Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I think Oliver is having a growth spurt or something . . . . he took ages to settle last night and didn't sleep all that well, waking every 1 1/2 hours or so (he had been going 3ish hours) Then from about 3.30pm today he started getting fussy, he had a feed, I winded him, and then he was soooo tired but wouldn't sleep - it took me well over an hour - and another feed - to settle him down. He slept for about half an hour and then woke up again, cried again, so I fed him, and then ended up popping him in my sling and taking him for a walk - which did the trick and again he slept for about 30 minutes and then woke up crying again!!! So he fed again . . . seeing a pattern here lol?!?! He's taking a good feed each time, from both boobs and I keep him there when he falls off the boob in case he wants to go back on for more so he seems satisfied after each feed. He does fuss a bit at some feeds and sometimes he seems to get himself so upset crying that he cant't feed, but when he calms down a bit he'll feed okay then.

Does anyone know if that sounds like a growth spurt? Its hard work, I could have cried myself when he woke up earlier after it took me so long to get him settled! He's normally so easy - if he cries he just wants food, nappy, cuddles, or sleep, and as soon as he gets what he wants he stops crying.
Could well be a growth spurt Sarah. Roh has had days like that too, he seems to settle back down after a couple of days of eating loads, crying loads and not sleeping much, so i've been assuming they are growth spurts.

Roh has been sooo grumpy today, and sleepy too, he had a 4 hour nap in the middle of the day.... weird :shrug:

He has his first set of injections tomorrow :( dreading it....
it might be a growth spurt. might also colic? is he doing anything else when crying?

good luck with the injections tomorrow emera.

im just waiting for harrison to wake up for his last feed. he seems to be a bit behind today on feeding! no idea why lol and there is sod all on tv!
I've tried tommy tippee, sainsburys, and johnsons. Maybe I should get some sleep nursing bras ad give that a try. Ahhh the joys of breastfeeding eh!

i use lansinoh ones and they seem to stay in place. i really like chicco ones but they only sell them in spain, not gib so i have to wait til i get over there.
My OH is rubbish with nappies but he will take care of owen and hold him when i need to cook dinner or have a shower. he also helps out with dylan and erin and the other day surprised me with sweeping and mopping the flat! there are works going on on the outside of our block andwe have scaffolding round it and there's loads of dust so the housework is multiplied!

emera - good luck with the injections, not nice but necessary!

sarah - i am soooooooooo jealous that u r a size 10. dont worry the belly will go! i think that from what you describe oliver could be having a growth spurt. hang in there!

jolou - i'm jealous that harrison sleeps sooooooooooo well at night. i am lucky to get a 2hr stretch! he slees the best between 6or7am and 9or10am but that's no good to me as i have to be up with dylan and erin. he is napping in bed with his daddy now!

am taking erin to the dr at 1 as she was crying yesterday that her left ear hurt and she never complains. she seems ok today but think it's best to get it checked out.

i am shocked at how well harrison has been sleeping, not sure why cos sophie was just as good, if not better lol. my next task is to put him in his bed earlier than what we do now and feed him upstairs but i end up missing programmes i want to watch lol good job we have sky plus eh.

well last night i started to feed harrison at around 11ish, i actually had to wake him up he was dead to the world but knew if i didnt feed him then he would wake up not long after i get into bed, sods law lol. so im sat feeding him watching some law and order and mark said he is getting ready for bed, (fair enough doesnt bother me, he had been so ratty when came home from work i was glad for him to goto bed) he then comes and sits downstairs, i ask him what he is doing and he said he always feels guilty leaving me to stay up to feed him and how he already feels guilty when he has to work away leaving me to cope on my own with both kids, so i said if i had known he was going to stay i would have got him to feed him and i would have gone to bed lol and if he felt guilty he could have said when i was making the bottles that he would feed him so i could goto bed but he never does, he replies with ok il goto bed.. lol men! they say they feel guilty about things but obviously not enough to let me goto bed and he does at least one feed, he hadn't done any since Saturday evening.. in fact he had not done anything to help with either child since Saturday.

