Likes to eat
- Joined
- Aug 24, 2009
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Amy - Whilst dissapointing that Kerry has not come around &/or apologised, as you said, at least you're not rowing. How is Holly doing?
Gutted about the 6am wake up
Joni is an early bird so if she makes it past 6am on any day I feel lucky 
The nursery visit sounds really promising
6 teeth
still none for team Joni 
Modo - Joni's hug was dutifully delivered
I love Bobby's video of drinking his milk, it is so cute
Now you have been using the washable nappies for a few weeks how are you finding it?
L-C - Happy 8-month-a-versary to Will
We are a fan of flannels for cleaning up Joni too. I bought some cheapy baby ones from poundland which are 25% polyester 75& cotton so they are really light and easy to get in between Joni's fingers after mealtimes
Emera's mush sausages sounded lovely, I tried looking back for the recipe but we talk so much I could not find it
I am going to make banana and blueberry pancakes for breakfast tomorrow
I find pitta breads great for finger foods as you can put pretty much anything in them.
With regards to bottles, my HV recommends starting to phase out bottles and introduce a beaker or cup for milk feeds around 7-9 months. So far I use a beaker at mealtimes to give Joni sips of water but she has never drunk any huge quantity from one. I am going to attempt Joni's morning feed from a beaker tomorrow - I think it is going to be messy
Emera - I hope your ear infection is on the mend now
I LOVE the vid of Roh
what a gorgeous boy you have grown!
awesome bargain on the stroller. I have had a stroller for Joni since she was about 4 months and I love it, it makes me wish I had never spent so much on the carrycot/pushchair combo we used when she was first born 
Fingers crossed on the sleep front for you
H&F - I hope you are having a lovely night out. Joni has 2 naps a day, one in the morning about 2.5 hours after she wakes for 45min-90min and the other after lunchabout 3-3.5 hours after she last woke for 90-120min. Generally I try to keep her day sleep to no more than 3 hours.
5lb's is not too bad for an Xmas splurge. Mine was more like 6/7
going by your past success I am confident you will have those 5lb's off by February 
Muddles - the messy play looks awesome
even better that it was free
I have got a receipe for making edible paint which I want to give a go so we can do a load of Joni hand and footprints to make thank you cards for her Christmas gifts. Maybe I will give it a go tomorrow.
It sounds like Oliver is getting more and more mobile. Joni sleeps any which way - side, front and back
Sarah - than you for the digital chocolate, it was gratefully received
Bless Oliver and the guinea pig sticker
Boo for the biting though 
yay for the bride booking going so well
I hope the fayre goes well tomorrow.
Katie - I really hope you get your internet sorted soon lady.
Maybebaby - The takeaway night sounded nice
I remember what it is like to have a headache 24/7
Hopefully you will get Owen's sleep sorted soon 
Ladies you are all just super
Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughtfulness. I've put my sad bits in a spoiler so you can choose whether to read them or not depending on your mood 
Joni is still impersonating a snotty Darth Vader. Bless her, Thursday night she actually slept through 7-6.30
but then she had a really disturbed night last night, and I did not get into bed until 3.30 and had only been asleep for about an hour before she woke again
Hubby went and sorted her out in the end and got up with her at 7 and left me to sleep. I eventually crawled out of bed at 10am
it was absolutely incredible 
It has been a quiet day, we went and fed the ducks before lunch and mooched around the house doing housework and playing with Joni for the rest of the day
Joni had cheesy scrambled egg for tea which is one of her favorites, it is so cute watching her eat it as she just can't eat it fast enough
I have had to order a new sleeping bag for Joni today as the ones we got in October are all nearly too short. She has grown so quickly and is so tall already that I have bought the 18mth+ size, hopefully with the bigger size we will get more than 3 months wear out of it!
Well I should really think about signing off and getting ready for bed. Joni has only woken once so far but put herself back to sleep after hubby moved her cuddly bunny within snuggling range - how cute
Wishing you all peaceful nights
Gutted about the 6am wake up

The nursery visit sounds really promising

6 teeth

Modo - Joni's hug was dutifully delivered

I love Bobby's video of drinking his milk, it is so cute

L-C - Happy 8-month-a-versary to Will

We are a fan of flannels for cleaning up Joni too. I bought some cheapy baby ones from poundland which are 25% polyester 75& cotton so they are really light and easy to get in between Joni's fingers after mealtimes

Emera's mush sausages sounded lovely, I tried looking back for the recipe but we talk so much I could not find it

