Emera - I am so glad that Roh is sleeping much better for you now. I so know what you mean about the cheerfulness. Joni is really fretful and grouchy if she is not getting enough sleep.
Hannah - yay for Amelia

When Joni learnt to roll she was unstoppable, you only had to let one part of her body touch a flat surface and she would start trying to roll straight away! Sadly she took a really long time to learn to roll back the other way and we had a month of her rolling on her front repeatedly then crying as she wanted to be on her back again

Little monkey used to do that 3-4 times a night too
Amy - I hear you with the excessive drool production! Joni can soak a bib in less than 30mins at the moment and she has one really red cheek. ALthough JOni is sleeping much better now I am still waking loads in the night

I think it is a case of being so overtired and sleep deprived for so long means that I am no good at falling and staying asleep now, just like my baby was

However, hubby has been getting up with Joni all week other than today which has allowed me to have an extra hour and a half in the mornings, which combined with the better nights is slowly getting me back on track

Great news about the girls reports
Sarah - I am so pleased that the icandy has lived up to your expectations

I hope you enjoyed your movie.
Maybebaby -

I am sorry you had such a rotten day yesterday

The bedtime routine took a few weeks to have much effect for us. I really don't know what to suggest about Owens sleep and wakings other than to do some form of sleep training. I hope the toothache and headache are a bit better today
CG - I am glad that the BF is still going great and that Che is enjoying BLW

Sorry to hear you nights are still not great. I just could not cope on 3 hours broken sleep and Joni's sleep was just getting worse and worse. CC was a desperate, last resort option for us but has worked a treat and was not half as bad as I imagined it would be. Saying that though I think Joni was really ready to learn to sleep independently which is possibly why it seemed to work so quickly? Take That and Foo's

I have been to see Midlake and Imogen Heap this week and both concerts were superb
I have to say it took my hubby a couple of weeks to gain confidence with bathing Joni, now it is great as I just leave them to it and slink off to the kitchen for a sneaky cuppa while I get the bedtime bottle ready
H&F - good luck for WI today, hopefully the yoga and swimming will wear the kids out for bedtime today
I hear what you say about our relationships changing. I know for us we tend to focus all our efforts and energy on Joni and then when she is asleep and we can spend time together we both need a little bit of alone time first and by then we are both a bit tired and ratty

However, it is something we have both noticed and are making a concerted effort to work on together.
We had a bit of a DIY afternoon yesterday. Joni's room is still not finished so I tasked hubby to put up the new blackout blind, a shelf and drill holes for a toy hammock. Well he did the holes for the blind and shelf. But then he went to put the blind up and the holes were too small so he had to re-drill them. By the time the blind was up Joni was already napping in my arms! When Joni woke from her nap I realised the blind would not roll up, the wrong side of the blind is facing into the room and the holes for the shelf to go up are also too small

So today we still have to fix the blind, put up the shelf and the toy hammock

Plus there is still a long list of other DIY jobs around the house to be done. I feel bad asking hubby to do them when this is his holiday from work, however if he does not do them now they won't get done! It is not as if I can be drilling and sawing while looking after Joni or while she naps
Baby yoga was fun yesterday but Joni was quite tired by the time the class started and was suffering a little with the teethy grumps. Bless her she fell asleep in her car seat on the way home and did not wake when I got her out and put her down in her cot inside which has never happened before. It is our baby singing class today but I am just ummming and aahhhing whether to go as the weather is pants again and there is the DIY to think of.........
As Joni's sleep is much improved I am looking to go to a yoga class for me this evening

However, if this is to happen I MUST SHAVE MY LEGS!!!!!

Also my instructor is running a weekend retreat the weekend after next and I am sooooooo tempted to go. I have broached the subject with hubby and he seems to be ok with the idea of having Joni on his own overnight. I would not be able to stay the whole of sunday though as we have an early thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday afternoon with a group of our friends. BTW I am not american but one of my friends is and this is her first year over here and she is very homesick so we are making a big deal of thanksgiving (sweetpotato topped with melted marshmallows mmmmmm)
Okey dokey, time to get on and do some bits and bobs. Have a lovely day everyone xx