Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Dont worry Hannah, I'm sure its just your hormones having a shuffle after having Amelia :hugs: the main thing is they are BFN :hugs:
Dont worry Hannah, I'm sure its just your hormones having a shuffle after having Amelia :hugs: the main thing is they are BFN :hugs:

I hope so hun, Was feeling quite rubbish today and had a bit of spotting a couple of minutes ago but has stopped now but surely if it had been my period it would carry on :nope: I think I may have to go doctors tomorrow if it hasn't started by the morning. Also strange thing is that the first two or three periods I had with Amelia were normal and regular :shrug:

Amy - Yay for Alex's teeth! :happydance: he must have heard the song! :haha:

Hannah - You just had a baby 6 months ago almost, your cycle is likely to be a bit weird here and there for quite a while :hugs:

Sarah - Love the babylegs :thumbup: and such a bargain! I've got a couple of pairs and i put Roh in them and then shorts on top, because i think it looks cute :blush: In the house he often wears just those, his nappy and one of his cousin's frilly tshirts :haha: I avoid taking pictures when he's dressed like that though ;)

H&F - Enjoy stuffing your face, you deserve the odd splurge this time of year, especially with all the weight you lost! :hugs:

Well, presents are wrapped, and all the food is in (except the turkey, but its looking good for my Mum getting here :thumbup: ). I cleaned the house fully on Monday, and it already looks a state again :grr: bloody OH, he's soooo messy. Ah well he's at home tomorrow and i'm at work so he can knuckle down and tidy up his own mess for once! We have my FIL arriving tomorrow evening, and then a full house until 27th. I'm sort of looking forwards to it, although tomorrow and christmas eve are the in laws (separately!!! omg, never together!! :nope:) and they are both a bit mental in opposite directions if you get me :dohh: I'm looking forwards to a couple of days off with OH to be honest!

I've had a horrible evening, Roh wouldn't nap this afternoon, so was just hyper beyond belief before bed. I couldn't get him to settle at all, so i've ended up just leaving him to cry :( I sat in the sitting room with the monitor on mute and watching the light and crying :cry: I feel so awful, but there wasn't anything else i could do, trying to feed him or cuddle him was just making him more manic. Once he calmed down i went in and held his hand until he was fully asleep, and said sorry..ergh i hate it :cry: He's sleeping peacefully now though, hopefully he'll feel the benefit of a good sleep in the morning. He probably only cried for about 25 minutes, but it felt like hours.

Bedtimes have been a real struggle since he recovered from being ill, and its been taking about 2 hrs 45 mins to get him to sleep. Something's got to give with that, but i don't know if i can leave him to cry again :nope: I feel like a horrible mother :( And i feel like i shouldn't complain, because once he's asleep he sleeps really well, but with getting up at 5.30am for work, i can't be only having free time after 9pm, its running me down :( Am i being selfish?

Also, out of interest, his room is dropping below 16 degrees in the night and a few times he's woken up, i'm sure its because he's cold. He's wearing a long sleeved vest, sleepsuit and 2.5 sleeping bag, and now i'm popping a balnket over him before i go to bed. Think thats enough, or should i put a short sleeved vest on too? I guess its about 15 degrees, possibly 14 in the middle of the night.

Well, i need to find some chocolate to make myself feel better!

hannah - spotting can also be a sign of your hormones being all over the place but if you are concerned you should make a doctors appointment. you dont want to be worrying over christmas :hugs:

emera - mummies need mummy time to keep them sane!! of course thats not selfish :hugs: and I think you did the best thing by Roh, you'd tried everything else and he was just working himself up. Hopefully that will click getting to sleep back into place for him :hugs: I've got to do something next year before I go back to work in Feb becasue Alex will only feed to sleep. I dont mind it for bedtime but I cant be there for his naps. Plus he always wakes at 7/7.30am and I'll be needing him to get up at 6am so I need to shift that. He might be cold at night, Alex wakes when he is cold so I have added another blanket (he is pretty much motionless when he is asleep). When we camped in France it was 13 degrees in the tent at night and he wore a vest, sleepsuit, cardigan, a double sheet and 5 layers of blankets! you could try another layer for Roh? :shrug: :hugs: glad you are all sorted for Christmas. I wanted to get the girls presents down to wrap tonight but DH wouldnt let me so it will be a cram job tomorrow night :dohh: joy
Amy - Yay for Alexs teeth! How long do they take from the tip being thru to the whole tooth being there? Amy has cut one ... awaiting more!

