Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

hi i had a nightmare day wednesday and was feeling really down, my mum came down for the and sorted everything out for me yesterday and Will made me wonder what all the fuss was about feeding every four hours again.

back to normal today though, feeding every two hours and really griping with pain - i really feel for him, i hate the thought of him in pain. will try gripe water tonight. i'm such a novice even sterilising has me in a panic.

Katie so sorry about your friend - hope it went well xx

CG - sex has not been on the agenda for me yet had an infection...but my boobs are too uncomfortable to be touched mastitis or not!

gorgeous picture muddles a really handsome boy!

Laney our babies are the same age what time did you give birth?

anyone eslse finding the heat/humidity a bit much for the baby?
Muddles- he's a cutie! Love his hair :cloud9:
Amy - :hugs: that sounds like such hard work xx

Daisy was awful again last night, she slept about 2 hours, if that. I was upset about Tilly and thinking about the funeral and a bit worried about seeing people I haven't seen in so long while I look so fat and flabby and exhausted and they all look great. So I ended up crying my eyes out because I couldn't get the baby to stop :( I hate nights like that, I hope tonight's better!
I also hate Jewish funerals and the way they mourn. I suppose there's no nice way to mourn someone, but the way they do is so full on.
Oh, and L-C, glad things are better today.. Mums are fab aren't they, mine helps me out of some real head-wall situatiions with Daisy :lol:
CG - i kept my bra on, simple :)

Muddles - Oliver is adorable, so much hair!

Katie - big :hugs: sorry about your friend.

L-C - hang in there, we all have bad days :hugs: and the heat is a bit much, although our flat is quite cool, taking him out is a bit scary with these hot days.

Mums are great, mine is coming up tomorrow, i'm looking forwards to it :)

I'm so tired today, as even though Roh slept from 9.30pm to 5am, for some reason i couldn't get to sleep until 3am, so unfair! :(

muddles i cant get over the amount of hair oliver has!

katie sorry about your friend xx

l-c ive had one day very similar to that, dont worry we all get them!

Well its been a whole 24 hrs using the dr brown bottles and OMG amazing! yes we still havea lot of wind but no where near as much as we did and he seems soooo much more relaxed and is constantly smiling! i think thats £40 well spent on the 5 bottles and 6 size 2 teats lol its just a pain sterilising them because i can only fit 2 at a time in my steriliser... maybe 3 at a push.

and here is an up to date pic of harrison taken a couple of days ago in the morning after a feed :D


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Jolou- Matthew wind hasn’t been too bad today, so will wait and see if it gets worse and may try the gripe water in his bottle

Sarahwoo- how did you get on with the humidifier, did you have a better night? Glad steve did the morning feed and let you get a rest. Im so lucky because I am bottle feeding, hubby takes his turn at the weekend and I get to lie in

I really don’t know what to do about baby groups, i really don’t know if I want to go to local ones as I really don’t know anyone else in the area. I have some friends who have time off during the week so hoping to spend time with them and their little ones. I would really like to sign up for swimming classes as I love the water myself. I don’t know about you guys but I find it so difficult to get organised in the mornings that I am usually not out the door until after 2 in the afternoon- does it ever get any better?

Fru fru- is your laptop working again or are you going to have to get a new one?

Katie- i am so sorry to hear about your school friend, it is awful when someone your age dies, hope you find the strength to deal with it?

Maybebaby, i know i really do wonder when the bleeding is gonna stop because apart from that I feel good and would love to start getting jiggy with it again:blush:

Muddles, its great to see you over in this section and well done for keeping the may babies in third tri up to date. We should defo keep a list of our birthdates somewhere once the thread is finished.

L-C matthew was born by c section at 20.27, when was your little one born?- what kind of labour did you have? I was in hosp being induced from the Monday so was a long drawn out process for me!

Mums are just fab, my mum lives 10 mins away and has been here everyday doing things for me (she wont let me do anything because of my c section).

Katie, daisy is such a healthy weight. Matthew was weighed on Wednesday and is now 10lbs 7ozs (9lbs 4 ozs at birth). I can really see him filling out in his face

Emera hope you and rohan sleep better tonight.

