Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

h&f - :hugs: we have money issues too. not good! your weight loss is good! dont knock it!!!
H&F - less of the only!! 1lb is great - you've lost tonnes in total and it always gets harder the more you lose. I wish I had your willpower!! we have money issues too and its always a good argument starter :flower:

maybe - your too good to your DH! he's a lucky man, I'd have booted him out of bed :haha:
I think we have got to the stage where I am actually going to start activly start looking for a job ... but it would be afternoon, evening work to avoid childcare costs meaning me and oh would have no time together and I dont know how that is going to help our relationship

FruFru sorry to hear about your DIY issues!! I hope you get everything sorted soon :hugs: I'm glad you enjoyed Baby Yoga! We are doing that soon so its good to know it's fun :) I hope you enjoy this evenings Yoga class! We bought an AquaPod today too!!!! Oliver sat in it today and it was great, I said to Steve we should get another and stick it to the wooden floor in the living room :rofl:

Maybe If I was married to your OH he would think that defence training at work was a breeze :rofl: It does sound like getting a routine might take some doing, I really think it would help though, even if it was a little flexible. Ours follows the basic same lines though sometimes we might miss elements or do things a little differently. So for example, the other day when Steve wasn't feeling well and was in bed, I did everything as normal but Oliver slept on the sofa until I could move him upstairs.

Katie: Oliver is sooo close to crawlking too, he goes backwards so well :rofl:

Modo: I hope you are enjoying Dubai! Those fountains look amazing - they are like the ones at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. I wonder if they are done by the same people?
How exciting about the teeth! No sign of any here, my nipples are quite pleased :rofl:

Emera I'm so pleased that you were well looked after in the hospital - bless them! I almost fainted in Asda once :haha: and the staff were wonerful, its lovely to feel looked after when you have a funny turn :haha: I hope all is okay re the blood tests. Sorry to hear bedtime didn't go too well tonight, I hope things are okay from now on :hugs: The hot chocolates sound lovely . . . mmmm I could just do with one of those right now :rofl: Great photo - how adorable!!

Amy: You've made me want a Bagel :haha: Very brave of you re the wa strips! Damn now I want a toblerone too!!! :dohh:

Hannah: Great weight!!! Oliver always cries when he gets weighed too :dohh:

H&F :hugs: Well done on loosing a pound - thats still a lot you know!!!! Sorry to hear about the money issues etc. I hope things start picking up soon :hugs:

Well we have had a good day, I went to my first aid course which was excellent. I really feel more confient now that I would know what to do if something awful happened. I can't believe it was free - we were all given a free first aid kit too, a really nice one, and a book. I ended up giving them a donation towards the cost of getting the instructor in, I would have paid to do a course had I not been able to go so it still saved me money. While I was there Steve looked after Oliver, they went to Mothercare and bought the AquaPod :) When I got home Steve was making puree :dohh: I've explained the whole BLW thing to him but he said he just wanted to see if Oliver prefered it, so I went along with it (I have been wondering myself if BLW is the right way to go for us) but Oliver really didn't like them. He ate a bit, then I gave him a breadstick dipped in cream cheese and he sat and stucked it for ages :haha: So I feel better about BLW now, plus OMG making the purees was so messy!!

Right, well I'm off to bed shortly, baby club in the morning!

H&F before you look for another job, and to help as a short term thing, sell some unwanted stuff on e-bay! Just selling odds and sods I've made over six hundred quid in the last few months!!!
She's put on 1lb in 2 weeks :haha: usually it's 1lb a month :haha

Did any of you guys have a weaning talk when your babas were about the same age as Amelia?
sarah - yey to the course being a success, thats fantastic it was free :thumbup: my family dont get BLW at the mo :dohh: I've tried spoon feeding ALex and he hates it unless he's really tired. I normally load the spoon for him (just for yoghurt) but tonight be was really tired and just opened his mouth for it :haha: I think BLW is the right thing for him, he just loves exploring the food with his hands.

hannah - I wasnt offered a weaning talk. I didnt get the big booklet first time mums seem to get either - the 0-5 one. My sister has it and I thought the weaning section was helpful. Its annoying as things have changed in the 9 years since I had Holly. Oh well, I'm muddling my way through it :haha:
well i am on sofa. went to bedroom and OH was diagonally across the bed so no room. owen is tucked into his techno xt beside me!!! gave him panadol as he has half woken 3 times crying. going to try and get some shut eye. night all :hugs:
Night Maybe . . . I hope you have a good night!!

Amy I got the 0-5 book thing but I have no idea where it is :dohh: I should really find it and have a read.

I started tidying up . . . and I'm at that stage where it looks worse that when you started. I really want to go to bed but I don't want to get up to a mess :haha:
Modo - well even if Bobbies clock is out at least he is still happy :) I hope you enjoyed your dinner.

