Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hey all - I have a poorly baby so havent been able to get all day - temperature is so high and she is very clingy ... not sure if it teeth or a bug but praying she settles for a little sleep as she is super tired!

I lost 2.5lbs at weight watchers this week ... thats 3 stone off so far! Just under 2 stone to go!

Sarah - glad Oliver is feeling a bit better - your bride should sign a contract ... while I have been sorting everything out I felt awful messing anyone about or anything.

Maybe - I wish we had good weather ... I need to get out with the pushchair more!

Modo - how are things?

Amy - hope your ok. x x x

I am off to eat some triple chocolate cheescake!
h&f - see i told you you'd lose weight:)

sarah - hope u and oliver are better soon!

i have prepared everyone's stuff except mine for the parade. i was just going to do mine when owen woke so i lay on the sofa to bf and fell asleep with him :blush::haha: will sort it in the morning after i go to the dr about BC and i want some bloods done as i have been feeling weak and faint lately.
Hi all, I've been doing applications and filling wall holes tonight :)

sarah - thats absolutely fantastic that you are doing so well with the business :happydance::happydance::thumbup::thumbup: whoop whoop. urgh, the bridezilla sounds a nightmare. I hope you feel better tomorrow and that Oliver continues to get better :hugs:

maybe - lucky you to have some warmth and sun!! I hope you are OK :hugs: I wonder if the continuous lack of sleep has caught up with you, does Danny know how you've been feeling? :hugs: I hope dannys passing out parade goes well xx

H&F - really sorry to hear Amy is poorly, I hope she gets some sleep tonight :hugs: 3 stone :shock: :thumbup::happydance: thats absolutely bloomin amazing!!!!! you go girl!!! :thumbup::happydance: wow!

modo - is Bobby still pulling up to stand? Has he suffered any bumps yet?:hugs:

I hope everyone else is well :flower: we spent the morning in town getting bits for the girls world book day -dress up as your favourite book character event next week. emily is going as Puss in Boots and Holly as Lara the spy dog (a new storyline out). I think we've managed really well being creative on a budget! :thumbup: Alex is still full of green gunk and coughing, wont it be nice when its summer and the poor babies arent permanently full of cold! xx
amy - poor alex!!! i agree roll on summer!!! dylan's school isnt doing anything for book day. the school i work at usually does a whole week of activities and it is quite exhausting but fun and then each class does a presentation for either the rest of the school or sometimes for parents too!

oh well on to the school run and then the parade so catch up with you all tonight! have a great day xxx
Amy you couldn't have said it better - roll on the summer!! Poorly babies are no fun :(

Maybe I hope today has gone well! Are you all ready for Leeds?

H&F I hope Amy is better today :hugs:

Oliver and I are a little better today though his nappies are still rather scarey :sick: I just feel soooooo drained! I'm not sure if its partly because Oliver isn't really eating but he's breastfeeding like a newborn . . . I'm sure I'm dehydrated so I'm trying to drink more. I feel like I could sleep for a week. I'm sure I'll be feeling better soon though.

Its a really gorgeous day here today, its like spring. Its just so lovely! We went to Asda earlier (I haven't had chance to sort out internet shopping yet :dohh:) and if I had more energy I would have taken Oliver out for a walk. He's fast asleep on my knee at the moment though.

**RANT ALERT** :haha:

I'm a bit annoyed at Steve's work :grr: Basically his GM is in a bad mood at the moment, for various reasons, and well, she's like a bloke when she's in a bad mood :haha: and finds things to have a go at everyone for. Steve told me yesterday that she has said that they have to turn their mobile phones off when they are at work. Now I can imagine that Steve messes about on his phone a lot when he's at work so far enough - but apparently its not because he's on the internet all the time - which he probably is - its because 'Sarah calls you all the time' :saywhat: Since I'm generally in bed for most of his shifts, this is a load of crap. I text him when I go to bed, thats it. So I said why on earth would she say that? He said he didn't know, and then it clicked. The other night when Oliver was ill, I called him three times. I wasn't on the phone for long, I was telling him how his son was etc. When I called him I could hear one of the junior managers in the background. Lets call her 'A'. Now A is teachers pet with the GM - shes so far up her ass its untrue. The GM seems to see A as the daughter she never had or something. A has a thing for Steve, its stupidly obvious. She is the only person who knew I'd called, and the only person who would talk about it to the GM. I am SO pissed off. A has a son, so I would have thought that she might understand, but obviously not. I think she'll just be pleased that it now looks like I got Steve in trouble - silly little cow. What really pisses me off is that she calls him when he's not at work all the sodding time - mostly about stupid things. She once called him to ask him how to send an email :dohh: I've told Steve that when he next sees her he should tell her how poorly Oliver was etc and make her feel like shit. Just to piss me off a bit more, its Steves day off today and he's had to go in to work for a few hours. So I'm here feeling like crap with a poorly baby, and he's gone :grr:

