Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Thanks Maybe :hugs:

I always feel bad for complaining and then delete it, so then it looks like who ever responds is a nutter :haha: thanks though Maybe, I really appreciate it. I find it really had to deal with things like this :(

Sorry everyone, that is going to make no sense at all :dohh:

Maybebaby - If your MIL keeps rewarding Danny for bad behaviour how will he ever learn :winkwink:
How is Erins ear infection now? Oh and congratulations on Owen's tooth :mrgreen:

H&F - yay for the bridesmaid dresses :happydance: and even better that they were on sale :mrgreen:
I hope you got a good nights :sleep: last night and are feeling well rested today :hugs: I hope WW goes ok tonight and you leave your meeting feeling upbeat and positive about moving forward :thumbup:

Amy - nope still no toothypegs here :rolleyes: I had a lovely day with my friend thank you, it has been too long since we had a proper catch up. I am glad you had a nice time with your sister and Gabriel and hope that your night with Alex improved :hugs:

Sarah - I like the netbook-wine plot mwahahahaha
It must be so rewarding to have your friend say that your guidance helped her so much with her labour and BF experience. You are a very special lady :hugs:
The wedding fayre sounds as though it could help drum up some business :thumbup: I'm sure between you, Mum, Dad and Steve that it will be an excellent success.
Clearly I am competely unobservant and did not pick up on your cryptic-ness, however I'll happily second Maybebaby and say you have been an incredible support to many of us. If you ever need to talk we are here for you regardless of much or little detail you want to give :hugs:v

Emera - Happy 9-month-a-versary Roh :cake:
How weird that Roh is waking in the first part of the night :shrug: I wish I could suggest something but we are back to waking at 1am, 4am and starting the day at 5am :dohh:
Yay for having a nice time with your friend :) but boo for the ear infection :growlmad: hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon for you.
Thank you for your very wise words :hugs: what you said about thinking you can cope alone and not wanting to bother people is sort of where I have been for the last 10 months really. I have felt myself slipping away little by little for a while now and it is having Joni in our life which has motivated me to seek help, as I know that if I let myself get into a state then I won't be able to care for her properly, and I would hate to ever be in that position if there was something I could have done to prevent it. Bless you losing three people so close together, I can only imagine how heartbreaking that must have been :hugs: I am so pleased that you were able to get the support you needed in the end.
Poor Roh and his little head :sad1: I really can't recommend arnica cream enough for bumps and bruises.

Modo - :hugs: thank you :hugs:
Bless Bobby and his bedtime crawling practice. Joni is just the same :dohh: Wowsers :shock: at 7.45 wake up :thumbup: We seem to be back to 5am starts :rollingeyes:

Well it has taken me since 1pm to write this :dohh: although it would have helped if I did not go for a sneaky cuddle and nap with Joni :blush:
We had baby singing this morning which was great fun. Also a Mum and baby I know from pregnancy yoga turned up at the baby singing with another of their friends which was a lovely suprise :mrgreen: Joni and I woke up this afternoon and have cooked a lentil hotpot for her tea which is cooling as we speak :p for afters she has cinnamon rice pudding. It is a jar one but I think I really need to invest in some pudding rice and have a bash at making some myself as Joni does love it soooooo much.

Better go and feed my wee one. :kiss: to you all
Maybe & FruFu thankyou so much :hugs: I'm feeling much bette now, its lovely knowing that you are there if I need you :hugs:

I will reply properly soon . . . . I really need to colour my hair and Im just wondering if I should go and try to do it now. I am in a mess if Oliver wakes up half way through though so its a bit of a gamble . . . . but I really need to do it!! :dohh:
Hey all -

Sarah - you know we are here for you whateve you need to chat or dont need to chat about. - I seem to talk rubbish most of the time! As for weddign plans I am currently trying to book a DJ and looking for invitations ... I want ones with Roses but so far they are either too expensive or not right and it sooooo annoying!

Maybe - Yay for the tooth!!!! How is the diet going?

Frufru - we are having similar wake up itmes at the moment but it sounds like you had a nice day.

Argh right back to looking for invitations.
H&F have you got a picture of something you like? Would you like me to see if I could make them for you? Or give you some tips on how to make them?

Tonight isnt going to plan :dohh: I decided not to risk colouring my hair so I took a shower instead. When I got out Oliver was still asleep but while I was getting dry Oliver woke up, so I went into him but he was sooooo upset :cry: I'm not sure he realised it was me because I had a towel on my hair :dohh: He was so, so upset, I actually thought he was ill. I brought him downstairs and managed to calm him down, and then he was fine - but wide awake. And he won't go back to sleep - I think he's been talking to Roh :haha: At the moment he's on the floor trying to crawl and terrorising the cat :dohh: I'm going to go to bed in a minute so he might go to sleep up there. It really frightened me though, he was sooooo upset. If thats how upset he gets when Im not there, I never want to leave him again :cry:

I had so much I wanted to get done tonight too and I've done none of it. I guess thats babies for you! Bless him, I'm just so glad he's okay!

