Hannah - Roh was 5lb 10oz at birth and i think about 13lb 8oz at 18 weeks, something around that anyway, i could go check but i just sat down witha cuppa

so i'm not moving!
Oh, and when Roh started rolling it took a while before he started doing it in his sleep, it was only really once he was rolling both ways he started to do that. For about a week it woke him up when he got onto his front, but now it doesn't and he sleeps in al sorts of crazy positions, on his side and on his front, and this morning i woke up to find him on his front with his bum up in the air, fast asleep

Was feeling a bit worried aout him sleeping on his front, but if i try to roll him on his back he just flips over again right away, so not alot i can do about it. I figure now he can roll, he can move himself out of any position he really doesn't like
Modo - Hope you are having fun in Dubai, the fountain looks so cool

Well done on the tooth coming Bobby!
Maybe - Hope you get a really good couple of hours sleep!
Katie - Nice to see you, hope everything is good for you!
Ergh well last night wasn't so good here.... Roh went of to sleep really well at 7pm, without me in his room again

but then woke up at 10pm, and sounded really unsettled. After about 20 minutes of him trying to get back to sleep, he started crying, so i went in. He was really hot and was all covered in snot, and had been sick and his nappy had leaked

Poor little guy

I had to get him up, change his sheets, change his nappy and all his clothes, gave him some calpol and a bit of a feed. Well, by that time he was all awake again, and it took until 12.30am to settle him back down again

Then he woke up again at 2am and just wouldn't go off, at 4am i was shattered and gave up and brought him in my bed for cuddles. We both managed to doze until 8am. His top gums are really red looking and he's all snotty again, so i think the top teeth are trying to make an appearance. Could be in for a few dodgy nights

Ah well, i figure we only have to do each tooth once, so when they are through then its all done
Had to have some blood tests today, and as i was so tired i got all dizzy and faint

They were so nice in the hospital, they made me a cup of tea and some biccies, and sat me in a comfy chair, and one of the nurses took Roh off me for 20 minutes and gave him the bottle of EBM that i'd taken along. Brilliant!

I'm going back there next time i need a break!
Have a good day all!