Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I really don't think you should worry honey, Oliver has been crawling for about a month but he was trying and trying for ages before that, and a lot of the babies on here aren't crawling yet. I'd say just give her lots of tummy time, she'll be crawling before you know it, and in the mean time make the most of it :haha:
Miss_Bump , i don't think you need to worry at all! Roh is crawling and has been for a while, but a good few of his little friends are starting to walk, and no way will he be doing that any time soon, his balance is terrible :haha: My neice on the otherhand did exactly what you are describing for ages, then eventually just pulled up to standing and was then walking a few days after, and that was at about 13 months or so, she crawled for about 3 days i think!

All babies are different :)
emera - are you and roh better?

sarah - how cute that oliver claps when you sing :cloud9:

miss bump - my 2 eldest didnt crawl, they went straight to walking dylan at 13 months exactly and erin at 3 days after her 1st birthday. owen is 9 months and doesnt crawl he bum shuffles to where he wants to go though :haha:

today i am going bananas with the kids! owen is super clingy and erin and dylan keep fighting! have bathed them all and fed owen and now to get dinner for the other two! danny's at work and i could really do with some help today. my mil came round when danny was here but i was out with the kids and left as soon as we came back. she used to come round quite a lot but hasnt lately. she cant deal with my kids :rofl: she had danny and then had his sister 14 years after danny so she's so not used to 3 kids close in age!!!
Sarah - Hope Oliver is starting to improve? :hugs: I hate Roh being ill, i know how you feel, i was beside myself last year when he was in hospital, its just the worst thing. Hope you are managing to grab a bit of sleep too :hugs: Sooo cute about the clapping, love it! :flower:

Maybe - Sorry you're going bananas with the kids! :hugs: On the bright side, they keep your MIL away, surely thats a bonus? :haha:

Thanks for asking, Roh and i are both better now :thumbup: My ears feel ok for the first time all year! Roh is definately better, and has spent 2 days being totally gorgeous, but this afternoon he was sooooo hyper! He's also biting everything in sight, and has a sore bum, so i'm thinking teething is back for another round, oh the fun never ends! :dohh:

Him being hyper is kind of funny, but not the best time for it, as i'm at my most tired, with working till 9pm last night then back in for 6am this morning, i'm not much good on tuesday afternoons :sleep: I'd have napped with Roh but i had to stay up to wait for the guy to fix the washing machine (AGAIN!! getting sooo boring it breaking down :growlmad:) who turned up late, so i could have slept, typical.

Had a nice weekend, my mum came on Saturday and we went to Ikea to get some stuff i've been needing for a while and to mothercare and the big boots whilst i had transport (we don't have a car). She wanted to look at carseats, as i think i've only got about a month before Roh's head pokes over the top of the maxicosi, plus my SIL wants to buy it back off us for my new neice/nephew. Anyway, we ended up having an arguement about carseats, as she thinks extended rear facing is a bad idea, and i'd be wasting money getting one of those, she thinks i'm making up the safety research etc. and everytime Roh made the slightest little grumble when i was getting him in and out of the car, she was saying, "well if he was forward facing he'd be able to see you, so he wouldn't cry" :dohh: Grr, annoying, problem is, most of the time he's in a car it will be hers, and i thought she might chip in towards the cost of a new carseat, but if i get a rearfacing one, then i expect she'll buy a forward facing one and use that anyway if i ever leave Roh with her for a weekend. Nightmare, i'm hoping all the research i emailed her will change her mind, she's just going to have to get over it :haha: Otherwise it was a nice day though, i love my mum to bits, and love seeing her, we are just both a bit stubborn sometimes :haha:

On Sunday i went to my friends' new house, which is lovely, ended up staying for lunch and dinner :shock: we had a nice time though, Roh and her little girl are 4 weeks apart, but she was 2 weeks overdue, so she should be older than him, weird eh? Anyway, they are exactly the same, made me giggle watching them chasing eachother up and down the hall :haha:

Apart from that work is boring, cake cake cake :haha: I don't mind though, at least its not too mentally draining. Anyway, i want som dinner and to watch Outcasts, so i'll be off for a bit

Oh, i've started wondering what to do for Roh's birthday, mad i know, but its actually only 7 weeks away! Any ideas? I don't have loads of friends i want to invite, and i don't have much money, so small and on a budget ideas! Help :D
Hi all -

hope everyone is ok - sorry for not replying to everyone individually but I am shattered tonight!

Emera - I was starting to think about Amy's birthday as all our friends seem to be having huge parties and we really cant afford one so I think we are just going to have a family get together and then a play date possibly meeting anyone there who wants to come!

