Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I've tried tommy tippee, sainsburys, and johnsons. Maybe I should get some sleep nursing bras ad give that a try. Ahhh the joys of breastfeeding eh!
Sarah- I only had to use breast pads for a little while, but I used tesco while I was pregnant and then mothercare after she was born- the mothercare ones were really good IMO! x
hi ladies!!

laney i was driving by 4 weeks after my section, i checked with directline and it states u dont have to wait as long as u have the ok from doc. granted i didnt get the ok from doc but from my HV, as long as you can do an emergency stop it should be ok.

i used the tesco own breast pads, they seemed ok!

well i had a nice weekend, went and did a little clothes shopping on saturday, still feel frumpy tho! and sat evening i felt rotten, was actually worried a had flu!! all ok after a good sleep tho. on sunday mark went to the touring cars at oulten park so i had a lovely day watching dvds and doing ironing! rented out my sisters keeper, lovely film and i couldnt help but cry, also rented out twilight, i wanted to see what all the fuss was about and i have to say im slightly hooked on it now lol decided to watch new moon on sky box office yesterday as well, altho i dont see what the fuss is over this robert patterson... my cousin explained its edward all the girls like not the actual actor.. still dont see the attraction in him but oh well lol i guess i like my vampires to be like the ones in true blood haha. have now made date with my cousin to go see the new film out in july.

harrison is doing really well and seems much better on hungry baby cow and gate, the last few nights he has been having his last 5 oz bottle at 9:30 and then sleeps till 6 in the morning. he also smiles alot more now and has the cheekiest smile going! he is starting to get his own little personality too, he is sooo grumpy when hungry (like his father!), he will go frantic in the space of a minute after me putting his bib on pecking at my shoulder untill his food is ready, we have taken to calling him woody after woody woodpecker lol. when sophie was waiting for a bottle she was just sit patiently waiting lol. as soon as he wakes up he likes to make it clear he is awake, i think he is gonna be a bigger attention seeker than sophie lol.

sorry for any typos or bad grammer doing this one handed lol
I'll try the mothercare ones, thanks Katie! And the tesco ones, got to be worth a try lol! Most mornings I'm sat there in my pjs covered in milk, spit up and goodness knows what else until Steve gets up and I can get s shower!

I've made a doctors appointment for Wednesday for my poor nipples, I think it might be thrush :( Should I take Oliver with me do you think so she can check him for symptoms?

I'm feeling a bit irritable today, didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. Steves off this week and hd offered to do a feed so I could sleep in, but he hasn't actually done it yet. He doesn't wake up with us in the night and I get up at seven ish but leave him to sleep in until 10. Just four hours sleep all at once would be sooooo nice for me.

I had a little shop on Saturday too Jolou, I just bought some tops and shorts and a dress. They are all size 10 and fit okauy but I wish I could get rid of my belly! I feel all frumpy and chubby :( I went through all my pre preg stuff and hardly anything fits. Oliver is worth it of course but it would be nice to get rid of thid belly!!!

Right well I'm going to have a little walk into town so I hope everyone has a lovely day! X
i tried lots of maxi dresses on but a 16 was too big with the ones i tried on and they had no 14s left :( im gonna pop to new look again this week to see if there is any more in, i have a voucher for 20% off so want to use it. i am too scared to try any shorts or trousers on atm my hips seem so huge! ahh well today is the first day of cutting down, with wednesday being the day i start point counting. its my belyl more than anything i cant stand at the mo, it just sags! im sure it was like this after having sophie but i didnt care as much for fashion and clothes back then lol
Morning ladies!

I appreciate that I am going back a few pages of posts, but Frufru.. I definitely find that swaddling helps settle Chloe after feeding. It might be worth a try?

Sarah.. I would take Oliver too in case he needs treatment too. Hope it goes OK.. it is certainly easily treatable :hugs:

Right.. I'm off to get some :sleep:
Hi everyone!!

This is my first post in this thread - great to see so many of you here already!

Katie - bless Daisy for possibly needing an operation. Like the others said she will be in the best hands at Alder Hey. You are doing brilliantly and I don't think it matters what age you are pregnancy and birth can really take it out of you. I cannot remember what it was like to have a 'normal' body. I still ache from it all.

Frufru - Che sometimes messes before latching on by licking and nuzzling. I normally take him away from the nipple and give him a quick cuddle or a try for a burp if already had one boob to see if that helps. If he is hungry he latches straight on.

Everyone is doing soooo well - I am so proud of us all!

Che is 3 weeks today and really cannot even remember being pregnant let alone life before pregnancy. I look at photos of me just over 3 weeks ago heavily pregnant and I don't even recognise myself!! What did I do when I was not a milk making/nappy changing machine?!

I have not heard from a health visitor yet (my friend who had a baby a week later than me had her first visit this morning) The mw is coming tomorrow so will ask about it then.

