Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi Emera!! Hope you are well :hugs: I'm wierd, I love paperwork! I'd happily do your paperwork for payment in cakes :haha:

H&F Argh how annoying!!! I hate it when men are like that :(
Steve wanted to go to the gym today, before work, but I think he got the impression that I needed him at home more than he needed to go to the gym, so he didn't go. I will make sure he gets chance to go over the weekend. I really need to go myself, I renewed my membership in December and I haven't been yet :dohh: Our gym has got some new workout mchine things, apparently a ten minute workout on that is like an hour on the normal stuff! Thats my kind of workout! I could manage ten minutes twice a week :haha:
Modo . . . just saw you pics on FB. Bobby is so lovely! Your cats are absolutley stunning! What breed are they?
Modo - Bobby is gorgeous.

Sarah - Oliver is so adorable as well.

Could someone come and eat the last bit of triple chocolate cheesecake I am so desperate to eat it!
H&f that's so annoying! It's not like you told him he couldn't go, he should have come back when he said or at least called you so you could eat :growlmad:

Sarah: they are Balinese :) what about your kitties? I saw your kitty album so cute :) I love Olivers new pics!
Modo our cat (Kitty . . . . as in Hello Kitty :dohh: :haha:) is a colourpoint persian. She's gorgeous but her long fur gets everywhere . . . . I had her clipped last summer and I'm thinking about getting her done again in the spring. I'd sooooo have one like yours if we got another!! I don't think I'd have another long haired cat while Oliver is small, its so much work. Maybe when Oliver is 18 I'll have another :haha:

H&F I would sooooo have eaten the cake :haha:

I think I'm going to go to bed . . . . . fingers crossed I'll feel better tomorrow.

just a quickie, i did read all your posts and was about to reply when Alex woke up :dohh:

maybe - Dylan and Erin will have a great time being spoilt while you are away. I hope you have a fantastic time :hugs:

modo - love your fb pics :cloud9: you're so right that no-one else understands!

emera - good luck with the paperwork :hugs:

muddles - looking forward to pics of Olivers haircut :flower:

H&F - :grr: men!!! :trouble: I think they convince themselves its ok to do things like that :dohh: I hope you have a productive day tomorrow and that Amy is ok :hugs:

sarah - Oliver is so cute, i thought he looked like he'd had a haircut! very handsome. A 10 minute workout sounds perfect :haha: sorry you've been feeling so poorly hun :hugs: I'm glad Steve let you have a lie - in. I'm sure your milk will come back when you are better :hugs:

Well I went food shopping this afternoon and remembered why I love having it delivered! hell :dohh: forgot half of what I needed despite the trolley being overloaded and Alex HATED it :dohh: I was so glad to get home. I had a lovely lunch with my mum earlier and we met an interesting family who are looking to move to the area.

I realised today just how bad my house is looking, its a total tip :blush: my mum said to Alex ooh what a mess, mummy really needs to get down to some cleaning :blush: she was only teasing but its just such a low priority at the moment.It made me open my eyes to it though and its bad :blush:

Amy do you always shop online? I so need to try it . . . . I think I'll try Ocado for a month and just see how I get on.

I'm feeling a little better this morning, yay! Still a bit weak and pathetic :haha: but much better. Steve worked last night and then this morning he offered to stay up and take Oliver so I could sleep in again, bless him! He was so tired too, but I did feel better so I let him go to bed. I should have maybe taken him up on his offer though - Oliver woke me up with the messyest, stinkiest nappy he's had in a long time :sick: :sick: I had to open all the windows :haha: :sick: :sick: Just what you want first thing in the morning! :rofl: :sick:

Mum and Dad are on there way up so when they arrive I'm going to get a shower and hopefully that will wake me up a bit!

Has anyone heard from FruFru? Hope you are okay honey!! :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe have a safe flight today! The weather here is a bit crappy :dohh: but I'm sure you'll still have a great time!!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

Sarah: Glad you are feeling better hon :hugs:
Balinese kitties are lovely but they are very vocal unlike Persians. The smaller one Hopey is called a Variant because she is half Siamese and she does have the psycho Siamese thing. She miaows and wakes us up early in the morning and always lets us know when something is pissing her off! She is really lovely to Ben and I but hates everyone else. Our other cat Mica loves everybody and is very friendly. I guess like people cats are all different :)
Kitty will probably appreciate the trim comes spring time. I heard that exposure to cats from a young age reduces the occurrence of asthma and allergies. So her fur might be helpful!
:lol: at the stinky poo! I call Bobby's crime scenes :haha: When that happens Ben has to open the door to the backgarden, its the only thing that helps.

