Morning everyone
I have been sneaking on to read what you are all up to the last day or so but not had time to post as I have been restricting my PC time to make more time for housework and my list. The good news is I have made good progress with the list and best of all Joni's room is now completely finished

It only took me 6 1/2 months
Joni has been a bit chesty and sneezing a lot the last day or so and last night she woke up only 30mins after we put her down and was full of a cold. It was insane the way she was fine at bedtime and then 30mins later completely congested and unable to breathe properly

SO it is safe to say she was up a fair bit last night and I ended up laying her on our kingsize bed next to me propped up on a pillow to sleep and hubby slept on the futon in Joni's room. I felt really bad him sleeping through there as our bed is waaaaay more comfortable but then I remembered I have slept on the futon for about 3 months over the course of the year so it really is his turn

Plus Joni spreads out so much there is not enough room for us both on the futon, not unless you don;t mind sleeping with Joni kicking you in the face
Emera I really empathise with you on the swearing front. My hubby has a mouth like a public toilet at times. I think with him it is frustration and he would swear and rant in order an effort to blow off a bit of steam. HOwever, I do not find it acceptable for him to behave like that in front of Joni, regardless of whether his dialogue is directed at her or not. I have never failed to pull him up on it and will always get in strop when he does it

One day I had been out shopping with Joni, when I left Joni had been grumping and hubby had snapped at her and sworn. We got home and hubby asked how our day had been and I said ok other than someone snapping at Joni as she was grumpy and said "xyz" to her. He was outraged and could not believe anyone, even a stranger, would say that to a baby and then I pointed out it was actually him that had said it before we left

He has been a lot better since then
Happy thanksgiving LogansMama. I have a friend who is American and is spending her first thanksgiving in the UK today. As we all have to work we celebrated last Sunday and had a lovely time. My friend LOVES thanksgiving and put on a real feast, I have to say the highlight for me was the sweet potato bake topped with brown sugar and pecans

Mmmmmmm nom nom nom.
Well Joni may be poorly and has only napped for 10 minutes today since getting up at 4.55am but she sure has an appetite. Usually when she is unwell she is not so interested in food but not this time. Though I have to say breakfast was lots messier than usual as Joni kept spitting out half her mouthful so she could breath bless her.
Well go to go, need to see if I can get this little one to have a nap as she is exhausted and really grumpy. If all fails I will take her out in the buggy!
Have a good day everyone