Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

he has been a nightmare all day but he has just gone back to his mums now so i am running a bath ready for a relax.

LC you've never tried B&J :shock: !!! I'm sure it doesnt matter if Will drops a feed, I dont really know how many feeds Alex has, he doesnt have a regular pattern of breast feeds :blush: But I am sure Will wouldnt drop a feed if he needed it. :hugs:

H&F - :hugs: I'm sure its a really awkward situation. So does Dave mind his son calling the other man Dad? How old is his son now? xx

maybe :haha: my whole house looks like a bazzar :haha: Emily decided to tidy her room today, I went in and she was crying, the whole floor was covered in cr@p. I asked her to clear the floor but she said it was last on her list :saywhat: and that she needed to sort out her toy cupboard first but she was on a break! :dohh:

well I had a hard day :awww: my children were awful!!!! such hard work all day. Augh, even Alex started groaning this evening, I think he was teething really bad, he cheered up after some calpol and bonjella but the girls were nightmares all day, hyper and fighting and generally exhausting. DH was tinkering with his car and left me to it :growlmad: I think its becasue they had a late night last night and also ate a load of crap all day. phew, its so peaceful now they are all in bed. hope everyone else is ok x
Amy - loving the new pic of Alex for your avatar :mrgreen: 'on a break' :rofl: Sorry you had a rubbish day :hugs: I hope you get to have a nice unwind now the kids are sleeping :thumbup:
Maybebaby - our bedroom looks like a bombsite as it is pretty much used a dumping ground for stuff we don't want lying round the flat :rolleyes:

L-C - I am glad Will had a good night last night too :) I can't believe you have never had Ben and Jerry's :shock: it is the best :mrgreen: Joni often drops feeds when we are out and about sometimes. It is odd as sometimes she will drink 30-35oz across the day and then the next might only take 20 :shrug: I just let her take the lead, besides it is not as if I can make her drink.

H&F - I am really sorry you have had a stressful day :hugs: I don't really have any advice but hope that you can find a solution to the situation. Enjoy your bath :)

Hannah - yep I'm with Amy, you have a lovely signature already :)

I have been out to yet another concert tonight. Funny that I have not been to any gigs in over 7 months and now I have been to two in one week :lol: I had a lovely time but there was a little bit of me that wished I was at home in bed :blush: I was a bit worried about leaving hubby at home alone this early in the sleep training schedule but Joni has been an angel and repeated yesterday nights performance of going down without any fuss and staying there :thumbup: Her naps today were also great with her crying less than 6mins each time. Her naps only lasted 40-45mins each which is not ideal as she could really do with an hour and half to two hours at lunchtime, however if slightly less napping in the day means better nights it is a compromise I am willing to make!!!!!!!!!

I am off to bed now to catch some :sleep: before Joni wakes for her next feed. Wishing us all decent nights with our LO's. Nanight x :hugs: x

Just popping in quickly, I haven't caught up yet :dohh: Had a really busy few days, Steve has had the weekend off so we haven't stopped! We drove down to London today to collect the iCandy from my sisters - OMG its gorgeous!! Its in amazing condition and is just a dream to push - we went for a walk and Oliver was asleep within about 5 minutes :haha: so I guess he approves too :rofl: It was a long day though.

Right, well I'm off to bed. Got lots of housework and things to do tomorrow, and I need to get Steve to put a million things into the loft :dohh: I will have to go for a walk with the new pram at somepoint too :haha:

So sorry I haven't caught up, hope you are all okay :hugs:

Thank you, I think I'll stick with this one :)

Sarah - What's the iCandy like? I wanted one of them when I first looked into getting a pram but they were too expensive at the time :(

Frufru - I hope Joni let's you have a good nights sleep :) I'm so happy that Amelia's sleeping 11 hours at the moment. I'm not boasting :haha:

A3my - I hope Alex's teething gets better hun, it's awful seeing them in pain like that :(
sarah - i am glad that your icandy is good :thumbup:

hannah - your siggy is great already!

amy - :hugs: dylan and erin have been awful all week. we were going to go to the cinema to see the guardians yesterday but i told them they didnt deserve it and that they'd have to behave extra well this week if they want me to take them this coming weekend!

frufru- glad you had a good time at the concert and sooooooo happy that joni is sleeping better. ask her to pass on the secret to owen! :rofl:

i tried to get owen to sleep in his crib last night but it took me ages. he didnt want to be in there bt he didnt want me to bf him either and he was flailing about in my arms when i was trying to rock him. i kept picking him up, putting him down. in the end i turned off the bedside lamp, picked him up and he fell asleep. i tried to put him down before he fell asleep completely. that took 1 1/2hrs! :wacko: and he was awake after 30mins :hissy: i give up. i just dont know what to do any more! then all night he woke up as usual and bf all the time! i couldnt pacify him with the dummy. OH tried to sleep in th bed with us but gave up after an hour and went to the sofa.
its really quiet in here today ... i'm just off to zumba but will be back in a bit.

