Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

sarah - yes I normally shop online, its so much easier! I cant stand supermarket shopping :haha: how rude of that bride!!! I'm glad your parents looked after you yesterday :hugs: sorry you are still feeling rubbish today. Emera's hydration drink recipe sounds good, try not to worry your milk will come back. you just need to rest and keep drinking :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope Oliver is ok xx

frufru - lovely to hear from you :hugs: the Scotland trip sounds lovely! I'm glad the sleep training is working for you. I am currently getting about 4 hours and its exhausting :sleep: :hugs:

modo - yey for Bobbys tooth :happydance:

H&F - hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised at WW :hugs:

maybe - hope you have a fab weekend :hugs:

Well Alex has been hard work the last couple of days. He's really grizzly and his sleep has been attrocious. I always said I wouldnt but i am seriously considering CC becasue I cant cope much more. He's fine going off and then sleeps ok till 11 but then he wakes and nothing I do gets him back to sleep. He wont feed to sleep or be rocked. he just cries and cries. Friday night he was awake until 3.30am and then woke for the day at 6. Last night wasnt much better. Kerry and i end up snitching at each other out of tiredness. I'm wondering if its another tooth. If its bad again tonight I will have to do something :nope::sleep::sleep::sleep:
frufru - well done for staying strong with the sleep training :hugs:
Awww you're all sooooo lovely :kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs:

I'm feeling much better again :thumbup: Mum and Dad came up again after I called and said I couldn't drive to them. They arrived complete with a bunny shaped hanging basket 'for Oliver' and some gorgeous spring flowers for me :cloud9: I just LOVE the hanging basket, mine were looking a little, erm, dead :blush: and it just looks so cute! I'm so greatfull for my parents. They also brough about a million different things to eat to try to tempt me into having some lunch, and then they played with and amused Oliver for most of the day so I could put my feet up. My Dad was most impressed to discover that we have Sky Sports HD :haha: so he was more than happy as he's not allowed the sports channels at home :haha:

Amy bless little Alex and his bad sleeping . . . . poor mummy and daddy too! I presume you've tried Calpol incase its his teeth? Its awful knowing what to do isn't it? Like you said I've always said I wouldn't do CC etc, but I can imagine if I was only getting four hours each night I would have to, esp if you have to get up and go to work too. You need to think about your health at the end of the day, you can't be driving about exhausted :hugs::

Do you find that you spend less doing your shopping online? I buy so many 'impulse purchases' in the supermarket. Or rather, Steve does :haha:

FruFru your day sounds lovely! Our weather has been crappy here today so I'm jealous of your weather! I can't wait for the spring now and the SUN! WOW at all your cooking - your such a domestic goddess!! I've really fancied banana cake since you mentioned it :haha: Where did you get the receipe?

Maybe I hope you're having really great time!! You soooo deserve it as the others said :)

H&F I hope you had a good day :hugs:

Well I honestly expected not to hear from my rude bride again, but I logged on to my email today and I had a message from her saying that was fine and that she'd like to book! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I've been thinking about our garden recently . . . . I really want Oliver to be able to play outside lots when he's a bit older. Our garden in a decent size, not massive, and an oblong shape. At the top we have our chickens and the shed, and close to the house we have a paved bit, the rest is lawned - but its not great grass. I've always said that I wouldn't get rid of the grass, but now I'm seriously considering it. I just feel like it would be so much more practical to have it paved . . . . I could still have some lovely planters etc but Oliver could play out and it would be soooooo low maintanance. I spoke to Steve and he seemed to be in agreement so I think I might look into getting someone out to give us a quote. I know Steve could to it but tbh, I'm waiting for Steve to do a million things that never get done. He has a week off coming up and my parents have offered to come up and help, but I know what he's like - he'd just find an excuse not to do it and he hates accepting help for some unknown reason. Like my car STILL has starting issues. . . . so this has been going on since December and Steve keeps saying that he'll fix it, but hasn't. I can't take Oliver out on my own in it incase it doesn't start. My Dads looked at it a few times and I know he'd fix it given half a chance. He's pretty sure he knows what it is but it needs two people to fix it, so he said if Steve helps him they can sort it out . . . . Steve just says 'I'll sort it out its okay' when I told him :dohh: MEN :grr:

Right well I have to pack some ebay parcels up, hopefully I'll feel up for a wonder to the post office tomorrow.

