Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Thanks hun :)
I can't believe how much she grown! :haha: She's been rolling over all day today :haha: We've just started he on proper solids this last week and she's taking to it really well :)
Amy's gorgeous btw :cloud9:
h&f - how are you?

LM - nice to hear from you!

LC - hope will's tooth comes through soon. owen is going through the same - not nice!

frufru - glad you had a nice weekend!

took owen to dr and despite sounding wheezy and coughing all the time she says his lungs are clear as are his throat and ears. have to make another appointment wednesday or thursday for the stool sample results. then we went to toys r us. i spent £200 on mainly a zhu zhu hamster set for erin and a remote control toy story car for dylan. i'm sure they'd be much cheaper in uk. that means though that the kids are pretty much sorted. just need a few stocking fillers. so just need to get my parents sister FIL MIL and SIL presents. and OH. i usually buy for my cousins, their kids and my aunt too but cant afford it this year. i felt bad telling them as i think they'll still buy for us but with me now not being paid til i go back to work in may we are strapped for cash :dohh:
Maybe - I am ok - still not feeling particullaly well but im not finding the doctors helpful at all. I am just curled up at home with a hot water bottle watching TV. Amy is getting so good at going to bed. Tonight she went down at 7.00 which was brill hoping she settles well.

I am going shopping tomorrow. Money is really tight but there are a couple of things I really want to buy Amy for christmas even though we arent going overboard. I also want to get my mum something else for her birthday on Sunday!

Is anyone else feeling the pressure with money - I really dont think we are going to be able to afford anything at this rate ... its causing major problems in mine and OH's relationship - I really think I am going to have to find a job sooner rather than later.
Evening all :flower:

LM - missed you too! Lovely to hear from you. I cant believe how time flies :flower:

Hannah - I read the comments about the rusk and I was shocked too :hugs: well done for keeping your cool!!! Some people should keep their opinions to themselves, you're doing a fab job xxx

H&F - I'm really sorry the doc hasnt been much use :hugs: dont worry about the extra lbs, you've been through a lot and with weight loss I think you have to be in the "zone" and no-one would expect you to be with whats happened. Money is really tight for me too - DH is making me fund my maternity leave and I still have to contribute what I normally would to the household bills. I'll be well in debt when I go back to work :dohh:

maybe - poor Owen, hope he gets well soon. My girls love zhu zhu pets too :haha: the stuff for them is SOOOOO expensive isnt it! for bits of plastic :shock:

frufru - glad you had such a well deserved lovely weekend xxx

sarah - I'm the hoarder in our house :blush: I have piles of "crap" everywhere - it drives my DH insane, he throws things away when i'm not looking :haha:

I'm loving I'm a celeb this year :haha: loving to dislike Gillian McKeith! Did anyone else see "the faint"?

Well Alex has been a poorly little man all day today, snotting and dribbling everywhere. He's not really eaten much but he wasnt to BF all the time! I'm getting engorged because of it so I've dropped a domperidone pill. I'm meant to be getting my hair cut tomorrow so I hope he's better. x
amy - poor alex i hope he is on the mend soon. owen has wanted bf more than usual with his cold too. funny isnt it. do you think the zhu zhu hamsters will be ok age wise for erin. she's 3 and the box says 4+ though i think dylan will enjoy playing with her too :haha:

h&f - i hear you about the money. OH new job is not as well paid for the mo tho hopefully he'll move up the payscale and get promotion. i am unpaid from the beginning of november til when i go back in may so that's £2,000 less a month just in my wage :dohh: we saved really hard when i got pregnant as we needed about £8-10,000 for me to be able to take 6 months unpaid and afford the mortgage comfortably.

i have just cleaned the kitchen so had a shower and am sitting down with a glass of hazelnut baileys. :wine:
maybe - you earn a good wage!! :thumbup: well done for saving hard :thumbup: I wish we could have. I bet Erin loves the zhu zhu pet etc and Dylan can play too. Mmmm the baileys sounds just the ticket :hugs:

Phew, another busy day here!

