maybe - woohoooo for getting your weekend booked and for the suit

what a shame they sent you a bracelet
H&F - yey for a size 16 being too big
muddles - glad you had a lovely weekend in Scotland, i enjoyed looking at your fb pics
frufru -

hope you get more sleep tonight
emera - poor you!! gold star for your hubby

I really hope the antibiotics kick in soon. I love your new avatar
sarah - I'm so pleased you got all those bookings, thats fantastic

my nightime routine is currently wash up, get all childrens stuff sorted for next day, do some decorating and then bed

poor oliver, I know its horrible when these things happen xxx
well today was not entirely successful

I went in late, I thought sod it I want to drop Alex off. He was at my mums today. He was fine when I left. I felt sick going into my office area at work

I was shaking! my friend had bought me a welcome back bumper pack of haribo which was nice. I called my mum and she said Alex wasnt well but she was managing. I had a meeting with my boss about the redundancy and how its all going to work and had some lunch. Then i called my mum again and i could hear Alex screaming and coughing so I decided to leave. so I worked 9 - 2

poor little man, he was in a right snotty state when I got there. He is absolutely full of cold. He's meant to go to nursery tomorrow, I am worried about it though.
its so annoying, I'd be on here all day at work as no-one gives a sh!t anymore but for some reason it just crashes on my work computer

to you all

thank you all for thinking of me today