Emera - I know how you feel - Amy worked herself up tonight and I just had to leave her and walk away! Dave is off work tomorrow as well so I am hoping he will look after Amy whilst I tidy up yet again ... It seems to be constant!

Hannah - I wouldnt worry - I am so late apparently its still hormones and everything settling down.

Well I have also decided what I want for christmas ... my own netbook, so OH can have this one back without bugging me all the time and I can have my own private things! I have just been looking at one and talking very loudly about it ... dont think I will be getting one tho altho its not that expensive ( its possibly the cheapest I could get! )

Hope everyone is ok - i'm off to bed ready for another busy day tomorrow ... I need to make sure Dave knows he has lots of pressies so he needs to get me something good!
Thanks Amy! :hugs: I'd happily feed Roh to sleep still, but that stopped workign ages ago, except sometimes for his naps :rolleyes: And with my work, i work ususually at 6.30am one day a week, and leave the house for 6am, so i'd need Roh to get up at about 5am ish to have any chance to feed him. I seriously don't want him getting up that time of day any other day! :haha: I'm managing to express a bottle for him to have once a week in the morning. I did have a supply, but this week with OH's shifts being messed up by Christmas, i've had 3 early shifts in a row. The freezer is looking empty :wacko:
H&f - I think its over a week for them to look like teeth, I cant remember! isnt that bad. Alex has had his bottom ones for 5 weeks now and they are quite long now. You cant see his top ones, I can just feel them. I hope Dave takes the hint ;) a netbook sounds fab xx
H&F - It took about a month for Roh's teeth to be fully out from when they first broke through. Happily it didn't seem to hurt him after that first bit :thumbup: We are still waiting on the top 2, they've been threatening for ages, but still nothing...
Thanks Amy! :hugs: I'd happily feed Roh to sleep still, but that stopped workign ages ago, except sometimes for his naps :rolleyes: And with my work, i work ususually at 6.30am one day a week, and leave the house for 6am, so i'd need Roh to get up at about 5am ish to have any chance to feed him. I seriously don't want him getting up that time of day any other day! :haha: I'm managing to express a bottle for him to have once a week in the morning. I did have a supply, but this week with OH's shifts being messed up by Christmas, i've had 3 early shifts in a row. The freezer is looking empty :wacko:

oh no! I am dreading it not working! I would express for DH to feed Alex but he wont take a bottle and I cant imagine DH having time to get Alex up in the mornings, he is USELESs at getting up. The girls are always late for school (he takes them before work) and I know if I added Alex to the mix it will be a disaster. I envisage getting all three children sorted before leaving the house at 6.30am so I'll be up at 5 everyday. Bleeuurrggh, the things we have to do ay! At least its not forever :hugs: is there anytime you can build up your stocks? x
Well, i've got until tuesday before i have to have any milk for him again, so i should be able to get enough to get through the next set of workdays :thumbup: OH is hopeless at waking up, i stick the monitor in his ear practically before i leave :haha: or like the other day when Roh woke up at 5am, i fed him a bit in our bed and then prodded OH and said "i'm off, there is a baby next to you" :haha: Apparently Roh woke him up that morning by falling aout the bed :dohh: Lucky that i thought ahead and put the spare duvet on the floor by the bed, isn't it :rolleyes:
Good thinking emera! :thumbup: i think DH has rubbish hearing and rubbish getting up-ability! he's just the same. I cant believe he used to manage Emily and Holly for 12 hours when I worked weekends and nights as a nurse - and he was only 21/22! he's got worse with age :dohh:

Just a quickie from mr as I'm on my phone, Oliver woke up just as I started to post to I thought I'd come to bed and use my phone instead.

Amy - yay for the teeth!!!

HandF I have a netbook and when its working its great :haha: its a Dell, I've had it maybe 18 months now. I miss it, hopefully it will get fixed soon!

Emera: don't feel bad about leaving Roh to cry :hugs:In your position I would have more than likely done the same. Now Oliver is older I don't rush to him like I used to, I can see on the monitor that he's fine. So for example tonight I turned everything off downstairs, put the cat in the kitchen, had a wash, brushed my teeth etc.

