Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Just popping in and Maybe - your OH is a total W@NKERRRRRRRR!! you are one of the most amazing women ever, he should feel like the luckiest man on earth! what a tit - huge hugs and rant away xxxxxxx
Just a quick one from me - I would've killed my OH if he was like that at all, you are an amazing woman.

We ahd a pretty awful night Amy was screaming for a lot of it not really sure why and then OH was sure it was becasue she needed changing so lay her on her changing mat which was freezing cold and then he shouted at her because she was screaming more arghhh ... eventually I went it picked her up and took her back to bed with me and she fell fast asleep with me. Then at 3.31 Dave decided he didnt have enough duvet so he got up in a huge strop and started flapping it about saying I had taken it all (I cant control what I do in my sleep) but he woke me up and had another shout which woke Amy up and neither of us got back to sleep whereas OH who snored his head off.

Sorry that turned into a complete rant. Now he and OH are shouting at each other. Really annoyed with him.
Maybe - I agree with the other girls, being a mum is the hardest job in the world and especially with other children as well!

Just checking in :wave:
Weather's still awful here, freezing and still snowing I think, I hope it ends soon I want to go out! :growlmad:

Also a quick question, how long were your LO's teething before they got there first tooth through? Amelia's been teething for nearly 3 months now and nothing yet :(
Hannah - Amy has been teething for about 4 1/2 months and still no teeth. Really hoping one pops through soon!
hannah - owen's still got no teeth! erin had teeth at 4 months and dylan at 5 so i am waiting for them to arrive!!! he's also been teething for months :dohh:

h&f - i would be mad too!!! :hugs: tell him to buy himself another duvet and to shush in the middle of the night! i would be livid if after i settled the baby he woke him up :grr:
Ok then, what is it with men! :dohh:

Maybe - :hugs:
Seriously! I wish i lived closer, i would come and kick your OH in the head! :grr: You should just go on strike for the day when he has a day off, just lie in bed all day like he does, and make him do your job. Then at the end of the day go round and make a list of all the things that he didn't do that you would normally have done. That would teach him! Makes me mad that someone who has so much to do 24/7 as you would be so unappriciated :growlmad:

H&F - :hugs:
That night sounds sooo much like what my OH is like at night! He's a total pain in the arse if his sleeping is disturbed in any way :growlmad: I feel for you!

I've got a hopeless OH half the time too, he's ok really, just a tit when he's tired :dohh: Like tonight, he got home from work really late (not his fault i guess, but it bugs me that he doesn't call to let me know) and then sat about, grumped when i asked him to feed Roh his dinner so i could clear up a bit, and then sat at his computer for 40 minutes, and then announced he was going for a nap! This was 20 minutes before the start of Roh's bedtime routine... all of which takes place in the bedroom, apart from Waybaloo and the bath, and given that he's been working late since Thursday i thought he'd want to do bedtime tonight. Clearly i was wrong. It was just a pain as i was expecting a bit of a break this evening. Anyway he ended up saying to get him up in 20 minutes. So of course he was grumpy and half asleep getting Roh to bed :dohh: So yeah....MEN!?!?!? I don't get 'em! :nope:

On the plus side, i'm finally warm again!! :happydance: :yipee::wohoo::yipee::happydance:

H&F - my DH is a moody grump when his sleep is disturbed too. Sorry you and Amy had such a rubbish night x

Hannah - alex was teething for about 3 months before his teeth came, he still drools waterfalls and bites everything :dohh: not sure when the next ones will come!

emera - whoop whoop for heating! =D> :happydance: thats exactly the kind of thing my DH would do! Yesterday I was juggling homework, bedtimes, cooking, Alex and the puppy while he sat on the settee doing his review on his laptop - this was after he'd sat and looked at car forums all afternoon while the girls were out :growlmad: I said his timing was bad and he said "just becasue you laze about all day, some of us have to work!" idiot. I think its funny when they know they're in the wrong and have a little hissy fit :haha:

what a day! snow and sleet and hail! yuck. I made the effort to take Alex to baby loco and no-one else turned up so it got cancelled :growlmad: I dont think I'll bother again. I also went to the docs to get some more pills - the doctor didnt understand why I was on the minipill - I said I was still breastfeeding and he looked shocked!! and he only gave me 3 months worth :growlmad: and he weighed me :cry: :haha: He took Alex while I was on the scales and alex cried!
Hey everyone! I am so jealous of those who have snow! We never get snow here, we got it ONCE and it was just little flakes. I would like one good snow day! My poor 7 year old has never seen snow :(

Well Dylan has been sleeping OH SO good! For the last two months he has been sleeping through the night with only one wake up for a bottle. He goes down at 9 pm until 9 am waking up between 6 or 7 for a bottle. I LOVE IT! However last night for some reason he got up 3 times! I am so tired!!!

