Amy you couldn't have said it better - roll on the summer!! Poorly babies are no fun
Maybe I hope today has gone well! Are you all ready for Leeds?
H&F I hope Amy is better today
Oliver and I are a little better today though his nappies are still rather scarey

I just feel soooooo drained! I'm not sure if its partly because Oliver isn't really eating but he's breastfeeding like a newborn . . . I'm sure I'm dehydrated so I'm trying to drink more. I feel like I could sleep for a week. I'm sure I'll be feeling better soon though.
Its a really gorgeous day here today, its like spring. Its just so lovely! We went to Asda earlier (I haven't had chance to sort out internet shopping yet

) and if I had more energy I would have taken Oliver out for a walk. He's fast asleep on my knee at the moment though.
I'm a bit annoyed at Steve's work

Basically his GM is in a bad mood at the moment, for various reasons, and well, she's like a bloke when she's in a bad mood

and finds things to have a go at everyone for. Steve told me yesterday that she has said that they have to turn their mobile phones off when they are at work. Now I can imagine that Steve messes about on his phone a lot when he's at work so far enough - but apparently its not because he's on the internet all the time - which he probably is - its because 'Sarah calls you all the time'

Since I'm generally in bed for most of his shifts, this is a load of crap. I text him when I go to bed, thats it. So I said why on earth would she say that? He said he didn't know, and then it clicked. The other night when Oliver was ill, I called him three times. I wasn't on the phone for long, I was telling him how his son was etc. When I called him I could hear one of the junior managers in the background. Lets call her 'A'. Now A is teachers pet with the GM - shes so far up her ass its untrue. The GM seems to see A as the daughter she never had or something. A has a thing for Steve, its stupidly obvious. She is the only person who knew I'd called, and the only person who would talk about it to the GM. I am SO pissed off. A has a son, so I would have thought that she might understand, but obviously not. I think she'll just be pleased that it now looks like I got Steve in trouble - silly little cow. What really pisses me off is that she calls him when he's not at work all the sodding time - mostly about stupid things. She once called him to ask him how to send an email

I've told Steve that when he next sees her he should tell her how poorly Oliver was etc and make her feel like shit. Just to piss me off a bit more, its Steves day off today and he's had to go in to work for a few hours. So I'm here feeling like crap with a poorly baby, and he's gone
Phew, rant over