Oliver usually feeds to sleep, but for Steve he is completely different! He just falls asleep! Steve had him sat on his knee the other day, bouncing away. I commented that he looked a bit tired and the next minute he was asleep!! It must be like fallling asleep in the car :haha:

I am feeling some festive stress tonight! Everything is wrapped, but I'm worried about the yet-to-be-delivered pressie for my niece. I'm also stressing because I can't fine the stockings for me, steve and steves son, but I know they are somewhere so I don't really want to buy more! I also think I need to get Steve something else. We said no pressies this year but I just had the car and I think he's bought some other stuff - I've got him some sweeties and a space invaders ice tray :haha: so it looks like I'll be going shopping tomorrow. I'm just feeling all stressed about it. If I can buy a few things tomorrow and then get the house spick and span I think I'll feel a million times better. I hate feeling unorganised, it really puts me on edge and makes me feel all wierd and uneasy, I think I'm a bit odd :haha:

sarah - i am super unorganised! i manage to potter about all day without much to show at the end!!!

emera - :hugs: you are not selfish! me time is so important to keep sane!!!

amy - yey for alex's teeth!!!!!!!!

h&f - hope you get your netbook!!! i only got dan a dvd & i dont know if he's even got me anything!

hannah - hope you get some reassurance from dr soon!

on my phone so will say goodnight xxx dan is taking my netbook to work tomorrow :growlmad: its probably a blessing in disguise as i wont get waylaid on here and fb!!! hmm maybe he's taking it for that reason :haha: oh well have plenty of chores plus dylan finishes school at 12 so will no doubt be driven up the wall by kids excited by santa's imminent arrival :cloud9:
Sarah - the baby leg warmers are super-cute :mrgreen: I love the FB pic of Oliver modelling them. The new avatar pic of OliverElf is so darling :) I have not emailed Verbaudet about the toy as it was my hubby who put the order through so I am reliant on him chasing it up :rolleyes: I am glad most of your presents have arrived and will keep my fingers crossed that the others turn up in time for the big day. Wow if you are disorganised I don't even think they is a word to describe my state of organisation. Oh yes there is, chaos :haha:

Amy - I was tickled pink to think of you having a wee tipple watching a festive movie :) I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks Verbaudet sizes are a bit off. I bought Joni a few bits in their 12months size which is supposed to cover 9-12months and she already fits them all very nicely, I was a bit gutted as I already have lots of clothes that fit her now but hardly any in the next size up. OH well you live and learn, I just hope the size of the things we bought our niece and nephew for Christmas are ok! It sounds like you had a really fun Christmassy day with the movie, walk, snow fort and fire :thumbup: Yay for Alex's teeth, so many of our babies are getting their toothypegs through now. Surely Joni can't be too much longer, bless her she will start feeling left out :haha:

Maybebaby - oh bless you having the spices for mulled wine but no wine!

H&F - The chocolates and wine sounds like a nice plan :) I hope Amy settled ok for you this evening and you got your donut. Netbooks are so handy. When Joni was first born and I was expressing for an hour at a time every 3 hours the netbook was a godsend, until I spilt expressed breast milk on the screen and it broke :rofl: Hubby fixed it but was not very impressed that I broke it in the first place :blush:

Emera - :hugs: It is horrible when babies get overtired like that. I never like leaving Joni to cry but sometimes it is the only way for her to unwind sufficiently to fall asleep. If I am there she cries twice as loud and for five times longer :shrug: Hopefully he will be full of beans in the morning. You are not being selfish at all, it is important that you get enough time to unwind before bed ahead of your working day :hugs: As for the cold, Joni will wake at around 18C, it would seem she has inherited my reptilian cold bloodedness :dohh: We have put a portable oil filled radiator in her room and set the thermostat to 20C and since we started doing this she has woken much less frequently and slept through a lot more :thumbup: We could have put the central heating on but that would not only cost a fortune but would heat the whole house which is not needed at night, plus it makes hubby and I too hot to sleep. I am glad Roh was unscathed from the rolling out of bed, you are such a good Mum thinking ahead like that :)

Well I have been and done my supermarket shopping tonight :smug: I only have a few bits to get now including cornflour, ice cream and lettuce. Joni has been a bit snuffly all day and was a bit hot at bedtime. I think she might be fighting a cold bless her. She took ages to settle tonight and has stirred a fair bit already. I am going to pop in and dreamfeed her now and hopefully she will give me a good stretch.

Better go, hugs to your all :hugs:
i am soooo annoyed not to have my netbook :( i always have a nosey on fb with breakfast and cant do that properly on my phone!!! oh well will have to catch up with you all later! a day of housework and looking after the kids beckons!
I hope your day goes ok Maybebaby. I agree that mobile internet it useful at times but it will never replace a proper computer in my eyes.