Emera - oh dear on the bedtime. It is hard sometimes to let our men do stuff when we know we are only going to have to take over or pick up the pieces later :rolleyes: The new pic is absolutely stunning :mrgreen: he has such an adoring look in his eyes :cloud9:

Amy - yes to singing and more importantly yes to the legs :haha: So my legs and arms are in order, I don;t think I will bother with the rest unless I am going swimming as I am just too lazy :rofl:
I think it is really bad that you did not get the birth to five book :growlmad: I thought we all got given them regardless of how many babies you have had :shrug: afterall like you say guidelines have and do change.

Maybebaby - We tried the aquapod last night and Joni is still a bit too wee for it. As per the guidelines babes really need to be able to sit unassisted. Saying that even though she had to be propped up the whole time Joni really seemed to like it :thumbup: Bless you with the bedtime routine, hopefully it will be easier to be more consistent once you OH has finished his training. I hope OH moved over and let you have some bedspace.

H&F - :hugs: sorry to hear your feeling so stressed. As for the weight loss it is still a step in the right direction and perhaps you will have a bigger loss next week to make up for it :thumbup: As for money :wacko:

Sarah - yay for the aqua pod. I love how it can just be left in the bath and does not get in the way when you want a shower :thumbup: All DIY remains outstanding :rolleyes: so I just pegged a blanket up for last night. Hubby did pop out to Godfreys last night and pick up some new wall plugs and screws and will have a go at fixing stuff today :winkwink: Joni so does the backwards crawling too. I used to be able to leave her on the rug while I pootered around doing things but now she is so mobile I can't take my eyes off her for long without her being 2 feet from where she was before. God knows what it will be like when she is crawling :wacko:
I am so glad the first aid course was so good. :haha: at the puree's. I am still trying to convince Joni to like them, which she does providing I give them to her on a biscuit for her to suck off :haha:

My yoga class last night was blissful. I was actually suprised how well I managed given that I have not practiced regularly or at that level for over a year, not to mention also having had a baby in that time too :thumbup: My instructor is running a retreat the weekend after next at a lovely country house about 30 miles away. It will mean a night away from Joni but hubby seems supportive of the idea and I could come home on the sunday afternoon so I don't miss my thanksgiving extravaganza :) HUbby wants to see if he can book the monday after the weekend off from work though :haha: I wish I could book a couple of days holiday for every couple of days I look after Joni on my own :haha:

Well the weather here is wet and miserable AGAIN!! I have not been able to go out for a proper long walk with Joni for days :sad1: HOwever, given the sheer amount of DIY jobs still outstanding that are supposed to be done this week it is probably good that we can't go out :dohh:

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Amelia's started only sleeping until 7 again :dohh: Put her into bed with me so she gets used to waking at 8:15ish for her bottle.
What's everyone up to today?
hannah - i'd settle for 7am! i'm jealous!

h&f and emera - r u on fb?

well owen was a nightmare again last night. he didnt last more than 30mins before waking again all night :dohh: i gave up on the sofa at 2.20am as i was so tired i was worried i'd drop him :wacko: so i went to bed and OH came to sofa. not an ideal situation for either of us :nope: he seems much more understanding of how tough i am finding things and offered to take the kids out for a drive when he gets back from work so i can :sleep: thing is by the time he gets back from work it'll be past 5 and owen eats about 6 so am wondering whether he'll have a screaming baby in the car and by the time he gets back he'll be in too much of a state to eat. i dont know what to do since he doesnt often offer to help out. maybe i'll try and give owen some solids at 4 and see if that'll keep him satisfied until 7. what do you think?

i have just come back from morissons. owen fell asleep whilst i was there. he's still asleep but am worried if i lie down then he'll wake up as soon as i start to fall asleep :dohh: it has come to the point that i am afraid to close my eyes :nope: have the shutters down and the tv off in the hope he will stay asleep longer. my flat is a pig sty, i am so embarassed to have anyone round as i have mess everywhere. thing is as soon as i clear up the kids mess it up again :hissy:

oh well sorry for the yet again moany post. i am going to try and express with my new avent manual pump, i'm gutted my electric one broke! it seems that expenses are coming out of my ears at the mo and i couldnt justify the £95 for a new electric one :nope:

hope you all have wonderful days :hugs:
i hate my OH right now. not only has he not even bothered to mention his offer of taking the kids out but he has had a go at me saying the place is a mess and he doesnt know what i get up to all day :hissy: i was cooking when he came in too, not like i was watching tv or surfing the net! :grr: so much for thinking he understood me :cry: he's pissed off to have a bubble bath and i'm left with the cooking and cleaning. he does NOTHING and i'm the one who gets a mouthful. i really feel like crap. a crap housekeeper crap person
I know what you mean maybe, my OH doesn't do anything for Amelia and he expects the house to be perfect etc. :growlmad:
Can't believe Roh is 7 months old! :happydance:

