Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Amy - Whilst dissapointing that Kerry has not come around &/or apologised, as you said, at least you're not rowing. How is Holly doing?
Gutted about the 6am wake up :rolleyes: Joni is an early bird so if she makes it past 6am on any day I feel lucky :haha:
The nursery visit sounds really promising :thumbup:
6 teeth :shock: still none for team Joni :lol:

Modo - Joni's hug was dutifully delivered :winkwink:
I love Bobby's video of drinking his milk, it is so cute :kiss: Now you have been using the washable nappies for a few weeks how are you finding it?

L-C - Happy 8-month-a-versary to Will :cake:
We are a fan of flannels for cleaning up Joni too. I bought some cheapy baby ones from poundland which are 25% polyester 75& cotton so they are really light and easy to get in between Joni's fingers after mealtimes :thumbup:

Emera's mush sausages sounded lovely, I tried looking back for the recipe but we talk so much I could not find it :haha: I am going to make banana and blueberry pancakes for breakfast tomorrow :p I find pitta breads great for finger foods as you can put pretty much anything in them.
With regards to bottles, my HV recommends starting to phase out bottles and introduce a beaker or cup for milk feeds around 7-9 months. So far I use a beaker at mealtimes to give Joni sips of water but she has never drunk any huge quantity from one. I am going to attempt Joni's morning feed from a beaker tomorrow - I think it is going to be messy :lol:

Emera - I hope your ear infection is on the mend now :hugs: I LOVE the vid of Roh :kiss: what a gorgeous boy you have grown!
:thumbup: awesome bargain on the stroller. I have had a stroller for Joni since she was about 4 months and I love it, it makes me wish I had never spent so much on the carrycot/pushchair combo we used when she was first born :dohh:
Fingers crossed on the sleep front for you [-o<

H&F - I hope you are having a lovely night out. Joni has 2 naps a day, one in the morning about 2.5 hours after she wakes for 45min-90min and the other after lunchabout 3-3.5 hours after she last woke for 90-120min. Generally I try to keep her day sleep to no more than 3 hours.
5lb's is not too bad for an Xmas splurge. Mine was more like 6/7 :blush: going by your past success I am confident you will have those 5lb's off by February :hugs:

Muddles - the messy play looks awesome :mrgreen: even better that it was free :thumbup: I have got a receipe for making edible paint which I want to give a go so we can do a load of Joni hand and footprints to make thank you cards for her Christmas gifts. Maybe I will give it a go tomorrow.
It sounds like Oliver is getting more and more mobile. Joni sleeps any which way - side, front and back :haha:

Sarah - than you for the digital chocolate, it was gratefully received :mrgreen:
Bless Oliver and the guinea pig sticker :awww: Boo for the biting though :(
:happydance: yay for the bride booking going so well :thumbup: I hope the fayre goes well tomorrow.

Katie - I really hope you get your internet sorted soon lady.

Maybebaby - The takeaway night sounded nice :p I remember what it is like to have a headache 24/7 :nope: Hopefully you will get Owen's sleep sorted soon :hugs:


Ladies you are all just super :hugs: Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughtfulness. I've put my sad bits in a spoiler so you can choose whether to read them or not depending on your mood :flower:

Hubby was on a late the day Han's reports came so he called work to tell them he would be late so he could go through them with me. The GP's report filled in a lot of blanks for me and confirmed quite a few things about Han's condition which she would always deflect and skirt around when I asked. If anything I feel a little better about things, in the sense that the reports have reinforced the notion that there was nothing we could have done to prevent her choosing to end her life.

Hubby did end up taking the whole day off work on Thursday. I just knew I would be weepy all day and with Joni being poorly she was much more demanding than usual so Daddy-backup was much appreciated. Then yesterday my Mum came over to go through the papers and keep me company.

It looks like the inquest will be held before mid-February at the latest. I am actually rather relieved it will be all finished soon. I was begining to worry that it was going to drag on for ages.

I was checking out the Cruse website (thank you again Emera) and found this lovely poem written by a girl called Katie about her Grandma which I thought was really beautiful:

It's uncertain.
You're gone. But not gone.
You're lost. But not lost.
You're here. But not here.
It's certain.
You're always in my thoughts. No matter what.
Life will go on but my memories of you will flow along with it.
Forever, not never. I miss you.

