Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Oh, and Elaine, my bleeding did the same as yours did, HV said it could be a period, but if it was i'm yet to have another one... Oh and tampons are fine after the 6 week check as far as i know, before that its still considered postpartum bleeding so pads are better as tampons don't show infection and can possibly aggrivate it if you develop one. (is what my doctor said)

The baby massage class sounds amazing, would love to give that a try.
laney harrison spat out the gripe water also, so after lots of researching on how to keep it in lots of people said they put it straight into the milk before the feed, kinda like when u mix in tablets for pets in their food lol i also tried putting it into just the teat at the end of a feed, that seemed to work aswel, altho its hard doing it with harrison cos he has his hands clinched tight near his mouth all the bloomin time lol im sure he is gonna be a boxer or something..

well he has had another feed with the new bottles and again was easy to burp, tho took longer because he decided to fall asleep mid! lol

emera mine is the tommee tippe microwave steriliser so i think it will be ok, maybe il only do 3 bottles at a time tho so its not so crammed!

as for periods and bleeding, after 1 week i stopped bleeding then a few days later it started again thicker and heavier and was very much like a period..tho i doubt it was because that lasted for about 3 more weeks, today i have had the same crampy feelings on my right hand side just like i usually get a few days before my period and its been 6 weeks since having harrison... im wondering if tis coming next week, oh fun! i only get 2 weeks of not wearing any kinda pad! lol
Baby massage sound brilliant! I haven't looked into any groups or anything, my hv told me about a mum and baby grouo but I'm just not sure. Its wierd cos I am normally not shy at all but I'm really nervous about doing anything like that! Is everyone else going to classes and groups and things? I really should.

Well I'm just waiting for Oliver to properly fall asleep, I've got the humidifier on so fingers crossed for no snotty noses tonight! Steve has agreed to get up with Oliver in the morning and feed him etc so I can sleep in, bliss!! I didn't get my nap or bath today but I am sooooo looking forward to the morning!!

I hope everyone has a good night! X
sarah i dont go to any groups or anything, im not normally shy but i too feel a bit nervous and self conscious. i did goto one when i had sophie and i just felt i didnt "fit" in, i had nothing in common with them at all and felt like they were looking down their noses, silly i know cos they probably werent! i think if i had friend around here who also had a LO id take harrison to a group or something but the onyl one here is marks friends fiance who has a 1yr old little girl and she doesnt goto anything either.
Hi everyone,

Well Joni has been a little so-and-so all day to the extent that I think we should change her name to Shouty Mcshout-shout. How is it that hubby and I can both love sleep so much and Joni hate it? She woke this morning and after being fed, changed, winded and cuddled just would not go to sleep and instead just cried and cried. I eventually got her to go to sleep at 2.30 for couple of hours. Once she was awake we had the same thing where she stayed awake for hours and hours crying like mad for no apparant reason. She did go down for about an hour and half in the early evening and then when she woke for her next feed she did it again!!!

I have never known a baby to fight sleep to this extent, it is so clear to me that she is tired but she just won't give into sleep without a real struggle :shrug: Bless her, by the evening she has bags under her eyes she is so overtired.

I don't think it is colic but we are giving her infacol just in case anyway. I spoke to my HV and a few other experienced Mums at my BF group and they seemed to think she is just a stressy baby and that hopefully she will grow out of it. So far this pattern of behaviour has not crossed over to the night feeds and fingers crossed it stays that way!!!!

Oh and to top today off - I was pouring some expressed breast milk into a bottle for Joni's feed earlier today and managed to spill some onto the coffee table - unfortunately the laptop was on the lower shelf of the table and the milk dripped down onto the laptop and now half the sceen does not work :dohh: I have turned it off and left it for now in the hope that it will dry out and be ok - I suppose we shall see. I hope that if it is screwed then at least I can try to claim for it on the house insurance.
Sarah the house was fab thanks- lovely and bright and the rooms were a nice size, and the kitchen and bathroom were really nice (I've got a real thing about that, if the kitchen or bathroom isn't right then I won't consider it :lol:) so we've put an application in and paid the admin fees, fingers xd.

