Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Maybebaby, we're talking about having her christened in September so she's a bit older, I think trying to run a party and look after Daisy would be too much for me just now!
Sarah :hugs: (i don't have anything constructive to say!)
I feel so down at moment

Feel like I cant cope with three kids!!!!

From washing-to school-to getting dinner done when Harry is screaching,to doing bottles,to husbands stuff for work (he works shifts) to just about bloody everything

I also am doing a little job three days a week 2 hours a day (but being quiet as its a bit of cash)

Harry has gone from dream baby to unless he is in a major deep sleep,screams place down.

I have tried gripe water (as seems to be a pain cry) and that helps a bit but jesus he is so demanding,girls were NEVER like this,could sit them down in rocker or lay on mat but not him.

It isnt colic-as is sreaming odd times of day and moaning when he isnt being held by only me,wont go to his Dad does his nut!

Also when will he sleep through-my girls slept through from 4 weeks-he is now 8 and wakes 12am-3am and 5am

is on hungry baby milk and having 7oz's thats enough as he often leaves an ounce and through night only has 2ozs or so..........5am I put him on boob and he sleeps til 8am

Sorry just feeling a bit bluesy now and dont know what to do for best.
Sarah I am sorry you are having a hard time with BFing right now. It does sound like you should speak to some one and get support :hugs:

Bexxie I am sorry things are difficult right now :hugs: is there anyone who can help you? Can your OH help out with the other kids?

Thank you for the nice comments about Bobby! We think he is cute too :) Well when its not 3 am and he is screaming ...
He trys to help out but Amelia is so hard right now too and he works either 6-2 or 2-10 its all the silly things to organise that fall to me I find hard

Like Chloe coming home with an invite to a party Sat morning on Friday at know extras you dont bloody need!!

I need to get organised with a party/card/wrapping paper drawer and I will be ok lol

Hubby did harry last night and let me sleep-but he was up ALL night...Ia m deaf so dont hear Harrys grumbles he has to be crying for me to hear so poor sod could hear everything and didnt sleep a wink....nevermind I have a girlie night Friday round my mates house as one is moving away so i will look forward to my first drink in 4 years! (yes been that long)and Dave can do the sleep thing Friday instead of Sat like he normally does.

Thanks for hearing me rant
hey guys nice to c yas here!!! hows it goin??? anyone get into a routine yet im all over the place lol

bexxie i have days like that where everything just gets me down. I know what you mean about boys seeming more demanding than girls. luckily tho he has kinda started sleeping through the last week, he will go down about 11 or 12 then stay asleep now till about 5:30/6, id love it if it was earlier so then i can goto bed earlier if i wanted lol (you'd think mark would let him stay down with him but nooo if i wanna go bed harrison ends up coming with me). Not sure what to say about the crying either, with harrison he has been quite unsettled for a week or so, it wasnt a colicy cry or a pain cry but i figured he did have wind trapped and it was driving us both insane i couldnt get much done through trying to wind him all the time, in the end i got the dr brown bottles and since then he has been sooo calm and a much happier baby.

my only problem now with harrison is his poo's! he was on c&g hungry baby, gave him hard poo's. swapped to aptimal hungry baby as he was on their first stage milk originally and they are still hard and slightly painful, i think he needs more water.
ahh janney the joys of the first couple of weeks where all routines goto pot hehe my advice is chill and go with the flow! its what i did or at least tried to this time around.. mark is a routine freak lol

I put brown sugar in 4ozs say a teaspoon and that worked wonders for the poo! it wont harm him worse case scenario is it affecting teeth but no worse than juice in a teat.

i dont know what to do to be honest-he is still only three weeks corrected age being 5 weeks early I have to remember this but its hard to when he is weighing in at 13lbs-chunky monkey,just want my happy little boy back

On another note is your baby having soaked clothing every morning?>I change H every 2 hours and will is down lol and nappy on right this has only happened since I used pack of Asda nappies someone swore were brill (huggies let me down) think I will go back to pampers need to get size 3 now so will get baby dry
lol yeah .... im kinda to busy enjoying being with jared .... house is a tip etc lol
Janny you should see the state my place is in!
bexxie i find the same with asda nappies! i only use them in the daytime if im in the house now. he seems to feel really damp quickly with them, ive had no probs with huggies or pampers so i use them in the evenings. once ive used all the asda ones il be keeping to either of the named ones depending on whats on offer lol.

