Blimey Amy - six teeth!!! I hope you're having a fun sleepover!!
H&F You should go out - go and buy you something new and even if you just go for a short time, still go. I used to always have a melt down wneh I was getting ready to go out, now I just don't go outso I don't have that worry

The invites would be easy to make - if you want to keep the costs down and you have the time I can point you in the right direction for where to buy things and how to make them. Alternitively I can make them for you, I would have to charge but I would do them as cheaply as I could.
L-C Oliver won't take a bottle either
Oliver and I have had a nice day, though I've been feeling a bit stressed. I think after so long of not 'working' and having deadlines and things now I've got this wedding fayre on Sunday I'm getting a bit stressed knowing that I have to have everything ready. I'm sure I will be ready and that it will be fine, but I had to sit myself don and have a word earlier

Oliver and I drove down to my parents this afternoon and Oliver stayed there while I went to my appointment with 'my' bride. It went really, really well and she booked the chair covers and loads of extras too which more or less doubled the value of the booking! Yay! I had a lovely time - it was so nice to be back in my wedding planner shoes and the bride was really nice. It was only an hour but I really enjoyed it, and it made me even more determind to get more bookings and do it 'full time' Argh I hope Sunday goes well!!!!!!
I was a little nervous leaving Oliver, as I always am. I left him for about an hour and a half in the end. When I got home he was playing with my mum, he heard my voice, turned around, smiled at me, and carried on playing! I had hoped for one of the big Daddy smiles

Mum said that he was so busy playing that she wasn't sure he'd even realised that I'd gone, he probably though I was just in another room or something

Never mind, at least he was okay, thats the main thing.
I have had a little issue tonight. I was feeding Oliver at bed time and for the first time, he started biting. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! He had had quite a lot of milk, and was getting sleepy, but wasn't asleep. I stopped feeding him and popped him down, and he wriggled about for a while and then started crying. I tried feeding him again but he started biting again! I tried getting him to sleep without feeding him but he was just getting stressed. Argh! I ended up getting a sippy cup with some formula to see if he would settle with that but that didn't work, so after a while I tried bf'ing him again and then he was fine, thank goodness! Argh it hurt though!!
Right well Steve is due home any time, he's got the weekend off though I don't think he's impressed that he's spending Sunday helping me at the wedding fayre
Hope you are all well.
FruFru, if you are about, huge