Sarah - Poor you being so unwell right on top of Christmas

I am glad it passed reasonably quickly for you. The radio sounds fab

I can't believe you are having trouble with the car

hopefully it is something that is easily fixed. I am sure you will find room for all the toys
I hope everyone else had a lovely day. Ours started nice and early at 5.39am

not as early as this morning though when Joni woke at 4.20ish and point blank refused to go back to sleep

We opened some of Joni's presents with her after she got up but to be honest she really was not interested in the paper, boxes or the gifts inside. All she wanted to do was play with the straps on her highchair or in her activity station

We had a breakfast of homemade cinnamon french toast before Joni's nap which was delicious

When she went for her nap CJ and I opened our presents and had a wee glass of bucks fizz
Joni only had a short nap and when she got up we opened the rest of her presents and went out to see my nieces and had a lovely time with them. Due to Joni's early start she was completely bushwhacked when we got home after lunch so went straight to bed. By this point hubby and I were ravenous so had bacon sandwichs and put the meat on for our main meal. Despite the early start and short nap earlier, Joni woke after 45mins and spent the rest of day running us ragged

So much so that by the time it came to prepare the rest of the roast dinner hubby and I both admitted we were far to tired to prepare let alone eat a big dinner so ended up having a gammon roll instead followed by Christmas pudding
All in all we had a lovely day which was nicely finished off by a flying 5 minute visit from my Dad

Today we are having a very quiet one, hubby is in bed as he volunteered to get up with Joni this morning when it was clear she was not going back to sleep. We both caught a few Z's when she had her morning nap and I got up with her when she woke and we are currently hanging out in our PJ's playing with Joni's new toys.
I hope you all have a fun St Stephens day and look forward to hearing about your fun days. Hopefully you all got to actually eat a proper Christmas dinner