Sorry to only be on here grumbling at the moment, but i still feel rubbish

My ear infection turns out to be a staphycoccal infection, really common apparently, but the doctor said some strains can be resistant to antibiotics. I'm now on mega strong antibiotics to try and get rid of it. I'm also now totally paranoid about touching my ears, as staphycoccus can cause really serious food poisoning (as in intensive care serious) if it contaminates food. Obviously i'm careful anyhow, i've got health and safety qualifications etc. But still, it makes me just want to tape my ears up until they are better! I'm so run down i think, i've got mouth ulcers, and i feel generally awful, and my "IBS" (yeah right, whatever, i think doctors are just lazy with diagnosing things myself) has come back, i've not had that since well before i was pregnant. I think i must just not be taking enough care of myself

Anyway, so i'm having this week and next off work, and OH is taking the strain with Roh whenever he's not working. He's been fantastic, he cooked me dinner last night, nice and plain as i was still feeling dodgy from the sick bug. And then he made me stay shut in the bedroom until 1.30pm today and just brought me things if i wanted them, but wouldn't let me get out of bed

I do feel a little better after that enforced rest. Anyway, OH has the next 2 days off, and he's promised to look after me, what a star!

Oh, look, i'm not all grumbles!
Bleh, i never remember having such a run of bad health, rubbish! Wish my body would sort itself out! It better do, i bought so many vitamins, probiotics, and herbal thingys and rehydration drinks today that if it doesn't i think i must be beyond help!