I can catch up properly now!!
Emera, LC & Maybe - many thanks re the vitamin drops. Oliver is eating really well but I might get some just to make sure he's getting enough.
Emera I am very jealous of your spa day, I could sooooo do with that! Or just a massage, ahhhh a massage would be so, so good!!! I hope you feel better soon
L-C sorry to hear about your boiler - what a nightmare!!!!! I also have a shocking muffin top . . . . I really need to sort myself out

I hope you got your shower! Will Amelia sit in her bouncer in the bathroom while you take a shower? I used to do this with Oliver, I could see him the whole time and sign to him etc, it was a godsend when I really, really wanted a shower and Steve was asleep / out / busy / grumpy

Oliver tries to get out of his bouncer now so they have been packed away, I have no idea how I will take a shower now without someone to watch him - well I can lay him on his mat so he can play with his feet but he'll be crawling soon - eek!!!!!
Maybe I hope you had a good day and enjoyed your film!
FruFru I try not to stress about Oliver eating too much too - though he is getting better every day and can get things into his mouth without shoving it in his eye first now

He is obviously eating lots as his poo has completely changed. He used to poo every 5-7 days . . . now its all the time!! And its more like 'proper' poo
Amy I can't believe you stomped on the digital test!!!!! You might not be you know, are you normally regular? You need to know hun - go get another test and for goodness sake leave this one alone!

The puppy sounds gorgeous - I WANT PICS! I adore spaniels. Lyra is a lovely name . . . is the girl on Golden Compass called Lyra? Haha, I just read your post saying thats where you got it from

Mmmmmm Daniel Craig . . .
Hi Muddles!! Good to see you!! I'm glad BLW is going well

Oliver loves breadsticks with philadelphia

I think I've spelt that wrong but you know what I mean
We've had a quiet day here, Oliver slept really well last night

and got up at 7.30am. We've done some fun eating and I've got a few little jobs done around the house. I also managed to revamp my wedding website, and for the first time I'm actually quite pleased with it! I did it on and off when Oliver took his naps, and then just finished it off when he went to bed. I'm quite proud of it, its simple but I like it, and its a million times better than its ever been before. This is it if anyone wants a nosey:
I have so much to do tomorrow, I really need to go into town too so I hope its not going to rain!!!