i was feeling the same way at the start of the week, i just wanted my happy baby back. can you phone the HV for advice? i think thats what i would have done if i hadnt figured what the problem may have been.

ahh janney your house is allowed to be a tip! you had a c-section didnt you? and only 5 days ago! my house was a mess for a good 2 weeks or so lol.

well harrison seems to have slept alll day, he wakes up for a feed, stays awake for half an hour or so then nods back off! i think this is his way of dealing with a growth spurt because its unlike him to sleep so much lol its either that or these bottles have settled him so much into a sleep lol.

busy week this week, he has a hospital app on tuesday, i think its to do with his testicle not dropping, i assumed it was his 6 week check but the HV said it was no doubt the testicle thing, then on thursday the HV is coming around for a check up, im hoping its the same one i had for the last 2 app's, she was just filling in for my proper one but i soo prefer her! I also need to get into chester tomorrow if poss so i can goto mothercare, ive decided i am gonna buy a cold water sterilsier, i can only do one of the new bottles at a time in my microwave one! pain in the ass so figure its easier to gt the milton one i have seen. still gonna use my tommee tippe one tho as i use the old bottles to make up the feed and store in the fridge then pour into the dr brown ones when its time for a feed since you cant shake the dr browns to mix the milk.
Janny: Didn't know you had a c-section. Are you doing ok? I had one too and it was actually a positive experience for me as my induction failed.

Can some one recomend me a good bottle warmer that works with the Dr Brown bottles? My Avent one has not been too great with the new bottles.
i used to use the tommee tippee one with sophie but dont know how big the hole is in it. now i just use a jug and hot water for the dr brown.
Ah Modo and Bexxie your boys are both super-cute :mrgreen:

Bexxie - Joni has days like your LO and they are so draining :wacko: Hopefully it is just a phase and they will both grow out of it - preferably sooner rather than later!!!

After a few days of a continual shouty grumpy Joni the last few days have been a bit better - I think the really bad days were down to her 6 week growth spurt which seems to be over now. Joni gets bad trapped wind after feeding - trouble is that even after we have got rid of the wind at this point she has got herself so upset and worked up she will continue to cry and moan - in the last few days we have introduced a dummy at these times to try and soothe her. She will not always take it but about 7/10 times she will and my goodness it is a godsend!!!!! Even if she will not go to sleep at least she is calmer. I know that the NHS literature warns against using dummies when BF due to nipple confusion but Joni has no problems with this - she already sucessfully takes bottles of EBM and the booby with no issues and the dummy has not affected this. If anything the more I booby feed her the more she seems to prefer it to the bottle :thumbup:

Sarah - BF can be hard work. As you know I have struggled to establish BF with Joni and it took us about 6 weeks to ge BF up and running. When we had thrush a few weeks ago it was so uncomfortable nursing, I had shooting burning pains in my boobs when Joni fed and my nipples would burn for hours after a feed :sad1: I really did question whether BF was worth it and whether I could face continuing. I think when you are not well with thrush/mastitis etc and you are in pain and tired it is only natural to question if you are doing the right thing and only you can decide what is best for you and your LO.

When I was still suffering with the thrush symptoms I was so tired, worn down and uncomfortable it was no wonder I wanted to give up. In the end I decided that in my case the discomfort was not so bad that I could not give it another week to let the medication start working and I wanted to ensure that I was in a clear frame of mind, not clouded by pain, if I was going to decide to give up BF. A couple of weeks on and the thrush is gone and we are doing well on the BF front and I am so glad that I gave myself that extra time to consider what I wanted to do and I intend to continue BF as long as I feel it is right for both me and Joni.

YOu have done so well to establish BF and feed Oliver yourself for this long Sarah and every day you can keep going is a bonus - however, if you feel that BF is costing you too much emotionally and physically then you could always combi-feed or stop completely and there is no shame in that. At the end of the day Oliver needs a happy Momma more than anything else.

When I was really struggling I would get out the BF magazine my HV gave me and read through all the articles to remind myself of all the benefits and reasons why I wanted to BF in the first place. I also liked to look at Joni and remember how small she was when she was born and how big she is now and remind myself that her progress is all down to my milk. I do sometimes get a bit melancholy about missing out on the last month and a half of my pregnancy, I find BF makes me feel a bit better about Joni being premature as in a way by feeding her myself I am still effectively growing her.