We have baby club tomorrow! I've really missed it over Christmas, though since Oliver is four hours late going to bed I guess he might sleep in, so we might miss it after all - though if I get to sleep in then I guess thats okay :haha:

Thanks again for all your support, it really means so much. I'm feeling much better about things now :hugs:

Right - off to bed! See if the little moneky will sleep :dohh: Sorry I haven't replied to everyone properly!

Night night all, lots of love xx
sarah - hope you get to sleep and so does oliver!!!

h&f - diet is going ok thanks how about you? i weighed 10st13 / 69.5kg on monday so 2 stone to go!!!

frufru - glad you got a little nap in with joni :thumbup: erin is much better now thanks for asking!

i wanted to punch my MIL today. she popped round before we went to my friends house and danny was joking that maybe he'd let me use his new laptop and she said 'dont let anne use it she'll leave it on the sofa and break it' :saywhat: and she was deadly serious :nope: i know i'm not the worlds tidiest person but who left it on the sofa the other day? not me!!! granted i used it on the sofa but always put it either on the wide arm of the sofa which is against the wall or on the little table beside. i couldnt believe she could say such a mean thing when it was her son who pounded my netbook to a pulp! maybe he left out that vital piece of information!!!!!
Maybe I bet Danny forgot to mention that bit :grr: I think I'd be unpicking the crotch seam of his uniform trousers very soon :haha:

Oliver is now crawling (still not forwards though) about the bed, every now and then he stops and rests his little head and then he's off again. I have no idea what's got into him!
emera - get well soon and Happy 9 months to little Roh :hugs::flower::hugs:

maybe - wooohooo for the tooth :happydance: I absolutely cannot believe your MIL said that!!! :shock:!!!! clearly Danbny neglected to tell her the full story!

H&F - could you make your own invitations (or get Sarahwoo to make them :winkwink:) - we made ours becasue all the shop ones were so expensive :hugs:

frufru - yummy, lentil hotpot sounds nice :munch: I'm glad you had such fun at baby singing :thumbup:

sarah - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope Oliver gets to sleep for you and that you make babyclub :hugs:

well we just had a lazy day becasue it rained all day. I did manage to get to the dump becasue we had accumulated a tonne of rubbish over christmas, the bags were piled up next to the bin :blush:

things with Kerry, well I realise I am married to an immature, selfish :ban: I told him about the 4 days... he asked for a divorce then proceeded to scream at me for an hour, despite Holly sitting on the stairs crying. I just gave up trying to reason. He shouted at my replys then shouted at my non replys. I couldnt win. Then he gave up and said he was going to do what he wanted from now on (oh big change there not!) and put his x-box on. I said is this how you want a man to treat your daugters (after being called a f*cking tw*t for the umpteenth time), because you are teaching them that this is OK and its really not. He had no reply, he's pathetic in my eyes and I wish I could leave right this second! sorry for moaning on again :blush: I think that becasue I have been with Kerry since I was 17 I grew to think this was acceptable but I am worried about my girls and this isnt how I want their lives to be. But is a broken home any better? :(

to top it off I've stuffed 24 jaffa cakes and a massive chunk of christmas cake :blush:

I hope you all have a good night :flower:
Maybe - Yay for Owen's tooth :happydance: Amelia's got one coming too, can feel sharp on the gum at the bottom :)
this is the worst night ever! owen wont sleep and i'm knackered! he's not in pain or anything just wants my boob in his mouth all the time and my back is killing and i just cant sleep with him latched on :hissy:

amy i cant believe kerry! a divorce for having asked for reduced hours :saywhat: that is insane!!! and all whilst poor holly was crying in the step :nope: poor thing :hugs: it's a difficult decision to leave, i know what you mean about a broken home. do you think things may improve after alex is a bit older? :hugs: can you and the kids go and stay with your parents for the weekend to get some space?
Amy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: His reaction was insane hon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and you are right does he want the girls growing up thinking its ok for a man to treat them like this :( Does he want Alex to learn from his example? Its not acceptable :( :nope:

Can you like Maybe said stay with your mother for a few days? Just get away from this environment? You all need a break from this atmosphere.
amy just sending you some huge hugs :hugs: if you want to get away from it all get on a plane and come visit me :)

danny saw i looked like s*** this morning and i asked him if maybe one weekend he could get the kids breakfast and he said yes :wohoo: probably wont be for a few weekends as he has an exam to study for this weekend and then next weekend he has a training night shift on friday night but at least there is hope :happydance: lets see if this lasts. my dad has offered to take owen out for an hour before i pick dylan up from school at 12. the dilema is to clean up my s*** hole of a flat or sleep?.........
Frufru: your nap with Joni sounds lovely! I wish Bobby would nap with me but he gets too excited and won't sleep then gets overtired. Baby singing sounds like fun :)

Sarah: I also agree with Frufru and maybe that we are all here for you whenever you want to talk. I hope your night got better and Oliver went to sleep :hugs:

Maybe: Glad to hear that Erin is better :hugs: I cannot believe how MEAN your MIL was to you hon :hugs: It astounding! She really must not know or she wouldn't of said that :nope: I hope your night went better hon :hugs: Maybe my advise to whether you should clean or sleep is most def get some sleep!

Big :hugs:to you all.

Frufru you are so amazing I look forward to your posts everyday, they brighten up my day. You really do deserve to feel better about things again very soon, it'll never change things but hopefully counselling will make you feel more like yourself again.

Thank you so much for the arnica suggestion, will definitely be getting some, he's covered in bruises and I feel awful!!

Baby singing sounds great, we start sing and sign tomorrow :happydance:. mmmmmmm lentil hotpot, Will is well and truly off spoon feeding, only lumps can be squeezed between his clenched lips - urgh.

This so is the place to get support no one should feel too proud to rant, cry of let off steam in here :flower:

Sarah I hope you had a better night and are feeling better today. I'm glad Oliver settled down, I made that mistake with the towel the other day and it also upset Will. Who I now think is a bit of a wuss as he appears to have na aversion to raisins :saywhat: I put some on his tray and he was petrified, I then moved them to the edge away from him and he was still as bad bless him. I then went to a friends who was feeding her little boy raisins the plate was on the floor and Will crawled over went to touch, shuddered and shielded his body away in absolute disgust. Tried blueberries last night and the same, not sure how this has happened, this was the first time with raisins and blueberries.

Good luck at the fayre on Sunday - I think the Oliver plan sounds great and would definitely work!!

Amy - I'm so sorry your OH is being an idiot, that is so out of order in front of poor Holly. No one can tell you what to do which is so hard, only you know what's best for you and your LO's. Big :hugs: we are all here for you hun x

Maybe - yipee for Danny offering to help, I think he might have to do a little bit more to redeem himself though. I can believe what he did to the netbook and your MIL who I don't think has the full story :hugs:

I hope when he see's how people behave in his new job he'll realise that his behaviour isn't far off it and make some changes!!

Maybe I'd get some :sleep:, you might find a bit of time for chores later, sometimes I get in a huge panic about getting stuff done and somehow, I get there even with my little menace! Yay for the toothypeg :happydance:

This shed is going to need to be enormous!!

Modo - Bobby's noctural crawling is so funny bless him, they do get bored and stop it's funny. Will's sleep has been affected by all the developments, sitting, crawling and now standing, the novelty seems to wear off after about 2 weeks each time.

Emera - I hope your ear infection clears up soon! Poor Roh on the fireplace - ouch. I'm not liking this bumping phase, think it's going to last a while though. My OH lifted Will out of the highchair the other night and scraped his leg against the table and now he has a nasty bruise, I feel like a rubbish Mummy, like I should have done more to protect him. We tend to spend the day upstairs, we have ceramic tiles in the kitchen, marble harth and pointy coffee table downstairs - it's safer upstairs.

Well Mummy has won the first nap battle of the day and Will is in bed, so I either have 40 minutes or and hour and a half, fingers crossed for the latter, I need to get organised.

Hope you all have a good day xx
Sarah - I am glad you are feeling a bit better about things. Sometimes having a bit of a vent really helps. Bless Oliverwoo :hugs: it awful when they do their heartbreaking crying :nope: Joni spent nearly the whole night doing it on and off :cry: this morning she is just grumpy and full of snot.
Hopefully Oliver has had a lie in this morning to make up for his late night, if not enjoy baby club.

H&F - good luck on invitation hunting. I really like Sarah's idea of making them but I guess you need to find the time then!