With regards to bottles, my HV recommends starting to phase out bottles and introduce a beaker or cup for milk feeds around 7-9 months. So far I use a beaker at mealtimes to give Joni sips of water but she has never drunk any huge quantity from one. I am going to attempt Joni's morning feed from a beaker tomorrow - I think it is going to be messy

Emera - I hope your ear infection is on the mend now

Fingers crossed on the sleep front for you

H&F - I hope you are having a lovely night out. Joni has 2 naps a day, one in the morning about 2.5 hours after she wakes for 45min-90min and the other after lunchabout 3-3.5 hours after she last woke for 90-120min. Generally I try to keep her day sleep to no more than 3 hours.
5lb's is not too bad for an Xmas splurge. Mine was more like 6/7

Muddles - the messy play looks awesome

It sounds like Oliver is getting more and more mobile. Joni sleeps any which way - side, front and back

Sarah - than you for the digital chocolate, it was gratefully received

Bless Oliver and the guinea pig sticker

Katie - I really hope you get your internet sorted soon lady.
Maybebaby - The takeaway night sounded nice

Ladies you are all just super

Hubby was on a late the day Han's reports came so he called work to tell them he would be late so he could go through them with me. The GP's report filled in a lot of blanks for me and confirmed quite a few things about Han's condition which she would always deflect and skirt around when I asked. If anything I feel a little better about things, in the sense that the reports have reinforced the notion that there was nothing we could have done to prevent her choosing to end her life.
Hubby did end up taking the whole day off work on Thursday. I just knew I would be weepy all day and with Joni being poorly she was much more demanding than usual so Daddy-backup was much appreciated. Then yesterday my Mum came over to go through the papers and keep me company.
It looks like the inquest will be held before mid-February at the latest. I am actually rather relieved it will be all finished soon. I was begining to worry that it was going to drag on for ages.
I was checking out the Cruse website (thank you again Emera) and found this lovely poem written by a girl called Katie about her Grandma which I thought was really beautiful:
It's uncertain.
You're gone. But not gone.
You're lost. But not lost.
You're here. But not here.
It's certain.
You're always in my thoughts. No matter what.
Life will go on but my memories of you will flow along with it.
Forever, not never. I miss you.
You all made me blush about liking my posts/writing style. When it comes to creativity I have always lived in Hannah's shadow as she was an exceptionally talented writer, poet, musician and artist. I am very much a perfectionist and often fall prey to thinking if I can't do something as well as, or better, than others that I might as not bother
I have felt so lost for a long time and know I am not the same person I was before Han/Joni but I am not sure who I am or quite how I want to be
I have been thinking about starting a journal for my thoughts and snippets of potential/maybe songs and poems as they come to mind. Perhaps a private place to talk to myself and record thoughts and feelings might help me map out where I am so I can try and find a route to where I want to be if you know what I mean?
Hubby did end up taking the whole day off work on Thursday. I just knew I would be weepy all day and with Joni being poorly she was much more demanding than usual so Daddy-backup was much appreciated. Then yesterday my Mum came over to go through the papers and keep me company.
It looks like the inquest will be held before mid-February at the latest. I am actually rather relieved it will be all finished soon. I was begining to worry that it was going to drag on for ages.
I was checking out the Cruse website (thank you again Emera) and found this lovely poem written by a girl called Katie about her Grandma which I thought was really beautiful:
It's uncertain.
You're gone. But not gone.
You're lost. But not lost.
You're here. But not here.
It's certain.
You're always in my thoughts. No matter what.
Life will go on but my memories of you will flow along with it.
Forever, not never. I miss you.
You all made me blush about liking my posts/writing style. When it comes to creativity I have always lived in Hannah's shadow as she was an exceptionally talented writer, poet, musician and artist. I am very much a perfectionist and often fall prey to thinking if I can't do something as well as, or better, than others that I might as not bother

I have felt so lost for a long time and know I am not the same person I was before Han/Joni but I am not sure who I am or quite how I want to be

Joni is still impersonating a snotty Darth Vader. Bless her, Thursday night she actually slept through 7-6.30

It has been a quiet day, we went and fed the ducks before lunch and mooched around the house doing housework and playing with Joni for the rest of the day

I have had to order a new sleeping bag for Joni today as the ones we got in October are all nearly too short. She has grown so quickly and is so tall already that I have bought the 18mth+ size, hopefully with the bigger size we will get more than 3 months wear out of it!
Well I should really think about signing off and getting ready for bed. Joni has only woken once so far but put herself back to sleep after hubby moved her cuddly bunny within snuggling range - how cute

Wishing you all peaceful nights