You all made me blush about liking my posts/writing style. When it comes to creativity I have always lived in Hannah's shadow as she was an exceptionally talented writer, poet, musician and artist. I am very much a perfectionist and often fall prey to thinking if I can't do something as well as, or better, than others that I might as not bother :dohh:
I have felt so lost for a long time and know I am not the same person I was before Han/Joni but I am not sure who I am or quite how I want to be :confused: I have been thinking about starting a journal for my thoughts and snippets of potential/maybe songs and poems as they come to mind. Perhaps a private place to talk to myself and record thoughts and feelings might help me map out where I am so I can try and find a route to where I want to be if you know what I mean?

Joni is still impersonating a snotty Darth Vader. Bless her, Thursday night she actually slept through 7-6.30 :shock: but then she had a really disturbed night last night, and I did not get into bed until 3.30 and had only been asleep for about an hour before she woke again :nope: Hubby went and sorted her out in the end and got up with her at 7 and left me to sleep. I eventually crawled out of bed at 10am :happydance: it was absolutely incredible :cloud9:

It has been a quiet day, we went and fed the ducks before lunch and mooched around the house doing housework and playing with Joni for the rest of the day :) Joni had cheesy scrambled egg for tea which is one of her favorites, it is so cute watching her eat it as she just can't eat it fast enough :lol:

I have had to order a new sleeping bag for Joni today as the ones we got in October are all nearly too short. She has grown so quickly and is so tall already that I have bought the 18mth+ size, hopefully with the bigger size we will get more than 3 months wear out of it!

Well I should really think about signing off and getting ready for bed. Joni has only woken once so far but put herself back to sleep after hubby moved her cuddly bunny within snuggling range - how cute :D

Wishing you all peaceful nights :hugs:
Roh has himself wedged right in the corner of his cot and keeps making little cries shuffling and going back to sleep :dohh: I'm undecided whether to move him or not, i'm too scared of waking him up if i do....i'm hoping he'll move himself soon :wacko:

FruFru - I think a journal is a good idea :thumbup: I have 2 these days. One is for my inspirations for the novel i've been working on for,...well forever it seems like, i made good progress just before i got pregnant, but since Roh's been here i have very little time, so its handy to jot things down as they come to me, or else i'd forget them. The other is just for my private blah blah, stuff that needs to leave my head but not hit other people's ears, if you know what i mean :haha: I find it quite handy to have it, as the next day, or week, i can e-read it and reflect. I started it as part of my therapy a few years ago, it helps me see how i move on in life and deal with things, eveb though sometuimes it feels like i don't... Its also usful for checking to see if i'm not dealing with stuff, if it keeps cropping up the i know i have to do something about it. If i write positive things in i always make sure its highlighted and in big writing, helps me notice the good stuff if i'm feeling low ;hugs:

As for the mush sausages, i keep meaning to make them again and write a proper recipe, but in brief:

You need:
Cooked potato, sweetcorn, and/or carrot, cooked and shredded chicken, breadcrumbs, plus a little grated mild cheddar if you want.

Mash the potato and add the sweetcorn, and mashed up carrot and shredded chicken, and cheese if you're using it. mix in a spoonful of the breadcrumbs at a time until the mix is firm enough to make into a sausage that won't flop :haha: Roll the mix into little sausages, and then bake them in the oven untii they start to go golden on the outside. Leave to cool, and nom nom nom! :)
frufru - :hugs: for starters good luck with the beaker feed tomorrow. I know I had Holly and Emily on beakers after 6 months for milk feeds so I'm sure Joni will be fine. I remember just giving them the milk and letting them drink themselves (or rather Kerry did when I was at work). I was thinking I should give Alex some milk in a beaker to see how he gets on (he's fine with water) in preparation for nursery so I am interested to hear how you get on :thumbup:

I'm glad Joni gave you one good night and that your hubby let you have a lie in after your bad night :hugs: Mmm cheesey scrambled egg - thats tomorrow's tea idea sorted thankyou :thumbup:

Its lovely to have you back and I am so glad that the reports on Han have given you peace of mind that you did all you could. That poem was beautiful and it made me cry but in a good way. I think the sentiment was just perfect :hugs: I think that writing your thoughts and feelings down in a personal journal sounds like a wonderful idea. On bad days you can read back and see how far you have come :hugs: I've never met anyone who has been through so much as you and I do think you are amazing for the way you have coped with so much xxx I dont think you should count yourself as less creative than your sister, its obviously a family trait. Maybe one day you will publish your journal as a support for others? I hope that after the inquest you can start a new chapter in your life :hugs::hugs: Lots of love and hugs :hugs:
emera - thanks for the recipe! we are so going to try those this week :thumbup: what is your novel about? :flower:

As for Roh, I think I'd leave him too... Alex keeps making little grunty noises - I'm sure he has wind but as long as he's asleep he cant be too uncomfortable? :shrug:

I had something else to say but my poor old tired brain cant hold a thought too long these days :haha:

Sorry I've not been on tonight, I've been getting everything ready for tomorrow and trying not to get stressed . . . . argh!! I think I'm ready . . . well there are just few more things I need to do but they are quick and easy so as long as I don't forget, it'll be fine. I haven't had time to colour my hair but I think everything else is taken care of. Steve, Oliver and I are all going to the hotel first thing to set up, and then my parents are coming later to take Oliver for a while. I suggested lto Steve that he stay here with Oliver until lunch time, thinking it would be less work for him, but I think he felt a bit left out :haha: so we'll see how it goes. I'm quite nervous, I really hope it goes well!

I really need to get to bed so I won't reply to everyone tonight but :hugs: for you all! Amy, I'm glad the sleepover went well! Emera I really should try making those sausages, they sound great! And Frufru :hugs: bless you, you are such a strong lady! And you really should get a journal and start writing things down, after all the drama I had a few years ago with my mmc and partial molar pregnancy I started a journal and it really, really helped, because as the others said you can look back and even if you're having a bad day, you can see that you are doing better and better. Its also very useful for picking up on any issues, as Emera said. I really wish that I had kept writing on journal, especially since Oliver arrived as I would love to be able to go back and read those thoughts. And you should do what Emera does too and have a little inspiration book where you can write anything creative, ideas etc. I used to do that too . . . no I just have pretty journals full of lists of things I need to do :haha:

Right, well I'm off to bed, I'm hoping Oliver has a good night . . . . fingers crossed!!

Love to you all xx

PS Happy Eight Months to Will!!!!
sarah - nighty night. more good luck for tomorrow xx :hugs: xx
Argh, Roh did wake up at 11pm, I've just got him back to sleep again now! Poor thing, he's teething really badly tonight, although not so badly he didn't want to spend an hour playing, then he got over tired and went to meltdown. Just spent the last hour lying on the floor next to his cot stroking his back, and every time i stopped he started crying again :(
Just came back in the sitting room and OH (who got home just as Roh woke up) said he was listening on the monitor and that i'm a really good Mummy :) Might get a cuddle before bed if he keeps it up :haha:

Ergh anyway, night! :hugs:

P.S - Good Luck Sarah! :hugs:
h&f - the diet is going ok. i went out for lunch with my sister and then had a piece of chocolate cake in the evening as i couldnt resist it :blush: my mil had baked it yesterday afternoon :munch: but i think i am within my points. i get 5 more than normal as i am still bf :thumbup: about the naps owen generally has 3 20 minute naps. one in the morning, one after lunch and one at about 5pm.

LC - as h&f says any weight loss is a step in the right direction :happydance: well done :thumbup:

amy - glad the sleepover went well. i'm sorry you and kerry are still not speaking but i too would prefer that to arguing. i hope he comes round.

emera - what cute pics/videos of roh! :grr: to the rubbish night you got last night! oh and i too find cake hard to resist :haha:

sarah - good luck today! i'm sure it will go brilliantly :)

frufru - i agree that a journal is a good idea and that it will no doubt prove very therapeautic (sp?) i am glad that the dr reports have given you some peace of mind and hopefully after the inquest you will feel you have some closure :hugs:

well yesterday i ended up spending the day with my sister. we went for lunch with her friend who has just adopted a little girl from russia. then we went for a walk and wandered round the shops. today is my fil bday so i guess we will go over to their place at some point. danny said he should be finished studying by early afternoon but judging by the fact it's almost 10 and he's not surfaced yet i am thinking maybe not. oh well i shall just carry on myself. i'm going to set the kids at work to make a card for their grandad and then i think we may take a walk to the botanic gardens. if i take a packed lunch we can eat there and the kids can play a bit in the playground there. then we can go to my inlaws after that i guess. anyway the kitchen calls so i shall go and clear up. have a lovely sunday :hugs:
Hi all -

Really sorry for not posting properly just wanted to send hugs to fru-fru

I am ever so slightly hung over ... we ended up getting back at 4am after belly dancing going to numerous bars and drinking cocktails. Fortunately Dave is looking after Amy today I did have a lovely evening but Im not going to rush to do it again!
Frufru: That was an amazing poem and it brought tear to my eyes :hugs: to you hun :hugs: We are totally using cloth now and its going very well. I am starting to sell of the diapers I like less. They have all been good (none leaked) just some I find more fiddly than others. Bobby hates getting his diaper changed (he seems annoyed) and I always keep a toy handy to give him while I am changing him.