I've just had really sad news, an old school friend died just after midnight. She got cancer in her eye a couple of years ago, and it spread to her brain late last year, so her death wasn't entirely unexpected, but it's just hit everyone quite hard I think! Imagine having your whole life taken away at 20.. Well, at 17 really since that's when she got ill.
Her funeral will be today because she's Jewish. I don't even own anything vaguely appropriate that fits me :wacko: you have to wear a skirt to a Jewish funeral, but I don't have one.. I wonder if I'll be able to buy one this morning?
It's so sad. She was head girl at school, and she wanted to be a doctor- and was more than clever enough. Why is the world so horrible?
Frufru- no ideas, just :hugs: daisy does the same thing some days, it's frustrating isn't it!!

Sarah- my (hopefully) new house has a sure start at the end of the road, so I'll be getting my brave on and going to baby massage, baby yoga and the sensory room :wacko: also hoping to do 'the incredible years' course there, my mum did it through them for work (she's a teacher) and loved it. I'm nervous already, I hate walking into places I don't know anyone!!
Katie I am so sorry to hear about your friend, it really is so sad. It makes you realise just how lucky we are, ad how we really should make the most of every day. I hope yoi find a skirt, I didn't know that about Jewish funerals - I've organised a good few Jewish weddings but funerals I know nothing about.

Great news about the house! When would you move in? So exciting!

Frufru bad news about your laptop, that's soooo the kind of thing thayt I do! Sorry to hear that Joni is been difficult, its awful when they cry for no obvious reason! Oliver tends ti be like this on an evening - he is so tired but won't sleep! My midwife always said if all else fails pop the baby in the bath, and it works a treat with Oliver. He screams his head off in the bath but then I dry him off, pop a nappy on him, and feed him. He feeds for ages, I dress him when he falls asleep which wakes him enough to tale a bit more food, and then he sleeps like a dream. I have no idea why it works but it does for us :)

Jolou I don't lknow anyone around hear with a baby either, if I did it would be much easier. Like you I just don't think I'd have anything in common with the other mums. I might speak to my sil and see where she went with her two.

Well so far the humidifier is working, Olivers nose is much better! Yay! Its pretty noisy though, bubbling away, but if it works then its got to be worth it. Oliver has still woken every two hours but the first timw he just had a really quick feed and went back to sleep, this time he's had a really big feed so he might go a bit longer. Fingers crossed!
elaine - my bleeding seemed to stop for a day and then came back again. still bleeding. cant remember how long it took to stop with dylan and erin, it wasnt really an issue as it wasnt summer so didnt need to be going to the beach! wish it'd just stop. dont have the check with dr until 8wks after birth so still over a month to go.

sarah - glad that the humidifier seems to be helping!

frufru - erin was like joni and never wanted to sleep. if she slept for half hr stretch that was lucky! she also had colic and a voice that could wake the dead! the 1st 3 months were the worst tho after that her sleeping was stll awful and some nights she'd wake over 10 times, til she was over a yr and i refused to bf her at night. prob was my fault 4 bf her at night after 6mnts. waking 4-5 times a night 4 owen is a breeze compared! lol hang in there!!!

katie - so sorry to hear about your friend. my friend got cancer at 17 too, she survived luckily but it was such a shock as you dont expect someone young fit and healthy to fall victim to such an awful disease.

emera - your baby group sounds great. there's nothing like that here. there's some sort of bf support group but it's at a bad time for me as i have the other two kids with me.

owen is in his swing but being fussy. think it is wind. i tried expressing after he fed at just before 8. managed to get 3 1/2oz. how much milk are they supposed to take at this age (he is 3 1/2 wks) as i am bf i havent been keeping track of how much he is eating (a lot i think tho!!!) my boobs hurt a bit from the expressing tho. i used tommy tippee manual one and i think my avent electric was much easier, i forgot how tired your hand gets from pumping! lol!
Maybebaby I have the same pump and my hands get soooo tired lol! Steve always offers to help but that would be way too much like been milked lol!

