Amy: We are doing fine hon, thank you so much for asking

I do agree that our babies are all very cute
Emera: I don't breastfeed and your thread made me tear up

It sounds like you have done the best thing
Sarah: Lucky you! Still no Mama from Bobby but of course loads of Dadas! Our nappy changes have been hard too. I ALWAYS have to have a toy nearby for Bobby because I won't be able to change his nappy otherwise

I agree about the naughty boy forum! I wonder what there usernames are
H&F: You looks GREAT!!! Well done hon, you really have done so well

Maybe: I can't believe Danny stayed out so late then slept in all day

He is their Dad and needs to help you

I haven't come home at 6.30am after a night out since I was 24!
We went to the baby show at the excel centre yesterday. We were both quite worried about doing this because the last baby show we went to in Earls Court (back in October) was quite a rough day (Bobby didn't like his routine being changed).
This time we were amazed how well our little boy acted. He didn't have his morning nap but was in good spirits the whole time being smiley and well behaved. He fell asleep on the drive home and was fine for the rest of the day but went to bed early to make up for having shorter naps.
I was delighted because DH is quite reluctant to go places outside our local area with Bobby because he could be hard to deal with. It was great that Bobby can now do trips like this that break his routine and be ok with it!