Maybe: Have a great time hon :hugs:

Amy: Sorry shopping was a nightmare :hugs: It's also totally understandable if housework is not a priority right now! You have a lot going on :hugs:
:wave: hi everyone. Sorry I have not posted for A G E S. I have been a bit busy with return to work planning, inquest stuff and general day to day stuff. And of course making the most of half term with Ella and Grace :mrgreen: I have been lurking here though to see what you are all up to quite regularly though :blush:

Sarah - Steve's GM was completely out of order for her comments about his mobile usage, I am glad she has come to her senses and apologised. Poor Oliver and you with the poorliness :hugs: I am glad he is on the mend and hope the poonami's dissapear soon! Joni ate two massive slices of pineapple yesterday and when she woke up this morning her suprise Mama morning treat was a rather fruity nappy :sick:
Did the bridezilla like her sashes?
BOO to you being poorly too. Water is great but what about getting some rehydration sachets to help replenish your electrolytes? If I lived closer I would make you some banana cake to munch on as that is great for keeping energy levels up. :hugs:

Modo - yay for Bobbies tooth and his crawling and standing. What a clever boy :mrgreen:
You are so diligent selling you excess resusables. I have so much of Joni's clothes and equipment she has grown out of and it just seems like so much effort :shrug:

Emera - I read a few pages back that you have been watching outcasts - me too and I love love love it! I hope you get through your paperwork, I too have lots - one pile for me and one pile for Hannah I really should get around to sorting out :blush:

H&F - Wowee 3 stone!!! Congratulations :hugs:
Sorry to hear Amy is poorly, I hope she makes a speedy recovery for you.
Naughty Dave :grr: and poor you waiting so long for dinner! He really should have texted sooner to say he was running late :nope:
What happened with the cheesecake?

Amy - I am glad you have had some nice days out. The goats cheese panini sounds lush :p
I really admire your commitment to decorating in the evenings, it is all I can do to get the essential chores done after I get Joni to bed.
As for the cleaning, while you are decorating and working something has got to give. I am sure it is not half as bad as you think it it!

Maybebaby - I am so pleased that you are having a trip away, you certainly deserve it. I am sorry I can't remember if you have taken the kids with you? Whatever the arrangements I hope you are having a wonderful time and that the weather up north is better than ours. It has been really wet and miserable the last few days BOO!!!
Have you got your amber necklace through yet? How is Owen getting along with his, I bet the dark green looks really nice on him :)

Muddles - Haircuts already :shock: our babies are getting big so quickly!! My husbands family is well known for bald babies. His twin nieces still had really thin invisible baby hair at 3!!!! Thankfully Joni's hair looks to be coming in a lot more quickly but as it is quite blond it looks thinner than it is. I think she is going to be a curly haired blondey baby :kiss:
I read your thread in the GS :hugs: for you lovely lady. I am so sorry for what you have had to go through and really glad that your DH has been so fantastic and helped you through the dark times. Equally I am sorry that your Mum has been so difficult, dreadfully unkind and altogether unreasonable. I think you have done absolutely the right thing by taking a step back. It is so hard when you have to parent your parent :nope:

So I finally got a letter from work asking me about my plans for coming back to work :rolleyes: I am going to propose going back for three days a week with Joni in nursery for two of those, but we will see what I can get work to agree to. I really need to call the nursery on Monday and make arrangements to go and view it.

We have three teeth now, two top middle ones and one bottom middle one. Joni hates me looking and feeling in her mouth but I think she has at least another three pretty close to coming through. Joni's sleep has continued to be dreadful and she has started waking at regular times at night which suggests her wakings are becoming a habit rather than being teething related. Hubby has had to take lots of holiday from work as we are both so tired from being up for 3-4 hours through the night. I had a long chat with my hubby and HV and we decided to do a bit of a sleep training refresher. We are a couple of days in now and Joni has responded really well so far and slept 7.20-6 last night with only a grumble around 12ish which was amazing :thumbup: Fingers crossed this trend continues!

We have booked flights to Scotland for the end of march to visit the in-laws. It will be the second time Joni has seen her grandparents on hubby's side of the family and the first time his sister and her kids will have met her. I am really looking forward to it :D

Joni has got really interested in trying to crawl again in the last couple of weeks and is able to backwards and roll around a fair bit now. I was playing with her on the futon while in bed mode and she managed to roll really quickly and roll off before I could stop her :dohh: so I won't be doing that anymore!