I think we may be in for a different night tonight, we usually have a very alert and unsettled Matthew at this time of night, he was due to be feed at 8.30ish and that would make his last feed at 12ish. He is currently sleeping on my hubby and has been since I got home at 7.30. If he wakes up and feeds in the next hour then we could be back to a middle of the night feed instead of a 6am. Well we will just have to wait and see

Hope you all have a good night

What a differnce with the dr brown bottles, definatley £40 well worth spending

Harrison is gorg, loving the smiles, im looking forward to matthews smiles when he gets around to it.

Just wanted to share my favorite photo of matthew with you all. I took it after his morning bath last weekend and just love it.



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ahh laney thats too cute!

well mark has just had his first explosive nappy.... the poo was out the sides of the vest and loads was on the sleepsuit. i could not stop laughing because mark was about to go for a shower, i knew what was about to happen so handed mark harrison..evil i know but i always end up doing nappies like that (granted not as bad as that!) anyway i went up to help him out by getting new clothes out (mark messes the drawers otherwise lol) and i still could help but giggle at the situation and the fact harrison was grinning away. mark got in a right strop so i ended up doing it myself twice as fast, mark just left me to it and got in the shower... why are men such babies??
Hope you are all doing well ladies!

We had an eventful day today. We took Bobby to see his paediatrician about his colic and got some advice about winding and bathing him. We then went to visit my Mom with Bobby at her house. She kindly offered to watch him while DH and I went to to the cinema for the first time since Bobby was born. We then gave Bobby his first bath in a baby bath with my Mom's help and that was not a pleasant experience as she used the shower head to bathe him. I have ordered a bucket tub from amazon which is supposed to replicate the womb and should be a better experience for him.

Ok gotta go Bobby is making hungry Dino grunts and I had better feed him before he gets very pissed at me!

ETA caught up on threads.

Katie: I am sorry your friend passed away - - that is so sad. I know what you mean about Jewish funerals mourning in the Arab world is similar and so depressing. People came to our house (that we barely knew) sobbing everyday for about 2 months when my Grandfather passed away.

All your LO's are so cute! I will post one of Bobby although I don't really like posting personal pics on any forums (no offense BnB) so if you want to see more add me on facebook :)
Daisy's clock appears to be broken! She thinks 5am is a good time to wake up today :dohh: I'm tired and my bed is sooo comfy. I want Vinny to go to work so I can put the baby on his side and go back to sleep :lol:
elaine, muddles and jolou - what lovely pics, your babies are so cute!

CG - i keep my bra on as my boobs leak loads and it feels totally unsexy!

elaine- i have had sex whilst still bleeding, not bleeding loads.

katie - sorry to hear daisy is being a pain at night. try and get some sleep when she sleeps during the day.

amy - owen is the same and sleeps best during the hours that i have to b awake!

sarah - i agree that having OH helping with the expressing is somewhere i dont want to go. i saw the electric version of the tommy tippee pump but about £100 and i dont know if i will use it enough to warrant getting it. if only i could find the missing pieces of my avent one that i had since dylan! i will have another look.

weather is supposed to be crap all weekend. my mil wanted to do a bbq on her balcony but i dont think its going to happen, it's all grey and horrid and looks like rain for sure! it's not supposed to rain here this time of year!!! it's long weekend too!

well time to continue with the housework before owen wakes for another feed!
maybebaby do you have the tommee tippee manual pump? how do you use the sterilising box that came with it? i was going to use it as a cold water one for the teats and valves for the dr brown bottles i bought the other day and some dummies but then realised i wont have anything to ensure they actually stay under the water so was going to use it as a microwave one but i cant find the instructions on how much water is needed and for how long etc.
Jolou, I have the TT maual pump with sterilising box. I would say it would be great for teats etc. The instructions say add 100mls of water and take the steam cap off the top and for an 800w microwave I think u put it in for 4 mins and then leave for 3. Hope this helps!
Jolou to use the box as a microwave steroliser (TT closer to nature) you fill it with water to the little line about 1cm from the bottom, and I think its 4mins in the microwave. Obviously empty the extra water out when its cooled down and you pop the little air thing in to keep it all sterile (air hole is open when in microwave). I hope that helps :)

Katie touch wood Oliver used to think that 5am was wake up time - I wondered if it was because it was getting light at that time? Black out blinds are on my shopping list lol! While Steve has been off Oliver gets up at 7am, in the night when he wakes up he'll feed and go right back to sleep but at 7am the little monkey is wide awake!
I must confess I have an electric pump. As I could not BF Joni directly when she was born and I really wanted to avoid topping her up with formula an electric pump was a necessity for me. Pumping for 40-60 minutes after each feed with a manual pump would have crippled me!!!

