err... i'll keep trying on that one