:wave: hi everyone. Sorry I have not posted for A G E S. I have been a bit busy with return to work planning, inquest stuff and general day to day stuff. And of course making the most of half term with Ella and Grace

I have been lurking here though to see what you are all up to quite regularly though
Sarah - Steve's GM was completely out of order for her comments about his mobile usage, I am glad she has come to her senses and apologised. Poor Oliver and you with the poorliness

I am glad he is on the mend and hope the poonami's dissapear soon! Joni ate two massive slices of pineapple yesterday and when she woke up this morning her suprise Mama morning treat was a rather fruity nappy

Did the bridezilla like her sashes?
BOO to you being poorly too. Water is great but what about getting some rehydration sachets to help replenish your electrolytes? If I lived closer I would make you some banana cake to munch on as that is great for keeping energy levels up.
Modo - yay for Bobbies tooth and his crawling and standing. What a clever boy
You are so diligent selling you excess resusables. I have so much of Joni's clothes and equipment she has grown out of and it just seems like so much effort
Emera - I read a few pages back that you have been watching outcasts - me too and I love
love love it! I hope you get through your paperwork, I too have lots - one pile for me and one pile for Hannah I really should get around to sorting out
H&F - Wowee 3 stone!!! Congratulations
Sorry to hear Amy is poorly, I hope she makes a speedy recovery for you.
Naughty Dave

and poor you waiting so long for dinner! He really should have texted sooner to say he was running late

What happened with the cheesecake?
Amy - I am glad you have had some nice days out. The goats cheese panini sounds lush

I really admire your commitment to decorating in the evenings, it is all I can do to get the essential chores done after I get Joni to bed.
As for the cleaning, while you are decorating and working something has got to give. I am sure it is not half as bad as you think it it!
Maybebaby - I am so pleased that you are having a trip away, you certainly deserve it. I am sorry I can't remember if you have taken the kids with you? Whatever the arrangements I hope you are having a wonderful time and that the weather up north is better than ours. It has been really wet and miserable the last few days BOO!!!
Have you got your amber necklace through yet? How is Owen getting along with his, I bet the dark green looks really nice on him
Muddles - Haircuts already

our babies are getting big so quickly!! My husbands family is well known for bald babies. His twin nieces still had really thin invisible baby hair at 3!!!! Thankfully Joni's hair looks to be coming in a lot more quickly but as it is quite blond it looks thinner than it is. I think she is going to be a curly haired blondey baby

I read your thread in the GS

for you lovely lady. I am so sorry for what you have had to go through and really glad that your DH has been so fantastic and helped you through the dark times. Equally I am sorry that your Mum has been so difficult, dreadfully unkind and altogether unreasonable. I think you have done absolutely the right thing by taking a step back. It is so hard when you have to parent your parent
So I finally got a letter from work asking me about my plans for coming back to work

I am going to propose going back for three days a week with Joni in nursery for two of those, but we will see what I can get work to agree to. I really need to call the nursery on Monday and make arrangements to go and view it.
We have three teeth now, two top middle ones and one bottom middle one. Joni hates me looking and feeling in her mouth but I think she has at least another three pretty close to coming through. Joni's sleep has continued to be dreadful and she has started waking at regular times at night which suggests her wakings are becoming a habit rather than being teething related. Hubby has had to take lots of holiday from work as we are both so tired from being up for 3-4 hours through the night. I had a long chat with my hubby and HV and we decided to do a bit of a sleep training refresher. We are a couple of days in now and Joni has responded really well so far and slept 7.20-6 last night with only a grumble around 12ish which was amazing

Fingers crossed this trend continues!
We have booked flights to Scotland for the end of march to visit the in-laws. It will be the second time Joni has seen her grandparents on hubby's side of the family and the first time his sister and her kids will have met her. I am really looking forward to it
Joni has got really interested in trying to crawl again in the last couple of weeks and is able to backwards and roll around a fair bit now. I was playing with her on the futon while in bed mode and she managed to roll really quickly and roll off before I could stop her

so I won't be doing that anymore!
I got my washing out of the machine the other day and found a nappy in with the clothes

I have no idea how it got there, I think I must have scooped it up with her clothes and towel after nudey kick time and bunged it in the machine without realising it was there
Righto, I am going to sign off and do a few chores before indulging myself with a cuddle with my hubby on the sofa and watching true blood from last night

to you all xx