Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi all!

Amy I cant believe your Danny - that is a shocking response he really is very immature. I really dont see what his problem is he should appreciate you for looking after his children!

Maybe - I weighed in at 15, 4 yesterday so to get back within healthy limits about 3 stone to go and 6 months to do it ... fingers firmly crossed it drops off but have had soup for lunch with half a bagel I shared with Amy and I feel stuffed!

Sarah - I have no idea how to make ones I like I think these are the ones

but I need invitations, order of service and name place cards and they are soooo expensive!

Emera - I really hope your feeling better soon, and Roh gets back to sleeping better again. Amy is still going through teething and not sleeping and her apparent fear of her cot!

Frufru - thinking of you. I cant believe how much you have to deal with and you sound like such an amazing person.

LC - How are you?

Well I hope everyone is ok .. .just wondering peoples opinions I am looking for a DJ for my wedding but I have 3 possibilities at the moment one cheap option and two who are double the cost of the first but I am worried if I go for the first option he might be really rubbish! This wedding planning is so fun but stressful at the same time!
Hi ladies :wave:

I am just reading through 11 pages that i have missed so am not even going to attempt proper replies sorry! Hope everyone is well. Edited to add that I have attempted personal replies as Oliver stayed asleep longer than I thought he would.

We went to messy play yesterday (photo on fb) and Oliver loved the water tray, playing with a tray full of rice and also trying to eat the paint! I put him in a t-shirt I don't like (it came in a set of 3 and I loved the other two in the set) and a pair of joggin bottoms I got at an NCT sale. Best thing of all about messy play is that it was free :happydance:

I had coffee with a mum whose daughter I used to teach this morning, she is one of my favourite pupils as she was such a character. Her mum and dad are lovely too so it was nice to see the mum again. Hopefully she will want to meet again. Oliver was knackered and when we got back at 1pm I managed to move him from car to cot without him waking up-this rarely happens! He is still asleep now. He has taken to sleeping on his side now and instead of trying to crawl he just rolls around the room or uses his feet to kick what he wants closer to him or pushes himself backwards on his tummy then wonders why he is getting further away from the thing he wants and not closer. :lol:

maybe :hugs: your h needs a good kick up the backside for being so unsupportive of family time! Poor you still getting no sleep. I can't believe your H did that to the laptop, that's crazy! Yay for the tooth.
Amy :hugs: hope you manage to work something out about work, and that your H stops being so damned selfish. I can't believe he is so mean with money and that he thinks you are stealing from him! Oliver still wakes twice in the night and feeds both times but goes back to bed awake then puts himself to sleep.
hannah great ebay bargains. I love Ebay.
sarah great weight loss! Love your idea (well Frufru's one with your idea of the cabin!) :lol: Oliver has taken to emptying things from shelves-like his Daddy's CDs. Instead of stopping him doing it I instead videod it to show my H. He was not impressed. :lol:
h&f could she be unsettled from being in the travel cot? Could you stay with her in the room until she goes to sleep? Scotland is lovely (i am from there originally)
LC that's great Will is standing, not so great he keeps brusing himself.
Frufru sorry you are having a tough time. The councilling sounds like a good idea, you need to talk through everything and not bottle it up. :hugs:
emera sorry Roh isn't sleeping well, hope he goes back to normal again soon. Maybe some more teeth are on the way.
modo great sleep!
muddles - owen sleeps on his side too.

amy - i'd be wary of a cheap option too but it does not necessarily go that more expensive is better i guess. can you get references?

frufru - :hugs: thinking of you :hugs: and also hope joni gets better soon!

emera - sorry you had a rubbish night! fingers crossed tonight is better!

amy - don't feel ashamed. you have nothing to be ashamed of, he's the one who should be ashamed!!!

the chores won over the sleep this morning as by the time dad arrived i would've only had 1hr to sleep and no doubt would've taken ages to go to sleep and by the time i would've gotten to sleep it'd have been time to get up :dohh: the bad thing is that the place still looks like a bomb site :dohh: oh well there's always tomorrow!
Hi muddles I saw the pics on fb they look fab!!!

H&F I'm fine thank you so much for asking, I looked at the inviations they look lovely! How was WW last night, I'm trying to be good but, I'm a comfort eater.... I was 11st 1 yesterday, need to get to 9st 7 - 10 lbs ish.

Maybe it's all very well, saying sleep, but I would have done the same xx
L-C - Weight watches was ok ... i have put on 5lbs over Christmas so back up to 15lb 4 but really on a mission to get rid of Christmas weight by Febuary and then really get going. Target is 12 stone 9lbs ... which is way more than you are now but that is back within my healthy BMI!

Making salmon for dinner but I forgot about the diet and they put some herb butter on it for me. Oh well! I need to be really good!

I have just put Amy in her new comfy PJ's from debenhams they are John Rocha but bought them so cheap in the sale! She looks so cute! Right I better go cook dinner!
Oh my goodness I have just been prompted by another thread to look at the first photo taken of Will and found a 5 1/2 minute video taken when he was 23 minutes old that I had never seen!!!! Was yummy.....well he was, I looked gross, just for me and OH I think!