Amy has been sitting up by herself for the first time today and i am sure she has been saying dadadadadada all day. very proud mummy.
Hope - Aww wow that's really great :) I can't wait until Amelia can sit unsupported she's nearly there :)
Amy hope you had a better day today!! That tickled me what Emily said about her room x

Well done Joni on another good night's sleep - fingers crossed she's got it! Will woke only once again last night at 3:30, I could however hear him chatting for about an hour - I can cope with that though!

glad you like your new pram and hope you had a nice walk with it today.

Oh maybe, what a nightmare.... have you thought about cranial osteopathy, no idea how to spell it. I spoke to some other Mum's last week in a similar position and after three session their LO was much more settled and sleeping much better?? I don't know much about it but it might be worth considering?

H&F well done Amy on sitting and saying dadada, Will has been doing similar it's so cute.

OMG what a nightmare day we've had, Will point blank refused his first nap and screamed for ages. He is great at night but his day time naps have become a bit of a struggle, which is a shame, but I'd definitely rather it that way round. We were supposed to be going out for lunch so really wanted him to be refreshed. THEN..... the boiler packed up so no hot water or heating until we can get a new one, which is gutting in itself but it will also cost about £3000. We had to dig out the baby bath and fill it from the kettle tonight, is a good thing it shouldn't affect Will too much. I however cannot start the day without a shower cry, cry, cry.

Think today is a good day to pop my B&J's cherry!!

Hope you all have had a good day xxxxx
Hi ladies,

Maybe - :hugs: I dont know what to suggest, I really wish I could help :hugs: you're so amazing to have managed for so long. :hugs:

sarah - Thats great you love your icandy :hugs: hope you've recovered from your long day!

H&F - yey, well done Amy :thumbup: have fun at zumba

Hannah - hope you've had a good day :hugs:

LC - augh, what a shame about Will's naps and your central heating :dohh: do you know how long it will take to sort it? :hugs:

Well I met a friend for lunch and she told me she's 11 weeks pregnant :happydance: I nearly cried - bloomin hormones :dohh: so excited, its her first. Then I took Alex to baby loco - it's where they get babies moving to music. It was a bit odd but I went with it and Alex had a good time. Hope everyone else had a good day x

L-C What a nightmare about the boiler!!!!! I think if ours went I'd have to go and renew my gym membership so I could still get a shower :haha: When do you think you'll be able to get it fixed? Sorry to hear about Will's naps too - hopefully he will get better :hugs:

H&F How cute!!

Maybe :hugs: You really are a trooper! Is there anyone else you can turn to for some support?

FruFru I'm glad you enjoyed your evening out! It sounds like Joni is doing so well!!!

Amy :rofl: at 'I'm on a break' :rofl:

The weather here has been bloomin awful today!!! Really, really horrid - cold and just raining and miserable all day!! Steve has been on his days off again, but we mostly stayed home and did things around the house. We drove over to a baby shop in Wakefield who stocks iCandy's to buy a footmuff but they had none in stock!!! What kind of shop has no footmuff's in bloomin November!!!! Plus I found out that the ones with colours inside are discontinued and the new ones now are just one solid colour - but I wanted a black one with red inside!! So I think I'm just going to get one on e-bay, I want the red/black one to match my bag :haha:

Argh, Oliver's woken up . . . . back soon :haha:
OMG Sarah - we did it again! rubbish weather here too x
LC - i dont think they do cranial osteopathy here. sorry about your boiler. i remember when ours burst. not good :nope:

amy - glad you got to the baby loco. sounds fun!

sarah - hope you find your foot muff on ebay!

h&f - wish i had the energy (and time) to do a class. when i only had dylan i used to go to band rehearsals and loved it having time for me but with 3 kids no chance!

am trying to follow some of the tips in the no cry sleep solution book. i have started a routine tonight - bath, massage, pj's on, read 2 books, breastfeed in bed with mobile music on. he went to sleep in about 10-15mins. he just woke up in the middle of this post but i went in, put on the mobile music and bf him again and he went back to sleep in 5-10 mins, i dont know for how long but i reckon at least getting a bedtime routine going might help. it's worth a try anyway. i have decided at least for the time being to co-sleep and see how it goes. the book says to try and roll away from the baby after night time bf so i shall try that. wish me luck!!! tomorrow i think i may also put him in a grobag.
good luck maybe - I'm sure the routine will help :thumbup:
Evening - I am back from zumba and Dave had offered to cook ... he made regaee regaee chicken it was so spicy I could barely eat it so I had scrambled egg instead!

Weight watchers has just released their new points system and it doesnt make any sense to me!

The weather has been awful here too. I need to pack amy's bag ready for tomorrow as we are out all day at my mums and have to leave at 7am as Dave is giving us a lift.

Maybe really hope the routine helps!

How is everyone today? Amy is supposed to be asleep but she is going blah da ba da la da thru the monitor!
I've had a really good day, went to see a friend that I haven't seen in ages! She's got a nearly 2 year old girl :) and Amelia sat up unsupported for first time :D Think it was just a fluke because she won't do it again :haha: Anyway time to feed Amelia and get her into bed. Talk in a bit guys,

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