Katie I am sorry to hear about your friend - it is so tragic to lose someone so young.

CG - we are going to check how much it will cost to repair the netbook first and compare it to our home insurance excess before we look to make a claim. If we do claim I am not sure what I will say - might tell them it was a cup of tea that got knocked over. How are you getting on with the new sling? As for the booby question - hubby alwayss gets a twinkle in his eye (pre-operation) when I express as I have my boobs out on show for a while afterwards to let them air-dry so they have ben relatively empty when we have got "busy". However even if they were not I don't think hubby would care - he was just grateful to get getting some action :rofl:

Muddles - Olver has grown so much and is just gorgeous :mrgreen:

Amy - I hope Alex gets through his growth spurt swiftly for you :hugs:

L-C - Joni can be a right sweaty-betty when it is hot, Ijust dress her in a short sleeved vest and nowt else. I find she feeds more regularly also which I figure is her quenching her thirst so she does not get dehydrated. totally get you on the whole feeling like a novice too :hugs:

Laney I hope you night was not too unsettled.

Modo - How is the BF going now lady, any better? In the early days of trying to establish feeding with Joni it was so frustrating as I could go weeks feeling as though we were not progressing but the fact of the matter was that we were progressing but the progress was just too slow to notice on a day to day basis.

Jo - I have the manual tommee tippee pump for using out and about. For the steriliser you need to use 100ml water and microwave for 6 minutes and stand for 3 to cool.

Well Joni was a lot more settled yesterday - I wonder if her fractious behaviour this week has been her 6 weeks growth spurt? Fingers crossed - she slept well yesterday and today, we have started using a dummy to soothe her on occasions aswell as she like to BF for comfort. Whilst I am happy for her to nurse for comfort she tends to end up eating so much she is sick and the extra sucking has increased my milk supply even more. My milk supply is already prolific and far in excess of what she needs and I am still pumping frequently aswell as nursing Joni - a least I am building up a good stock of BM in the freezer :winkwink:

I still can't believe I spilt my EBM in the netbook :dohh: Luckily we have another laptop, it is a bit of a dinosaur but is it capable of running the internet which is great for me

Righto - thats Joni asking for a feed so I better go. :hugs: to you all xx
frufru - what are you storing your expressed milk in the freezer in? i have some tommy tippee containers but they are really expensive at about £6 for 4 containers that only hold 2oz of milk!

jo - to use the steriliser box pour 100ml water in it. load upturned, disassembled breastpump and any accessories. Securely fit the box lid. open valve on lid. put in microwave. 6 mins in microwave on full power and 3mins cooling time if microwave is under 800w or 4 mins full power and 3mins cooling time if microwave over 850w. when it has finished then fit valve on lid to keep contents sterile. i'm not actually using it as i have the avent 24 steam steriliser from when i had dylan but those are the instructions.
Jolou - loving those pics of Harrison. So cute - can't wait for Che to smile properly!

Laney n Muddles - very cute pics!

Sounds like keeping bra on is way to go to avoid DH getting a squirt in face, not a bad idea anyway as have unsightly stretchmarks on (.)(.)
MaybeBaby I freeze my EBM in the special bags. They are quite dear in Mothercare but I bought some from Home Bargains - they were 1.50 for 25 bags - bargain! They are just the same as the expensive ones, just a different brand 'my baby'! I guess you dont have Home Bargains over there? I can pick some up for you if you like and post them?
laney_1981 and jolou awww cute pictures of your little ones.

Katie sorry about your friend. Is it because it gets light at 5am that Daisy is waking? Some black out curtains may help.

Hi to everyone else hope you are having a good weekend.

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