Evening! Still no proper internet here

Hubbys computer works fine, its just my netbook! He's just trying to reset it to factory settings to see if that will work, if not we might have to buy another

I can use the laptop when Steve is working but I have all my work related stuff to do, I need a computer! I really hope we can fix it, I sooooo don't want to have to buy a new one!
Maybe argh your oh is just so damn rude! He seriously needs to get some respect for you. He should be ashamed of the way he speaks to you and treats you - I mean my goodness - your his wife, he treats you like some kind of domestic help! Gosh he would sooooo get a pan to the head!
Babyhope wow Dillon is coming on so well! He sounds adorable

and please, help yourself to our snow!!
Emera I'm glad you got your heating fixed! I had to giggle re the leaf too, I can soooo see that happeneing in our house!
Amy that's rubbish about baby loco!!! I hope you had a nice day anyway though
Hannah Oliver has been teething for months and months, still no teeth!!
We decided to give Lee Mack a miss tonight, the snow is just horrid! We were oing to stay at my parents house and they were going to watch Oliver. They live right out in the sticks and though we could probably have got to their house, they are forecast heavy snow overnigjht so they are likely ttobe snowed in by morning. We could have borrowed their 4x4 to get into the city tonight, but I really didn't want to risk not been able to get home tomorrow. We've decided to def get a Freelander, so as soon as we can we are going to go and look for one. It won't be new new by a long way, but I'll be happy with a new to me one
Well keep warm and take care everyone xx