Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Wow, H&F Congrats! Wow! I hope you guys can sort something out :hugs: Its probably a lot to do with it been a big shock to both of you :hugs:

Maybe I'm glad your OH apologised!! I really wish he would think before he acts like a tosser though - excuse my language!

FruFru I hope you enjoy your retreat! It sounds fun!

Hannah I'm glad your driving lesson went well! Are you weaning Amelia or just giving her a taste of things? Weaning is such hard work :haha:

We met our mummy and baby friends this morning for coffee which was lovely! Then this afternoon we went to the supermarket, and since Oliver has been in bed I've been cleaning and sorting stuff out. We have too much stuff!!!!! I've sorted out loads to go to the charity shop but there will be so much more :dohh:

Steve's working the afternoon shift tomorrow so it will be a quiet day for Oliver and I. I think I'll try to get more sorting stuff out done, I need a big sort out of clothes.

Right, well sorry its not longer and I'm sure I've missed loads!!! I'm crap :haha:

H&F - cooey that was a suprise! Of course we will all keep it quiet :winkwink: I hope you and Dave managed to have a proper talk last night. It will all be fine :hugs:

Sarah - I am glad I am not the only one who finds weaning really hard work. I have prepared finger foods and a puree on four occasions in the last two days and Joni has point blank refused them each time :dohh: she pressed her lips together, sucks the bottom one under and turns her head to the side at the sight of the spoon and will take the finger food off you and promptly throw it over the side of her highchair on the floor :haha:
I did a dump run yesterday and got rid of a few bits out of the house and garden. We will need to do a charity shop run too at some point, so much stuff and nowhere to store it :wacko:

I had a really nice sleep last night. Poor Joni woke up at 12.20 and I was going to leave her to settle herself but there was something about her cry which sounded a bit off so I went in to check her and she was lying there crying while asleep. When I checked her over she had done a massive poo which had stopped her nappy from absorbing wee so she was wet all up her back and sides. She had to have a complete change of clothes and sleeping bag bless her! I have worried that now we leave her to settle herself at night that we could miss going in to her when she does actually need us, so it is reassuring to know that we are good at hearing the difference between a grumpy cry and a help-me cry :thumbup:

Well I have just put on what feels like the millionth load of washing for the week and am getting on with the daily chores in the hope might be able to fit in a thing or two from the list later on. I have a friend coming over for lunch later so the list may have to wait.

Looks like the chores will wait too as I can hear Joni awake!

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
FruFri I have one of those lists too :haha: Steve has a week off soon so hopefully we will get a lot done. Steve is working today so I am hoping to get a lot of jobs done, its so hard to get stuff done when he is in bed after working night shifts as I have to be quiet and avoid the bedroom etc. How much I actually get done depends on Oliver lol!!
Hey all -

Me and Dave currently arent talking ... he doesnt think its the right time etc. I think we are both in complete shock because we have used protection etc. I really dont feel like I did when I was last pregnant and have been having horredous cramps.

Katie - Has your sister had her baby?

Frufru - Amy likes to refuse the foods I have spent ages making!

how is everyone getting on?
h&f - congrats on your :bfp: sorry that you and dave aren't talking :hugs: hopefully he'll get over the shock and be a bit more supportive very soon!!! do you know how pregnant you are?

frufru - glad your mummy instincts kicked in with regards to joni's cry. their crys can be hard to decipher sometimes!

sarah - glad you had a good time with your mummy friends :thumbup:

well with my OH it's 1 step forwards, 4 back! we were supposed to go to spain after lunch. i went to town in the morning to give OH time to study before leaving and he called me at 1.30pm saying he wasnt going anywhere as he couldnt find his glasses in quote 'this shithole' and he wasnt in the mood to do anything. so i have come back with the kids and found him sleeping in the bedroom. cheers for another lovely saturday :grr:
erin and i are eating chicken dippers and chips and then i'll get on with the chores seeing as i have been robbed of a saturday out on a gorgeous sunny day :growlmad:
well after announcing it ... I have been cramping and bleeding all day, pretty sure I am having a m/c again. x Thanks for all your support. x
I'm so sorry h&f :hugs:

Sarah - I'm not really sure :haha: Just seeing how she likes it at the moment.

