Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Brrrrrrr it's freezing so glad the boiler packed up when it did our new one is doing great!

Amy - I love the thought of Alex and the buffet, that tickled me, good on him, start as you mean to go on. I think I remember reading that they start getting clingy at this age, not sure of it's a phase or here to stay? Not looking forward to it either way!

Modo - Glad Bobby is enjoying the BLW!

Urrrg Frufru we have been up since 5 am, Will has been waking twice a night again and with the first being at about 10:30 pm and then 03:30 am, this morning he was up far too early, turned out he had wet through and must have been freezing poor little man. Hope the regular milk helps tonight x

Maybe - Really glad Dylan had a good Birthday, 5 seems so big!! I hope Owen is feeling better.

Will has been very grumpy today and I have put it mainly down to teeth, his chest also sounds funny, he has no other symptoms at all and his temperature is normal. You can only hear it if you are close to him but you can also feel it on his ribs. He doesn't have a cough or anything - should I be worried. It's not all the time, but does sound like he needs a good cough but from his chest?

I will ring the Dr if it gets any worse but just wondered if Owen's started like this?
Hey all -

Well all our ikea furniture still isnt up ... but the lounge is far more baby friendly with a new play pen across the steps so I can at least leave Amy whilst I go to the loo! Amy also had her first roast dinner today! It is so lovely just giving her whatever we have and so much cheaper than buying her seperate food! I am expecting a very grumpy baby later tho as she has only had a 30 min nap today.

I have felt really rough all afternoon really headachey and run down so am looking forward to putting Amy down to bed and then going to bed early myself!

As for clingyness - Amy ahsnt shown any sign so far, she would quite happily go to anyone!

Amy - I love that Alex just ate the food off your plate ... Amy has tried before but doesnt do to well unless I mash it up a bit!

L-C - is it a rattley sound? Amy keeps getting a rattle sound but you can only here it when your close. My doc send it was nothing to worry about but get it checked if your not sure!

Right I am off to find something light to eat for dinner.

Hope everyone is ok. x x x
H&F that's exactly how it sounds, I think I'll get it checked if it's still there tomorrow or gets worse, it kind of comes and goes. This is the only part about being a Mummy that I don't like the constant worry! (oh and sometimes I struggle to get up but a smile soon sorts that!).
Modo - I am glad that Bobby's sleep is heading in the right direction. I am doing a mixture of baby led and traditional weaning with Joni. She always has finger foods herself at every meal and I always have a puree, yoghurt or porridge for her to have also. With the purees etc Joni will sometimes feed herself with me preloading the spoon for her and sometimes I feed her. It took her a good 3-4 weeks before she really started eating much of what I was offering her. Even now there are still times I sit her down to eat and she point blank refuses to have anything. When that happens I just try again later.

L-C - I am glad you are nice and warm :thumbup: SOrry to hear Will's sleeping is not going so well :( Joni woke at 5.21 this morning so she was not far behind Will :rolleyes: I left her to chat to herself and we eventually got her up just before 6. We are trying bedtime 15mins later tonight aswell as the regular milk rather than the goodnight. Fingers crossed x

H&F - yay for the roast dinner. Hopefully Amy will go down to sleep nice and quickly for you tonight so you can get your early night too :hugs: Good luck with the flatpack.

Joni has been lovely all day. She had peanut butter for the first time today spread on a toasted english muffin and she LOVED it! I bought the no salt no sugar one from our local healthfood shop for her and I think it may be a winner for breakfast time :thumbup: I have really noticed an increase in her appetite the last few days - if only it translated into sleeping half an hour longer. 6am is all I ask!!!

Better go, Joni is out of the bath and I need to go and get my goodnight kiss :winkwink:
mmm peanut butter - we should try that! We do the same, puree with finger foods.

Just wondered if anyone else's LO has been taking less milk in the day, Will gets so distracted and doesn't take much. Then tonight although he had an enormous dinner, I felt as though he was looking for more and my boobs were drained! for dinner he had half a cod fillet, with one small potato mashed, with milk and philadelphia, followed by a little stars yoghurt, he had a couple of the organix carrot stick (wotsit thingy) and cucumber -surely that's enough? For lunch he had half an avocado, third of a banana and with yoghurt, he likes his food, but this might explain the 10:30 pm feed again?? I'm stumped x
L-C - Amy drinks approximately 26 ounces of milk during the day and has three fairly big meals now! I think we just keep forcing the food onto her. Although tonight she refused her milk before bed so Dave just went up to try again.

I really need to try amy on more finger foods ... what sort of thing are you giving them?
H&F has that reduced much, how much was Amy having before?

Will has almost anything as finger foods, toast, bread, broccoli, banana, dried apple, cucumber, cheese, the occaisonal rusk and these new organix carrot sticks, which are basically carrot wotsits.