Joni is definately under the weather although she seems to be coping really well with it. After I fed her at half eleven she slept until 3.30 when she woke up in a right state as she was really congested. Lots of snufflebabe, upright cuddles and an hour later she was a bit more relaxed and fell asleep in bed with me and slept until just before 7 :thumbup: This morning she is in good spirits, she is currently grinning at me whilst in her playnest tinkering away on the activity panel from her vtec baby walker :)

Joni is just building for a nap and after she wakes we are going to pick up my eldest niece to come and spend the day with us :cloud9:

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
frufru - hope joni continues well!!! have fun with your niece!

am trying to tidy and clean manically!!!!!!! just taking a break for a cuppa. i want my netbook back!!! i hate not being able to have a whizz on here or fb properly! am meeting a friend at 5 to take the kids bowling so have to have finished the tidy blitz by then!
Sorry I haven't been here for a while. Been so busy getting things ready for Crimbo (as you Brits say ;))Pressies all here and wrapped, chicken in the freezer (trying to avoid the turkey stress of last year), christmas tree up and decorates, pressie lined up underneath.

Bobby is doing well :D He sat on his own the day before he turned 7months :D He is eating more and I have noticed some food in his poo (yuck!). I have ordered some more reusable diapers.

Frufru: Joni is really your guardian angel hon :hugs:

Maybe: I can't believe your DH doesn't seem to understand the effect his actions will have on his children. They do and will remember :( Why does he do it? Sorry you got overdrawn :hugs:

h & f: Sorry you and your OH are arguing. I would be furious if my DH said another child is more important than Bobby. Sibling should be loved equally :( I can't believe he called your mom :( What's his problem :growlmad:

LC: I am up for it too! I am so fed up! It helps that DH is going back to being vegan so no more crap in the house :) Congrats to Will for the teeth :)

Emera: hope the snow is gone and your mom comes for christmas.

Sarah: loving the avatar pic :D Glad you got the ironing done!

Hannah: its normal :hugs: my cycles are longer now.

Sorry girls, I am so tired. Will try and catch up tomorrow :kiss:
hello ladies :flower:

sarah - I'd love to be organised, I am also super unorganised like maybe :blush: I got Kerry to take the girls to Asda today so I could get their presents down from the loft. I am going to wrap them tonight. It sounds like you're pretty much there! :thumbup: the space invaders ice tray for Steve sounds cool :hugs: I would also feel like a new woman if I could ever get the house in some kind of order but I have no hope now the girls are off school. Plus the snow has pretty much melted and so the children and the dog walk much around the house all day! It looks worse than ever :dohh: try not to worry, I'm sure it will all work out. And if it doesnt you're the one person I know who could definately find a solution! :hugs:

maybe - when will you get your netbook back? :hugs:

frufru - oh no, I hope Joni's not poorly for her first christmas :hugs: maybe its her teeth :winkwink: I cant believe Alex has 4 now, he'll look like a toddler soon :( I sent Kerry to the supermarket with the girls, bad idea. Emily came back in tears and Kerry has been in a foul mood ever since :blush: oops!

modo - well done for being all ready for christmas :thumbup: I have to ask - what happpened with your turkey last year?? well done to Bobby for sitting :hugs:

Kerry's beloved (stupid) car broke down on tuesday so today he finally got it to the specialist garage. Luckily they fixed it, he's been ultra grumpy. He's a little stresshead when it comes to the car :growlmad: I've got to do an hour and a half round trip with three children tomorrow to take him to the garage to get it and he's been foul this evening just becasue I was a bit fed up about the whole thing.
Its Christmas eve man!!! I want a homey happy christmassy day with my children! I dont want to drive them half way accross kent for your stupid car :hissy: I wish he had a normal car :cry: rant over :haha::haha:

Alex napped for an hour this afternoon :shock: thats the longest nap he's had since he was 6 weeks old! He was quite awake in the night so he must have been pooped. His gum was bleeding this afternoon so I think the teeth must still be hurting. I took the girls for a walk with the dog, it was miserable weather - a sleet blizzard! I couldnt feel my hands, feet, legs or face when we got back :haha:
evening all - sorry for not catching up properly I am shattered was up early and have been at the shops all day - hoping OH has bought me a pressie as we spent 7 hours at the shops but I barely saw him!

Hope your all ok. x x x

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