Dylan has been teething since 3 months but NO TEETH still! He is just constantly attacking things with his gums and drooling everywhere! He also learned how to stand in his crib and I just think it is to cute that whenever I go get him from his nap he is standing there waiting for me! He hasn't said any words yet...just babababab...LOL!!!

Frufru- Dylan jumps around swinging his legs and arms so fast it looks like he wants to take off running! I am having a hard time keeping up and he isn't even walking yet!

modo- what is BLW? I started feeding Dylan gerber veggies at 5 months but it isn't til these last few weeks that he really started eating it. Although he does try to grab our food when we are eating.

I hope Dylan wants to take a nap soon!
Its nice to know we are all in the same boat with our OHs eh? :rolleyes:

Thing with mine, is he always says "oooh, i don't know how you do it looking after Roh all day and then looking after the house, having dinner ready etc" Thing is, he always seems to say things like that when i know that i'm about 3 laundry loads behind, the nappy bin is overflowing and there is huge piles of washing up on the side.... :shrug: I guess i'm lucky i live with a lazy slob! :haha: If he can walk from the front door to his computer and then to the bedroom without tripping over anything, then he considers the house tidy :rofl: Leaves me with an easy life, as i only have to please myself really. On the down side, i'm constantly clearing up after him, as he just leaves everything any old where. Its only going to be more of a problem when Roh starts crawling longer distances, and at more speed. Today OH walked some leaves into the lounge and i didn't see. Then a little later, Roh was gagging something, trying to get it out of his mouth, I panicked as i didn't know what he'd eaten, stuck my finger in his mouth to get it out and he'd eaten a leaf :dohh: Its pretty much like having 2 children to be honest :haha:
babyhope - thats so cute that Dylan is standing in the cot waiting for you after a nap :cloud9: and what a good little man he is with his sleeping! Alex has only slept through once or twice and that was when he was 8 weeks old :dohh:

emera - I shouldnt laugh but that made me giggle :haha: a leaf! :haha: Mind you, I did give Alex some spinach leaves tonight from the salad bag and he liked them!
Evening! Still no proper internet here :( Hubbys computer works fine, its just my netbook! He's just trying to reset it to factory settings to see if that will work, if not we might have to buy another :( I can use the laptop when Steve is working but I have all my work related stuff to do, I need a computer! I really hope we can fix it, I sooooo don't want to have to buy a new one!

Maybe argh your oh is just so damn rude! He seriously needs to get some respect for you. He should be ashamed of the way he speaks to you and treats you - I mean my goodness - your his wife, he treats you like some kind of domestic help! Gosh he would sooooo get a pan to the head!

Babyhope wow Dillon is coming on so well! He sounds adorable :) and please, help yourself to our snow!!

Emera I'm glad you got your heating fixed! I had to giggle re the leaf too, I can soooo see that happeneing in our house!

Amy that's rubbish about baby loco!!! I hope you had a nice day anyway though :hugs:

Hannah Oliver has been teething for months and months, still no teeth!!

We decided to give Lee Mack a miss tonight, the snow is just horrid! We were oing to stay at my parents house and they were going to watch Oliver. They live right out in the sticks and though we could probably have got to their house, they are forecast heavy snow overnigjht so they are likely ttobe snowed in by morning. We could have borrowed their 4x4 to get into the city tonight, but I really didn't want to risk not been able to get home tomorrow. We've decided to def get a Freelander, so as soon as we can we are going to go and look for one. It won't be new new by a long way, but I'll be happy with a new to me one :)

Well keep warm and take care everyone xx
H&F: I can't believe your OH's strop woke Amy! What was the point of doing that?!!! I like Maybe's advice.

Hannah: Sorry the weather is still bad :( Bobby started showing signs of teething at 3 months and he cut his first tooth in Dubai at 5 1/2 months with the second tooth following two/three days later.

Emera: Sorry your OH was grumpy :( Although big :happydance: and :hugs: for being being warm again!!!

Amy: your Dr sounds like a complete JERK :growlmad:

babyhope: I responded in my next post!That so cute that Dylan can now stand :)

Emera: I would have been really mad at my DH if he did that!

Sarah: I am sorry your laptop is broken :( I really hope resetting it to factory settings will work. Sorry you had to miss Lee Mack as well :(
What is baby-led weaning?
Baby-led weaning (BLW) means forgetting purées and weaning spoons and simply letting your baby feed himself.

Many parents find themselves following BLW without even thinking about it. This is particularly the case with second or later children. Babies love to copy their older siblings. They often try to grab food from other children's plates, happy to feed themselves just like their big brother or sister does.

Baby-led weaning (often also referred to as BLW) is a method of gradually weaning a baby from a milk diet onto solid foods. It allows a baby to control his solid food intake by self-feeding from the very beginning of the weaning process.