Well Amelia only slept from 9-6 this morning :dohh: when usually sleeps until about 8:15 I don't know why :nope:
Hannah Amelia might go through a bit of four month sleep regression - most of our babies changed their sleep patterns for a while at about that age, unfortauntely its one of those things. She still sleeps really, really well though so I really wouldn't worry about it :)

Re the weaning . . . it really is hard work :haha: Honestly, if she is doing fine on just milk I would stick to just giving her the odd taste of things rather than 'properly' weaning (where she might drop a milk feed etc). If she doesn't seem interested in food at the moment it might be best to leave it anyway, as FruFru said its a nightmare when you prepare a lovely 'meal' and they promptly refuse it or chuck it on the floor :haha:

Oliver has been much better at feeding himself in the past few days, so I'm feeling much better about the whole BLW thing. Its silly but I feed so proud when he picks something up and shoves it in his mouth :rofl: He absolutely loves cream cheese on melba toast. I made him pasta with a cow and gate baby pasta sauce today - OMG talk about messy!!!! I don't think he actually ate any of it but I'm sure I'll be finding it in my kitchen for months :haha:

Just a quick question for anyone still breastfeeding and not giving formula - now we've hit six months, am I right in thinking we need to give vitamin drops?

Maybe - honestly, your OH never fails to amaze me - it must be live living with two completely different people!!!!

We've had a quiet day, just Oliver and I. We've done lots of playing, and I've also mnaged to get some housework done and since Oliver went to bed I've got all his ironing done, so I just need to go and put it away now. Oliver has been teething like mad today so he's been sucking a lot of melon :haha: I gave him Calpol before bed and so far its done the trick.

Hope you all had a good day - H&F just a few more hugs for you :hugs: :hugs:
Will post properly in a bit but H&F - Sarah :hugs::hugs::hugs: what a day for you :flower::flower: we're all here for you.
H&F - Big, big :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx

Sarah - Re vitamin drops, i'm not giving any to Roh at the moment. If Oliver is still having mostly milk, you might want to think about it, but i don't as Roh eats a reasonable amount most days now, and its a good varied diet. I asked the HV, "When formula wasn't an option, were all babies vitamin deficient at this age?" She basically said that its really umbrella advice to cover all babies, so that Mum's who maybe don't know much about nutrition, cooking and what constitutes a balanced diet, won't miss giving their babies all the vitamins they need. That said, there is no harm in having extra vitamins! And with the cold season coming into full force, i think i'll start giving some to Roh before long. My SIL gave me a tip though. It comes with a dropper, and my neice always managed to spit it out. If you give Oliver yogurt, then add the drops to the second spoonful you give him (not the first as it changes the taste :thumbup: )

Hannah - Roh slept 10-12 hours up until he was 4 months old and then stopped doing it! He had a funny month (and a half really, but there was illness and teething thrown into the mix there :wacko:) and now with the sleep training to get him back into the swing he's sleeping for good long stretches again most nights :thumbup: There are lots of growth spurts and developmental leaps coming for Amelia in the next month or so, and it could change her sleeping patterns for a while. As Sarah said, most of us have been through it, and survived! :hugs:

I made Roh a baby pizza today, spent ages, and he wasn't very impressed! :haha: Smush mush smush, lick lick, raah! Splat! Was how it went! Nice to know its not just my food thats getting turned down :rolleyes: I did peanut butter on toast to replace the pizza, and that got all eaten up, should have just gone for the simple option :dohh:

I'm fed up today as its still soooo freezing in the flat :( The plumber came today, and the boiler is terminal :growlmad: sooo annoyed as its only 2 years old! Happily we are still under guarantee, but less happily, the soonest they can come and replace it is in 2 weeks time!! :cry: I'm so sick of being cold already, and its only been 2 days :growlmad:

I'm hoping my jacket potaoes are nearly done, they are a bit small so i'm having 2 with beans and cheese. I need to feel all full of warm comforting food tonight! I hate eating this late, but for some reason Roh wasn't in the mood for sleeping tonight. Likely because we had a longer than normal nap this afternoon. Or maybe he's still angry with me for letting him fall out the bed :blush: He woke up before me, and i knew he was awake, but i was really sleepy so just dozed a bit whilst he was roling about next to me, next thing i knew i heard a noise and then a cry! :blush: Argh i've never leapt up so fast, i knew what had happened! He was absolutely fine, my bed is only about a foot and a half off the floor, and he managed to fall into the laundry basket full of clean nappies by the bed, and then sort of bounce onto the carpet. It suprised him though, and i felt guilty as hell for now watching him :nope: Ah well, i'll have to behave myself in the future and put him in his cot when i want to nap too. I just like cuddling up together!

