I'm such a pig!
Your body must have needed sugar - its like babies choosing the food they need when you're doing BLW
Yes this is why I ate Haagen Daas and toast this evening
Sarah -

at getting ID'd

I would take it as a compliment
Maybebaby - I hope you manage to get into and enjoy the bath in peace.
Amy -

that Holly was the one to cry. Mmm jelly tots. I am supposed to still be dieting but I have already had ice cream and toast tonight and Hubby has some funsize crunchies in the cupboard. I wonder if he would notice if one or two went missing in the night
H&F - glad you have enjoyed yourself tonight

Have a lovely bath too

Joni has good and bad days with weaning but then I have days where my appetite is rubbish too.
Hannah - I am glad that Amelia is usually good at bedtimes for you. JOni is a real Mummy's girl too. My hubby was really unwell when she was 5 weeks old and could not hold or care for her for more than 3 weeks and she has been Mummy's girl ever since. On one had it is nice to be adored like that, but on the other hand when I am tired and hubby is willing to look after her and she will only settle for me I wish she favoured us evenly
Wow are there really that many verses to row row row your boat!!! I only know the regular one, the polar bear and crocodile. Obviously I am behind on the times
Joni has done really well so far tonight, much better than I expected in fact. She went into her cot at 7.18 and started crying at 7.20. We went into her at 3min intervals for a minute at a time and just verbally reassured her everything was ok and lay our hand gently on her chest. In the end she only cried for 45mins before falling asleep. However, she did give herself hiccups and was sick in the first 10 minutes

She had a wee moan at about 9.40 and has just had a grumble for a couple of minutes but seems to have gone back off again. Joni still needs a night feed somewhere around 12-3am but we will let her wake for this rather than do a dreamfeed. To be honest dreamfeeds have never made Joni sleep any longer or reduced the number of night wakings.
Righto - I am going to go and try to catch some

while little miss is quiet. Depending on how tonight goes I may be on here late
SLeep tight everyone