Lots of love to all you lovely ladies!!

He's fine going off and then sleeps ok till 11 but then he wakes and nothing I do gets him back to sleep. He wont feed to sleep or be rocked. he just cries and cries. Friday night he was awake until 3.30am and then woke for the day at 6.

Oh Amy, I really empathise as this is what Joni has been doing since Xmas :wacko: I think it was teething related at first as the time she wakes would vary, as would the length of time she would remain awake. Then over the last 3 weeks or so the wake up time has started to settle at 12am and Joni would not go back down until 3.30-4 then wake for the day at 5.15-5.30 :nope: It is really gruelling to go through night after night :sad1:
Back when Joni was waking twice an hour, every hour, through the night I bought 'Healthy sleep habits, happy child' by Dr Marc Weissbluth and it was that book that made me comfortable enough to try CC. I hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:

Sarah - bless your Mum and Dad :flower: What diamonds :thumbup:
:haha: at the rude bride, she was obviously just testing you on the off-chance the cheeky monkey :rolleyes:
I can see why you could be tempted by paving the garden, not having to mow the grass would be a huge plus, I HATE hoovering the lawn! I think I am going to leave my grass though as I think Joni is going to be one of these kids that tears about at breakneck speed and grass will be kinder to her knees :winkwink:
I use a couple of banana cake recipes. I have an easy-peasy low-fat muffin recipe but I also often use Nigella's Domestic Goddess banana bread recipe which is super-delish due to the sultanas being soaked in booze :p Let me know if you want to do either of them and I will type up the recipe, both are pretty straight forward.
Speaking of recipes it is rhubarb season so I must make an effort to buy some and make date and rhubarb cake mmm nom nom nom :p

Well the washing up is done, Joni's bottles are washed, sterilised and made-up, Joni's cheesy bites are chilling in the fridge and we have just tasted the weetabix cake and hubby reckons it is the best one I have made yet :smug: So that can only mean it is time I stopped looking on here, take my contact lens out, brush my teeth, put my pj's on and retire to bed with my book.

Nanight gorgeous girlies :hugs:
Oh Amy, I really empathise as this is what Joni has been doing since Xmas :wacko: I think it was teething related at first as the time she wakes would vary, as would the length of time she would remain awake. Then over the last 3 weeks or so the wake up time has started to settle at 12am and Joni would not go back down until 3.30-4 then wake for the day at 5.15-5.30 :nope: It is really gruelling to go through night after night :sad1:
Back when Joni was waking twice an hour, every hour, through the night I bought 'Healthy sleep habits, happy child' by Dr Marc Weissbluth and it was that book that made me comfortable enough to try CC. I hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:

poor you!!! I think he has a tooth coming but I also think its easily going to become habit :wacko: I did CC with Emily when she was 11 months old because she was the same and I couldnt take it anymore. I remember (vaguely as it was 10 years ago :blush:) an awful week where she screamed until she was sick but then she slept through every night after that. That was when I was a nurse and I worked one night a week with no sleep the next day so to have rubbish sleep for the rest of the week was a killer. I was also 2 months pregnant with Holly. I know that the last couple of nights have really taken it out of Alex as much as it has us and I want my happy boy back :(

sarah - yey for your parents :thumbup: I really hope you feel better tomorrow. Getting your garden sorted sounds like a cool idea, its lovely when LO's can enjoy the garden. we've tried calpol tonight before bed. :hugs:
Hi all -

Will update properly later just wanted to say I hope everyone has a lovely. Amy has taken to crawling round with a sock in her mouth! I am just off to bake a loaf of bread (how domesticated! ) before Amy's nap, lunch and then walk to tumble tots (fingers firmly crossed it doesnt rain! )

Have a lovely day ... sarah its lovely to hear your frrling a bit better. x
Amy - how did last night go? Any better or any sign of another tooth?

