Amy - Yay for Alex's teeth!

he must have heard the song!
Hannah - You just had a baby 6 months ago almost, your cycle is likely to be a bit weird here and there for quite a while
Sarah - Love the babylegs

and such a bargain! I've got a couple of pairs and i put Roh in them and then shorts on top, because i think it looks cute

In the house he often wears just those, his nappy and one of his cousin's frilly tshirts

I avoid taking pictures when he's dressed like that though
H&F - Enjoy stuffing your face, you deserve the odd splurge this time of year, especially with all the weight you lost!
Well, presents are wrapped, and all the food is in (except the turkey, but its looking good for my Mum getting here

). I cleaned the house fully on Monday, and it already looks a state again

bloody OH, he's soooo messy. Ah well he's at home tomorrow and i'm at work so he can knuckle down and tidy up his own mess for once! We have my FIL arriving tomorrow evening, and then a full house until 27th. I'm sort of looking forwards to it, although tomorrow and christmas eve are the in laws (separately!!! omg, never together!!

) and they are both a bit mental in opposite directions if you get me

I'm looking forwards to a couple of days off with OH to be honest!
I've had a horrible evening, Roh wouldn't nap this afternoon, so was just hyper beyond belief before bed. I couldn't get him to settle at all, so i've ended up just leaving him to cry

I sat in the sitting room with the monitor on mute and watching the light and crying

I feel so awful, but there wasn't anything else i could do, trying to feed him or cuddle him was just making him more manic. Once he calmed down i went in and held his hand until he was fully asleep, and said sorry..ergh i hate it

He's sleeping peacefully now though, hopefully he'll feel the benefit of a good sleep in the morning. He probably only cried for about 25 minutes, but it felt like hours.
Bedtimes have been a real struggle since he recovered from being ill, and its been taking about 2 hrs 45 mins to get him to sleep. Something's got to give with that, but i don't know if i can leave him to cry again

I feel like a horrible mother

And i feel like i shouldn't complain, because once he's asleep he sleeps really well, but with getting up at 5.30am for work, i can't be only having free time after 9pm, its running me down

Am i being selfish?
Also, out of interest, his room is dropping below 16 degrees in the night and a few times he's woken up, i'm sure its because he's cold. He's wearing a long sleeved vest, sleepsuit and 2.5 sleeping bag, and now i'm popping a balnket over him before i go to bed. Think thats enough, or should i put a short sleeved vest on too? I guess its about 15 degrees, possibly 14 in the middle of the night.
Well, i need to find some chocolate to make myself feel better!