Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Evening all -

The snow here isn't too bad but its really icy and we cant actually drive the cars up our drive so its a bit of a nightmare.

Sorry for quick post just about to go and jump in the bath and head to bed its so cold!

Am going to weight watchers tomorrow really hoping for a good loss this week I have tried so hard to stay on track.

Amy hope your feeling better soon.

hugs to everyone x x x
Amy I hope your feeling better soon and that you aren't starting with a cold! I'm feeling a bit rubbish myself :( I think I need a good sleep, as awful as it sounds I'm kind of looking forward to Steve going back to work tomorrow so that I get the bed to myself on a night again :rofl: Between Steve and Oliver I'm up half the bloomin night, I normally let Oliver have a little grumble if he wakes in the night and he goes back to sleep but when Steve is there I don't. Oliver is also still teething like crazy and STILL no teeth! I have registered him with the dentist though which made me giggle :haha:

We have lots of snow here and its snowing like mad again. I want my new car :haha: Every time we see one I ike advertised we phone up and its sold, I guess everyone who was thinking about buying a 4x4 buys one when the weather is going to go for it. I might look at a different 4x4 if I can't find a Freelander. Urgh I hate buying and selling cars!

We haven't done much today, though we had a roast for tea and Oliver had some too which was fab - messy but fun!


There is snow here, its not much, but the pavements are a bit icy when you get off the main streets. I had to go to another hospital appointment this morning, and i was really nervous about slipping when pushing the buggy, especially with it being quite hilly in Bristol. Anyway, i possibly looked like a nutter, but i tied a dressing gown cord around the buggy handle and around my wrist so that if i slipped the buggy wouldn't go sailing off down the hill :thumbup:

I really don't know why i bothered to go to my appointment, i had to wait an hour and a half to be seen (i was there dead on time) and then when i finally went in the doctor said there was really no point in me coming, because there had been a burst pipe in the hospital yesterday, which had caused a power cut so they didn't have my test results.... :saywhat: they took the blood tests like almost a month ago!! Why the hell did they leave it to the day before my consultant appointment to actually do the tests?!?!? I was mostly pissed of because of course i had Roh with me, and an hour and a half sitting in a waiting area in his buggy doesn't go down too well...especially when he wanted a feed and its really not working feeding in public these days, because he just doesn't concentrate. I had a couple of oz of EBM in a bottle, but it wasn't really enough :dohh: Seriously though how hard would it have been for them to phone me? :shrug: To top the whole visit off when i was leaving, the fire alarms went off (just as i'd got Roh to sleep, typical :rolleyes: and so i couldn't use the lift to get back to the main street. A lady directed me to another exit, but when i got out the door, i was confronted with a winding set of about 40 snow covered steps. I mean what the hell?!?!? She could see i had a buggy, she even said hello to Roh, what made her think that leaving that way would be possible?!? Anyway, i then wasn't allowed back into the building until the firecrews had checked everything out, so had to stand in the snow for 30 minutes with a pissed off baby, and everyone around me having an inpromptu cigerette break. Gah the whole thing made me sooo pissed off!
The fun continued when i got up the hill on the way home, as the students were demonstrating again today, so i couldn't walk the easy route home, as the police on the line said i could go through the march, but they might not let me out the other side.... Anyway, i gave up, popped into Sainsburys, bought some yummy fruit and an Ella's kitchen pouch and went and sat in a cafe, had a nice coffee and a peice of cake and fed Roh some early lunch, and waited for the students to go away! :haha:

To top off the crappy day i went to the doctors, as my chest infection hasn't cleared up, and they gave me some more steroids and anti-biotics. I asked the doctor to check Roh's chest whilst i was there, as he's had a bit of a cough, so she did, and then checked his temperature, and he had a fever, then she checked his ears, and both of them are infected!! I feel like such a terrible mother, as i didn't even realise that he had a fever! :cry: So now we are both on anti-biotics, and the doctor said to expect him to be bad for the next 48 hours or so. :cry:
When i got Roh home we had lots of cuddles and boobie and i gave him some calpol, i was planning to make him a yummy dinner by way of apologising for not taking better care of him, but then we had a powercut! It lasted for more than an hour :shock: Fortunately Roh seemed to find it quite amusing to have me holding him and walking around the house lighting candles. I'm so glad we got a little powercut kit together just after he was born, with candles a lighter and a torch, as it would have been a nightmare trying to find stuff otherwise!