Was at work today, wow i'm shattered :sleep:

Maybe - seriously, your hubbie needs a slap! :grr:

I'll try to catch up and post properly later

Wow Maybe your OH is seriously out of order! All that time when he wasn't working and never lifted a finger! I can tell you for sure that he's lucky you haven't kicked his ass out by now, I would have a long time ago - you are not a crap anything and don't you dare think that you are! He's the bloomin crap one! Jeez he really needs a reality check. Have you ever thought about packing him a bag and sending off to his parents for a bit? He is so hot and cold with you, its just not fair! He doesn't deserve you!
Hannah - oooh you are so lucky having a 7am start. Joni gets up most days at 6am with the odd 5.30/5.45am early poo thrown in :haha: I have tried to shift it to later but with no luck :rolleyes:

Maybebaby: I am so sorry Owens sleep is still no better. I too have been in the place where you stop even trying to get some sleep as you feel worse if you have a bit of kip and are then woken up :nope: As for your OH's behaviour and empty promise :gun: I second Sarah, you are not crap, in fact I think you are amazing. It is a shame that your OH is too blinkered to see what an incredible job you do looking after the kids every day (on no sleep!) or to see that he needs to pull his finger out and start sharing some of the parental responsibility.
If it is any consolation I have run around like a mad thing cleaning and tidying all day and hubby has played with Joni and sat on the internet playing poker :growlmad: I suppose I should be grateful that he does not care if the house is a complete and utter craphole.
How is the breast pump?

Emera - :cake: happy 7 months Roh :mrgreen:

I am a bit achey today after my major yoga session last night. Out of condition me thinks! I am going to broach the subject of the weekend retreat with hubby tonight. I really want to go!

I have been really pissy and grumpy all day on account of there being so much to be done in our home and lives and it all just getting on top of me. My hubby will do things (eventually) when I ask but I always feel like I am putting him out even though it is OUR house and the work to be done will help US be more organised. So I have decided that if I want the job/s done I better just knuckle down and get on with it myself and I am only going to ask for help if it is a job I cannot do. It is going to be difficult to get things done on my own but I am just going to give it my best shot. I have made a list and it is three pages long :shock: and I have already crossed two things off it :)

Well, I better go, after all I have a list to work through! Have a lovely evening all :hugs:
emera - happy 7 month milestone roh!

sarah - it really annoys me that he doesnt understand but i've just learnt to live with it.

frufru - well done for getting active :thumbup:

hannah - :grr: to your OH too.

well owen has woken 3 times since i put him to bed at 8. looks like another crappy night i on the cards :hissy: he's clamped to my boob now.
evening ladies,

maybe :hugs: you are amazing and you DH is such a :ban: (too rude). I cant believe how he treats you. My DH moans that the house is a mess sometimes too and it makes me want to smack him :haha::grr:

emera - happy 7 months to Roh - wow, its going by so quickly!!! We'll all have 1 year olds before we know it :baby:

sarah - whenever I try to do a big tidy it ends up messier than when I started :haha:

frufru - I make lists when I feel like that, its so satisfying when you can cross things off. I find it really hard to get anything other than the day to day hum drum done so well done to you :thumbup: glad you enjoyed yoga. we're trying baby yoga at baby massage next week :wacko:

Hannah - Amelia is a good girl waking at 7 :winkwink: does she sleep all night too?

Well I met a friend for lunch which was nice. Her daughter is 15 months and she and Alex sat in their highchairs opposite each other which was so cute :cloud9: then we had baby massage which was nice except Alex was tired and missed half of it comfort feeding :dohh: then I took Emily to a party before bringing Holly home and cooking tea. Alex loves my home made potato wedges :)
Hey everyone -

Maybe you are an amazing person your OH doesnt sound very nice and you deserve much better than him.

Hannah - Amy sleeps until 7 ish - she used to sleep later but now we are introducing solids 7 is a really good time for her milk feed before breakfast.

Fru fru - i'm feeling tired today too - think I overdid the swimming yesterday body really isnt used to it but im sure I will get back to it! Well done for doing so well and good luck with being able to go to the retreat, I dont think my OH would let me go he wouldnt know what to do with Amy!

Sarah - Hope your ok and having a nice day.

Emera - Happy 7 months! Time is going so fast!

Well I have just cooked the most delicious stir fry and am now doing a meal plan for the next week as money is so tight I want to do one big shop possibly tomorrow instead of going to the supermarket everynight and spending far too much money! I also had to do all the washing and tidying up after dinner whilst OH sat on his arse so i'm not very impressed tonight!

Hope everyone is ok. x

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