Maybebaby - Good to hear the diet is on track :thumbup: I can't believe Danny has made out to his Mum that the netbook breaking is your fault :wacko: I bet he did not even tell her he punched the cr@p out of it :growlmad: I am outraged on your behalf!!!! I honestly would not have been able to keep my mouth shut and would have told her exactly what happened :blush:

Amy - firstly :hugs:, hugs: and lots more :hugs:
Kerry's behaviour, oh dear :nope: In my book being shouted, screamed and sworn at in such an aggressive manner is a form of emotional abuse and is completely unacceptable under any circumstances. I am so sorry that you were treated so poorly and that Holly was witness :sad1: I find it quite telling that Kerry did not have an insult, swear word or retort when you asked him about people treating the girls like he treats you.
My Mum and Dad would have rows and arguments of nuclear proportion when I was little. I remember one particularly nasty one where they were screaming at one another from opposite ends of the kitchen throwing crockery :shock: In my Mum and Dad's case their relationship had become unworkable in the end was completely toxic and made the whole family utterly miserable. As much as I love my Dad I was relieved when they split up and he left. I have never wished that my Mum and Dad had stayed or got back together and never really thought of myself coming from a broken home. We were all much more broken when we were a family unit, by splitting up my parents allowed us to repair the broken bits and find a new way to work as a family where we were all much happier.
At the end of the day, broken home or not the kids need you to be happy to be happy themselves :hugs:
After all the upset I think you deserved the jaffa cakes and the cake!

Hannah - congratulations on Amelia's tooth. Lovely avatar picture :)

Maybebaby - BOO for the bad nights rest! As for the dilemma - what dilemma :winkwink: :sleep:

L-C - :kiss: thank you lady :hugs:
I love the baby singing group, it is run by our local surestart and only costs a pound which is voluntary :thumbup: Is it really sad that while thinking about what days to return to work that I want to have wednesdays off so Joni and I can still go :blush:
So Will's scared of raisins and blueberries :haha: that is so funny. Joni's food nemesis seems to be cucumber :rofl: I break the blueberries up and pop them in Joni's mouth and she cannot get enough of them!

Joni was sneezing all day yesterday and woke up a couple of hours after bedtime full of cold :sad1: I knew we were in for a restless night so we pulled out of the futon in Joni's room for hubby to sleep on and Joni and I took the kingsize in our room. Not much sleeping went on in mine and Joni's camp, thankfully hubby did better. Joni is a completely full of snot today and keeps rubbing the snot all over her face and into her eyes :sick: and I think you all know how easy it is to wipe babies noses and faces at this age :dohh:

We were supposed to be visiting one of our favorite Mums and Baby today but the other baby has a tummy bug so if is safe to say with Joni's cold we are staying away for both the babies sakes! It will be a quiet one at home I think.

I spoke to the coroner yesterday about my sister and they have everything they need now to complete the inquest into her death and the inquest will be the beginning of February. All of investigation and medical reports into Han's death have arrived in the post this morning :wacko: I have opened them but only read the first line so far - ooh shudder ick ick ick :wacko: :ignore:

Running away now to hide underneath a rock.

Oh can't find a rock big enough, duvet it is then :winkwink:
will post properly later, came back to delete my post as I am ashamed of the man I am with but you've all been lovely so thankyou billions for your support :hugs::hugs:

frufru - thinking of you hun xxxxxx :hugs:
Frufru: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. Please know that I am here for you and can talk whenever you want :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Amy :hugs:

Frufru I don't blame you for hiding from the post today, is there anyone who will go through it with you?? we are all here for you hun :kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:

We are using flannels during the day to wipe Will's face, is working a treat, have a huge stack of cheap ones in the kitchen, I can get him clean before he's even realised xx

Emera meant to say - we are well away on the rolled up mush sausages!!! Will loves them x
Amy - :hugs: so sorry about how you are being treated :( I know it would be hard to have the girls and Alex grow up with only one parent at home, but surely its worse for them to see their parents rowing and their Mum being treated so badly? I don't know, you know your relationship[ better than anyone here, and if you think that things are unworkable, don't let the fact that you've been together a long time, and that you aren't used to being on your own affect any decisions you make. Things tend to have a way of working themselves out :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

FruFru - thinking of you hon :hugs: Just look at that paperwork when you feel you can and you are ready to, until then just put it away somewhere and keep it for a day when you feel its time, it won't go anywhere until then. :hugs:

Maybe - Nice that Danny offered to help out :)

Well i'm shattered , Roh slept from 12am to 4am last night only :wacko: I've no idea whats going on with his sleep, i'm desperately hoping its just a phase. I've got my fingers crossed its a mix of teething and developmental things, as he's now able to walk across the room if i hold his hands and go ahead of him. He's wobbly, but using the right feet and pretty co-ordinated now! My ear infection is feeling worse now, and the whole side of my head is throbbing. Its really not helping that i've had to work the last 3 days, and then around that Roh hasn't been sleeping, so i've had literally zero time to myself just to lie down for 20 minutes!

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