H&F - :haha: at Amy and her sock. It is weird the things that babies decide is their new favorite thing. Joni has decided her new favorite thing is for me to blow on her hands, hair and face. Crazy baby :wacko: :haha:
Mmmmm nom nom at the fresh bread :p I hope you both had a lovely time at tumble tots.

Sarah - are you feeling any better today?

Emera - I hope your assault on the paperwork mountain is going well. Mine has grown on account of the return to work and change of hours forms I now need to fill out :dohh: I suspect I'll have nursery forms to add to it soon as well :rolleyes:

Maybebaby - I hope you are still having a lovely time and wish you a safe journey home :hugs:

I bit the bullet today and made a decision about how many hours and what days I am going to request to work when I go back. There is no guarantee they will agree it, but hopefully they will see that I have really tried to make my proposal business friendly while still trying to maintain a reasonable work/life balance for my family. I also called the nursery I am considering for Joni and we are going to visit tomorrow. I think I have been subconsciously worrying about returning to work as I felt so much more contented and restful once I had made up my mind what I would offer for hours etc and called the nursery.

We popped in on a friend this afternoon whose youngest is a couple of weeks older than Joni. They had such fun playing together, Joni spent the whole time giggling and cooing at Rhys as he crawled about and cruised round the sofa showing her how its done :cloud9: She is going to have a blast at nursery with all the other babies to play with and entertain her :thumbup:

The broccoli cheesy bites were delicious :p Joni seemed to enjoy them too :winkwink: I gave Joni a bit of weetabix cake this morning in place of toast and she was not impressed :haha: I would love to eat cake for breakfast!

Joni did loads better last night. She woke at 12-ish again but thankfully we did not have a repeat of the previous night and she was asleep again in less than 5 mins and slept til 6 :thumbup: Fingers crossed Joni can keep this up [-o<

Hubby is working a late today so I am going to sign off now to get the rest of the chores done before he gets home. Have a lovely evening everyone xx
Its very quiet in here ... we have had a lovely day and a good walk to and from tumble tots. I am very excited to be starting a yoga class on a Thursday night ... the same lady who runs baby yoga does it and I cant wait for some me time.

Right I am off to do some budgeting for March.
hi all! still in leeds and we've done more shopping :) got some great stuff for the kids from debenhams :thumbup: treated myself to some makeup from boots and it totalled almost £150 :wacko: but is lovely! danny doesnt know yet :haha:

frufru and amy - :hugs: owen is still awful sleepwise and think i'm going to have to try cc!

sarah - glad u r better!

got to sort owen out now xxx
Maybe YAY for the shopping!!! I would SO love to splash out on some lovely makeup . . . Steve keeps telling me too but I just can't :dohh:

H&F the Yoga sounds fab!! I need to start going to the gym . . . . Steve is going all the time now and if he's all toned and gorgeous I'll look even worse :haha:

FruFru Mmmmm banana cake for brekkie - YUM! Those reciepes would be brill by the way, but only if you have time to type them out, and no hurry!! Well done on sorting out your return to work requests and nursery :hugs: What have you asked for? When will you find out if they agree?

I'm feeling much better, still not 100% but much better. I've just still got no energy but I've made a huge effort today to eat more so I'm hoping that tomorrow I'm more back to full strength. Oliver is so much better, thank goodness, though STILL has his annoying cough though its not nearly as bad as it was.

Tonight soooo feels like a Sunday, I have no idea why :dohh: :haha:
Sarah - glad you and oliver are feeling much better.

Maybe - wow for all the shopping

I have so much budgeting to do so I can do all these activities this month!

Right I am off to watch the biggest loser and then one born every minute on 4 plus 1!
Glad you are feeling a bit better Sarah. That's funny that after trying it on your rude bride backed down. :lol:

Amy how was Alex last night?

Frufru That sounds like a weight off your mind deciding about work and nursery. Hope you get the hours you want. Yummy recipes. I have been doing quite a few of the recipes from the BLW book. I quite like baking, really feel like a mummy when i'm making cakes etc. :lol:

H&F that's funny about Amy crawling with her sock in her mouth.

Maybebaby glad you had a good time and got nice makeup too.