Amy - I never normally watch i'm a celeb but I'm loving it this year too, gosh Gillian McKeith is pathetic isn't she? I just get the impression that she's really not a nice person . . . esp after the whole 'Dr' thing too. I like Dom Jolly, he's quite funny.

Enjoy your hair cut! I'm having mine done on Wednesday, I can't wait! I'm having a good cut and highlights. I'm also going to book in for a massage and a manicure, I feel like I need a pamper! Also, have you done a test yet?!?!

H&F I hope you're feeling better soon :hugs: Do you have another scan booked? We are really lucky re money, Steve is pretty much paying for everything at the moment so thank goodness he is on a good wage. My money goes on a few of my bills and I save a bit, and then have a little left over for extras. Steve was promoted a week before we found out I was pregnant and his wage rise pretty much covered loosing my wage, so we are very, very lucky there. We were going to move house though and put that off so that we would be okay for money. If we want to move house though, which we do, I would need to earn at least a part time wage to avoid things been too tight.

Maybe I'm glad Owen is okay, and that you had fun in ToysRUs! Have you had to find somewhere to hide everything?

FruFru I'm glad you had such a fab weekend!!!

L-C my eyes were almost watering reading about your nipple biting incident!!!! Ouch!! Still no teeth here too, but lots of teething :dohh:

We planned to have a quiet day today and do stuff around the house but it didn't really work out that way :haha: Steve wanted a new suit so we went shopping for that, plus I wanted some new curtains so we went all over the bloomin place looking for some but I can't find anything at all that I like :( I'm thinking I might have to either make some or have them made . . . I'm quite good with my sewing machine but I've never made curtains so I'm a bit nervous to give it a try. We also bought a new rug from Ikea which is lovely but is also HUGE :haha: Its very fluffy so our cat won't move off it :rofl: Oliver has been so good all day, we bought a few puppets in Ikea and all the way around he was just laughing and laughing at them. It was so cute, everytime I put the dog one on and go 'woof woof' at him he just goes mad :rofl:

Tomorrow we really do have to get some house stuff done!! Steve also has a big meeting and dinner so I'm taking him into Leeds in the afternoon and then he won't be home until the early hours, so I might be on a bit earlier tomorrow!!

Hope you are all well, lots of love!

I almost forgot, I have a question! When I put Oliver to bed, I tend to bf him until he's asleep and then pop him down in his co sleeper cot thing. Sometimes he's asleep pretty quick, sometimes it takes a while and I'll put him down a few times - awake - to have a kick and tire himself out. In the night, I tend to feed him and then put him down half awake, and he tends to just go to sleep on his own. If I do that at bedtime he seems to grumble quite a bit, then I pick him up. I don't want to sleep train or anything, but when he's just grumping can I leave him to it? Obviously if he starts crying I pick him up right away, I just wondered if I should let him grumble? He obviously can get himself to sleep because he does it in the night, so would it be bad to let him?

Gosh what a ramble, I'd edit that if I wasn't on my. Phone!
Sarah - About Oliver's sleeping, i think if there isn't any problems then don't worry about it, if he can get off to sleep in the night, you obviously don't really need to change anything. If you think he'll just grumble a bit and then go to sleep, then i'd say there is nothing wrong with leaving him, but like you said, if he gets upset then go back again. Its what i do with Roh, and i can hear the difference between a grumble thats going to turn into a crying session, and a grumble thats him trying to fall asleep, if you know what i mean? :winkwink: There is no point me leaving him if he'll get upset, but if he's just having a chunter and getting settled, then its better if i leave him to get on with it.

