Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Amy, i meant to say, i adore your avatar, Alex is sooo gorgeous! :cloud9:

Thankyou :cloud9: I have to say I do think the May babies are a gorgeous little bunch! we have all done good baking :thumbup::hugs:
Amy :rofl: :rofl: They are little gremlins aren't they? Are girls like this or is it because we have boys? :haha:
I didn't see youe second post their Amy . . . I was referring to the puking babies rather than the May babies been gorgeous, which they are :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
from personal experience I'd say it was definately a boy thing :haha: the girls just used to quietly and calmly have their BF and I never had the constant need for comfort boob with them! Holly was a dream baby, she slept through from 13 weeks and I could just lay her in her cot smiling and she'd go off to sleep at night or for naps.
Wow! I thought those babies were just a myth :haha:

Well I'm in bed now, oliver woke up and when I went in he was sat in the middle of the bed crying his eyes out. I picked him up, he stopped, put him back down, he started again :dohh: so I took him to the bathroom with me and got him to stop by giving him the toothpaste :haha: he then dropped it and had a complete meltdown :dohh: its awful when he has these little tantrums because he crys soooo hard its like he's hurt or something! Nappy changes are a bit of a battle too at the moment. Ahhhh I guess we have soooo much more of this to come :haha:
they are twins! nappy changes are hell for us atm!! Alex refuses to stay still. I normally lie him on my bed or just on the rug to change nappies and he puts his feet in poop and kicks it everywhere! Its a battle to keep him on his back, let alone still :haha: I'm hoping its just a phase!!!
the dog just burst one of the girls helium balloons from McDonalds - I wanted her to do a high squeaky bark :haha: she's just eating the ribbon instead :dohh:
emera - :hugs:

sarah and amy - owen is the same when i try to unlatch him he cries and roots for the boob :haha: and he pinches too!

we ended up going to the kiddy party but not the engagement party or rather i went to the kiddy party with the kids and my sister and when we got home danny was sleeping :dohh:
i can relate to the nightmare nappy changes too! owen cries and tries to roll over!
Amy do you think there is a secret baby forum where they go to get odeas off each other when we're not looking? Hmmm, could explain why oliver is always so keen to grab the mobile or the laptop :haha: your nappy changes sound like ours, he just doesn't stay still! I have a changing mat on the floor and its just impossible to keep him on it, he always crawls off with no nappy on :haha: I have to pin him down with my feet - not as cruel as it sounds I promise :haha:
oh and erin was super obsessed with bf. i took the decision to stop at 21 months as she was feeding more and more and i didnt want to be on the beach with an almost 2 year old pulling on my bikini. i felt a bit selfish tho :blush:
Oh and Maybe :grr: at Danny for not getting up!!! Did he just sleep for the whole day?!?!
he got in from last night at 6/6.30am he said :wacko: i went out in the morning. he slept. he got up at lunch and then took me to the party at 4 and went back home and i guess slept til claire and i came back with the kids at about 8.30! i give up! he'd better help out tomorrow as i need a few hours at least to myself so i can prepare for the interview!!!
Maybe, with Erin when you stopped was she upset? Did you cut down slowly? I'm thinking if at some point its just night times, that would be okay.
sarah - :rofl: I bet you are right, we need to find this naughty boy forum :haha:

maybe - he got in at 6.30am!!!! He'd best give you a break tomorrow or he'll have the may mummies to deal with :trouble: :grr: When I was at the pool with alex today he kept trying to BF so I can imagine myself at the beach with a 2 year old pulling at my bikini shouting bitty :rofl:

kerry is painting and i feel like he is cross that I'm not but i really cant be bothered tonight :wacko:
amy - you do plenty! he shouldnt feel cross!

sarah - it was not as bad as i thought it would be. tbh i think i was more upset! i kept putting it off each day thinking 'this is my last bf' and then not being able to keep to it :haha: after a few days she got the picture. i tried to distract her when she wanted boobie! she was a great bf though and never bit me! well only once! she had all her teeth before i stopped bf
do you think you'd carry on for longer with Owen as he's meant to be your last baby? I hate the thought of it being over with Alex for that reason. I love being a mum so much and every little bit of growing up makes me feel sad as its the last time :cry:
amy i hope to carry on til about may of next year (before the beach season) so til owen's 2. but as you well know our plans are not necessarily how it ends up happening!!!

wow it's 1am here! i brought owen to bed to bf after we were dozing off on the sofa and i've gotten hooked on here with my phone :haha: i'm scared of closing my eyes though as i know as soon as i do he'll wake :dohh:
very true, i'm just hoping to carry on for as long as Alex wants to, I'm hoping my supply doesnt dwindle being back at work :(

I'm going to have to go and sort the kitchen, it looks like a bomb has hit it :blush: hope you get some sleep tonight :hugs:
Amy: We are doing fine hon, thank you so much for asking :hugs: I do agree that our babies are all very cute :D

Emera: I don't breastfeed and your thread made me tear up :hugs: It sounds like you have done the best thing :hugs:

Sarah: Lucky you! Still no Mama from Bobby but of course loads of Dadas! Our nappy changes have been hard too. I ALWAYS have to have a toy nearby for Bobby because I won't be able to change his nappy otherwise :lol: I agree about the naughty boy forum! I wonder what there usernames are :lol:

H&F: You looks GREAT!!! Well done hon, you really have done so well :happydance: :woohoo:

Maybe: I can't believe Danny stayed out so late then slept in all day :nope: He is their Dad and needs to help you :growlmad: I haven't come home at 6.30am after a night out since I was 24!


We went to the baby show at the excel centre yesterday. We were both quite worried about doing this because the last baby show we went to in Earls Court (back in October) was quite a rough day (Bobby didn't like his routine being changed).

This time we were amazed how well our little boy acted. He didn't have his morning nap but was in good spirits the whole time being smiley and well behaved. He fell asleep on the drive home and was fine for the rest of the day but went to bed early to make up for having shorter naps.

I was delighted because DH is quite reluctant to go places outside our local area with Bobby because he could be hard to deal with. It was great that Bobby can now do trips like this that break his routine and be ok with it!
morning ladies :flower:

modo - I'm so pleased you had a brilliant day out yesterday at the baby show and that Bobby was such a good boy :thumbup: :happydance:

we're just off out DIY shopping. catch up with you all later :hugs:

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