ahh rant over lol ive woke up tired and very achey all over for some reason so im venting lol
Heh men eh? I had to give Roh an extra feed to get him off to sleep last night, he went down after OH gave him his nightly bottle, but was really farty and it kept waking him up, so had to do nappy change and feed at 11.30pm to get him re-settled (he loves his bedtime routine, good little man :) ). So i was sat in bed feeding and my OH came to bed and settled down. I hate it so much whilst i'm still feeding and then he starts snoring next to me, i get really jealous! :haha: So last night i just sat there jabbing him in the ribs every few minutes until i was done :rofl: made me feel better :D
Can't complain about OH really, he tries to be helpful. He'll always do nappies when he's home if i ask him, and he'll mind Roh whilst i'm cooking etc. Also he does bedtime everyday unless he's working late. Only problem is he has a tendency to play with Roh all the time, even when he's getting over-tired, and then after he's been crying for 5 minutes will come along and say "I don't know whats wrong with him, he must be hungry" :dohh: he's getting better though and does take advice really well. I'm pretty lucky really, although he's never, ever done a night waking, I won't let him as he's horrible when he's not had enough sleep. I'd rather be more tired and have him being a nice person to be honest :haha: Still, it would be a cold day in hell before he did any housework at all, but then thats no change from before! :haha:
Think i'll take Roh to the baby clinic before his jabs as i'm a bit worried about his feeding, they seem so much shorter than they were and he's only feeding about 7 times a day or so. Plus sleeping alot at night, which i thought was quite unusual for a BF baby. Just want to check he's still gaining weight well i guess...
emera - roh's feeding is prob fine. babies just get more effective at feeding as they get older and take more in less time!

jo - men! lol! next time just hand him the bottle!
mark is also very grumpy and not very nice with little sleep and tends to take it out on everyone so i dont mind being the one up late/getting up earlier to feed but would be nice if he offered! lol

im just sat watching Spartacus that started on bravo the other week... so much nakedness! im no prude but i cant get over it lol
Gosh what it is with men been grumpy when they are tired! Steve is horrible if he's not had any sleep - like emera I'd much rather be tired myself than have to deal with a tired Steve! He also wants to play with Oliver all the time, he was overtired the other day so he was soposed to be getting him to sleep, I walked into the lounge and he's playing with him! Argh! He doesn't take advice so well though, I think because he's got a son already.

Jolou I did wonder about colic but he shuts up when you walk around with him and he doesn't pull his legs up? I've been giving him infocol just in case though.

Well its raining here so I think we'll have a quiet day in. Steve is going in to work for a bit later, which has annoyed me a bit - he worked three extra hours on Friday to get everything finished before his week off, and said that he wanted to get it done so he wouldn't have to go in this week. Well they have called him at least once everyday since and now he's going in for a few hours. its starting to bug me now, its just not fair when he's on holiday! One of the managers phones him for the most stupid things everytime she's on shift - like once she wanted to know how to send an email! I swear if I answer the phone when she calls I'll tell her to go and phone someone who isn't on holiday, or I might not be quite so polite! Argh!

Rant over!!

I'm going to have a cuppa and calm down now lol!
mark doesnt take advice well, he sees it like im criticising him or il get "oh yes thats right im always doing it wrong" ahh well it must be just a male thing we have to out up with :)

sarah thats not on that they keep phoning whilst steve is on holiday.

im in lazy mode today, i have ironing i should be getting on with but i did a whole afternoon of that on sunday it doesnt appeal to me right now lol and the weather is sooo dull! im actually dreading it raining when i collect sophie from school because i dont know how to fit the raincover on the pram when im using the car seat lol
Glad I am not the only one who's OH is like that. DH tends to do the last nappy change of the evening and then brings Che up to me when I am in bed for a feed (even though I have to remind him to bring up the moses basket as if I don't he forgets it - err hello Che sleeps in it every night why would you not bring it up?!)

Last night whilst doing the feed in bed Che then poo'd so before DH went into the spare room I asked him if he would mind changing his nappy again before I tried to settle him. God you would think I had asked him to clean the house from top to bottom - DH was huffing and puffing and saying how tired he was. OMG am I not tired when I have to feed and change the nappy up to 3 times throughout the night?! I don't know what he thinks I do during the night!!