Infants are offered a range of foods to provide a balanced diet from around 6 months. They often begin by picking up and licking the food, before progressing to eating. Babies typically begin self feeding around 6 months, although some will reach for food as early as 5 months and some will wait until 7 or 8. The intention of this process is that it is tailored to suit each particular baby and their personal development. The 6 month guideline provided by the World Health Organisation is based on research indicating the internal digestive system matures over the period 4-6 months. It seems reasonable to posit that the gut matures in tandem with the baby's external faculties to self feed.

Initial self-feeding attempts often result in very little food ingested as the baby explores textures and tastes, but the baby will soon start to swallow and digest what is offered. Breastfeeding is continued in conjunction with weaning and milk is always offered before solids in the first 12 months. Although breastfeeding is the ideal precursor to baby led weaning (as the baby has been exposed to different flavours via its mother's breast milk and the jaw action used during breastfeeding helps the baby learn to chew), it is also entirely possible to introduce a bottle-fed baby to solids using the BLW method. Bottle-fed babies can successfully wean using BLW, although it may take a little longer for the baby to get used to flavours and develop the ability to chew.
I should point out that although Bobby's bottlefed he has no problem trying different foods or chewing.
emera - it's nice that your OH shows appreciation for what you do.

sarah - sorry your laptop is broken still. i hate it when you cant go on the internet properly. it takes soooooooooo long to post from a phone!

i need to hand in my job application today as it's the closing date. my dad has kindly said he'll drive me to school (i need to hand a copy in to my head there) and then we'll get dylan and erin from school and nursery and then go to the human resourced dept to hand in the application and then go to my parent's for lunch. erin has a dance recital this afternoon so i shall post photo and video on fb later. got to go and get on with the chores now as though some people rond here think they do themselves i certainly know that it not the case!!!
I hope you have a good day Maybe! I think you should do nothing for a few days, since that's what your oh thinks ypu do, and let him see what that's like!!

We have so much snow! I'm glad we didn't stay at my parents last night, there is no way we woulfd have got home today. We were going to go and look for a Freelander today but I really doubt that we will get out in this weather, bloomin typical :haha:
Hi everyone,

Just a flying visit from me. Joni is still very snotty and has been really clingy the last day or so which means I can just about manage 5 mins or so to come and lurk and see what you are all up to, but leaves me with no opportunity to post back.

It is snowy here too. We were up with Joni a few times in the night and everytime I looked outside it was snowing but this morning I can't see that there is that much more snow than yesterday, weird :shrug: We have baby yoga this morning and I think I shall brave it though quite how I defrost the car with a baby in hand I am not sure :wacko:

On the subject of husbands and partners mine has very low cleaning standards though I have to say they are slowly creeping upwards now Joni is getting so mobile. However, he still leaves me to do most things though :rolleyes: He got a pair of walking boots out on Sunday as they were muddy and he wanted to go for a walk in the snow to clean them. I would just like to point out the botts had sat in our kitchen waiting to be cleaned for nearly two months until I got so mad about a week ago I put them in a plastic bag and put them in the bottom of his wardrobe :blush: Of course he put them on inside and left loads of dry crusty mud on the floor right by Joni's playmat where she could put her hands in it :dohh: Of course he did not think he should clear it up right away and was content to leave it until later, the trouble is his later is days or weeks :dohh: Though I often wonder if his later is actually until I do it :haha:

Ooh I say, sorry that was a bit of a moan there.

Hope to catch up later, need to go and get ready for baby yoga. :hugs: to you all x
Hey girls! We went to Sainsburys to get some food this afternoon and it snowed! I don't think it will stick but Bobby saw snow for the first time :D

BLWers I was thinking of making some steak the next few days. Do you think its to give Bobby some cut up into big strips?
Modo I have given Oliver strps of steak, and chicken. He gave them a suck and then chucked them on the floor :rofl:
Hi everyone,

Modo - I've given ALex strips of chicken too and I would happily give him steak :thumbup: he had thai green chicken curry tonight! When I got him undressed for his bath there was rice everywhere!!! in every crease and fold :haha:

sarah - I'm really sorry you had to miss lee Mack and freelander shopping!! I hope Steve manages to fix your laptop [-o<

frufru - I'm glad joni liked the snow, Alex was the same (saw your comment on FB :)). Alex is pretty clingy now too - its exhausting but kinda nice to feel so wanted :cloud9: I'm wondering if Alex's snots will ever go! Sorry you had a bad night with Joni, I had a hard one with Alex too - he was really restless and hard to settle. When my DH says "I'll do it later" I want to scream because that also basically means I'll have to do it!! :growlmad: later means never to men I think :haha:

Hope everyone else is OK!

we had pretty bad snow here but I had to go out to collect some presents from Tesco. I spent the morning trying to do a bit of housework and wiping up puppy pee :dohh: I'm really tired and sore throaty. I hope I havent got a cold coming :flower:

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