Emera: will be making the sausage receipe yum yum! Sorry Roh woke up again :hugs:

Sarah: Hope it went well today :hugs:

Maybe: I hope you had a nice day hon :hugs:

H&F: Sounds like fun! Sorry about the hangover :hugs:
Well after sleeping for a full 40 minutes Roh is now next to me playing as he was farrrrr too awake to even bother trying to get him to sleep :dohh:

emera - big hugs to your hubby for his lovely comment :thumbup: hope Roh goes to sleep soon :hugs:

maybe - your Sunday plans sound lovely - did Danny get his revision done and join you all at the botanical gardens? :hugs:

H&F - glad you had a good night! sounds like fun :thumbup: not sure I could handle a hangover - :thumbup: to Dave for looking after Amy

modo - I really admire you ladies that use re-usable nappies :hugs: I just couldnt cope with the washing, my washing machine is on the go 24-7 already x

we went to Kerry's mum's for lunch. It was OK except their idea of fun is watching Kerry and his mums boyf play 18 rated playstation games in front of the children at full tv volume :( and it was a lovely afternoon I'd have loved to be out for a walk.
Emera - Joni frequently wedges herself in the corner of her cot and wakes up crying for me to go in and move her as she can't crawl or wriggle her way forwards yet :dohh: Thank you for the mush sausages recipe again, I have written it down this time :thumbup:
Sorry Roh's sleep seems to have gone topsy turvy again. I hope he goes off again for you soon.

Amy - The beaker feeding was a complete bust :dohh: I gave it to her and she just chomped at the spout like it was a teat a few times then just started screaming so I just gave her the bottle instead. I usually give her the morning bottle in her room reclined on cushions which is how I offered the beaker. I think that may have been my mistake as Joni only ever drinks from a beaker in her highchair. So tomorrow I am going to get the milk and breakfast at the same time and offer the milk in the beaker in her highchair and see how she goes with that.
Cheesy scrambled egg is one of Joni's favorites, I skin a tomato and mix that in aswell. I hope Alex enjoyed his :p
I am with you on the walk vs computer/tv. Since when was it fun to watch someone else playing a computer game :shrug:

Sarah - I hope you had a good day at the fayre :)

H&F - thank you for the hugs :) It sounds like you had a good time last night :mrgreen:

Modo - Yay for the diapers :thumbup: I always have to keep a toy handy when I change Joni too :winkwink: I always end up playing with Joni on her changing mat for about 15-20mins when I change her unless we are going out. The sight of her chubby little legs just sends me wild :cloud9:

Maybebaby - I hope you had a nice time at the gardens and with your inlaws.


I am really tired tonight. Hubby and I ended up not going to bed until 12 last night and so I was still awake when Joni woke at 1am :dohh: I finally got Joni back to sleep just after 2am by which point hubby was snoring so loudly you would think the ceiling was coming in. Around 3am I ended up retreating to the sofa with a blanket and hot water bottle to catch some Z's. Joni usually wakes at about 6.15-6.30 and I will wake her at 6.45 if, by some miracle, she is still asleep. Last night I left my phone in our bedroom by accident so did not hear the alarm at 6.40 and hubby slept through it :shock: and Joni did not wake until 7.45!!!!!!!!!

So our routine has been a bit out today which meant that Joni really fought going to sleep tonight. She took about an hour to go off in the end but seems pretty peaceful now.

I want to write more but my brain hurts so I am going to go to bed. Night night all :hugs:
Evening all!

Just another quick one from me I'm afraid - I'm looking forward to having a proper catch up tomorrow :haha:

Well today went well I think . . . . we gave out loads of information so I've just got to wait now and see if anyone gets in touch! Fingers crossed! I found it a little strange, I'm used to my brides been super chatty but I guess when there are lots of suppliers, you cant have a good natter with them all! The info we gave out was quite nice though, so hopefully they will have got home and looked through all their leaflets and our will have stood out (we put all the info, price lists etc into really nice hot pink envelopes and Steve printed on them, they looked lovely :)). I've got a few ideas of what I would do differently next time too which is always good. Steve was also really helpful all day and was a very good salesman :haha:

Oliver was a little star all day, my parents took him for quite a while and he had a nap layed on my mum sat in the hotel bar :haha: and then he had his dinner. He was so sweet and when I had him on the stand he was smiling and been cute to everyone :haha: It made it so much easier knowing that he was okay, I think if he'd been crying etc I would have been quite distracted. I also feel more confident about leaving him with my parents for a longer time if I need to now.