Went round to a friends for coffee this morning. It was lovely, a few of the Mums I met at the baby group and the breastfeeding group I used to go to take it in turns to have a coffee morning at each other's houses. Oliver was shattered afterwards and has been asleep since just after 1, he was too tired to eat lunch so will probably wake up really hungry and eat something then have dinner a couple of hours later! Oh dear.

Just changed my signature, my baby is 10 months old! Where did that time go? Can't imagine life without him, he is so much fun (most of the time :lol:) and I love him so much.

Have just watched a Toddlers and Tiaras programme that I recorded. It's quite creepy seeing these little girls all done up with a full face of makeup. The dresses are really pretty but let them be kids!
Happy Ten Months Oliver!!!!! Wow it really is going so, so fast!! I had some photos developed recently and looking through all the pics when Oliver was tiny was amazing . . . I can't believe he was so small!! And now they are almost one!!! I don't know about anyone else, but I still can't believe I'm a mum and that I have such an absolutely amazing, perfect son!

Muddles it sounds like you had a fun time today! I love all the things that you do, you're so social! You certainly put me to shame :dohh: Well done with the cooking too, I love the BLW cookbook. What are Oliver's faves so far?

Toddlers and Tiaras is soooo creepy!! They look like dolls and waaaay too grown up. Its the dancing and things too . . . . urgh its just so wierd!

I watched a programme last week about a couple who had twins and then got pregnant again (IVF) and had six babies!!!! It was amazing to watch, I was tired out just watching :haha:

As soon as I think I'm feeling a bit better, I feel like crap again :dohh: I'm so fed up of feeling like this!! Oliver was like this for a week though, I started properly feeling like poop on Thursday I think, so hopefully by Thursday I'll feel a bit better. Oliver's appitite was much, much better today but I feel a bit bad because I just can't bring myself to cook him a proper meal, it makes me feel too :sick: Steve has been great but I'm looking forward to feeling up to cooking properly again and baking and things. If I didn't know better I'd think I was pregnant :haha: I'm so :sick: and :coffee: and I'm off all my normal drinks (tea, coffee etc). Its just like 1st tri all over again :haha: I'm not pregnant though, definetly not :haha:
Rushing through as I have last minute visitors coming tomorrow so I am trying to get the house straight and some cooking done for our lunch tomorrow :wacko:

I could really do with some advice. A friend of mine called me this evening and has said that she wants me to go on a yoga retreat in Italy with her in May for a week. She has come into some money that she was not expecting and did not really want following an amicable divorce and, in her words, wants to treat me and pay for the entire trip for both Joni and I :shock: Her justification is that I always do nice things for other people and that after the chaos of last year that I deserve something nice.

I really don't know what to say :confused: it is such an exceptionally generous offer which I would love to take up, but I really worry that I would be taking advantage of my friend by saying yes. But then at the same time I know that coming from this particular person it is a genuine offer and comes with no strings other than those of guilt and self-questioning belonging to myself.

Ahhhhh I just don;t know :wacko: What do you all think?
FruFru wow what a wonderful friend! You must be a wonderful friend to her too for her to think of you like that :hugs:

I think if you would like to go, then you should go. From your friends perspective, she wants company at the retreat too and would obviously love you to go with her so its not an entirely unselfish offer, if you know what I mean. She is probably thinking that she would never ask you to go and expect you to pay, and that she would sooner pay and have you their than go alone. I think its a win win tbh, and you really, really do deserve a little break - it would do you so much good!!

So I think stop worrying and tell her YES!!!!!!!!!!!
FruFru - Do it! She obviously wants your company on the break, and i bet it would make her very happy if you accept her offer, look at it from that point of view, that rather than her just doing something for you, by paying your way, you'll also be doing something for her, by sharing the experience with her :) That way you are both giving eachother something valuable, just in different currencies, if that makes sense? If you think about it like that, then really there is nothing to feel guilty about :)

Make your friend, and yourself happy by accepting :winkwink:
My feet hurt! :(

I asked my boss for a payrise today :blush: Since i've been back they've had a 25% increase in cake sales, so they are making more money, and my workload has increased. I figured don't ask don't get, so i went for it. She has to discuss with the big boss, so we'll see. I really hope they say yes, as if interest rates go up, which they will soon, OH and i worked out that we'd have to sell the flat and move to a cheaper (less nice) area, as on our current income we couldn't afford the mortgage :S

