Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

hannah - well done amelia

h&f - i need to pack owen's bag tonight as after leaving for the school run i need to go to dentist and then do some stuff in town, get kids from school/nursery and go up to my mums, leave dylan and owen there, take erin to dance, then back home for about 6 to do the food bath bed thing. tired already!
I know its tiring just thinking about it ... i have to go shopping tomorrow to look for an outfit for graduation and then all sorts of things we prob wont get home till really late. The one thing I would love is a lie in, maybe I will try to convince OH to look after Amy for a morning at the weekend!
Hannah I'm glad you had a good day!!! Bless Amelia - Oliver would do stuff once and then not do it again for months lol!! When he started rolling I thought that would be it, he would roll all the time - but actually he just did it for a few weeks and then didn't bother since :haha:

Amy what lovely news about your friend!! So exciting :) My cousin found out recently that she is expecting again, I haven't seen her for a few years but we keep in touch on facebook etc. This one wasn't planned and when she found out she was already 15 weeks along! They are only young but are fantastic parents :)

Maybe I'm sure that the routine will help! Our little routine works well - for us. I do feed to sleep generally but I'm not worried about that. Some nights getting him to sleep takes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour. Then sometimes he might wake up an hour, maybe half an hour later - and then take 5/10 mins to settle again. He wakes generally once or twice in the night, each time taking maybe 15 mins to take a feed and go back in his co-sleeper cot. Quite often he's still half awake when pop him back down, but he goes off to sleep no problem. I feed sat up in bed, so he goes right back into his little cot when he's not feeding.

Well, today Oliver is six months old :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: In some ways its gone so quick, in other ways the oposite!! I struggle to remember life pre-Oliver :haha: but I have never been more happy. Every day I just adore him more. I'm a very proud mummy today :cloud9: I'm also pretty pleased with myself that I've got to six months breastfeeding :happydance:
aww well done Sarah ... and happy 6 months Oliver!

Amy must be 6 months soon! I think I might have a little party! Or just a weight watchers cheat day for me to celebrate!

Happy half-birthday to Oliver! :happydance: And well done Sarah on the six months BF! :)

Maybe - I really hope the routine at bedtime helps, i'm certain it helps Roh, and thats the only experience i really have. I have my fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Amy - Baby Loco sounds good, its the sort of thing i think Roh would enjoy (and also the sort of thing that i'd feel really stupid doing, but hey :haha: ) Lovely news about your friend, its the sort of thing that would make me tear up too :winkwink:

H&F - Amy's speech sounds really developed! Well done her :) Roh just makes funny chatty noises these days :haha:

Hannah - Well done Amelia for sitting up! :flower: Roh tends not to sit up, although i know he can he won't, as if i sit him up he just launches forwards onto all fours and starts his weird commando/caterpillar crawl to get wherever the heck it is he wants to go :dohh: He spent an age this morning trying to haul himself into the bottom of his activity centre, glad i managed to stop him, as i think i would have had to take it apart to get him out :wacko:

L-C - Sorry to hear about your boiler, its such a nightmare when these things happen! Ours went last winter, it was very annoying, we got a good new one for £1500 though, so hopefully it won't cost quite as much as you fear. :thumbup:

Had a good day, went to my exercise class, i'm a bit knackered as we started doing circuits this week, i'm not really used to the cardio workout. I feel like it does me good though. :thumbup: Roh had a good time throwing his lunch around in the cafe afterwards! He's getting more and more annoed with me feeding him each day, so we are moving more to finger foods each meal. He's really getting the hang of them, although he's rubbish with loaded spoons! :haha: he just grabs the actual spoon part, smushes the food and then sticks his hand in his mouth :dohh: at least its kind of going in there....
The sleep training is going well. After a slightly dodgy night on saturday when he woke up at 2.30am and wouldn't go back to sleep until around 4am and i had to hold his hands, last night, he woke up at 12am, made some really cute noises for about 20 minutes then rolled over and went back to sleep. At 7am he started chatting a bit, and i was in bed thinking "i'll get up and sort him out in a sec". Next thing i knew it was 9am, and he was asleep. I woke him up as i was getting dressed! :) Lovely to have a lie in! Although our routine was a bit screwed up for the day and he didn't nap well....but after 14 hours of sleep i can't blame him. Tonight was a result, i put him in bed at 7pm and kissed him good night, put his doggy and his dummy in his hands, and then left the room. I went to check him 10 minutes later and he had his dummy in and was off to sleep! :thumbup:First time he's ever gone to sleep without me in the room :happydance:

Also i was taking to my NCT teacher today, and they are looking for volunteers to run cafe groups, so that mum's can meet up locally, and for people with younger babies to meet mums with older babies to get advice, etc. I've signed myself up to run my local group :) Also i'm looking into the training to become a peer supporter, i'd really like to help other new mums out i think :)

