Happy half-birthday to Oliver!

And well done Sarah on the six months BF!
Maybe - I really hope the routine at bedtime helps, i'm certain it helps Roh, and thats the only experience i really have. I have my fingers crossed for you!
Amy - Baby Loco sounds good, its the sort of thing i think Roh would enjoy (and also the sort of thing that i'd feel really stupid doing, but hey

) Lovely news about your friend, its the sort of thing that would make me tear up too
H&F - Amy's speech sounds really developed! Well done her

Roh just makes funny chatty noises these days
Hannah - Well done Amelia for sitting up!

Roh tends not to sit up, although i know he can he won't, as if i sit him up he just launches forwards onto all fours and starts his weird commando/caterpillar crawl to get wherever the heck it is he wants to go

He spent an age this morning trying to haul himself into the bottom of his activity centre, glad i managed to stop him, as i think i would have had to take it apart to get him out
L-C - Sorry to hear about your boiler, its such a nightmare when these things happen! Ours went last winter, it was very annoying, we got a good new one for £1500 though, so hopefully it won't cost quite as much as you fear.
Had a good day, went to my exercise class, i'm a bit knackered as we started doing circuits this week, i'm not really used to the cardio workout. I feel like it does me good though.

Roh had a good time throwing his lunch around in the cafe afterwards! He's getting more and more annoed with me feeding him each day, so we are moving more to finger foods each meal. He's really getting the hang of them, although he's rubbish with loaded spoons!

he just grabs the actual spoon part, smushes the food and then sticks his hand in his mouth

at least its kind of going in there....
The sleep training is going well. After a slightly dodgy night on saturday when he woke up at 2.30am and wouldn't go back to sleep until around 4am and i had to hold his hands, last night, he woke up at 12am, made some really cute noises for about 20 minutes then rolled over and went back to sleep. At 7am he started chatting a bit, and i was in bed thinking "i'll get up and sort him out in a sec". Next thing i knew it was 9am, and he was asleep. I woke him up as i was getting dressed!

Lovely to have a lie in! Although our routine was a bit screwed up for the day and he didn't nap well....but after 14 hours of sleep i can't blame him. Tonight was a result, i put him in bed at 7pm and kissed him good night, put his doggy and his dummy in his hands, and then left the room. I went to check him 10 minutes later and he had his dummy in and was off to sleep!

First time he's ever gone to sleep without me in the room
Also i was taking to my NCT teacher today, and they are looking for volunteers to run cafe groups, so that mum's can meet up locally, and for people with younger babies to meet mums with older babies to get advice, etc. I've signed myself up to run my local group

Also i'm looking into the training to become a peer supporter, i'd really like to help other new mums out i think
Can't believe Roh is almost 7 months old!