Sarah - I am glad you are feeling a bit better about things. Sometimes having a bit of a vent really helps. Bless Oliverwoo

it awful when they do their heartbreaking crying

Joni spent nearly the whole night doing it on and off

this morning she is just grumpy and full of snot.
Hopefully Oliver has had a lie in this morning to make up for his late night, if not enjoy baby club.
H&F - good luck on invitation hunting. I really like Sarah's idea of making them but I guess you need to find the time then!
Maybebaby - Good to hear the diet is on track

I can't believe Danny has made out to his Mum that the netbook breaking is your fault

I bet he did not even tell her he punched the cr@p out of it

I am outraged on your behalf!!!! I honestly would not have been able to keep my mouth shut and would have told her exactly what happened
Amy - firstly

, hugs: and lots more

Kerry's behaviour, oh dear

In my book being shouted, screamed and sworn at in such an aggressive manner is a form of emotional abuse and is completely unacceptable under any circumstances. I am so sorry that you were treated so poorly and that Holly was witness

I find it quite telling that Kerry did not have an insult, swear word or retort when you asked him about people treating the girls like he treats you.
My Mum and Dad would have rows and arguments of nuclear proportion when I was little. I remember one particularly nasty one where they were screaming at one another from opposite ends of the kitchen throwing crockery

In my Mum and Dad's case their relationship had become unworkable in the end was completely toxic and made the whole family utterly miserable. As much as I love my Dad I was relieved when they split up and he left. I have never wished that my Mum and Dad had stayed or got back together and never really thought of myself coming from a broken home. We were all much more broken when we were a family unit, by splitting up my parents allowed us to repair the broken bits and find a new way to work as a family where we were all much happier.
At the end of the day, broken home or not the kids need you to be happy to be happy themselves

After all the upset I think you deserved the jaffa cakes and the cake!
Hannah - congratulations on Amelia's tooth. Lovely avatar picture
Maybebaby - BOO for the bad nights rest! As for the dilemma - what dilemma
L-C -

thank you lady

I love the baby singing group, it is run by our local surestart and only costs a pound which is voluntary

Is it really sad that while thinking about what days to return to work that I want to have wednesdays off so Joni and I can still go

So Will's scared of raisins and blueberries

that is so funny. Joni's food nemesis seems to be cucumber

I break the blueberries up and pop them in Joni's mouth and she cannot get enough of them!
Joni was sneezing all day yesterday and woke up a couple of hours after bedtime full of cold

I knew we were in for a restless night so we pulled out of the futon in Joni's room for hubby to sleep on and Joni and I took the kingsize in our room. Not much sleeping went on in mine and Joni's camp, thankfully hubby did better. Joni is a completely full of snot today and keeps rubbing the snot all over her face and into her eyes

and I think you all know how easy it is to wipe babies noses and faces at this age
We were supposed to be visiting one of our favorite Mums and Baby today but the other baby has a tummy bug so if is safe to say with Joni's cold we are staying away for both the babies sakes! It will be a quiet one at home I think.
I spoke to the coroner yesterday about my sister and they have everything they need now to complete the inquest into her death and the inquest will be the beginning of February. All of investigation and medical reports into Han's death have arrived in the post this morning

I have opened them but only read the first line so far - ooh shudder ick ick ick
Running away now to hide underneath a rock.
Oh can't find a rock big enough, duvet it is then