Modo - It looks like Bobby has a really nice balanced routine there

Joni's is quite similar although she naps a bit longer in the afternoon and goes to bed at around 7pm. I love the pic of Bobby in the basket on FB
Maybebaby - : Awwww poor Erin! As for the sleep training, you never know it might not be so bad

I was prepared for Joni to have us up for hours and hours when we started and she took to it really well, almost as if she wanted to learn to sleep without us having to help.
Oh Danny

he just does not do joined up thinking sometimes!! Perhaps you could go and do something nice anyway and leave him a note to say where you have gone and ask him to do some housework, like he said he would, while you are gone

I hope you got a little read of your book and am glad Owen's waking was better than you expected
Sarah - Happy 8 month-a-versary Oliverwoo

I am glad the snow has not hung around so you can get out and about at will. I hated doing tax returns, in the end I started doing what you suggest and filing them right after year end, it was so much easier!!! I love the new FB group

The travelcot we bought says it doubles as a playpen so I am just going to use that to save on pennies and space! I bought this one when it was half price:>TRAVEL+COT.htm
Joni is also a fan of the remote control and mobile phone
Amy - oh dear

I am sorry Kerry can't be more understanding and supportive about money and mat leave

I really don't know what to suggest

On the joint account I agree with Sarah, the whole point of a joint account is that either of you can complete transactions on the account. We have always refused requests similar to Kerry's and advised the only way to do what they want is to change the account into their sole name.
I do feel really pleased with Joni's naps, it took a long time to get her into a routine with them but all the hard work has paid off. Some of my friends do sometimes get a bit funny when I tell them I can't meet at certain times because Joni is napping, but Joni's wellbeing is at the top of my list so she wins pretty much everytime. She will nap in her buggy but only for 30mins max so I always try to plan my day and outings around her naptimes so she can sleep at home in her cot. SOmetimes things don't work out that way and we will be out and she will have a catnap in the buggy which is fine but I just wouldn't want to do that all the time.
Open fronted nighty oohlala
H&F - Well done Amy

Joni has just started pushing away but in her case I think it is a new movement she has learned and just wants to practice all the time. Even when you lay her on your lap to feed her she is thrusting her pelvis all over the place and wriggling away
Well I was in bed for 9.40 last night to read but only lasted 5 minutes before turning the light off

I fully expected Joni to wake in the following 2 hours but she went through until 2.45!!! I just popped in and gave her a snuggle and dozed in the chair until about 3.30 and put her back down. She slept until 5 when she woke again and I cuddled and dozed in the chair with her until 6 before putting her back down and she got up at 6.40, so all in all a very good night

At the moment I think Joni's waking is down to her liking to sleep on her front but not being able to move from her front to back again when she gets uncomfortable.
Hubby got up with Joni this morning so I could lie in, and I did not get up until 8.40

by which time Joni was getting ready for a nap so I feel like I have not seen her properly this morning. Though looking at the clock I will go and wake her in about 5 mins.
I am not sure what we are going to do today, hang out and play with Joni probably

Hubby is in the city doing some shopping at the moment, I might pop in tomorrow morning. I suppose I should really do a recycling run too boo!
Righto I better go and get the girl. Have a lovely day everyone