Hello everyone
Well it is

here and snowing yet again. We are in the city so we don't get as much as those out in the sticks but we still have a few inches. My Mum lives in a rural area and said there was 8 inches on top of her car yesterday morning and there was more snow falling. Joni and I stayed inside wrapped up nice and warm yesterday and spent the whole day playing and cuddling
Babyhope - so good to see you

Wow Dylan is a super-baby with his mobility
Hannah - bummer about the video monitor

did you manage to get it to work/return it?
Sarah - ooooh freelander, just think of the boot space

I have a Honda Jazz and it is a great little car. I could not afford a new car but to be honest I am happy with mine, I have had it from new and it is so reliable and cheap to run. Plus where I live all the streets and parking places are narrow and I could not get a big motor into half the parking spots. Also it is permit parking and the bigger your car the more your permit costs

It looks like Jazzy Jeff is here to stay for a few more years.
H&F - I hope you are ok and feeling a bit better. I know what you mean about Amy moving so quickly, Joni is the same. I used to be able to leave her on the floor playing on her own while I pottered around the hour doing jobs but now I have 'contain' her in her playstation or door bouncer

I bought a travel cot the other day which doubles as a playpen which will come in handy when she is crawling
Maybebaby - I am so pleased that Dylan had a nice birthday, I trust he was suitably impressed with his pressie

How is Owen now, do you still think he might be gluten intolerant?
Amy - bless little Alex with his little hands and his little face eating all the buffet food

It is really hard when our babies get upset like that

You have got plenty of time to get Alex used to being with other people before you go back to work. My Mum says when she used to run the playgroup when I was little there was a little boy who used to absolutely howl when his Mum dropped him off. He would cry his eyes out for 5 minutes and then would just stop really suddenly, giggle and run off to play and always had a lovely time

The first few weeks Mum and the other helpers would try to console him but it made him worse and they realised he needed to have that little cry to settle himself and was better off being left to it.
Emera - I hope you and Roh are snuggled up and warm
I had a lovely time on Friday night. Poor hubby had to contend with Joni not able to sleep because of her cold. In the end she sat on his lap with her head against his chest and fell asleep like that. I did not get in until 1am

and I was just falling asleep around 2am when Joni woke up again and would not settle in her cot. I was so knackered I ended up taking her back to our room and climbed into bed with her where she promptly snuggled right in and slept until 6.30. I would not want to go back to co-sleeping but that was a lovely sleepy snuggle
I have been giving Joni the HIPP goodnight milk for her last feed at night but recently we have found it a real struggle to stop her falling asleep before she has finished. The goodnight milk is much thicker so is much harder work to drink and its almost that she seems to take enough to take the edge of hunger and then falls asleep because she is so tired, but then wakes up looking for a feed in the night

So I think we are going to try her with a regular feed at bedtime tonight and see how she goes.
We are still starting the day at 5.30 at the moment

I am unsure if she wakes then from habit or that she has had enough sleep by then. I would move her bedtime back a bit but I don;t know we could as Joni is so tired at 6.30 she shouts at you for her bottle and bed. Ah well, its a work in progress.
Righto my little boo-bear has woken from her 20min nap

blooming cold

I will go and give her a snuggle I think.
Have a lovely day everyone