Phew, rant over :haha:
sarah - i'm so mad on your behalf :grr: what a bitch! i hope steve makes her feel guilty what a stupid cow :hugs:
i am looking forward to leeds :) i made a list of things i need to take and tomorrow will pack :thumbup:

today went great thanks. danny got the award for best academic recruit so it was nice that all the time he spent studying paid off!
on a completely different note has anyone else wondered why people keep dropping off this thread, there used to be loads of us here! i hope this thread doesnt die out because you girls help me retain my sanity :haha: does anyone keep in touch with any of the others who used to be regulars here like abz marta cactus girl and pussy galore? i was just randomly wondering about them?!!
sarah - shesh what a total cowbag, both A and Steve's GM :growlmad: i hope Steve doesnt listen and just has his phone on silent. Jesus - you have a baby son together, you should be able to contact him all the time!! I hope you have a good night and feel better tomorrow :hugs::hugs::hugs:

H&F - how is Amy? :flower:

maybe - danny did so well!! :thumbup: so he can do things well if he sets his mind to it! he should try that out with parenting duties and looking after his lovely supportive wife :hugs: I hope your packing goes ok.

As for the thread, I'm still here :hugs: I'm really concious I havent been on as much as normal and I know thats down to my stupid work laptop not working for bnb and being on that in the evenings as this laptop doesnt have word and I've been applying for jobs. i dont want the thread to die, I dont think it will :hugs: I'd hate to lose contact with you all, even though we've never met I consider you all good friends of mine and I'm probably closer to you than I am to some of my non-cyber friends because of all we've shared together. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

today was a bit manic! we took Lyra for a walk this morning and she had a bit of a rough play fight with this other dog and ended up covered in mud!!! literally she was brown. funny thing was it was Nasty Nick from Big Brother's dog. we were both laughing and it was surreal! he's quite a sweetie in real life. I knew he lived in my village and I've seen him at the local but never talked to him before. His dog is called howler!!!!
Then we met a friend for lunch at the Pfizer social club and Kerry came too. it was yummy, I had goats cheese pannini mmmmmm. After that we came back to see Lyra again before going on to meet Kerrys mum and daughter at a place called snappys. its an indoor play center with ball pools and slides etc. i forgot it was half term when I suggested it and it was MANIC!!!!! :shock: I wasnt sure i could handle it at first but in the end all the children had a fabulous time. Emily and Holly are off to butlins in Bognor regis tomorrow with Kerrys mum for the weekend. They can be little buggers at times but i am going to miss them SOOOOOO much :( They are going for 4 days. its going to be very quiet in this house for the next few days :cry: I know they'll have an amazing time though and they are so excited its really cute xxx
oh maybe, PG is on facebook. is she your friend on there?x edit - have pm'd you on fb x
morning :flower: I just dropped the girls off :( feel a bit lost without them! Going to meet my mum for a pub lunch. hope you all have a lovely day x
amy i know how you feel. i feel really guilty going away this weekend without dylan and erin :blush: but i know that they will be spoilt rotten by my mil and mum here and if we took them then they'd probably not have the best time as we would be in the shops a lot and the weather's not supposed to be too good so we'd not get to the park really. we'll take them away for a weekend up the coast in spain, benalmadena or torremolinos over the summer and that'll be a holiday just for them of pool, pool and more pool!!!
I wondered where other people had gone too, though I am pretty rubbish some days at replying to the thread. I even had a look at the third trimester threads, as this time last year we were on there. :lol: At least if the thread does die most of us have each other on Facebook, we could start a thread or something on there.

Sarah what a b*tch A is! Think that's a good idea if he makes her feel bad, it's not like you are some clingy wife who calls non stop everytime he goes to work, you were calling because yours and Steve's son was poorly.

Maybe glad yesterday went well. Just :lol: at what Erin did (saw it on fb). Have you managed to sort it out? I did the same thing as a child and remember being told off so badly.

Amy have a nice lunch.

We are off to have our haircut when Oliver wakes up :cry: I really don't want him to have his haircut but it's so long it keeps going in his eyes when he pulls the curls straight and the little wispy bits keep making him itch on his forehead, neck and cheeks. Hope he doesn't lose his curls. Will be happy to have mine hacked at though, as it is inbetween styles at the moment.

have a nice day everyone.
Hi all - I am super tired ... Amy was up most of the night and has been clingy all day and Dave has just decided he is going to help his friend do something tonight so I am dont get a break ... plan of action is to feed Amy dinner at 5.30, bath at 6 and then her milk. Fingers crossed she will fall asleep during her milk and will go down.

We have a wedding preparation day tomorrow and I am supposed to be leaving her with my mum but I feel awful leaving her when she is poorly.

Hope everyone is ok - hopefully catch up properly later once Amy is asleep!
Hi everyone!

I'm glad you guys agree with me about the whole Steve's work situation :hugs: He spoke to his GM yesterday and she apologised in a roundabout way :haha: He's working with A tonight and is going to have a word with her.

I am ill :( I was up all night :sick: Bless him, Steve got up with Oliver at 7am dispite the fact he's working tonight, so I was able to sleep in. I just feel sooooo drained, I've only ever felt like this when I had Flu :dohh: I'm struggling to keep anything down so I fell completely drained :( Just to add to everything, I'm worried about my milk because I feel so dehydrated and I'm sure I haven't got much milk compared to normal :( I'm trying to sip water all the time in the hope that something might stay down . . . . urgh!