I got my washing out of the machine the other day and found a nappy in with the clothes :shock: I have no idea how it got there, I think I must have scooped it up with her clothes and towel after nudey kick time and bunged it in the machine without realising it was there :dohh:

Righto, I am going to sign off and do a few chores before indulging myself with a cuddle with my hubby on the sofa and watching true blood from last night :mrgreen:

:hugs: to you all xx
Hey FruFru!! So good to see you!! Good to hear that you and the gorgeous Joni are well too :hugs: I did the EXACT same thing with a nappy the other day!! I was so worried I had broken the washing machine as some of the little crystal thingys had excaped . . . I popped a hot empty wash on in the hope that it would wash away any left overs and it seems to have worked. I am still trying to figure out how the hell it got in there :haha: Since I haven't told Steve, I'll blame him :rofl: Virtual banana cake is still very sweet of you :haha: I do have some rehydration stuff somewhere . . . . I find it pretty gross :sick: but I'm so worried about my milk, Olivers nappies were def dryer than normal today and he still isn't really eating. I'm trying to drink more water and I'm finally able to eat a bit too so hopefully I'll be feeling more confident about my milk soon.

The bridezilla still hasn't got back to be about the sashes :dohh:

Modo I think Kitty is pretty vocal but compared to siamese I think she's quiet :haha: They really do have such personalities though don't they? Kitty is such a madam!!

We had a nice day :) My parents came up and were soooooo helpful! I had a lovely shower and then we just chilled put for a while while they played with Oliver, and then he had a nap. Then we had a little drive to a big garden centre thats quite close by and had lunch, and a look at all the animals, and then called at a lovely local farm shop on the way home. It was a lovely day and since I have soooo little energy it was so good to have some help!

Steve spoke to A and now thinks that it wasn't her. I'm not so sure but well, we'll see. I don't like her anyway :haha: When used to work in the casino (many moons ago :haha:) I thought she was quite nice but hmmmm, I don't have any time for her now :nope: I'll just sit back and see what happens now though, I still text Steve when I go to bed, its up to him if he has his phone turned on or not :haha: I'm just still really annoyed that I was made out to be some clingy jealous type when I'm soooooo not. :grr:

I had a funny e-mail today, from a bride, saying that she liked my most expensive covers, but as she thought the price was far to expensive she would like to have them at the price of the cheapest covers :saywhat: She also put 'I'm sorry if you think I'm rude but the price is far too expensive' :rofl: :rofl: The thing is that I know that my prices are competitive, and if someone comes to me and says I only have a budget of x, or if they have had a cheaper quote elsewhere, I'll always see what I can do. Just the way this girl worded it was so odd! From past experience with brides I know that these ones are usually trouble :dohh: so I've told her nope to any discount . . . . . . we'll see what she says :haha:

Right . . . . I'm going to go and find the rehydration stuff and make myself drink it :sick:
Frufru: lovely to hear from you :hugs: well done to Joni with the toothy pegs and crawling. We suspect that Bobby will have curly hair too like my Dad and sister :) I used to be really jealous of my sisters curly hair but she has always straightened it. Its funny how you are never happy with what you have. Hope everything goes smoothly with your return to work hon :hugs: I am due to start early April but with annual leave it could around mid April.

Take care :kiss:

Sarah that bride sounds like trouble! Kitty sounds so cute :D I have heard that thecolourpoints are the feistiest Persians, she sounds like a lot of fun!
FruFru - Good to hear from you! :hugs: I love Outcasts too, can't wait to see where its going to go, that american guy makes my skin crawl! :sick:

Sarah - If you are feeling dehydrated and worried about your milk, i just looked up a recipe i was using in the first few weeks after Roh arrived, i wish i'd kept up drinking it now, it was really good : -

25ml Blackthorn Berry Tonic
500ml Apple, Berry or Grape juice
1.5 litre of water
1 Sachet of Rehydration powder
1 Soluable vitamin C tablet (i used Berroca, those fizzy vitamin tablets)
A few drops of Bachs Rescue Remedy

You can drink all of that each day until you feel better. I just used to make it up and keep it in a jug in the fridge. Its nice tasting, and it stops the rehydration powders from tasting so rank :sick: If you can't get hold of the Blackthorn Berry Elixir then you just leave it out, or add a splash of blackcurrant squash for the taste instead. I had to order it online, its not readily available, even in health shops, great stuff though. Again, you can leave the rescue remedy out too, its optional really. My friend from South Africa recommended the recipe to me, you talking about the rehydration stuff reminded me about it, apparently its called Jungle juice and is quite popular over there for breastfeeding mums, well, my friend said it was anyway :winkwink:

Well, i've been waiting up for OH, but he just got home so i'll go to bed, night!

