Maybebaby - in the end Joni has coped with the cold pretty well so I did not get the drops. Bless her she slept through until 5.30 this morning but it was another "hello poo" situation
then she had the audactity to do another poo an hour later
2 poos in as many hours from the baby that, at one point, did not poo for 15 days
Here is a link to the cake recipe:
Sarah - there is a Nigella recipe for the sweet potatoes topped with Marshmallows in her book Feast if you have it. If not let me know and I will dig out my book and send you the recipe.
Logansmama - I am glad you had a nice thanksgiving. Dillon sounds like he is doing well with his eating
Hannah - good luck with the video monitor, I only have the most basic sound monitor which I rarely use so can't really comment. Joni kept rolling in her sleep and getting stuck, I am pleased to report she has now put 2+2 together and stopped doing it but it did take a month and a half for the penny to finally drop
Joni is much better today. Still under the weather but definately improved
She is really flagging now as she has only had 2x45min naps today and a 15min snooze in her buggy. Hopefully she will be so tired out she will give us a good night, I really hope so I am off out tonight to a winter ball with my work mates who I have not seen in AGES and am planning a few drinks
I still have to shower and shave before I can even begin to get ready but Joni is so grumpy I am not going to be able to shower until hubby gets home and he has texted to say he is running late
I made a sweet potato, carrot and pepper soup today. I made it with a low salt stock so when the veg was cooked I took some out to puree for Joni, of course she spat most of it out
Got to go my baby wookiee is growling and demanding attention, I think I may have to break out the door bouncer
Have a lovely evening everyone