Well Steve got up with Oliver at seven and I stayed in bed until 10, it was sooooo nice! My boobs were likw rocks when I got up though, I had to express - they felt like they were going to pop lol!
Just on my way to the funeral. Sbsjsosbsvsb I'm nervous, I haven't seen most of the people who are going to be here since I left school 4 years ago. they're all at uni now, I feel weird because my life's taken such a detour :lol: And I've had to leave Daisy with my mum and I miss her already.
Katie - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It is so sad when someone so young is taken.

Frufru - if you do have to claim on the house insurance for your laptop will you say it was breast milk? Che puked on my mobile the other day but luckily it seems to be ok after turning itself off a couple of times randomly - I was wondering how I was going to explain it to the insurance!! Sorry to hear that Jonie is being a grumpy guts at the moment. Fingers crossed she will learn to love sleep as much as you guys do.

Regarding baby groups - I have applied for an aquababies course today and would like to do a baby massage class. There is one down the road from me but don't think that starts till 6months for some reason. I don't want my whole week to revolve around baby classes though. I have a few friends who have little ones so just want to meet up for lunch/walks with them etc as well and just chat rather than have some kind of baby activity to do!!

A couple of my local cinemas also do baby friendly film sessions in the mornings where you can go with the baby and then if it starts crying noone gets annoyed!!
Can I just ask a personal question for those of you that have taken the sex plunge already and are breastfeeding (I was going to post this in the breastfeeding forum but got too :blush: and deleted it!!)

When I do finally get round to rekindling relations will we have to avoid any boob action completely?? I am scared DH will get an good squirt in the eye/ mouthful of milk and it will put him off even more :nope: Or are there ways and means around it?

Don't worry if noone wants to respond to this questions though as it is pretty personal!!
Thanks for all your nice words ladies :kiss:
my mum walked up to the sure start with daisy while I was out (she's a teacher so knows all the staff there) and had her weighed.. She's 10lbs 13oz :wacko:
Katie... so sorry to hear about your friend :hugs:

But what a great weight Daisy is!! Chloe is still under 8lbs but is putting on about 7-9oz per week.

CG.. great question but no experience here as yet!! I had so many stitches, I am only just feeling normal down there! From a personal view though, I imagine we will avoid boob action for a while! My milk supply seems to be increasing more and more each week and I leak on a regular basis! I think hubby will steer clear to avoid getting soaked!!

In relation to baby groups we have a great set up here! There are about six different classes every day, but I have only signed up for the bf one and baby massage :)

Right back to the footy!!
Hi ladies I have been very busy this afternoon whilst Oliver has been having a nice long nap. I should have been washing the dishes and doing the laundry but instead have updated the May Babies thread in third trimester and reading through all 42 pages of this thread. It has been nice to find out how you are all getting on with your little ones. I am not even going to attempt to post personal messages to all of you! I have missed you guys, it seems so long ago that we were in third trimester posting about our obssessive cleaning, pregnancy niggles and food, food, food.

Had my 6 week postnatal check today which was fine, though I was not impressed when a speculum was produced and I was given an internal exam! Eeeeek. At least I can be sure everything has healed well, as I certainly wasn't going to be poking about to check :lol: Felt like a naughty teenager when asked about contraception.

Here is a link to our old thread if anyone wants to see the up to date list. If you know of anyone I have missed please let me know.

Added a recent picture of my little guy which I posted the other day but don't think many people were online at the time.


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hi everyone, I havent managed to get on here for ages. Alex seems to be having a growth spurt. he wants to be fed all the time and barely sleeps, its exhausting :( the only time he sleeps for a chunk is 12-2am and when i do the school run.

L-C and Sarah - sorry to hear you have mastitis. I had a couple of blocked milk ducts and that was painful enough :hugs:

Katie - really sorry about your old school friend :hugs:

well thats about all i've got time for as little moo is groaning. catch you all later xx
Cactusgirl :lol: My H told me I would have to keep my bra on when we do as he isn't risking being squirted! I'd say that area is best avoided just incase.

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