Anyway, thats my day!....

Hmmm, all i seem to do when i post on here is rant :blush: Sorry.... although reading all that back its almost an amusingly bad day :haha:
sarah - I need some sleep too! I still co-sleep with Alex from about 1am and I've been thinking maybe it would be nice to get him to sleep in his cot all night (just because I want to help him learn to get to sleep without me) and last night I was really trying to put him in his cot between wakes but it just meant he woke much more! :hugs:

emera - :shock: what a day!!!!! oh my lord! how did you not self combust with rage! stupid hospital! stupid fire alarm! stupid woman! stupid steps! stupid students! :hugs: and poor both of you being poorly :hugs: dont feel bad about not knowing Roh was poorly, Holly had a severe chest infection when she was a baby and I didnt realise until I took her for immunisations and they wouldnt give them! I hope you both get well soon xx

On the subject of rants, particularly OH rants, mine is really PISSING ME OFF lately! phew that feels better already. He keeps going on about how I do nothing all day and I'm on holiday and so he should be allowed to come home from work, eat the meal I've cooked and then sit on his arse on car forums with police camera action on the TV while I get all the children to bed and get everything ready for the next day. My DH and Maybes would get on swell! I hate it and the stupid comments he makes. I'm paying to be off despite the fact he earns 10K more than me a year :growlmad: and its not a holiday as you all know, I love it but its not sitting around watching jeremy kyle!! men!
Blimey Emera what a day!! I would have been completely annoyed by the hospital too, that's just rubbish! ii can't believe they didn't have your results :dohh: Having said that I never actually got the results for my 20 week blood tests when I was pregnant :nope: Good thinking re the dressing gown belt though! I was worried about that when I was out the other day. Now there's an invention :haha: Good idea re the power cut kit too, we should do that. I hope both you and Roh are feeling better soon :hugs:
Thanks! It really feels better now i've got it all out of my system! :D

And Amy - I'll say again, men, tsk, really whats the point of 'em, when you get right down to it? :shrug: Its beyond me how we ever let them get in charge of the world....or is hat just what they think....:haha: I tell you, none of them realise how lost they would be if we stopped doing all those things they don't appriciate or notice that we do!

My poor poor little man, its so sad :( He keeps crying, and when i go to him, he's looking for his dummy, if i help him put it in, then he relaxes and starts sucking it, then spits it out right away, and then gets upset again. I think it must hurt to suck it, but he keeps wanting it for comfort...i'm not sure what to do for him :cry: I think i might go to bed (even though i'm waiting up for OH to get home) qand bring him with me, so he can have some boobie for comfort, as he was feeding fine earlier.

Night! :hugs:
awwww poor Roh - I'm sure boobie will help, it always does :hugs: also there's nothing better than a snuggle! :cloud9:
Emera poor Roh, I'm sure he would kove to be snuggled in bed with you and boobie :hugs: I hope you have a good night :hugs:

Amy :rofl: its every night - woo hoo, all our wishes will cone true soon! :rofl: Sorry that your oh is been an idiot. Steve has his moments but he would never say anything about me not doing stuff!! He also pays most of the bills and things and never complains, and even gave me a big chunk of his bonus. I think he really enjoys knowing that he provides for us, if you know what I mean. If I see something I like I have to think twice before I tell him because so often he will go and buy it. He does have his moments though, the other day I said I fancied a hot chocolate with cream and he told me I'd end up huge :( I could have cried, I feel bad enough as it is. We were having breakfast at the time and I couldn't finish my toast. He knew hed upset me though and tried to brush over it, and then while we were out shopping later that day we went for a cuppa and he bought me a ig hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream. I only had a bit but I guess it was his way of saying sorry.

I have to agree with Emera though, how on earth did men manage to run the world for so long?!
amy - hope you are feeling better soon

frufru - hope joni gets better soon

emera - sorry about your rubbish day yesterday. dont feel bad about roh and not detecting it, the same has happened to me before. my kids never seem to really complain when they are ill and even if they are ill hardly ever have a fever so it is very difficult to pick up on. i hope you are both better soon.

got to go and tend to an annoyed baby and the housework. i dont seem to get more than 2 mins at a go to get on here despite OH thinking i am here all day!
OMG Emera what a horrible day! I hope you and Roh feel better soon :hugs:

Frufru: Hope Joni feels better soon too :hugs:

Amy: Sorry your OH was so mean :growlmad:

Sarah: go ahead and put cream! Sometimes partners can really put their foot in it...