MW came this morning and discharged us - feel sad about that as they have been so great. I asked her to look where I had had a couple of stitches down below as I have had a feel and it did not feel right, like there was another slit down there She had a look and said that it looks like the tear had healed but healed separately so there is another shallow slit in between the 2 other holes! God how lovely!!
She said it may only be cosmetic and not affect anything else or it might feel different when having sex (whenever that may be!) so she has given me the number for the perineum clinic (what a great clinic!!) and said I can self refer anytime in the next 12 months if I would like to discuss options or am concerned.
CG that does sound like an interesting clinic!!! its good that you can self refer though if you have any problems. I have no idea what's going on down there lol, I'm way to scared to have a look or even a feel lol! And I don't plan on having sex ever again. Ever. Steve has other ideas mind you, men!!!!!

Jolou I fInally managed to get on top of my ironing at the weekend, it had built up and was taking over lol! All back under control now though thank goodness! I can't believe how much washing Oliver makes! For a little guy he makes more than me lol!

Has anyone else put their child benefit forms in yet? I sent mine off and got the birth certificate back, I've no idea how long it takes before they start paying though, does anyone else know? I need to claim on my private health insurance too, more forms lol! I might have a paperwork blitz while Steve goes to work.
sex??? i dont wannnnnaaaaa lol. mark is on countdown tho i think, he knows we have to wait till 6 weeks is over.. i think i may be jumped on or gotten drunk on friday.. lol

i had the birth certificate back last week, just waitin for the letter confirming how much il get for 2nd child. i cant remember how long it all took but i do know they back pay 3 months.
Haha, I think I might make up a twelve week check and tell Steve sex is off the cards until after that lol!
Well was so bad it was actually funny in the end.

Put on a load of laundry before going to the baby clinic and when i straightened up i felt something go in my back, i nearly passed out it was so painful :wacko: anyway, it got so it was almost bareable, and i thought "well i don't have time for this" and got us out and hobbled off up the hill to the clinic.
Had Roh weighed and he was 9lb 9oz. The HV said he'd slowed down a bit and asked me a load of questions about my milk supply and things, then Roh wanted feeding so sat and did that. Then hobbled along to the doctors feeling really upset as the HV had been concerned about Roh's weight. Arrived late for the jabs appointment and got frowned at by the receptionist..
Woke Roh up and he had his injections (he was very brave) and i suprised myself by bursting into tears:cry:, not really like me, but i felt all sorry for him. Anyway, got out into the waiting room to wait the 10 minutes and he started screaming so i decided to feed him a bit to calm him down, which worked fine, except when i burped him he was massively sick into my cleavage :thumbup:
So then was hobbling back from the doctors feeling all tearful and covered in sick when the heavens opened, i had the raincover on the pram as it had been a bit overcast when i left, but i forgot a raincoat for me :dohh: Then Roh started screaming again, so in the end i arrived home soaked to the skin with a screaming baby and a really painful back, and had to get the pram down the stairs to my flat in the pouring rain. Amongst all of this i'd missed the fact that i quite needed the loo, but by the time i'd got Roh and the pram in the house, it was too late and so i wet myself! :dohh:
That was the point when i stopped crying and started laughing :haha:
Anyway, i got out of all my wet, pee'd on and sicky clothes, settled Roh down, made a cup of tea and had a look in my red book, turns out that the HV had plotted Roh at 9 weeks instead of 8 by mistake and he hasn't slowed down at all, in fact its a really good gain!!

Honestly, if you're going to have a bad day, make sure its soo bad its funny :haha:

My back is still killing me though, but i have a small glass of wine here with my dinner, should take the edge off :)
Oh emera, bless you! Well done for been able to laugh about it, it really is the best thing to do! I'm glad roh was so brave with his jabs, and I hope your back feels better soon!
aww emera it's good u can laugh at it all tho!

OH and i had sex yesterday and afterwards i felt like my nether regions were going to fall out! i think we attempted it 2 early :dohh: he can wait a while b4 that again!

erin is on antibiotics. it's not a full blown ear infection though so that is good. prob from going swimming in the sea on sunday. she has been really playing up at the mo. we think it may be coz of the baby as she has always been really attatched to me and now i'm always bf the baby etc. felt really bad about it. dylan gets lots of extra attention from my mum and mum in law as they take him out on his own after school and poor erin gets nothing. OH is going 2 keep owen on thursday morning and i'm going to take erin to the playground in the estate for an hour or so just me and her.
Emera, I'm sorry your day went so badly- you're a better woman than me, when I'm this tired I get really tearful so I definitely would have cried! :hugs: hope your evening is going a bit better!

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