Ok now I have read and caught up -

H&F - is the bleeding bad? I had really bad cramping with Alex and bled but I think it was all implantation :shrug: really hope you are alright and that Dave is supporting you :hugs: thinking of you :hugs:

maybe - are things still good with DH? Kerry hasnt ever cooked a proper meal for me, only salads and burgers or sausages. not a nice from scratch meal, he's a rubbish cook! The first time he cooked for me it was microwaved sausage rolls and chips - we were 17 though so I'll let him off :haha:

Hannah - yep Alex did the 4 month sleep regression and it was really hard. Things will get back to normal if thats what it is. Glad you enjoyed your 2nd driving lesson :happydance:

Auntie Katie - whoop whoop for your sister :baby::cloud9::kiss: thats wonderful, cant wait to see pics of your neice :hugs:

frufru - fab news you get a whole weekend of pampering :hugs: poor joni for the poop/wee disaster :hugs:

emera - is your heating sorted? x

sarah - glad you are enjoying BLW now, Alex loves brie on bagel. Today we tried tuna and he loved that too. I tried pasta the other day and there was quite a lot in his nappy, it was a real stainer :sick::winkwink:

well I've had a nice couple of days, yesterday was a busy one. I braved my first sleepover since Alex for Emily as Holly had gone to a friends. It was OK really, I got 7 hours sleep I think. Then today an old school friend who I havent seen for about 8 years came round which was lovely. She has a 3yr old and 8 month old boy. Austin, the baby, weighs the same as an average 22 month old. His Dad is 6'6" so he's tall too but crikey, what a weight! Made Alex look like a little dolly :haha: He was like a gentle giant though and he and Alex had a lovely time together :cloud9:
just seen your post emera - what a complete bummer about the boiler! have you got oil radiator or electric heater or anything you can use? I'd lend you ours if I was nearer! Dont beat yourself up about Roh falling out of bed :hugs: these things happen. Emily was sitting on the rug with Alex today, I'd lied him down and was just running to and from the kitchen when I heard a huge bump and then screaming, I ran in and she'd sat him up and he'd fallen backwards. She was crying more than him, I felt like Lynette on desperate housewives. :cry::nope: :hugs:
Hmm I think it could be the dreaded sleep regression I hope she decides to go until at least half 7 tomorrow, she has nights of sleeping until her bottle at 8:15 - 8:30 but sometimes its 6 and sometimes its 7 :/ I really hope it doesn't last long. :(

Sarah - That's what I'm doing that at the moment, she's dropped her last feed she used to have a feed at 7ish and then half 10 but now it's 8:30 and she goes to bed after that. I'm not intending on weaning her yet unless she's really interested. I've got a weaning talk on the 18th and am interested on what there going to say.

Hope everyone's having a good evening, Amelia settled well tonight and I've just finished playing Just Dance 2 :haha:
Hannah, i still think you're really lucky if Amelia is sleeping 9pm - 6am ish! Thats pretty good, trust me! :winkwink:

Well, the potatoes were good, filled me full of comforting warmness :thumbup:

I decided to cheer myself up and booked my treat for my birthday, well, my birthday present from my OH and my Mum :) I'm having a day off! I've booked into a spa for a day retreat :happydance: I get breakfast, a facial, lunch in the fancy restaurant there, and then a full body massage. Plus using all the spa facilities and relaxation room :thumbup: I'll be able to chill out and read a book and everything! I only have to wait until next Thursday! OH did say to book it on the Friday, which is my birthday, but it was 25% off if i did it on the Thursday, and i think i'd rather spend my actual birthday with him and Roh as a family :) My Mum is visiting on the Saturday too, so it should be a brilliant 3 days. Oooooh, finally something to get excited about! :happydance: I can't wait :D
oooh emera that sounds lovely! When is your birthday? x
Emera - She used to sleep 10-7, I'm not complaining though :) When she wakes up we put her in bed with us until she has her bottle :)
The spa thing sounds really nice, I could do with something like that :haha: Hope you enjoy it hun and have a nice time relaxing :)
Amy, my birthday is on the 19th. I don't wanna get older! :cry:

I'll accept it as i get to have nice treats though! :thumbup:

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