LM - Good to *see* you, glad to hear that the boys are doing so well. I so know what you mean about time flying

Joni does not say Dada yet but she sort of says Mama if she is really upset and crying, which has hardly happened since she started sleeping better.
Emera - I hope the

is not giving you too much grief. Bless Roh and his commando shuffle

Joni sort of commando crawls but also pivots herself around and rolls so I have not been able to leave her on the floor unsupervised for ages as you never know where she will end up
H&F - you will get back on track with WW

Money is tight with us, thankfully I have been able to get 80% of Joni's clothes and toys second hand so far which has saved us £100's. I think this is the last month I get SMP though so I am going to have to be super-strict with the pennies in the new year until I go back to work.
Hannah - It sounds like the wedding planning is well under way for you
Amy - Bless you funding your mat leave

I am too but I always knew I would have to as I earn more than hubby and had to start saving well before we even started trying to conceive. I am still contributing equally to bills but as my money has gone down hubby has started leaving me petty cash for shopping

Enjoy your haircut today, I hope Alex is feeling a bit better too.
Maybebaby - Hope you enjoyed the

I reckon the hamster will be fine for Erin. I think the age recommendations on toys are often 3+ when they have small working parts inside which children could potentially get into and consume. And lets face it if you have a child which is likely to do something like that you usually know about it!!! The waybuloo toy we have got for Joni says 18mths+, however it is something that we will play with when we are around and put away when we haved finished so she won't be playing with it unsupervised. I am grateful for all the toy safety guidelines and restrictions that are in place but I always take them with a pinch of common sense. Good luck with Owne's poop results
Sarah - it sounds like you had a productive day

you are so lucky having an ikea so close. I have to drive down to the M25 which is about 2.5hours to get to the closest one

It is probably a good thing though as it would only encourage me to spend money I shouldn't

As for Oliver and sleeping I think it is fine to let him grumble. Joni often still has a grumble and moan when I put her down for naps and bedtime, I think it is her way of unwinding ready for sleep. Like Emera over time I have learnt to distinguish between general sleepy grumbling and grumbling that requires action.
L-C - ouch on the biting

whilst I wish I could have BF longer the biting is one aspect I do not envy you!
Joni is still doing really well with her sleeping. She seems to have pretty much cut out her night feed now which I think is partly due to the fact she is eating more in the way of solids on top of her milk feeds. We still make a 3oz bottle every evening just in case she needs a top up but I have had to throw it out the last two nights. I think I will wait until she has not taken a night feed for a full week before I risk not making it up. Monday night Joni slept 7pm-7am

I think she was worn out from so much fun with Dada and our thanksgiving meal with friends. Last night she went 7.30-5.30, I said to hubby last night I thought she would wake early with a dirty bum and I was right
On the present front we are really scaling back this year. People understand that we have much less money now that we have Joni and we are not getting my full salary. We are still getting things for close family and friends but with a smaller budget. For my close friends kids I am getting a chocolate santa or reindeer each from aldi as they are under a quid each! Most of our female friends and relatives are getting body shop stuff. They have some lovely gift sets ranging from £3-20 which is great when you are working within a tight budget. Plus I am ordering through a friend who is a body shop consultant and they have an offer in their catalogue where if you spend £30 or over you can buy a lovely clutch bag for £5 containing a body butter and shower gel worth £23.50 which can be split up and used as more presents
I am really enjoying reading to Joni, we have started having a story as part of her wind down routine at naptime and she has got really good at sitting and listening and looking

We have a good selection of books at home but I have also been getting 5-6 books from the library every 2-3 weeks aswell. I have been and chosen books the last few times and yesterday hubby went and chose which he really enjoyed bless him
The window man came and fixed Joni's bedroom window yesterday so her room is actually weatherproof now

As he left he gave me a lecture about having the TV on for her

I was a bit peeved as (1) it is none of his business (2) he has no idea how much or how often we have the TV on for her (3) he has never seen her face light up or heard her coo and sigh with joy when I put waybuloo on. It is not as if I have the tv on all the time or just leave her in front of it because I can't be bothered to play with or entertain her

It is funny as Joni is actually really particular about the tv. Hubby had it on yesterday to watch something and Joni looked up, saw it was not one of the things she likes (waybuloo, chuggington or something with Steve Backshall in it

a girl after my heart

) so went back to laying on the floor chatting to herself and playing with her toys. Then when hubby changed channels, she looked up and again saw it was not something for her and went back to playing. Blah

moan over
Well I better get on as we have baby yoga this morning so I need to get my chores done before I go. Have a lovely day everyone.