OH has just bought a double chocolate cheesecake its calling me from the kitchen I dont know how I am going to lose weight at my weigh in tomorrow as I am eating lunch out tomorrow as well and I cant find anything I fancy that is healthy on the menu!
muddles - sorry to hear you've got issues with your mum, I will have a read in a bit :hugs:

sarah - poor Oliver! it sounds like you did an ace mummy job looking after him :hugs: how is he today? :flower:

missbump - my Holly didnt even sit until 9 months so dont worry :hugs:

maybe - glad Danny helped you do interview prep. I will keep my fingers crossed for you :hugs: well done for the weight loss :hugs:

H&F - mmm chocolate cheesecake, that is pure temptation!!! :hugs:

emera - gulp, 7 weeks! :shock: where did the time go!!! In my experience little get togethers are better for LO's than big overwhelming parties. I've always just had little family tea parties for 1st birthdays :hugs: I just think I'll have lots of balloons for Alex as he absolutely loves them! And you can bake him a lovely big cake :winkwink:

I didnt get on last night as I was busy job searching etc. I didnt get to bed until quite late and then proceeded to have the worst night ever with Alex :dohh: he just barely slept. When I finally got up he had green snot crusted all over his face so its another cold :cry: he went to my mums for the day with Emily and Holly and she had a good day with him. Gabriel was also there and he is recovering from croup so I really hope Alex doesnt get it [-o< I am so tired today :sleep:
Evening all!

Thankyou so much for all your concern for my poorly boy :hugs: He has seemed to be a little better today - he slept quite well last night (and so did I - yay!) and has gone today from been his normal self one minute to crying and feeling sorry for himself the next, bless him! He's still quite clingy, but he went to bed at 6pm as he was soooo tired and he settled pretty well. So I've been able to run around and get the housework done and catch up on my work. I'm a bit sniffly myself now . . . . I'm really hoping that I'm not going coming down with anything :dohh:

Amy I really hope that Alex is feeling better soon and that you have a better night tonight! How was work? :hugs:

Emera I'm so glad that you and Roh are better! Yay! I have had the extended rear facing car seat debate with Steve and with my mum :dohh: Steve and I had a huge arguement about it until I said that I wouldn't discuss it further with him until he did the research that I had done. He did, and came back 100% in favour of extended rear facing. My mum did the same thing, so hopefully your mum will be in favour when she has done the research too. We have extended rear facing seats in both our cars, but they really can't be taken out and fitted into another car easily as they are seatbelt fitted and not isofix. We currently have an issue with Oliver going in my parents cars. There main car is a Saab 93 convertable and the rear seats are tiny, there is no way the extended rear facing seats would fit. They also have a 4x4 but its really just for the bad weather as they live in the middle of no where. They have been talking about buying a forward facing seat for the Saab but I would much rather they got an extended rear facing seat in the 4x4 . . . . but I feel like a) I'm asking them to spend a few hundred quid more than they would normally and b) they would have to use the 4x4 more which seems silly when they have spent a fortune on the Saab. They have mentioned changing cars in the summer so I don't know . . . . the other thing I thought of was having my parents put on my car insurance and letting them take my car any time they have Oliver . . . . but that would leave me with no car and I think my Dad would have me walk before he let me borrow the Saab :haha:

Maybe I'm sorry you had a crappy day with the kids!

I think I might go and get some food . . . . Oliver hasn't really been eating much lately so I haven't either :dohh: It gets to 9pm and I wonder why I'm starving :haha:
Miss Bump Oliver doesn't crawl. He rolls/pushes backwards on his tummy or tries to kick the things he wants closer to him! :lol: He has lately started to do a yoga position called the plank then gets annoyed because he isn't moving apart from up and down. He has had lots of tummy time from being very small and he was always happy to lie on his tummy and saty that way until he had had enough then he would cry, he never made any effort to turn himself over. He loves to stand though, and is very strong on his legs so am thinking he may skip crawling and just walk instead. Oh and I am 30 and have no co-ordination :rofl:

Emera hope you manage to convince her about the car seats. We got a Britax two way Elite and it's fab! Oliver loves it as he can see out of the window, and as for the 'problem' of not being able to see you if he is rear facing we have a mirror that hangs on the back seat and it means I can see what Oliver is up to when I look in the rear view mirror but also means he can see me if he looks in his mirror too. We were talking about Oliver turning one and are planning to take him to the zoo on his birthday, have an open house for family the day after (was just going to do tea/coffee and cake for everyone), then have a little party at our house for his baby friends just before or just after his birthday. Either that or depending on the weather thought of having a picnic at the local park instead.

Sarah glad he has been a bit better today. Hopefully he is over the worst of it now, and that you don't get it.

H&F enjoy your lunch tomorrow (and the cheesecake if you have some), you are so good at sticking to your diet on the whole and have done so well so I am sure a couple of blips here and there aren't going to do any harm.