Well Will has already been up once and wanted a cuddle so I'm preparing myself for a long night xx
Hi Ladies,

babyhope!! - lovely to hear from you!! Sounds like Dylan is coming on soo well! :hugs:

modo - I'm glad bobby has taken to BLW well. I just give Alex whatever we are having. Today I thought I'd share plates with him again, boy WHAT A MESS! :dohh:

H&F -how are you feeling now? I've just started giving ALex raspberries, blackberries and strawberries. He loves them but I think he's stained a few clothes :haha:

maybe - oooh 8.30 - bliss! It was -2 here today and we had snow :cold:

frufru - sorry you're still having early mornings :sleep: yummy, I want peanut butter now! Alex also still has his cold, poor things. boo to snot :hugs:

LC - Alex fusses about when I try to BF him in the day and doesnt seem to take much. He still wakes 2-3 times at night for feeds and drinks well then but is also very easily distracted in the day. I dont think his cold helps, I think he's swallowing a lot of mucus because he keeps sicking up after a feed too :dohh: he definately prefers solids to milk now and uses me more for comfort in the day.

well today we had a quiet day. The girls played in the snow and I ate enough to go into hibernation :haha: I'm really into toasted panini's with melted cheese yum yum x
FruFru - Yum, Roh loves peanut butter! He has it on toast or sometimes stirred into yogurt :thumbup:

L-C - Roh barely seems to have any milk these days, i do worry about it. Its pretty hard to tell with BF, but he has one 6oz bottle in the evening, and 3oz in his porridge/weetabix in the morning. On top of that he has 3/4 BFeds a day, a big one in the morning, when he usually has both sides, so likely about 6oz again, and then 2 or 3 smaller ones in the day, usually one in the morning and one or 2 in the afternoon. I imagine those are around 2-3oz. So as a rough guess i think he has 18-20oz a day, but like i said, hard to say really. Its certainly about half of what he used to have before weaning.

I ....AM....SOOOOO.....COLD! :cold: :cry:

This is horrible :(

Ah well the guy is coming tomorrow to repair the boiler, so fingers crossed i'll be warm this time tomorrow. Its -4 degrees outside! :wacko: Roh is in bed in a long sleeved vest, a fleece sleepsuit, a sleeping bag, and then i took the cosy-toe out of the pushchair and he's in that too. Its 10 degrees in the bedroom and falling! :shock: I bought another fan heater yesterday, but its just given up after being on constantly for more than 24 hours, i don't think they are meant to be used non-stop :nope: I'm wearing my coat and a wooly hat :wacko: This was sooo not the time to be without heating!

On the plus side we had a nice weekend. Went round a friend's house for most of Saturday, she has heating! :happydance: and then came back here and didn't have too bad an evening with the fan heater going. I was babysitting for a friend, so had two lovely snoozing babies for the evening, cute :flower:

Poor Roh is still really croaky and coughing alot, but he seems happy enough in himself. We went to Weston-super-Mare today as there was a baby show on. Went along with a couple of other mummy friends, it was lovely :) A lady on one of the stalls gave Roh a gingerbread man. I'm certain it had sugar in, but i tasted some and it wasn't too sweet, so i let him have it. He ate the whole thing with no mess! :thumbup:
We also went to a sing and sign taster, and Roh seemed to really enjoy it, its the second one i've been to, although Roh was a bit young at the first one to appriciate it. Is it me or are all the ladies who run the sing amd sign groups just a little bit mental? :haha: Both the ones i've met were quite strange :winkwink:
I got chatting with the Breastfeeding support woman who was there, as she was asking me if i wanted leaflets, I said no, and then she asked how old Roh was and did i breastfeed him. When i told her and said that i still was she looked amazed :shock: Anyway, we then had a really nice chat, and she said i could be an inspiration to new mums, and would i come along and do a talk at the group she runs! I agreed, but now i'm home i'm a bit nervous about it :blush: I'm quite shy really, and not great at talking to groups of people.... I think if i can help someone though it would be worth the scariness, if you know what i mean?
After the baby show we went and had sunday roast, Roh had some too, and really liked it, he seems to love gravy :haha: All in all a nice day :thumbup:
emera - you poor thing!! how awful to be without heating :hugs: you must be worried about little Roh :hugs: fab news the man is coming to fix it tomorrow :hugs: I think it would be a brilliant thing to do to talk to mums about BF - you've done a fantastic job and you're right, if it means it helps someone then its very worth the scariness! When I was a SCBU nurse I found BF support one of the most rewarding parts of the job :hugs:
I still can't get online properly :( Steve is still trying to fix my netbook but has had no luck so far, I have lots I want to say but I can't type it all out on this little blackberry keyboard :haha:

But Emera I hope you get worm soon :hugs: and that Roh is feeling better soon too. That's fab re the breastfeeding group! Well done! It sounds like the baby show was a lot of fun :)

Babyhope lovely to 'see' you!!!

To everyone else I am so sorry, but I will hopefully catch up soon!

We are going to see Lee Mack tomorrow night so my parents are babysitting, I'm nervous about leaving Oliver already :( we booked the tickets ages ago, before Oliver was born, I'm sure we'll enjoy it. I just hope Oliver is okay!

Well I'm off to sleep, night night everyone, hope you all get lots of sleep!!

Argh this bloomin phone, soooo many typos in my post! Obvioisly I want Emera to be wArm rather than wOrm :rofl:
emera - good luck with the talk and hope the boiler is fixed soon!