Well after the initial excitement of the new baby DH is not really over committing himself!! He will change the odd nappy and hold him for a bit but as soon as Che starts to get grisley he hands him back saying he thinks he needs a feed. Or if Che falls asleep he has him in his moses asap whereas I can cuddle him forever. What really riled me was the other day the inlaws were over and DH was all over Che changing him, consoling him etc. Then once they left and I just wanted him to look over him whilst I got ready for bed he disappeared onto his computer for 2 hours!! And it took me over an hour to get ready for bed when it normally takes me about 15mins!! Also he quite happily takes the compliments on how well he is looking given the sleep deprivation he must be going through and does not say that he is in the spare room clocking up about 7-8hours kip a night!! Cheeky git!
ahh cactus girl dont worry i think its a man thing mark is the same, at his parents he is the doting father, at home he asks me if i am going to feed harrison... wouldnt mind if i was breast feeding! and i remember reading some of his texts from mates (naughty i know but im nosey and he doesnt tell me any gossip lol) all asking if he was doing his part with night night feeds etc.. he actually told him he does them all! i had a text from his best mates partner asking if mark was looking after us all well, i told her the truth and she was shocked lol so much so she wanted to tell him off but i told her its not worth the hassle. he has started to take slightly more interest now harrison is more alert and is smiling. the little bugger does the big smiles for daddy and little smirks at me lol im the one who does everything! lol
It sounds awful but I'm so relieved I'm not the only one with an OH claiming he does night feeds and telling everyone it's 'such hard work but worth it'! He does none, ever! And he doesn't wake up when she starts getting restless like I do, so he just sleeps right through.. It's annoying when he claims to do the night feeds :lol:
I was supposed to start my diet today, I just had lasange though :blush: I think I'm going to let myself have another week, and then start Celebrity Slim next Monday as it will have been 3 weeks :) I need to buy clothes but I just don't want to find put what size I need... I suspect a 12ish, but I don't want to know for certain!!
Oh and Jo.. When is it right to put them on hungry baby? Is there certain criteria, like eating a certain amount, or age or anything? Daisy is draining 5oz, i've started doing 6 today and she's nearly taking all of that too.. She's only 2 weeks old!
Hey ladies! How are you all? I have been keeping the third trimester thread going and am still updating it now as there are still a few May mummies left to have their babies.

Oliver is already a month old! He is gaining weight well and is now 10lb 4oz (was 7lb 12oz at birth) A pound of that weight he gained in one week!!!!!! Health visitor said that is fine as he is breastfed. Can't remember what life was like without him, he is such a lovely little boy, so chilled out and a mini version of his Daddy.

Hope all of you are doing well. Will have to spend a bit of time reading through the thread and catching up on all your news.
Well at least Steve can't claim to do night feeds lol! He is good though, I think I'm just jealous that he's getting so much sleep lol! He loves the morph carrier that we got and carries Oliver everywhere in it! He's also pretty good with nappy changes and daddy cuddles, and he'll watch him while I get some housework done. So I can't complain really :)
sorry those with damn naughty OH's!

My OH is good but H is our third and he is 43 so I think the older they are the better.

Just got H weighed and now 13lbs so doing well-little piglet.
Wow muddles he's got sooooo mich hair! He's so gorgeous!

Bexxie Steve is 41 so you could be onto something with the age thing? Its his second so he's very confident with him. In fact most of the time he's telling me how to do stuff lol! He's not always right of course but he trys, haha!
I think a big part of Vinnys problem is that most baby tasks require two hands. Not sure if I've mentioned it on here? But he was born with ABS and has basically no nerves or sensation in his left hand, and can't move his fingers independently of each other iykwim?so that makes changing/dressing/bathing her really difficult for him! He does do the odd feed, and cuddles and strange stories are his speciality, so I can't complain too much I suppose!
Katie I can see why vinny would struggle with a lot of baby things - your right they are mainly two handed jobs. Cuddles are the most important job though :)

Steve is just putting some shelves up in Olivers room, I can't wait to get in there and start rearranging! He's outgrown so many of his clothes now, I've been putting things to one side when I notice they are too small, some of them have only been worn once and quite a few not at all!! I think we'll just pack them away. Steve wants another baby (and he's always wanted them close together), I always thought the same but now I'm thinking its hard enough with one baby, I'm not sure how I'd cope with a small child and a newborn! But maybe I'll change my mind, I guess I should keep all my maternity stuff too just in case.
katie maybe talk to your HV regarding feeds but that does seem alot! if i remember right with sophie thats what she was doing and my mum suggested it hungry baby, it worked she went back down to having 3/4oz, i told the HV and she agreed. I never bothered this time around because HVs tend to discourage it nowadays untill they are older, they say its ment to be used to delay weaning even tho it says from birth. I just knew it would be better for harrison because at one point he had 8 4oz bottles in a day
laney_1981 - he is gorgeous.
Katie - I believe things will work out with you and your OH. IT is new situation for both of you and if he can't do some things because of his hand I can really understand him but as long as he cuddles Daisy everythings is okey :hugs:
Sarahwoo - I wear nursing bra and Mothercare pads so I'm okey in the morning although pads are wet. And don't worry about your belly. It came with 9 months and it goes with 9 months.
Cactusgirl - I would be harsh with your OH. I'd just give him the baby after feeding time and go out. It takes two to make a baby and it takes two to raise a baby, just showing off isn't acceptable :hugs:

Right, rant about OH's ex. She called today morning 8.30am and told us to get kids ready, she'll be here in 30 minutes. What a heck? She hasn't even said a word that she is coming, we thought she'll come next week. I had already made plans :growlmad: Going into my thread and write about it more exactly. Aargghh, I would like to kick her ass.

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