Sarah Poor Oliver

for him and you. Hope his temp is down quickly and he isn't sick again. I was thinking messy play outside on the patio in the summer as it can be hosed down!
Maybe that's nice you got some sleep but what a shame he blew it by being mean later in the day.
Modo that's great he was such a good boy for you. Hope you enjoyed the day out.
Amy not sure if it was meant to be edible, it was suitable for babies (well the woman who brought the paint trays in said it was) but Oliver certainly seemed to enjoy it! Sorry to hear you will probably have to sell your house.
LM that is great Dillon is saying words. We get mummummum and dadadada but not to us, well I often get called Dada
Emera you did really well to breastfeed for as long as you did. Will go an read the thread you posted. Well done!
H&F will have a look at your pics on fb next time I am on there. Sure you look fab!
Amy and
Sarah Oliver likes to play with my hair whilst he feeds meaning I often look like a scarecrow when he has finished as he gets a bit and pulls it outwards, he has also poked me in the eye whilst grabbing for hair

he also keeps trying to roll over when I change his nappy-I have to give him the plastic drawer thing (that the wipes are kept in) to wave about and do it quickly-then usually whilst I reach for his trousers he unsticks the velcro on the nappy and kicks meaning his bits are all out again!
As for me huge drama with my Mum again. It's really getting me down, I know what she says isn't true but it doesn't stop the niggling doubts in my mind. Whole story in Girly Sanctuary if anyone is really bored.