:hugs: for Alex hope he's feeling better soon! And glad Owen is on the mend! :flower:

H&F - hope the resting will help you feel better! :hugs: If you don't feel better soon or you feel worse, i'd rock up at the docs and demand to be seen by someone else :thumbup: And as far as money goes, well we are really short, its a bit of a struggle. Its why i've taken all the contact days work have offered me, and i'm back properly in 3 weeks now :( I'll still only be bringing in about £600 a month, which doesn't even cover the mortgage, let alone anything else. Ah well, we've managed on Mat pay i guess we'll cope, but OH keeps freaking out about it. I'd say it causes arguements, but i just point blank refuse to discuss money if he's stressing or angry about it, and he knows that now, so waits until he's calmer before we talk about it. Money isn't everything, i know we'll manage on whatever is available, its just going to be very tight.

L-C - OUCH! To the biting! Roh bit me quite hard this morning, and i bled a little, it really hurt :cry: He was mucking about when we were in bed this morning and he'd pretty much finished his feed, popped off, and then dived back on and bit me! It made me yelp, and i picked him up and put him on the bedroom floor and told him no. I wasn't sure what to do really, it made him cry that i put him on the floor.... I'm hoping he'll associate the biting with not being happy and maybe not do it again :wacko: No idea if it will work, but hey worth a try! Meanwhile i'm feeling pretty sore, so i have alot of sympathy! :hugs:

Well, Roh decided that my excercise class this morning was a perfect time to start crawling! I put him on his mat as usual, and then started the routine, which is quite intense, so i just check every so often that he's ok. After a few minutes i could here laughing and looked to the row behind me, and when i looked down Roh was clamped onto one of the other mum's foot and eating her shoelaces :haha: He then proceeded to do the rounds of the class, and i had to keep apologising to everyone, as he was off poking the other babies, taking their toys and then crawling off again :blush: He's not fully up on hands and knees, its still commando style, but he's worked it out and can move frighteningly fast! I know what OH and i will be doing tomorrow, sorting the flat out so its safe!

sarah - the pressies are in the roof box of the car still :haha: need to find a good hiding place, prob in the top of the fitted wardrobe in erin's room but i need to clear space first :dohh: so much crap up there!!!
LM - Good to *see* you, glad to hear that the boys are doing so well. I so know what you mean about time flying :shock: Joni does not say Dada yet but she sort of says Mama if she is really upset and crying, which has hardly happened since she started sleeping better.

Emera - I hope the :witch: is not giving you too much grief. Bless Roh and his commando shuffle :cloud9: Joni sort of commando crawls but also pivots herself around and rolls so I have not been able to leave her on the floor unsupervised for ages as you never know where she will end up :dohh:

H&F - you will get back on track with WW :hugs: Money is tight with us, thankfully I have been able to get 80% of Joni's clothes and toys second hand so far which has saved us £100's. I think this is the last month I get SMP though so I am going to have to be super-strict with the pennies in the new year until I go back to work.

Hannah - It sounds like the wedding planning is well under way for you :thumbup:

Amy - Bless you funding your mat leave :hugs: I am too but I always knew I would have to as I earn more than hubby and had to start saving well before we even started trying to conceive. I am still contributing equally to bills but as my money has gone down hubby has started leaving me petty cash for shopping :awww: Enjoy your haircut today, I hope Alex is feeling a bit better too.

Maybebaby - Hope you enjoyed the :wine: I reckon the hamster will be fine for Erin. I think the age recommendations on toys are often 3+ when they have small working parts inside which children could potentially get into and consume. And lets face it if you have a child which is likely to do something like that you usually know about it!!! The waybuloo toy we have got for Joni says 18mths+, however it is something that we will play with when we are around and put away when we haved finished so she won't be playing with it unsupervised. I am grateful for all the toy safety guidelines and restrictions that are in place but I always take them with a pinch of common sense. Good luck with Owne's poop results :winkwink:

Sarah - it sounds like you had a productive day :thumbup: you are so lucky having an ikea so close. I have to drive down to the M25 which is about 2.5hours to get to the closest one :rolleyes: It is probably a good thing though as it would only encourage me to spend money I shouldn't :winkwink: As for Oliver and sleeping I think it is fine to let him grumble. Joni often still has a grumble and moan when I put her down for naps and bedtime, I think it is her way of unwinding ready for sleep. Like Emera over time I have learnt to distinguish between general sleepy grumbling and grumbling that requires action.