LC - get will checked. this time owen's chest was clear but last time it sounded more or less the same and it was bronchiolitis. it is the season for it so better safe than sorry!

sarah - hope you have a lovely night out!

warning - rant coming on. feel free to skip but i just need to let it out before i explode!

i could've killed OH yesterday. he is constantly making out that i do nothink except sit on my arse and come on the internet :wall: yes i pop on here when i am having breakfast (like now) or lunch or am sat feeding the baby (like what does he want me to clean the bath and bf at the same time! i was soooooooooooooooooo angry. he spent the afternoon in bed whilst i was cleaning cement off my window cills that had fallen there with the works on our block, and i was looking after the kids at the same time with owen whinging in the walker. oh and he said he was going to do the windows (yeah right!) he also said he'd defrost the freezer and clean te oven (and that was over summe and i'm still waiting) and he has the cheek to say that i am quote 'the most unproductive individual he has ever met' :grr: maybe that is because i have to look after 3 small kids and entertain them whilst i do all the jobs round the house and he does f all! i was ironing his sodding uniform at 11.30pm last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the final straw was that i had bought some annabl karmel ready meals to have as a standby in the fridge fo the kids and he basically said i was throwing the money down the drain (oh and they were on offer) and why didnt i get a morissons own brand adult meal. then he said he was going to phone his mum and have a laugh about it. i flipped and stormed out of the kitchen. i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo angry i felt like bashing him over the head with a saucepan! he appologised about saying he was going to call his mum and laugh and said they wouldnt have laughed in a bad way just the way they do about me being obsessed with buggys (you would think i had 8 or 9 instead of my big my4 pram and maclaren and a double buggy we bought when i had erin over 3 years ago!) aghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what does he think we have a cleaning fairyy who washes dishes daily and cleans the kitchen and washes the clothes. yes i admit there is a fair bit of mess around but it is toys that the kids leave around and they are always playing with stuff. the only way not to have mess with 3 kids is to not have toys!!! well done of you got to the end of this and thanks for letting me get it off my chest :hugs:
God the weathers horrible here it's covered in slow couple of inches at least and we've been having thunder and lightning as well! And It's still snowing!
Maybe :hugs: your OH :gun::grr::gun::grr::gun::grr::gun::grr: not sure what else to say!! Can't believe you still did his ironing - I would have scorched the crotch! :gun::grr::gun::grr::gun::grr::gun::grr:

Thanks for the advice re the DR, have rung, they are so crap they have no appointments, but the Dr is going to give me a call, which is something.

Our night wasn't too bad, after the strange start, Will was up at midnight and 4 am which is not as good as he has been, but he might be feeling rought with his chest.

Hope you all have a good day xxxx
LC - hope you get to the dr. it's probably nothing to be worried about but bes just to put your mind at rest.
Maybe: Sorry your OH is such a jerk! I would have told him to iron his own clothes since you are so "unproductive!!!!"

Sarah: Sorry about your lack of internet :(

Emera: good luck with the talk and I hope your boiler gets fixed soon :hugs:

Hannah: sorry the weather is crap!

LC: glad your night was ok :) I hope everything is ok!
i just cant win :shrug: i feel useless and crap! he has no idea what it is like trying to do all the chores with 3 demanding LO around! he threw a few bags of rubbish (i threw the rest) and put the bicycles from the hall to the extension (about 5m away) and he thought that that was a good day's work! his only saving grace was that he took dylan and erin out on their bicycles in the morning so i could go to morissons on my own (well with owen) and even then he ended up a his mum's :dohh:
i'm so jealous of all of you with snow! he're it's raining really hard and is really windy!
Oh maybebaby I am absolutely fuming on your behalf :growlmad::grr::gun:

How can he not see what you do everyday!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Is he flipping blind!!!!!!!!!

Excuse my language but ffs :growlmad:

I have to say if I were in your place I would complete a 24 hour summary of everything you do, and I mean EVERYTHING, and present it to him. Sometimes when I feel like I am not getting anywhere on a rubbish day I take a couple of minutes and write down everything I have done that day and it ia amazing how much you do without realising it.

For example this morning I have
- got myself and Joni up at 6.45
- changed Joni's bum, laid out her blanket for her nudey kick and cleared it away after
- warmed Joni's bottle and fed her
- put away the clean dishes from the drainer
- did the next load of washing up
- put on a load of laundry
- washed up and sterilised Joni's bottles
- made up Joni's bottles
- prepared Joni's breakfast and fed this to her
- cleaned away breakfast things, wiped down highchair and floor around highchair
- Washed Joni after breakfast, changed dirty nappy and got her dressed for the day
- Read Joni a story and put her down to nap at 9.20
- did a further load of washing up
- put out the laundry to dry
- washed and dressed myself
- made and ate my breakfast whilst checking my mails etc on the net
- got Joni up from her nap at 10am

It is really suprising how much you do as a Mum that you don't even register, especially on top of all the little things you are constantly interacting with your baby, talking to and playing with them to keep them engaged and entertained.

Once again grrrrrrrr :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad:

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