Amy hope you have a better night with Alex tonight. Any luck with the job hunting?

Maybe sorry the kids are playing up. Hope you get a few moments to yourself this evening.
amy - poor alex :hugs: hope you have a better night tonight!

emera - i'd be sooooooooooo fat if i had your job :haha: cake! yum!

h&f - i want to do a small party in my flat for owen's bday but i have 14 kids about the same adults and a small flat!!! will have to speak to danny!
Oohhh I love all your ideas for the first birthdays!! I want to take him to Betty's in Harrogate but Steve thinks I'm bonkers :haha:

I think an open house sounds good . . . . then hopefully everyone wouldn't turn up at once as our house isn't very big! I think a picnic at the park would be amazing though if the weather was good!!
sarah - I'm so pleased to hear Oliver is on the mend, I hope you both get some sleep tonight. Work was pretty glum, I just did CV writing and applications. My friend loves Bettys :thumbup: I think that sounds like a lovely idea! :flower:

maybe - I meant to say, I hate days like that where you children play up ALL DAY until you want to hide in a dark room :hugs:

muddles - no luck with job hunting :( I've kind of worked out what I want to do but its so hard to get into i really have no chance. I have also worked out I really dont want to go back to nursing but its a case of needs must. just wanted to give you a big :hugs::hugs: after reading your thread :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I've been a piggy pig today, I feel sick!! :sick: i love bread and cheese with sweet chilli dipping sauce yum yum
What would you ideally go into Amy?

Bread cheese and sweet chilli dip . . . mmmmm!!!!!!!!!!
I'd do medical writing as i could use my scientific and nursing/healthcare knowledge and you can eventually work as a freelancer. it wont happen though, I'll be a nurse I just know it, most likely working every christmas :cry:

I'm so glad I have the rest of the week off, its the best feeling!! :happydance:

how is your bridezilla? x
Yay for the rest of the week off!!!!!

Could you go back into nursing for now and then work on going into writing?

My bridezilla :haha: I haven't heard from her, I need to send her some fabric samples so I'm just waiting for them to arrive. She wants her chair sashes to match her bridesmaids dresses, I've sent her soooo many samples :dohh: She didn't want to send me a sample of her fabric to match so it was like working blind - I mean seriously, how many shades of green are there??!?! She finally sent me a sample and the fabric was two-tone! I found as closer match as you are going to get without buying the actual same fabric, it was sooooo similar - I checked it in every type of light and showed about 10 people and they all agreed it was a match. I made up a full sash for her so she could get a really good idea of how it would look . . . . and she said 'she wasn't sure it was the same' :wacko: Its not going to be the SAME! You can't compare expensive dress fabric with flippin chair sashes! So now she wants samples in a completely different colour - and she hasn't even signed her contract yet :dohh: In my opinion it would be just polite to sign the contract and confirm the booking if you're going to be so fussy, esp when I've given her such a good deal as a friend of a friend :dohh:

On the plus side though things are still going really well with a good steady supply of enquiries and most of them are converting into provisional bookings and slowly but surely they are confirming :) If it keeps on like this I'll be earning a lot more than I was when I was working full time! I have to say though I'm looking forward to the actual bookings coming around, I only take a small deposit of fifty pounds per booking and then the final payments are a month before the event, so at the moment my only income is deposits. My first bookings are in April so I'll be getting some money in March - YAY!

Right, well I'm off to bed . . . lots of love to you all!

hey girlies! today has been hot! needed to put sunscreen on the kids when we went out to the marina for a drink!

danny has his passing out parade tomorrow so am sorting his uniform and our clothes for that when owen gets off my boob!
:wave: hope you have al been doing well :hugs:

Sarah make her sign the contract!

Maybe: lucky you for the nice weather!

Amy: Hope you get to do the freelancing.

Emera: We are having family and a few friends round. Will try not to let my Mother take over :dohh:

Evening ladies!

Modo I feel like I can't be hard on her because I can't because she's a friend of a friend :dohh: I have one more set of samples to send her, if she doesn't like them, I think I'll say that I can't help her. It will end up not been worth my while and I don't have the time to do stuff like that just for fun :dohh:

Modo I still haven't got around to trying your nappies . . . I'm so sorry for taking ages! I didn't want to risk them with Oliver's current nappies :sick: I saw your thread in the for sale section - you really do have an addiction don't you :haha: How many have you got now? Which are your favourites?

Maybe wow! It has been rainy and crap all day here :haha: I hope tomorrow goes well!

We've had a quiet day, Oliver seems a little better but still not all that good, so we stayed home and did lots of playing and napping. He seems quite off his food too which is very unusual, poor little lamb :( He is still breastfeeding really well though so thats good. I think I've got a bit of what ever he has though as I'm feeling really crappy today, urgh!

I hope you are all well!!


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