Bobby's cheeks were very red and dry every morning after waking up. My Mom said it was because of the radiators. Apparently it always happened to us as kids whenever we can here on holiday in the winter months.

She suggested I get a humidifier for Bobby's room but also mentioned when she was growing up they used to put a cup of water on the radiator. That seemed simpler (and cheaper!) to me. So we tried it and it did work. Only problem is my cat Hopey keeps knocking the mug of water off when she jumps on the radiator to stare outside the window :rolleyes: So I have now bought a humidifier from amazon.
Maybebaby - I hope you got the job application in ok, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you. I am looking forward to the FB videos of Erin's recital :mrgreen:

Modo - Yay for Bobby's first snow experience :happydance: How did he get on with the steak?

Amy - Poor Alex still being poorly :hugs: This cold has been loads worse than her last one but seems to be clearing up faster though. One thing that has amazed me is the sheer volume of snot and mucus one tiny baby can produce :shock: I think the 'do it later' phenomenon must be found on the Y chromosome :rofl: I hope you picked up what you needed from Tesco and you're feeling a little better :hugs:

H&F - I hope the ice melts soon for you and that you had a nice warm bath and long sleep :hugs: Good luck with WI today :)

Sarah - BOO to the broken netbook, missing Lee Mack and no freelander shopping :growlmad: Blooming snow :rolleyes: Like Oliver Joni is still teething too but there is absolutely no sign of any little teeth at all! With Joni's cold she has had to breath through her mouth more and at times she will be gumming on her fist and start to choke as she can't breath through her nose :shock: it takes her a few seconds to realise what is happening and take her fist out of her mouth a little bit so air can get in bless her :dohh: It is nice to hear that Steve is so supportive of you, despite the hot chocolate remark :rolleyes: men just don't think sometimes.

Emera - wow :shock: what a day!!!!!! As I was reading your post I could feel myself getting more and more tense and annoyed, goodness knows how you must have felt :hugs: As for the hospital :gun: it is situations like that which give the NHS a bad reputation. Not doing the tests until the day before when they have had your sample for a month is dreadful :nope: Surely that can't be common practice :shrug: I hope you and Roh did not have too bad a night.

Baby yoga was fun yesterday and Joni managed not to projectile vomit everywhere this week which was a bonus :winkwink: HOwever, she did do a poo during nudey kick time which kind of makes up for it :dohh: :rofl:

We still have a good 6inches of snow outside in our garden but we have not had any significant new snowfall overnight. Thankfully the roads here are not too bad, however, the pavements are dreadful :growlmad: I live about a 15-20min walk from the city and right now it would be easier and quickly to take the car as the walking conditions are so poor :shrug:

Joni's nights have been a bit hit and miss recently with her cold. Yesterday she was off her food and dropped the equivalent of a whole feed over the course of the day so when she woke at 10.30 I did give her a feed and she necked the whole 7oz in less than 5 minutes :shock: Joni's seems to have decided that 5.30am as a wake up time was not working for her and so now she is waking at 4.30 :nope: the last few nights I have ended up bringing her into bed with us until 6.30-7 just so hubby can get enough sleep to get through his day at work. I am not sure if this even earlier waking is a cold thing or not so will leave it a week or so to see if it persists after the cold has dissapeared. Although Joni's sleep seems to have regressed a bit it is still way better than it was. My sleep had got a lot better but the last week or so I have been back to 2-3 hours to fall asleep :confused: add to that Joni waking more from her cold and hubby having a cold resulting in him snoring like crazy and I am back to 3 hours sleep a night. Looking on the bright side it is 3 hours continuous sleep rather than broken :winkwink: Hubby falls asleep within minutes (I should be so lucky :rolleyes:) so even if I am primed and ready to fall asleep at bedtime he falls asleep first, starts snoring and I don't stand a chance of dropping off :nope:

Well I am off to get Joni weighed and measured this morning. It is baby singing too but our routine is all over the place this morning as Joni was up for a hour and half from 4am and so slept in until 7.40 and I will not be able to fit in her solids if we go singing :wacko: I think I might just give it a miss today and we can get the percussion set out at home and do some singing instead. We are braving the city this afternoon to go and meet some of my Mum and Baby friends which will be lovely.