Can't believe Roh is almost 7 months old! :wacko:

H&F - I think Sarah has started a scrambled egg craze :haha: bless Amy, Alex only goes geee geeee and then gargles his drool :haha:

Hannah - well done Amelia! :thumbup:

sarah - Happy 6 Months Oliver! i got all emotional reading that bit of your post :dohh: I dont know whats up with me lately, I cry at everything!
Your night routine sounds much like ours, Alex always wakes 30 mins after he has gone to sleep, I dont know why:shrug: sometimes I pick him up and he belches straight away, other times he just has a bit more boobie. weird. Then he wakes around 11 and then around 2/3 which is when I bring him in bed and then he sleeps till about 7 or sometimes has a little snack.

emera - well done Roh on the sleep :thumbup: Alex hates being spoon fed too. I've only tried a couple of times and he got so frustrated. I load the spoon for him and he also makes such a mess but he loves it. Thats great about the volunteering, I'd love to do something like that. I hate that I have to go back to work full time :growlmad:

I was going to ask you a teeth question emera, did you wake up one day and Roh's teeth were there? I cant remember how it happened for my girls. Alex has got soooo bitey lately and I'm wondering when the first tooth will cut through. My nipples cant take much more :blush::haha:
Question for you girls, when did your LO's start teething?
I'm pretty sure Amelia's been teething for a couple of weeks now.
Sarah - glad to hear you had a lovely weekend. Great that the new pram is so lovely :thumbup: Ditto on the weather :sad1: it has been dank, dark and wet here all day. Yay for Olivers half year birthday :cake: I know exactly what you mean about adoring them more and more each day :mrgreen:

Hannah - I am so pleased that Amelia is a good girl when it comes to sleep :) I am glad to report Joni let me sleep well last night with just one waking for a feed and bum change :thumbup: It sounds like Amelia is doing well with sitting too, Joni is coming along but is not quite there yet.

Maybebaby - I hope that Dylan and Erin respond to the request for extra good behaviour in exchange for their reward. How you describe Owen at night trying to fall asleep is just like Joni was before we started sleep training. I think her problem was that she did not know how to fall and stay asleep on her own and everything we tried to do to help/pacify her only served to stimulate her :rolleyes: We introduced a bedtime routine at the end of August and it did make Joni a bit easier to handle at bedtime as she knew what to expect. It is weird as sometimes in the lead up to the bedtime routine she will be getting really grouchy and impatient, then as soon as the routine starts she relaxes and cheers up :dohh: I swear its because she knows it is ok as its nearly time to go to sleep. Plus we have tried built her routine around things she really enjoys.

H&F - hope you enjoyed the zumba. Well done to Amy on the sitting and talking :thumbup: she is a very clever girl :mrgreen:

L-C - :growlmad: at your boiler situation. OUrs went on the blink a couple of months ago and I had to run a bath for Joni with the kettle. Do you get on well enough with your neighbours to perhaps accost their facilities? Sorry to hear about Will's naps not working out :wacko:

Amy - oooh loco sounds like great fun :) How lovely about your friend :happydance: Hubby just got off the phone with his parents a few minutes ago and told me that his brother and his wife are expecting again :mrgreen: :cloud9: I don't think we are supposed to know though so we shall play ignorant until they have told us :winkwink:

Emera - Well done on the exercise! You put me to shame :blush: Joni spoon feeds just like Roh with the hand over the spoon and food :dohh: she sucks the food out through the gaps between her fingers :haha: I hope that as she starts to like eating more and more that she will figure out she will get more food faster by moving her hand out of the way. Well done to Roh going to sleep on his own tonight :happydance: I think it is really great you are looking to be a peer supporter. After our horrid colic experience my HV has asked me to have a word with a couple of the other Mum's she see's who are going through the same thing and struggling. I know I would have really benefitted from having been able to talk to someone that had gone through the same thing when we were in the middle of colic-hell so have been happy to help :)

Well I have had a lovely day. I had a lazy morning with hubby and Joni, ran errands while Joni had her midday nap, spent the afternoon with a good friend and her LO and have had a really peaceful evening with hubby :mrgreen:

Joni's nightime sleep and naps have continued to improve. The difference in her is amazing, she is going down at night around 7 with hardly a whimper, sleeping through to 12.30-1.30 when she wakes for a feed and change then going back off again with very little protest until about 6ish :yipee: FOr her naps she cries for between 4-10minutes before dropping off which is great considering prior to the weekend it would take me upwards of 15mins to assist Joni to fall asleep for naps :dohh: FIngers crossed this behaviour continues! I was really nervous about giving CC a go, however the results we have seen so far are better than I would have dared hoped for :)