Amy - I'm sorry you didn't get to get out and enjoy the nice day :hugs: How are things with Kerry? How are the girls doing? :hugs:

Emera - I think you're an amazing mummy :hugs: I hope Roh goes back to sleep soon and that you have a good night!!

Maybe - I hope you had a good day!

I'm quite looking forward to having a quiet day with Oliver tomorrow! Its lovely to have busy days but its really nice having a quiet cosy day with my baby :)

Well I am going to sit and watch True Blood (new season just started in FX, I have seen it but well, I can cope with watching it again :haha:) and relax and then go to bed.

Night everyone!

frufru - oh dear! I hope you have better luck with beakergate take 2 :haha: I'm sure it will take a couple of goes for her to adjust :hugs: I hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:

sarah - it sounds like the fayre was very successful all round :thumbup: Thanks for asking, things with Kerry are still rubbish but I refuse to argue about it anymore so we just arent talking. The girls are much better with no arguing :(

I think Alex is getting another cold, he keeps waking and is all bunged up :dohh: tonight will be fun I think! :dohh:
Hi ladies! How is everyone?? Long time no see! LOL. I do see some of you on FB now... but BIG HELLO to those of you that aren't on there!

Things are going okay for us. Dillon got his very first tooth finally. He will be 9 months old in a couple days, and just today his first tooth broke through the skin. I was wondering if he'd ever get any! LOL.

He has been having some major weight gain issues. He is BELOW the 3rd percentile - so we have been working hard trying to get him to gain. I think the problem was I just wasn't feeding him LONG enough! Poor baby. He never complains, so if I was busy, I'd just take him off the breast after 10 min or so, and he wouldn't complain or cry - so I figured he was good... If I had done that to Logan he'd have screamed bloody murder if he wasn't really done.... Well - anyways - since my doctor told me he was off his curve - I have been SLOWING myself down and letting him nurse until HE decided he was done. Since then (about a month now), he has been gaining better.... but he is a tiny little guy still. Only about 15 lbs right now... my 1st born was 15 lbs at 4 months old! I went for a weight check 2 weeks after I started letting him nurse his heart out and he had gained a 17 oz - so it made a difference! We have also been giving him LOTS of solids inbetween nursing. (And I have been giving him the highest calorie things I can find...)

Anyways - we go back to the doctor in 2 weeks - so we will see - hopefully he has gained another pound or so!

Well - thats the story around here. Gonna go catch up on all of you now.
LM - glad dillon's weight gain is on the up!

sarah - glad that all went well yesterday!

amy - hope alex gets over his cold soon!

emera - hope roh went to sleep quickly!

frufru - hope you had a better night.

h&f - glad you had a good night out :)

just a quick one as owen wants attention! i lost 1.5kg/ 3&1/4lbs this week :happydance: so now weight is 68kg/10st 9 3/4lbs! still got a way to go but it is a start!!! :) :thumbup:

will post properly later. off to the supermarket in spain in a bit with my mum whilst dylan is in school as it's cheaper to shop there than in gib!
Sarah - I am glad you had a good day :hugs: Hopefully you will get lots of leads from it so you can stay at home with Oliver :mrgreen:

Amy - I am sorry things with Kerry are still off :sad1: BOO to colds :grr: I hope your night was better than your expected :hugs: It feels like Joni is constantly bothered with either teething or a cold :rolleyes:
I totally could not be @rsed with the beaker this morning :blush:

Maybebaby - :happydance: Well done lady :mrgreen:
Happy 8-month-a-versary to Owen :cake:

LM - :happydance: yay for Dillon's tooth :) Joni will be 9 months a week today and she is still toothless. I am glad that you are getting back on track with Dillon's weight :thumbup: It is amazing how much babies differ in their growth and behaviour. I hope Logan is ok and still enjoying school :)

Well we had a much better night last night. After Joni, eventually, went to sleep she did not wake until 6.10 this morning :shock: :happydance: I was so grateful after my night on the sofa on Saturday.

Joni is getting over her cold now but hubby has caught it :dohh: which is just going to make his snoring even worse :wacko:

I slipped over whilst cleaning the floors last night and have sprained my left wrist and my left knee is a bit tender too so I am feeling a bit sorry for myself this morning. At least Joni is safe from being thrown about and up in the air today :lol:
Better go, despite going down for a nap 10 minutes ago Joni has woken up. Blummin cold :growlmad: She is still squeaking and chatting to herself so I am going to run around and see if I can get a few chores done whilst she is happy to amuse herself.

Have a super day everyone :hugs:
Fru - Ouch. Hope your wrist and knee feel better soon.

Maybe - good job with the weight loss! Happy 8 months to Dylan.

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