Hi all - I will try and catch up properly later ... we were supposed to be going for a walk today but the weather is so awful I dont think we are going to bother! I feel so so guilty about weight watchers this week ... I have eaten so much and I know I am going to put on this week but I still want to stuff my face with cake its awful!

Hope everyone is ok. x x x
Morning everyone!

Urgh, I feel like I'm back at square one, I feel as bad as ever :cry: I've been up half the night. I'm so worried abot my milk :cry: Emera thankyou so much for that info, I am def going to try that. Steve bought me some Gatoraid as its full of electrolytes. I have been sipping it all morning and I do actually feel a little bit better. I'm really really fed up of feeling ill now :( I was really hoping to go down to mum and dads but I wouldn't drive with Oliver in the car if I'm not feeling great. Bless them though they are going to pop up later. I wish we lived closer :(

Urgh, I'm so sorry to post such a crappy self centred post, Oliver is napping now so I think I might have a nap, and then I WILL feel better when I wake up!

will be back later, hope you're feeling ok sarah :hugs:

I have a gumpy grotster on my hands! x
Hope you are feeling better soon Sarah :hugs:

Emera: that sounds much better than the horrible rehydration powders :vomit:

Amy: Poor Alex :( Hope he is doing ok!

I forgot to tell you girls that Bobby got the top left tooth yesterday :D
sarah - :hugs:

frufru - glad u r ok!!!!

just a quick one from me! on my phone in the hotel lobby in leeds :) done quite a bit of shopping!!! it's been fun! waiting for sil and then going to get a bite :hugs: to you all xxx
Sarah - I really hope you feel better soon my lovely :hugs: I am glad the gatorade (sp?) has helped a little bit. I can't believe the cheek of that bride asking you to discount your most expensive covers! On the nappy-washing machine situation, at least I'm not alone :haha:

Modo - wow another tooth for Bobby :happydance: I hope it came through without too much trouble for the little guy. My mat leave officially finishes at the end of April but with the annual leave left over from last year I should not have to start back until the end of May or possibly even June :mrgreen: I am still going to get Joni started in nursery at some point in April so she has plenty of time to get used to going and build up to her 2 days a week. Plus it will give me the opportunity to get the house and garden organised so that I have a manageable baseline for when I have to start juggling home and work :wacko:

Emera - Ooooh I know he is well creepy!! The actor also starred in Ugly Betty and his character was really likeable, I love that he is able to make me dislike him so much in this role. I am such a nerd :haha:
Wow the jungle juice sounds fab, I think I will write it down for the next time I am feeling poorly as it looks like it should do just the job. I love berrocca, I take them first thing in the morning and it never fails to give me a boost :blush:

H&F - I am sorry the weather has spoiled your plans :growlmad: I know what you mean about just wanting to stuff yourself with cake, I have been doing it all week :blush: yet I have just baked another cake :dohh:

Amy - I hope your grumpy grotser's mood has improved :hugs:

Maybebaby - yay for you having a lovely time :happydance: Modo is right, you do REALLY REALLY REALLY deserve it :hugs:

It has been a gorgeous day weather-wise here :mrgreen: My laundry was nearly dry and only needed a brief air to finish drying off :thumbup: I love the smell of laundry dried outside and am so glad the weather is getting good enough to dare hanging stuff out again.

Last night was a bit of a step backwards sleep-wise. Joni went down at bedtime ok but woke at 12ish and took 2 hours to go back to sleep :wacko: It was so hard not to pick her up and bring her to bed with us :nope: but we stayed strong and stuck to our plan. I woke up at about 7.30 and Joni was still sleeping, obviously making up for her midnight shenanigans :rolleyes:

Joni went for a walk in the sunshine with hubby this morning while I did the grocery shop. Then while Joni napped after lunch hubby and I had a snuggle on the sofa and watched last weeks outcasts :mrgreen: After lunch I embarked on a mammoth cooking operation which is still underway :shock: So far I have made mince and tatties for us and a lo-salt version for Joni, weetabix cake, a medley of stewed fruits and am part way through making cheese and brocoli bites for Joni's lunch tomorrow. We took a couple of hours break part-way through preparation and cooking to take Joni out to the park and have our dinner together before putting Joni to bed. All in all a lovely peaceful day :)

Righto, I better go and take the cake out of the oven and finish prepping the cheesy bite thingy's. Then there is the mountain of washing up to tackle BOO!!!!! Have a lovely evening everyone xxx

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