Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi everyone!

I'm on my phone and shattered so I won't do a proper post, but I promise to catch up properly tomorrow!! I have got lots of housework and things done today, still a bit to do tomorrow as well as the last minute dash to he shops :dohh:

Hope you all have a good night :hugs:

sarah - my day sounds like yours and what u have planned for tomorrow is the same as me!

my parents, in laws and our sisters are coming round tomorrow for supper. am making italian tomato soup, roast pork and a peach pavlova. unfortunately i bought half the tomatoes i needed accidentally so need to go shopping again tomorrow! better not tell OH as he was shocked when the bill came to £80 for basically 1 meal!
Oh my god I just lost a MASSIVE catch up post I wrote you guys :cry:

I spent ages on it :(


Oh well!
modo - well done for being all ready for christmas :thumbup: I have to ask - what happpened with your turkey last year?? well done to Bobby for sitting :hugs:

Thanks Amy! The turkey turned out fine DH and I just had a massive fight about cooking it. It's so stupid when I look back at it now:wacko:

Anyway this year is precooked chicken and stuffing. All I have to make are the roast potatoes, and cheese rolls (no cocktail sausages for Bobby). DH will make the Brussels sprouts. Feeling a lot let stressed than last year :)
Whizzing through and wanted to say a quick hello :hi:

I ended up having both my nieces over yesterday and had a lovely time with them :cloud9: Consequently my house looks like a bombsite so I am trying to rectify that this morning before friends and family arrive this afternoon :wacko:

Joni seems ok in the day but her nights are really disturbed so I wonder if Amy is right and it is her teeth troubling her rather than her fighting a virus :confused:

Joni is just having a nap but she has already had an hour and half so I am going to have to wake her otherwise she will not nap this afternoon and end up horrendously overtired and tetchy at bedtime :rolleyes: Besides I need to pop to the shops to pick up a few perishables and storecupboard items I could not get in Sainsbury's the other day.

Speak to you all later x
Happy Christmas Eve everyone!!

Well its almost 11am, and Steve still isn't up and we have loads to do :( :grr: Oliver is just having a nap, if Steve isn't up when he wakes up we're off out without him. Bloomin men!!! Oliver woke at 6 this morning and Steve said he might get up. I said well if you do, will you take Oliver for an hour so I can get some sleep? He said 'I only said I might get up' and went back to sleep. Thanks for that hubby!! :grr: he then got up just as Oliver was falling back to sleep, and came back to bed about an hour later. Oliver and I got up at about half eight and he was awake so I thought hed get up but no sign. Argh I really hope he's not going to piss me off all bloomin Christmas!!!!!

Sorry for the rant, I do feel better for that though :haha:
Hi all -

How annoying of your OH! Hope he gets up before you need to go out.

I cant believe Dave this morning has actually done something nice! I got Amy up at 7 and had a lovely morning but I needed to deliver a pressie to my cousing who lives about 20mins drive away. I said I would go this afternoon but he told me not to worry he would go, take Amy and pop to the shops whilst they are out and bring back some lunch ... so I have had my first morning in the house alone since Amy was born and it has been lovely! I havent done very much at all just sat with my feet up.

Is it sad that I am really excited about Christmas? I always get excited but this year I just cant wait!
Happy Christmas Eve lovely BnB ladies!! :flower:

maybe - I spent today cleaning, urgh, it still looks a tip! At least the girls bedrooms are moderately tidy so Santa wont trip over any toys :haha:

modo - pre-cooked chicken sounds wonderful. My turkey is sitting in the kitchen calling me to remove the giblets :sick: my DH doesnt cook at all so no rows over that but I do wish he'd do it instead :haha:

sarah - :grr: to steve for not giving you an hours sleep catchup! ranting on here is so therapeutic isnt it :haha: hope he got up in time!

frufru - thats just how alex has been with teeth! :-k

H&F - well done Dave, I'm glad you enjoyed some "me time" :hugs: I'm always mega excited on Christmas Eve too :haha:

Well Alex and Holly are both ill with coughs and temperatures and tonight I am feeling rough. it feels like when I turn my head my brain follows a bit later. i hope it's gone by tomorrow :nope: I just want to go to bed but I've got to sort the turkey, "be santa" etc. alex's top teeth are obviously showing now, its going to make him look so grown up soon :(

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas :hugs: xxxxx

Just another quickie from me I'm afraid as Steve is hogging the laptop. I think he's worried I might hit the online sales, haha!! He finally got up at about half eleven - lucky sod. He was quite sheepish which is his way of saying he was out of order. We had quite a nice day after that, got all the essential stuff done and well, if its not done now, sod it :haha:

Amy I really hope you all feel better tomorrow!!!

Modo Steve is the main chef in our house, and the times when he's done Christmas Dinner have driven me bonkers, he doesn't put the turkey in early enough and then we've ended up eating soooo late by which time everyone is starving! Still I'd sooner he cook that I have to deal with giblets :sick:

I'm getting quite excited now! I've put Olivers pressies under the tree and done his stocking and taken lots o photos. I. Know he won't understand but still, its very exciting :) I was also thinking earlier that Christ$as just gets better and better now doesn't it? We have so many amazing years to look forward to!

