H&F give some baby groups a try! Is there anything like baby massage? i found those easy to get started with because you're not there to chat, if you know what I mean? Rather than a baby group where you'd be worried that no one would talk to you? I'm sure they would though

Are you getting lots of support re the possible PND? I hope so

Its a while ago now, before I met Steve, but I was awfully depressed after a really nasty relationship and I was on AD's for a while. I really didnt like them, but they did give me the kick start that I needed to get out of a very dark place. I also found that getting out in the fresh air really made me feel so, so much better, so I would absolutely MAKE myself take the dogs for a walk and things just to get outside. If I find myself starting to feel a bit rubbish, even if its just a bad day, I always try to get out in the fresh air and it always lifts my mood . . . . and if its raining I've been known just to wrap me and Oliver up and open all the windows
Katie your baby group sounds odd

You'd be fine at ours, its basically loads of women sat chatting while all the babies play in the middle

We all say that we mainly go for a natter

Great news about the club, how exciting!!
Amy I'm sorry that work was rubbish today

I'm sure you'll be able to get back into nursing! Those hours sound great

What do you have to do to get that started?

for you honey, it must be really hard
Maybe thats so crap about the bike!!!
I was really looking forward to my parents coming up tomorow but I just spoke to my mum and she is full of cold

so they aren't going to risk passing it up. Steve is working all weekend so hopefully mum will be better and they can pop up then instead. So I'm trying to think of something nice for Oliver and I to do tomorrow now . . . we could go to the breastfeeding group which is on a Friday morning . . . we've never been before though and I'd feel a bit daft with all the little babies

And I know they say that you don't need a problem to go, but I'd feel better having one rather than just saying I had nothing better to do

I might have to think of a problem