Maybebaby - I hope you got the job application in ok, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you. I am looking forward to the FB videos of Erin's recital
Modo - Yay for Bobby's first snow experience

How did he get on with the steak?
Amy - Poor Alex still being poorly

This cold has been loads worse than her last one but seems to be clearing up faster though. One thing that has amazed me is the sheer volume of snot and mucus one tiny baby can produce

I think the 'do it later' phenomenon must be found on the Y chromosome

I hope you picked up what you needed from Tesco and you're feeling a little better
H&F - I hope the ice melts soon for you and that you had a nice warm bath and long sleep

Good luck with WI today
Sarah - BOO to the broken netbook, missing Lee Mack and no freelander shopping

Blooming snow

Like Oliver Joni is still teething too but there is absolutely no sign of any little teeth at all! With Joni's cold she has had to breath through her mouth more and at times she will be gumming on her fist and start to choke as she can't breath through her nose

it takes her a few seconds to realise what is happening and take her fist out of her mouth a little bit so air can get in bless her

It is nice to hear that Steve is so supportive of you, despite the hot chocolate remark

men just don't think sometimes.
Emera - wow

what a day!!!!!! As I was reading your post I could feel myself getting more and more tense and annoyed, goodness knows how you must have felt

As for the hospital

it is situations like that which give the NHS a bad reputation. Not doing the tests until the day before when they have had your sample for a month is dreadful

Surely that can't be common practice

I hope you and Roh did not have too bad a night.
Baby yoga was fun yesterday and Joni managed not to projectile vomit everywhere this week which was a bonus

HOwever, she did do a poo during nudey kick time which kind of makes up for it
We still have a good 6inches of snow outside in our garden but we have not had any significant new snowfall overnight. Thankfully the roads here are not too bad, however, the pavements are dreadful

I live about a 15-20min walk from the city and right now it would be easier and quickly to take the car as the walking conditions are so poor
Joni's nights have been a bit hit and miss recently with her cold. Yesterday she was off her food and dropped the equivalent of a whole feed over the course of the day so when she woke at 10.30 I did give her a feed and she necked the whole 7oz in less than 5 minutes

Joni's seems to have decided that 5.30am as a wake up time was not working for her and so now she is waking at 4.30

the last few nights I have ended up bringing her into bed with us until 6.30-7 just so hubby can get enough sleep to get through his day at work. I am not sure if this even earlier waking is a cold thing or not so will leave it a week or so to see if it persists after the cold has dissapeared. Although Joni's sleep seems to have regressed a bit it is still way better than it was. My sleep had got a lot better but the last week or so I have been back to 2-3 hours to fall asleep

add to that Joni waking more from her cold and hubby having a cold resulting in him snoring like crazy and I am back to 3 hours sleep a night. Looking on the bright side it is 3 hours continuous sleep rather than broken

Hubby falls asleep within minutes (I should be so lucky

) so even if I am primed and ready to fall asleep at bedtime he falls asleep first, starts snoring and I don't stand a chance of dropping off
Well I am off to get Joni weighed and measured this morning. It is baby singing too but our routine is all over the place this morning as Joni was up for a hour and half from 4am and so slept in until 7.40 and I will not be able to fit in her solids if we go singing

I think I might just give it a miss today and we can get the percussion set out at home and do some singing instead. We are braving the city this afternoon to go and meet some of my Mum and Baby friends which will be lovely.
SOrry I am waffling now. Better go and get ready to go to the surestart. Have a good day everyone