Well hopefully I will be able to pop on at some point, but I just want to say a huge Merry Christmas to you all and your families - I hope you all have an amazing day and that all our wonderful babies have a really great first Christmas and manage to get some naps in :haha:

Merry Christmas Everyone -

I hope everyone has a magical day tomorrow and people have lots of pictures up on facebook to look at!

x x x
:yipee::cold::loopy::wohoo: HAPPY CHRISTMAS!! :wohoo::loopy::cold::yipee:

Hope you all have a great day xxxx
Merry Christmas!!!

I hope you all have an amazing day!!!

Happy Boxing Day everyone!!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!! Ours was fab, despite a few hiccups.

So on Christmas Eve I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me, because I was up from middnight intil 3am :sick: Because I was up, Oliver woke and Steve had to try to settle him, so they were both awake. I kept trying to take Oliver but then having to run back to the bathroom :( Finally at 3am I got to sleep, but we were up at half seven for Steve to collect his son so needless to say we were tired out!!

Everything went well after that - Oliver loved opening his pressies and dispite saying no pressies Steve bought me a Roberts internet DAB radio which I've wanted for ages and I LOVE! We had a nice breakfast and then went visiting Steves family. It was a lot of fun :)

Unfortunately when we were setting of from Steve's sisters to drive to my parents for lunch my new car wouldn't start again :( we think it might be an injector, Steve ended up getting a lift back home to get the other car! So in the end we were an hour late for lunch, they started without up obviously but it was still really nice, and after that the day went really well lol!! Oliver got SO many pressies and had a lovely time, he was so excited all day, bless him! He still has absolutely loads of pressies to open, but I'm waiting for Steve to get up before we open them, and now Oliver is having a nap. I have been up with Oliver since seven - but he was awake on and off from 4am, so I didn't sleep much from then on. If Steve mentions one time that he's tired I think I might hit him.

So today we have to go get my car - I think it will probably be fine today :grr: I also would quite like to sort Olivers room out as I need to make some space for all his new toys!!! I might do that after he's gone to bed tonight.

I hope you are all having a great day!!

Sarah - Poor you being so unwell right on top of Christmas :hugs: I am glad it passed reasonably quickly for you. The radio sounds fab :thumbup: I can't believe you are having trouble with the car :growlmad: hopefully it is something that is easily fixed. I am sure you will find room for all the toys :)

I hope everyone else had a lovely day. Ours started nice and early at 5.39am :rolleyes: not as early as this morning though when Joni woke at 4.20ish and point blank refused to go back to sleep :dohh: We opened some of Joni's presents with her after she got up but to be honest she really was not interested in the paper, boxes or the gifts inside. All she wanted to do was play with the straps on her highchair or in her activity station :haha: We had a breakfast of homemade cinnamon french toast before Joni's nap which was delicious :p When she went for her nap CJ and I opened our presents and had a wee glass of bucks fizz :mrgreen:

Joni only had a short nap and when she got up we opened the rest of her presents and went out to see my nieces and had a lovely time with them. Due to Joni's early start she was completely bushwhacked when we got home after lunch so went straight to bed. By this point hubby and I were ravenous so had bacon sandwichs and put the meat on for our main meal. Despite the early start and short nap earlier, Joni woke after 45mins and spent the rest of day running us ragged :haha: So much so that by the time it came to prepare the rest of the roast dinner hubby and I both admitted we were far to tired to prepare let alone eat a big dinner so ended up having a gammon roll instead followed by Christmas pudding :rofl:

All in all we had a lovely day which was nicely finished off by a flying 5 minute visit from my Dad :cloud9: Today we are having a very quiet one, hubby is in bed as he volunteered to get up with Joni this morning when it was clear she was not going back to sleep. We both caught a few Z's when she had her morning nap and I got up with her when she woke and we are currently hanging out in our PJ's playing with Joni's new toys.

I hope you all have a fun St Stephens day and look forward to hearing about your fun days. Hopefully you all got to actually eat a proper Christmas dinner :haha:
Sarah: Sorry your car didn't start :( Glad you had a nice day though :D

Frufru: :hugs: for the early wake up. Poor you too! Sounds like you managed to have a good time :D


Christmas was good! The chicken was not precooked like I thought but easier to cook than a turkey (DH cooked it!). Bobby seemed to enjoy the day. We stuck to his schedule and present opening was done in three shifts with him there. He seems to like what he got :D A good summary of the day in pictures is on my FB if anyone is interested!
Frufru bless you and your Christmas Dinner! Maybe you could have it on another day instead? I thought we were going to end up with turkey sandwiches :haha: but our christmas lunches were keeping warm in my parents oven.

Modo it sounds like you had a good day! Oliver still hasn't opened all his pressies! He tried out Lottie Ladybird today though and loved it :)

Has anyone been sales shopping! I went online earlier and bought a few things from JoJo Maman Bebe, and john lewis. Those babygrows I mentioned a while ago are for 6.50 for a pack of five! They are beautifu quality too, really soft. Oliver now has all the babygrows he will need until he's two :haha: They are plain blue but I figured I could easily jazz them up if I get bored with them - or if he does! Its funny though I haven't even looked at stuff for me, I was just straight to the baby shops :haha:

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