FruFru sounds like you are enjoying the baking :) I sometimes think about it but then i realise that coming home and baking a cake is about the LAST thing i would want to do :haha:

Sarah, i really hope you feel properly better soon :hugs: are you sure sure sure you can't be pregnant? :winkwink:

I'm so happy, my friend at work is 13 weeks pregnant :happydance: she was really umming and aahhing about what she was going to do, as she's 21, and has just signed a 3 year modelling contract. I had a long chat with her about it a few weeks ago, and anyway, she had her first scan this week, and came bouncing in the kitchen to show me her scan picture :cloud9: I asked her what she'd decided to do, and she just grinned and said, "I'm going to be a Mummy!" sooo, sweet :) She was all excited about seeing the baby wiggling its little arms about :cloud9: I'm so pleased for her. Plus the modelling agency don't care at all and are going to get her, some maternity work when she's showing more :thumbup: I'm dead jealous though :haha: just got my period, so a bit dissapointed that this isn't the month. Ah well, more fun ttc for another month. I so hope it doesn't take 6 years again :cry:

Frufru: Well done with all the cooking you did, that amazing! I barely seem to find time to cook these days. You have motivated me though and I think I will make something today :thumbup: I hope the sleep training is going better hon :hugs: Since Bobby has been 6 months we have been leaving him to self settle and although he still cries a bit he settles really quickly. Glad Joni enjoyed the food you made her! Can I have the weatabix cake recipe?

Amy: I like online shopping for the bulk of my stuff but we like to go to our local sainsburys for fruit. Otherwise we end up with not so nice fruits. I hope Alex's sleeping is getting better :hugs: I have the same book as Frufru and its also why we started getting Bobby to self settle. It's really good :thumbup:

Sarah: Glad you are better hon. Sorry to hear that Steve won't help your Dad fix your car :( Bobby keeps trying to crawl out to our garden but we are hesitant to let him crawl around there in case he finds and eats our dogs poo :sick: I don't know what to do about that :( At least the kitties bury there poo.

H&F: the image of Amy crawling around with a sock in her mouth is just adorable!

Maybe: Glad you are having a good time in Leeds :hugs: Good luck with CC when you do it:hugs:

Muddles: Glad you had fun at your friends house :) I have seen Toddlers and Tiaras and I agree that its sooo creepy! Childhood seems to get shorter and shorter for kids who's parents are into this kind of thing :( Did you see the babies on the show? At least not much seems to be expected of them! Happy 10 months Oliver :happydance:

Sarah: Sorry you are still feeling ill hon. Have you been to the Drs? Are you on antibiotics? Maybe Emera is right and you are pregnant ;)

Frufru: if you know her and you think she is genuine then go for it! She sounds like such a lovely person :) From her perspective I can understand why she is inviting you because she doesn't want to be alone. If I was in the same situation I would invite you too because you are lovely :hugs: Si I agree with Sarah and Emera :)

Emera: Good for you for asking :hugs: It sounds like you totally deserve it! I hope they see sense :hugs: Lovely to hear about your friend hon :cloud9: That's really great that the modeling agency she work for are so supportive :happydance: Sorry to hear that you got the dreaded AF :growlmad: I am sure it won't be six years hon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
My cat Hopey probably needs to have an operation :cry: Her back teeth are really bad and we are taking her in on Tuesday where they are putting her under sedation to clean them and if they don't look better then the vet will remove them :cry: Apparently its genetic and all the tooth brushing we do doesn't make a difference :( I am so worried :cry:
Emera well done for asking for the pay rise!! I hope you get one :hugs: If the sales are up etc you have a great reason for asking, fingers crossed for you. Our mortgage is on a tracker too, so we are also watching the interest rates. Ours is so low at the moment though, we should be okay when they start to creep up again. From what I've seen they are only looking at it going up slowly, maybe by .75 by the end of the year.

Modo awwww poor Hopey! I'm sure she'll be fine though! :hugs: My parents have a cat who came from the RSPCA, she only has her front teeth and she manages absolutely fine! I'm sure she'll be okay honey :hugs:

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