Well time for me to turn in. Night night xx
Hannah - Alex started showing signs of teething around 3 1/2 months I think, it feels like he has been drooling forever! :haha:

frufru - CC does have really quick results doesnt it, well done Joni :thumbup: sounds like CC has turned things around for you both :hugs:
A3my - About the same as Amelia then, it was more like 3 months, any sign of teeth yet?
Amy - Yep, the first tooth appeared suddenly, near the end of a grumpy day Roh did his usual shove my thumb in his mouth thing, and "OUCH!" tooth! The second arrived just the same, although it seemed to cause a bit more pain coming through, there was about 10 days between the 2 coming through and for the 3 days before the second one arrived, we definately knew about it. Really grumpy, off feeding, slight fever and bad sleep, the first was just a grumpy few hours though ;)

Hannah - Roh started having little bouts of teething from about 3 months, it would come and go though, he'd be extra chewy for a few days and really drooling and grinding his gums on things, then it would calm down again. His first tooth came through exactly a month ago now, and is completely through just in the last couple of days. Happily it doesn't seem to hurt once they've broken through though :)
hannah - I can see a little white dot in his lower jaw but no teeth yet x

emera - thanks, Alex's sleep has been a bit off the last couple of nights (I can hear him stirring now!) and he's been a bit grumpy and fussy. Maybe it wont be long! :hugs:
Ooh, fingers crossed it pops up quickly Amy! I could see a white dot on Roh's gums for a couple of weeks before it came through, I think anyway, it could have been less time than that. It was long enough for me to be suprised when there was actually a tooth there though :dohh:
Hannah - Joni is like ALex and Roh and has pretty much been teething on and off since about 3 and a half months. Still no sign of any teeth yet though, althought hubby is certain he can almost feel one :rolleyes:

I keep expecting Joni's sleep to go back to awful or at least regress a bit as it was pretty much only the first night and first days naps that she really did any significant crying :shrug: after that things just seemed to fall into place for her and she and has been awesome ever since :thumbup: It really does keep weirding me out she has cottoned on so quickly as I had prepared myself for it to be so much worse than it actually was and for it to take the whole week. I am really really proud of my Joni Rae :mrgreen:

Well I really should get busy and start the day, I am sitting here in my PJ vest and pants procrastinating :haha: Hubby has taken Joni out as he if off to the butchers to buy beef for our casserole mmmm. When he gets back I need to give Joni some food then she and I are off to our baby yoga/massage class :yipee:

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
FruFru - How fantastic that Joni is doing so well :) I knew CC worked pretty quickly, but it sounds like you've got a really secure and happy, not to mention clever little girl there! :flower:

We are having the same sort of success with Roh he slept from 7pm to 8am last night, then came in bed for a feed and we dozed until 9am, bliss! He's so much more cheerful now he's getting a decent sleep :)

He's had his first fully finger food breakfast this morning, a banana, and then toast with butter and apple and strawberry puree. He seemed to really enjoy it :thumbup: I'm not totally sure he ate a massive amount, alot went on the floor etc. But i did him 2 whole slices of toast and a whole banana, so i figure if he even managed to swallow 1/4 of it then thats still a good amount :winkwink:

Oof, nothing planned for today, the weather is horrible here :( Ah well, guess we'll just have a day in, i could do with sorting the house out :wacko:

Hope you are all having a good day :)

We tried giving Amelia some mushed up banana yesterday, don't think she liked it :haha: Also slept nearly 12 hours last night, :wohoo: even though I woke up in a panic haha.
i'm so jealous of you all. owen wont even sleep for an hour straight any more :nope:

the bedtime routine did nothing to the horrendous broken sleep and night wakings :dohh: i shall persevere but am not counting on anything improving :nope:

i had a filling on my wisdom tooth today. not pleasant. the dentist started drilling and it hurt. he put more anaesthetic but it was still not numb enough and he had to inject the inside of the gum which he says is not normal :wacko: i paid 65 pounds for the experience! now my tooth hurts.

am at my parents house now as erin has dance lessons in an hour just up the road. dylan and erin are fighting like cat and dog again today and owen is being really whingy and i have a headache and a toothache :wacko: sorry you must all hate my moaning posts :dohh:
Amelia just rolled over back to front for first time :) She's done it 3 times and has now fallen asleep :haha:
Aww Maybe! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I really feel for you it must be so hard :(

Don't get disheartened though, when we started Roh's bedtime routine it took quite a long time for him to settle into it. I read somewhere that it takes a minimum of 3 days of the same action for babies to realise that there is any connection, so i say stick at the routine, hopefully eventually owen will catch on that there is a difference between day and night :hugs:
Were Erin and Dylan like this when they were little too?

Also, i feel for you with your tooth! :hugs: I had half of one of my teeth break off last week and had to have it repaired at the dentist, it really hurt too :(

I hope you feel a bit better with it soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh, also, i'm sure no one minds you "moaning" thats what we are here for right? Its good to get things out and share! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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