SOrry I am waffling now. Better go and get ready to go to the surestart. Have a good day everyone :hugs:
sarah - thats so lovely of Steve - wanting to provide for his wife and child I mean! eeek about the huge comment!! Money is a sensitive topic in our house, Kerry is very selfish with money, he keeps all his extra for himself whereas on the odd occasion I've had more money I've spent it on family holidays. We have a joint account for bills and he's worked out how much we need to pay in based on the percentage we earn of the monthly joint income! its exhausting at times and I just pretend he's not like that in my head or I get really upset. He begrudges spending anything on the children and never buys me anything! oh well :dohh:

Modo - thats such a good idea! I'm lucky Alex hasnt suffered with that but my daughter Holly has - her whole face is all red and chapped. I might try the water on the radiator idea! :thumbup:

frufru - I love your posts, you've just such a nice writing style! Sorry to hear Joni's nights have taken a backwards step. I think Alex's have too. He decided it was morning at 4.52am :sleep: he did go back to sleep at 6.20 after I had chatted to him quietly in bed :wacko: fun times ay! Hopefully things will sort themselves out for both of them! I hope Joni's weigh in went well and I love that she did a nudy poop at baby yoga :haha:

maybe - your pics of Erin at ballet are lovely :hugs: I hope you got the application in ok? I know what you mean about not having much time for BnB despite DH's thinking we have easy days! :winkwink:

emera - how are you and Roh today? :hugs:

H&F - good luck tonight at WW :thumbup::flower:

Well its still horrible here and all the snow has gone icy so I am concerned I wont be able to get my car out to get the girls from school. I'm so grateful for our log burning stove these days as we cant afford to have the heating on in the day - we're on cylinder gas as there's no mains gas out here. The first winter was horrible here! :cold:

I've hidden all the childrens presents we've got so far in the loft today, they were so excited about opening their advent calenders this morning! :cloud9: Its coming round so quick!
I forgot! Alex bit me so hard on the nipple today!!! I was trying to feed him to sleep and he wsa obviously bored and clamped down :shock: I screamed and he clamped harder!! i managed to get my little finger in there to break him off and then I cried and cried! I have two little teeth shaped bruises :( it was soooooooo sore, still is! :(
Modo - I really hope Bobby enjoyed the snow, we've had nothing! well there was some flying about all day yesterday but nothing settled. I think it must count as Will's first snow's bloody freezing though! :cold:

Amy - I hope Alex starts to feel better soon and is less snotty poor little man. :hugs: to the booby bite!! that made my eyes water readng it!!

H&F - Have everything crossed that your hard work with WW is rewarded this week. I'm so jealous at your willpower, I really need to sort myself out, just can't stop eating....

- Hopefully a freelander will turn up soon, sounds like you need one there! Your Steve sounds lovely, my OH makes those sorts of comments to me too, but I know he does it in loving way, it's just the delivery really. It makes me laugh, in my case he is just telling it as it is - just can't find the motivation. :dohh:

Emera - what a day you had, sounds more like a carry on film!! I hope you treated yourself to something nice last night, I would had a serious go at some chocolate after that! :flower: :loopy:

Frufru - glad you had a good time at baby yoga, :rofl::rofl::rofl: at the naked poo, that tickled me! Sorry Joni's sleep isn't as good as it was, ours seem to be the same and we're back to two feeds a night, I'm sure he only needs one! I'm happy to oblige though as like you say it's so much better than before. It's funny how they change almost daily, yesterday Will napped perfectly, went down without and fuss, he did and hour and a half in the morning and an hour in the afternoon - today has been a struggle! :wacko:

I'm really not sure he is 100% bless, him think that has out him off his stride a bit. The nurse checked him on Monday and thought his crackly chest was mucus and that he couldn't clear by coughing, which does make sense.

Hope Joni weighed in and measured ok :thumbup:

Well I ordered Will's next car seat on Sunday and it arrived yesterday, I am very impressed. We have gone for the Besafe izicombo x3. I have just fitted it and it's so sturdy, bit fiddly to get in the car. Although my DH is very good, he did say make sure you hoover the car first, I'm not sure he understands that I would have been doing well just to get the thing in the car, with a small very wriggly baby....