I've been reading all your posts today on my phone but this is the first chance I've had to reply, I hope I don't miss anyone out!!

Maybe: I'm sorry I didn't say before, yay for the tooth!! :happydance: Sorry to hear about you bad night though, I hope that tonight it better and that Danny does let you have a sleep in one weekend! About time too!!!

Amy: We had a mountain of rubbish too! Steve took a lot of it to work :haha: The bin men came here today and would take extra bags, I took a few out when I got up but they had already been :dohh:
Kerry is so out of order . . . . :hugs: I really mean it when I say you and your lovely kids deserve better :hugs: I thought what Frufru said from the childs perspective was really quite interesting :hugs: Oh, and you soooo deserved those Jaffacakes!!

L-C I had a good giggle re Will and the raisins :haha: I bought Oliver some but he hasn't tried them yet . . . . he's quite a wuss so he'll probably be scared off them too :haha: The bumping phase doesn't sound fun . . . . I think I'll be getting the arnica next time I pass Holland and Barratt too just in preparation! I might use it on me too . . . I'm covered in bruises at the moment :dohh:

FruFru I really hope that Joni is feeling better, bless her! The baby singing does sounds great, I think Oliver would love that but our SureStart doesn't do it :( Oliver hates having his face wiped too and always does that 'get off me mum' look :haha:
Could someone else read the papers about Hannah first? Or be with you when you read them? Don't rush it though, read them in your own time and when you are ready :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I am digitally shoving chocolate under the duvet to you :hugs: :hugs:

Emera I really hope that your ear infection is better soon and that you get some sleep :hugs: :hugs:

H&F Those invites would be quite hard to make with it been printed but how much are they? I might be able to find something similar cheaper somewhere else? Re the DJ do you know anyone who has used the DJ's before? Or could you ask them for a reference? From experience more expensive doesn't always mean better, but you do want a good one as they can make all the difference. If you can get a recommendation that would be ideal.

Muddles Messy Play sounds amazing! Where was that? I want to go!!!! Oliverwoo does a very similar thing to Oliver to get around, and he has taken to sleeping mainly on his side or is belly.

Phew, I think thats everything :haha:

Oliver and I had a good day, after his very late night last night (it was half eleven before I got him to sleep :dohh:) he slept well and woke up at 8am, so we did make it to baby club. It was really busy though, there were sooo many babies and only a handful that I knew, so it wasn't as good as normal. It was still nice though and I had a nice chat with one of the mums.

Steve has been working this afternoon so I met one of my mummy friends this afternoon with her baby and we sat in Starbucks for an hour or so :haha: It was really nice though, we had a good time and will hopefully do it again soon. After coffee Oliver and I called at Pets at Home to buy some food for the Chickens and we had a look at all the animals while we were there, Oliver liked the Guinea Pigs and the Degus :) When I was paying the girl gave him a sticker with Guinea Pigs on it and he got all excited :haha:

Big hugs to you all :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Oh,and H&F, I can recommend 'The Handcrafted Card Company' for your invites etc, I deal with them quite a lot and have always found them to be very professional and excellent quality. Let them know that Sarah from Lovely Weddings send you if you contact them :)
Sarah - I just like the rose theme really but have just seen ones on the website you suggested the guild handmade rose ones they look really lovely !
Feeling guilty about never coming in, I miss you all and am keeping up with you on facebook :kiss:
I hope you're all well. Massive hugs to Amy and Ruth.
Hopefully will be able to keep up better when I'm not using my stupid phone. Half the time it crashes while this thread is loading. The rest of the time it won't let me click on 'parenting' to get in here :wacko:
Katie - hurry up and get your internet sorted lady - we miss you!!!

Katie Hurry up and come back!

Sarah- I am wondering if there is anyway of doing those invites myself or how easy it would be to do something similar.
H&F I'm sure you could make something similar? Do you have a good printer? Its the quality of the printing that usually makes all the difference but you can have inserts printed professionally quick cheaply (from a normal local printer).

Personally I think it would look lovely with a fabric / ribbon rose rather than a ceramic one, and it would be cheaper and much easier to post.

I know these aren't the same exactly, but if you can imagine some lovely possibly slightly pearlescent, card, with the print on, stuck to another card of a different colour (to form a border), and then ribbon wrapped around it, and then a rose something like this:
but maybe not in white . . . . . I don't think I've discribed that very well at all . . . . does it make any sense?
Basically it would be just like this, but with the fabric rose . . . .
modo - I love your fb video of Bobby drinking milk chatting away. He is completely gorgeous xxx

maybe sorry about your rubbish night :hugs: I have no idea if things will improve when Alex gets older - probably in Kerry's eyes because we wont be paying childcare but for me, I worry about growing old with him :S I think you once said you worry about what it will be like when the children grow up and move on, thats how I feel too :hugs: nice of Danny to say you looked like sh!t!! but good that he said he'd give you a break one day, I really hope he does :hugs: - I'd love to come and see you in Gibralter :wink:

frufru - like LC your posts brighten my day too! I think you should be a novelist/author! you have a beautiful writing style. I really hope you are OK, you have been on my mind all day :hugs: Thankyou so much for what you said, its really meant something to me and I am really thinking things through :hugs:

LC - I like the flannel idea! :thumbup: how are things going now with Will and food battles? :flower:

emera - poor you :hugs: I hope you have a good sleep tonight (Roh let your mummy sleep please!). That really made me smile that he can walk across the room holding your hands!!! how sweet! :hugs:

H&F - we had a cheap DJ at our wedding (£100) - he played the wrong version of our first dance (a house version!!!) and played a lot of 60s music but actually it fitted in really well with our little wedding and I remember it more becasue I laughed so much. But I also went to a really nice wedding at the Old Swan in Harrogate and my friend paid a lot more for her DJ and he was brilliant and that went really well with her wedding :hugs: Amy's PJs sound lovely :thumbup:

muddles - lovely to hear from you :hugs: messy play sounds fab and I loved your fb pics :hugs: Alex also sleeps on his side :)

sarah - I'm glad Oliver liked his sticker :hugs: when I went to our babyclub last week there were lots of new faces too and lots of the mums I know are also going back to work soon so I felt a little bit sad.

Katie - I miss you too!!! :friends: hope you get your internet sorted soon. Love all the latest FB pics :flower:

urgh I am shattered. I've sat at the dining room table most of the evening to stay away from HIM and my back aches. Thanks everyone for your support, it really means a lot xxx

I took Alex to nursery today to have a look. I cried on the way there :blush: but it was really lovely and he absolutely loved it. I met his key worker and she was really really nice so I feel much better. I think he'll be ok there, I think I will still cry lots at first but I will know he is being cared for really well. I am taking him again the week before he starts and I have to leave him for an hour the first day and two the next. urgh, its all gone too quickly!

big night night hugs to you all xxx
Oh Amy you are so right about FruFru! Frufru you should sooooo be a writer! I'd buy your books! You could write about us lot in our lottery winning community with a shed full of men folk :rofl: seriously though your posts are lovely to read. Even when it sounds like you are having a tough day your posts are still beautifully written.

Amy I'm glad that the nursery visit went well :hugs: I'm sure Alex will love it! My friends little girl has been in nurery full time since she was about nine months, she starts school soon and when ever my friend mentions school her little girl cries because she won't be able to go to nursery anymore, she loves it so much! I sometimes think that I should at least let Oliver go for say two five hour days, I'm sure its more me than him who would be upset :dohh:
well i had a good evening with danny on the whole. we got takeaway i tried to be good by eating chicken tandoori in pitta bread with salad and only a few chips! then we watched some tv and a film. owen napped on and off with me on the sofa. the bad thing is that i got to bed at almost 2am :blush: i am coming round to sleep training. i'm going to give the ni cry sleep solution a go if i can remember where i put the book :dohh: :haha: i cant carry on with the countless wakings as am waking every day with a headache now :nope:

amy - i'm glad you and alex liked the nursery. i'm sure he'll be fine :hugs:

H&F 5 pounds over Xmas doesn't sound too bad at all! I went out on the turbo trainer last night as OH had to work late, felt funny out there with the monitor, the garage is attached to the house so only like another room but I felt bad so only did 20 mins. It's a real burn though.

Hopefully I'm going to go out for a walk with my friend again today, we did one yesterday, I'm much better at burning the calories off than dieting, I'm just trying to be sensible.

Amy, I'm so sorry your having a rubbish time, really glad Alex likes his nursery, I'm dreading it, and I've only got 2 1/2 months to go! Really not sure what to do on the BF front, would love to continue but I will have to work late shifts and won't be able to feed him before bed. I'm begining to panic and think I'm going to have to start something now. Think I'm going to have to try formula in a cup maybe??

We had a great night, will only fed at 4:15 and then slept until 6:50 yay! I knew it would happen, he ate well at dinner, Amy the only way I can get food in is if I feed him chunks, no spoons are allowed past his lips anymore, he's too busy to do it himself!! I missed Will's pm feed yesterday and so there was loads of milk for bedtime, so he was nice and full. I'm now wondering if I have enough for him.....I don't know it's all so confusing.

Hi Katie! love your fb pictures of Daisy she is so cute!
i know what you mean LC. for the 1st time ever owen didnt want his evening meal. i was worried i wouldnt have enough breast milk so i offered him some special milk with cereals in it that you can buy in spain (dont know if you can get it in uk) but he only had 2oz. with regards to bf with erin she was 11 months when i went to work again. i still bf her as no milk other than booby milk would pass her lips. i just fed her before i left for work and then when i got in again. she was eating well by then so i just made sure that she had lots of calcium rich food to compensate. what time is your late shift? could you maybe express a bottle? owen will happily have formula in his cereals so i a m hoping if i do need to leave him a bottle of formula he will be ok with it as it's been ages since he had a bottle of it!

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