As for the latching I think getting some advice is a great idea :thumbup: I go to our local BF group run by the HV here every week and it is great - I get practical advice about latching and feeding in general and it is good to talk to the other mum's particularly those with slightly older babies who are in a great position to give you some encouragment as they have been where you are and come out the other side.

You are doing amazingly well as a Mummy Sarah - big :hugs:

Janny - No routine here yet!
Thanks for the advice girls :) I'm going to contact Little Angels (who do the breastfeeding support around here), they were fab when Oliver first arrived and they will pop out to see me so they can check my latch etc. I'm def going to keep going with the BF - I'm determind lol! I know if I stopped I'd really regret it, esp in the middle of the night when I can't just pop him on a boob lol!!!!

We've had a lovely day today, we just stayed home out of the rain and had a nice relaxed day - Oliver has been lovely and I got loads of little jobs done etc, and then my parents came over for a take away. Its been lovely!

Bexxie sorry to hear that you're having a tough time, it must be hard with three kids!! I'm sure it'll get easier though, and it sounds like you are doing a fab job even though it is hard work :)

Janny I hope you're doing well, I love Jared's name, so cute! Have you got a piccie? I am a bit of a control freak so it was wierd to not have a routine to start with, but for the first few weeks I just went with what Oliver wanted and he pretty much just fell into his own routine re sleep etc. I feed on demand, and from the begining I made sure night time feeds were different to day time etc. Now Oliver is five weeks I'm trying to get a bedtime routine more established, though we go to bed at 10pm I haven't really had a routine before that (ie bath, feed etc). so thats what I'm working on now :)

On the subject of nappies I found the Asda ones to be quite good, we bought a few packs when they were on offer and they have been fine. Huggies I really didn't like as they leaked, but we've tried them again (I had ten packs left and Steve said I'd got to use them up lol!) and maybe its because he's a bit bigger but they have been fine this time, touch wood lol!! He's still in size 1 in the day but I put him in a size two Pampers at night as he seems to wee lots in his sleep and that seems to be working so far :)
Frufru thankyou so much for your lovely post, everything you say makes sense and to be honest knowing how hard you worked to bf really inspires me to keep going. Thankyou so much :)
I have another question about bottle feeding. Bobby will at time seem to forget the the bottle teat is in his mouth (or at least that's what I think is happening.) He will open his mouth while the teat is in there and move his head from side to side and start crying. Sometimes when I take out the teat and put it back in he will start sucking again but other times I have to calm him down and try again. Do you know what this is about? It's so frustrating when it happens especially at night :(

Does anyone know what I am talking about?
Modo that is a classic colic move- he has trapped wind and needs to be burped. :hugs:

For those having problems with bf- the following have helped me immensely:

1. Lanolin cream- if your nipples are cracked, etc. this is a godsend and makes a huge difference in a couple days.

2. Feed baby at the early signs of hunger (rooting, sucking hands, etc)- don't wait for crying as that is a late sign.

3. Don't hesitate to break the latch if only the tip of the nipple is in the baby's mouth and pop more of the areola in to get a better latch.
Urgh, Oliver is been a little sod tonight!! Hour didn't go to sleep until 12 and now he's been awake for an hour and doesn't want to settle. So typical, he was sooooo good yesterday. And we were planning on having a day trip to Whitby tomorrow, we'll all be too tired at this rate. Steve seems to be sleeping through everything though, men eh!
Maybebaby and Bexxie - fantastic pics of you and babies!

Modo - how cute!

Maybebaby - Che goes to sleep about 11pm after his 'last feed' ('last feed' that is a joke there is no such thing!!) He then wakes about 2am, 4:30-5 and 6:30-7 for another feed. He feeds for anything from 15-30mins and has at least one nappy change if not two. But then he squeaks and grizzles in his moses before and after the feeds which keeps me awake!!

Sarahwoo - you have done sooo well with your bf. My right boob is more painful than my left and I dread the right boob feedtime. I do know his latch sometimes is not right on that side so really working on that. Definitely give a bf advisor a call before making a decision and get some advice. We have a baby bistro thing here on Tuesdays with a bf advisors and other mums to ask advice of!

Janny the routine is still do what the baby wants when the baby wants!! Not sure if that is a routine or not!!

Had the inlaws descend yesterday - great gran, great aunts and uncles etc, grandparents. They all cooed over Che and then we all went out for a carvery which was yum and Che slept through the whole meal!

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