Had to go to the Dr myself this morning, she was going to prescribe one thing and then changed her mind due to breastfeeding and decided on something else. I got the chemist and realised that she had actually prescribed the original one :dohh: so I am supposed to ge back down later, it's just sooooo cold though, really don't think I can be bothered! My hands are all dry and have split in the cold :cry:

Anyone else get attached to the LO's outfits and a bit sad when they grow out of them so quickly, I'm finding that Will looks so grubby now he is eating solids, I did keep changing him, but then couldn't keep up with the washing.

My BIL was working neary and came over for a meal last night it was lovely to see him and have a normal evening, I even had a couple of very small glasses of wine.

Hope you all have a good day - keep nice and warm x
Hey guys, I haven't posted in here in ages! :shock:

The last few days Amelia's not settling when she's put to bed and she's waking a bit earlier than usual :dohh: don't know why :wacko:

On the other hand, we tried her with some sweet potato and carrot and she polished off the whole lot, I think she liked it :cloud9: Another thing she can roll both ways now, onto her front and then back onto her back :happydance: It's cute but can get annoying because she never stays still now :dohh:

It's not snowing here anymore but there's still snow on the ground, more like slush though :haha:
We are snowed in!! And its still snowing like mad!! Steve is due to work tonight but I really don't think he'll get in, I think he's going to just stay home if someone can cover. We walked to the supermarket earlier, Steve had Oliver in the sling in his snow suit, so cute! I have to say that Oliver is pretty unimpressed with the snow :haha:

I will post properly in a bit when I can get on Steves laptop!
Ooohhh the novelty of a full size laptop, it seems soooooo big after my tiny netbook - or even worse my phone :haha: Steve is still trying to fix my netbook:nope:

Modo thats a great tip! We have a humidifier but I can't sleep with it on. I'll def try water on the radiator though! I have such dry skin and Oliver has a few dry spots too. I bathed him in Oilatum junior bath last night - boring as there was no bubbles but much better for his skin.

FruFru you do have a lovely writing style!! I hope you have a lovely day. Oliver has been waking at 7am and I thought I was having it bad :haha: I will never complain about that again!! Poor Joni with her cold, I really hope she is better soon!!

Amy OUCH for the bite!! Thats the worse thing about teeth I guess! OUCH! Steve is very generous with his money. I just mentioned this 'discussion' to him and he said that he enjoys providing for us. I think it's the old fashioned man of the house thing :haha: I could have still walloped him for the hot chocolate comment though. I fit in most of my pre-preg clothes now too though I am still a bit heavier. Cheeky sod. I do think he said it and then thought 'Oh Shit' :rofl:

L-C my hands are really bad too :blush: I have excema and I really need to see the doctor to get more cream.

Steve is just on the phone to work . . . if he's not going to work I might put the Christmas tree up :happydance:

Frufru: Haven't made steak yet will probably will on Friday. I wish the snow would stick so Bobby can play with it. Sorry Joni's cold is effecting her sleeping :( Have you tried earplugs for the snoring? Your partner should be able to heat her and you will still be able to hear Joni if she cries.

Amy: I am sorry your DH is selfish with money especially when it comes to his kids :( Hope you have more luck with the water on the radiator :) Also sorry about the nipple bite, owww!!!

LC: Nothing has settled for us either but I also count it as Bobby's first snow because it snowed on him and he did see it! I also got Bobby his carseat and he will use it once he has reached the weight limit on our current carseat which is 29lbs. I don't actually know how much Bobby weighs so will probably go to the baby clinic soon. I also feel the same way about their outfit when I have let him sleep in countless times:(

Hannah: sorry you have been having some sleeping problems but glad Amelia likes her food :D

Sarah: Glad you found the tip helpful! I also worried I sounded harsh about Steve, its really nice of him to share his bonus with you. My DH also shares what he has with us as well. He inherited some money from his grandfather which he put it in our joint account. I just wish he would not run away from dirty diapers, he woke me up one morning in Dubai to change Bobby's nappy :growlmad:.
We went to Harrods today so that Bobby could meet Santa! We went to an overpriced "diner" there first and Bobby had a Cobb Salad (without the dressing or pasteurized cheese) he practically attacked the lettuce grabbing fistfuls and stuffing it in his mouth like it was going to run away :D He tried some chicken, bacon, tomatoes but the lettuce was def his favourite! It was so cute :D

I booked the Grotto ages ago for 1pm and he has since started napping at 1pm :( so he was sleepy so he acted a bit grumpy. I'll put the pics on facebook so you can see them.

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