Oliver seems a little better though still isn't really eating . . . I think I might have to give him a sippy cup of formula before bed.

I'm so crap at been ill :haha: It always makes me feel really down and depressed and I feel sooooo sorry for myself :dohh:

Sorry I haven't replied to everyone individually - just quickly Amy have a lovely weekend, I bet the girls have a blast! And Maybe I'm sure you'll have a really great time in Leeds while the kids get spoilt by their grandmas :haha: Muddles how did the hair cut go? Steve cut Olivers hair the other week, he looked so much more grown up with it shorter! It grown so, so fast though, I think he needs another trim! I don't think I'd dare take him to a proper hairdresser :haha:

Right well Steve is just taking a nap, as he's working until 4am :dohh: and Oliver sounds like he wants out of the play pen.

Sorry for been so moaney lately, I'll be back to normal soon! Oh, and I'm going no where, I'll still be posting on here when Oliver is 18! :rofl:
Sorry I have been rubbish about coming here! I am selling what feels like a mountain of cloth nappies which is keeping me soooo busy. Hope you are all doing ok. Bobby 4th tooth came in today not the second top one but the one next to his left bottom tooth. I think the top left one will be coming in soon as well xxx

Sarah what a BITCH A is!!! I can't believe she would do that grrr.

Maybe: I am not really gone just been busy the past few days. You girls are such good friends :hugs: I wish we could meet up in real life. No one else seems to understand really.

Amy: Bobby isn't trying to pull himself up anymore. He is doing this strange move where he starts getting up on all fours, then stretches his legs back and grunts. I think he is trying to stand up or something. Will try and get it on video. Good luck with working on the house. How is everything going?

H&F: You have done so well! You really are an inspiration :hugs:

Muddles: Hope the hair cut went well. I am sure Oliver will look adorable with his new hairdo!
Sarah - really hope you are feeling better soon - just try and rest as best you can. I am awful at being ill too I get so down and depressed. Now Amy has a temperature and is obviously off colour ... and she seems to be getting on with it and keeps smiling!

Modo - yay for Bobby's 4th tooth ... Amy still only has two teeth but she has such a fever and is off colour at the moment I think the top two are getting ready to come thru we are praying they pop thru soon so she can feel better soon.

I am just avoiding any chocolate, biscuits, cheescake ... actually anything sweet as I feel like stuffing my face ... I am so tired and I just want to eat but I have already had far too much today, dont reckon I will lose this week tho!
Modo I sooooo know what you mean - I consider you all such great friends :hugs: It would be lovely to meet up some time. I think I would go crazy without you guys!!

H&F Thankyou :hugs: I hope Amy is feeling better soon! Oliver has been smiling and quiet cheerful too, though he's much more cuddly than normal and has been taking longer naps. I'm glad its not just me who feels like this when I'm ill! Steve is one of those people who never really gets ill, so I think he thinks I'm mad :haha: If he dares to say I'm a wimp though I remind him that I delivered Oliver with just gas and air :haha:

Steve's mum came up earlier and bless her cleaned all my kitchen. Since Steve had given Oliver is breakfast it was a bit of a mess :dohh: I hate it been a mess and I think she knows, she went in to make a cuppa and when I went to find her she'd done all the washing up and everything. I think she knew if she'd asked I would have said no, but I was so, so thankful to her! Its always good to have a nice MIL moment :haha: Steve has been wonderful all day too. My parents are coming up in the morning so hopefully I'll be feeling better, if not its good to know I'll be able to take it easy :haha:

H&F: Hope Amy gets the top two easily :hugs: They have been so rough on Bobby :(

Sarah: I hope you feel better soon Sarah :hugs: It sounds horrible! I just saw your comment about the nappies. I have LOADS but there number is getting a lot more normal now :haha: I just had too many nappies we weren't using so they are all going now. Go ahead and use the nappies, they really can handle it!
Sarah - I keep thinking we should all meet up! It really funny how close I feel to you guys! I dont know where the easiest place to meet would be as we are from all over the place.

Rant alert -

Right Dave knows how poorly Amy is and how tired I am but he had arranged to go out and do something to help a friend out tonight and I said it was fine for him to go but said please please please dont be back late. He promised he would be back by 8.30 and definately before 9 ... I have just had a txt off him after no contact the entire time he has been out (I rang him to find out exactly what time he would be back at so I could get dinner on) and he says he is just leaving ... the drive back will take him 1hr 30 mins argh so I am sitting here waiting for him to walk in the door so I can make us both some dinner and he isnt going to be back until 10.30 I am fuming and really hungry!

Sorry for the rant I am just so angry!
Huge hugs :hugs: to all you poorly ones!

In fact general hugs all round :hugs:

I want to post but i have this awful pile of paperwork to get through that i've been putting off for like, forever :blush: I hate paperwork :sulk: its why i bake for a living!

Right, gonna stop loitering around here and go sort my life out!

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