L-C - ouch on the biting :shock: whilst I wish I could have BF longer the biting is one aspect I do not envy you!

Joni is still doing really well with her sleeping. She seems to have pretty much cut out her night feed now which I think is partly due to the fact she is eating more in the way of solids on top of her milk feeds. We still make a 3oz bottle every evening just in case she needs a top up but I have had to throw it out the last two nights. I think I will wait until she has not taken a night feed for a full week before I risk not making it up. Monday night Joni slept 7pm-7am :shock: I think she was worn out from so much fun with Dada and our thanksgiving meal with friends. Last night she went 7.30-5.30, I said to hubby last night I thought she would wake early with a dirty bum and I was right :rolleyes:

On the present front we are really scaling back this year. People understand that we have much less money now that we have Joni and we are not getting my full salary. We are still getting things for close family and friends but with a smaller budget. For my close friends kids I am getting a chocolate santa or reindeer each from aldi as they are under a quid each! Most of our female friends and relatives are getting body shop stuff. They have some lovely gift sets ranging from £3-20 which is great when you are working within a tight budget. Plus I am ordering through a friend who is a body shop consultant and they have an offer in their catalogue where if you spend £30 or over you can buy a lovely clutch bag for £5 containing a body butter and shower gel worth £23.50 which can be split up and used as more presents :thumbup:

I am really enjoying reading to Joni, we have started having a story as part of her wind down routine at naptime and she has got really good at sitting and listening and looking :cloud9: We have a good selection of books at home but I have also been getting 5-6 books from the library every 2-3 weeks aswell. I have been and chosen books the last few times and yesterday hubby went and chose which he really enjoyed bless him :kiss:

The window man came and fixed Joni's bedroom window yesterday so her room is actually weatherproof now :thumbup: As he left he gave me a lecture about having the TV on for her :rolleyes: I was a bit peeved as (1) it is none of his business (2) he has no idea how much or how often we have the TV on for her (3) he has never seen her face light up or heard her coo and sigh with joy when I put waybuloo on. It is not as if I have the tv on all the time or just leave her in front of it because I can't be bothered to play with or entertain her :nope: It is funny as Joni is actually really particular about the tv. Hubby had it on yesterday to watch something and Joni looked up, saw it was not one of the things she likes (waybuloo, chuggington or something with Steve Backshall in it :haha: a girl after my heart :rofl:) so went back to laying on the floor chatting to herself and playing with her toys. Then when hubby changed channels, she looked up and again saw it was not something for her and went back to playing. Blah :growlmad: moan over :winkwink:

Well I better get on as we have baby yoga this morning so I need to get my chores done before I go. Have a lovely day everyone.
:happydance: Well done Roh on crawling - I'm kind of dreading that, with be a whole new kettle of fish with Will and the dog then!

Amy I'm loving celebrity to, Gillian is so funny and the fainting was brilliant, I loved that Dec couldn't stop laughing! :rofl::rofl:

Sarah, that's how I inadvertantly trained Will, he could soothe in the night but was more grumbly at bed time, I left him to it one night and would pick him up if he cried, then I thought he was learning that I would pick him up every time he cried so then I rubbed his tummy and sssh'd him (can't remeber when I last did it). Now some times he does cry but only a resistance cry for a few minutes, I never ever leave him distressed and I can tell when he's working to that. He doesn't really do those cries anymore anyway, I figured out when he's tired. I have also started feeding him before naps, so that there is some routine to them to, which helps him know it's nap time. Seems to be working :thumbup:

We bought Will's Christmas pressies yesterday, went to Boots and did the 3 for 2 thing and so he has three great presents and a few books (and whatever else I can't resist between now and then). We to are really skint at the moment it's horrible, we have just been paid and I only have half left and 3 weeks to go!

