Sarah - Hope Oliver is starting to improve?

I hate Roh being ill, i know how you feel, i was beside myself last year when he was in hospital, its just the worst thing. Hope you are managing to grab a bit of sleep too

Sooo cute about the clapping, love it!
Maybe - Sorry you're going bananas with the kids!

On the bright side, they keep your MIL away, surely thats a bonus?
Thanks for asking, Roh and i are both better now

My ears feel ok for the first time all year! Roh is definately better, and has spent 2 days being totally gorgeous, but this afternoon he was sooooo hyper! He's also biting everything in sight, and has a sore bum, so i'm thinking teething is back for another round, oh the fun never ends!
Him being hyper is kind of funny, but not the best time for it, as i'm at my most tired, with working till 9pm last night then back in for 6am this morning, i'm not much good on tuesday afternoons

I'd have napped with Roh but i had to stay up to wait for the guy to fix the washing machine (AGAIN!! getting sooo boring it breaking down

) who turned up late, so i could have slept, typical.
Had a nice weekend, my mum came on Saturday and we went to Ikea to get some stuff i've been needing for a while and to mothercare and the big boots whilst i had transport (we don't have a car). She wanted to look at carseats, as i think i've only got about a month before Roh's head pokes over the top of the maxicosi, plus my SIL wants to buy it back off us for my new neice/nephew. Anyway, we ended up having an arguement about carseats, as she thinks extended rear facing is a bad idea, and i'd be wasting money getting one of those, she thinks i'm making up the safety research etc. and everytime Roh made the slightest little grumble when i was getting him in and out of the car, she was saying, "well if he was forward facing he'd be able to see you, so he wouldn't cry"

Grr, annoying, problem is, most of the time he's in a car it will be hers, and i thought she might chip in towards the cost of a new carseat, but if i get a rearfacing one, then i expect she'll buy a forward facing one and use that anyway if i ever leave Roh with her for a weekend. Nightmare, i'm hoping all the research i emailed her will change her mind, she's just going to have to get over it

Otherwise it was a nice day though, i love my mum to bits, and love seeing her, we are just both a bit stubborn sometimes
On Sunday i went to my friends' new house, which is lovely, ended up staying for lunch and dinner

we had a nice time though, Roh and her little girl are 4 weeks apart, but she was 2 weeks overdue, so she should be older than him, weird eh? Anyway, they are exactly the same, made me giggle watching them chasing eachother up and down the hall
Apart from that work is boring, cake cake cake

I don't mind though, at least its not too mentally draining. Anyway, i want som dinner and to watch Outcasts, so i'll be off for a bit