Our baby massage has been cancelled :cry: so we are off to a friends instead, hope you all have a lovely day!
LC - i hate having to scrimp it really annoys me. i usually go out for lunch with friends once a week and i cant afford to this week. it's not even as if it's that expensive but any money is too much spent at the mo.

frufru - glad joni is sleeping so well. boo to the early morning poos though! the last 2 mornings we have not had early morning poos.

i am beginning to wonder whether owen is gluten intolerant as i have cut it out the last two days and his poo seems to be better. i will leave it a few more days before reintroducing it.
I know I did an exercise class on Sunday and it was £5.50 and my friend is up for doing 3 a week, but I just can't afford it! It's gutting, will just have to walk lots, it's the social thing though x
Hey all -

Hope everyone is ok.

I havent been too well again today, doctor came out and told me it was normal to be in this much pain?!? I dont agree but I thought we will at least see how things go.

Hope everyone is ok.

x x x
H&F mine wasn't that bad either, I had a definite peak when I lost it and then it subsided, a bit like labour really but no worse than a bad period xx

H&F I really don't think its normal to be in a lot of pain for so long - when I had an early m/c a few years ago I was in a lot of pain for a few hours, then it was fine and more like a period pain. Could you call your early pregnancy unit and ask them for advice? They know more about these things than general doctors and they can also book you in for a scan if they think thats what you need. Give them a call and see what they say, really I don't think its normal for it to last so long :hugs:

Maybe I hope you get the pressies hidden :haha: Thats interesting re the gluten intolerance . . . . I hope you get to the bottom of things!

L-C YAY for the christmas shopping! What did you buy? I hope you had a nice time with your friend!

FruFru you sound do organised with Christmas pressies!! Fab bargains too! They sound like really lovely gifts! I can't believe the window man said that about Joni and TV! Cheeky sod! Oohhhhh that would have mad me sooooo mad!! Thats fab about the reading, Oliver just grabs the books and trys to eat them :dohh: but I keep trying :haha:

Emera Woo hoo for the crawling! How fantastic!! Does he do it all the time now? Thats so exciting!! Oliver is so, so close to crawling, its going to be chaos when he gets going though, our house is so, so not baby proof! We do have the baby gates ready to be fitted though, and I bought some baby safety stuff from Ikea yesterday. We got some big black hand things that you stick on the corners of tables etc . . . . so all our corners of our white furniture are going to have big black hands on them :haha:

Thank you all so, so much for your advice re the sleeping / grumping. You are right, there is a difference between a 'getting to sleep' grumble and a pre-crying grumble. I think I'll start to allow the getting to sleep grumble. I sit on the bed while he's doing it, so if it turns more towards crying I can pick him up. Thank you ladies, I don't know what I'd do without you!!!!

I finally got a couple of jobs done today, though not that many :dohh: I took quite a few things to the chairty shop, at last! And I got some housework done, though there is quite a bit more waiting for me. I think I might get stuck in tonight and see what I can get done. Steve is at his meeting, well meeting followed by dinner, drinks, etc etc. Lucky sod! So while he's not here I'll get done what I can.

Oh, any Amy, how is your hair? I'm getting mine done tomorrow, I can't wait!!!

Has anyone seen Muddles lately? I hope she's getting on well with the lovely Oliver!

sarah - the pressies are still in the roof box of the car :haha: as for the gluten intolerance i will let you know how that goes!
Horrible horrible day :( She's fine, thankfully, but she suddenly managed to actually move on her hands and knees and crawl to the other side of the room and pull over a cup of coffee :cry: luckily it was lukewarm and didn't burn her, and I think I cried more than she did, but OMG. I've never had a fright like it in my life! Also Vinny's ex reported me for benefit fraud. I've never claimed a benefit in my life so fraud would be impossible!

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