Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi :wave:

Sarah Sorry to hear you are still not very well. Have you done a test just to make sure? Was that programme Jon and Kate Plus 8? I watched that when i was pregnant, the kids are so cute. We seem to have fallen into a nice routine of sorts and our activities are in the mornings which leave the afternoon free to do whatever we fancy. Oliver loved the Thai Green Curry as well as Lamb and Mint Sausages best so far I'd say. Actually he is very sweet and eats pretty much everything and goes mmmm, mmmm, mmmm so nice someone appreciates my cooking. Still not keen on egg though, his tongue pushes it back out again and he makes a face.

Frufru wow what a lovely friend. I'd go, sounds like she really wants to treat you and spoil you after what has been a tough year for you. You deserve it!

Emera that's lovely for your friend at work. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your BFP. Hope you get your payrise too, reading about how busy you are at work tires me out! :lol:

Modo sorry to hear about your cat. :hugs: for you and Hopey. Hope all goes well on Tuesday.

Did I tell you all Oliver's bad habit? With the left over milk from his cereal I let him drink the milk from the bowl a couple of times, and now he expects to be able to do it everytime and shouts for the bowl! Oooopppps I have at least started putting the milk into a doidy cup and he drinks it from that now then usually cries when it runs out. Oh dear.

Oliver is having a nap so instead of finishing the housework that I started yesterday I am surfing the net and having a cup of coffee :haha:
Muddles: that so cute! I wish Bobby would drink milk from the sippy cup but there is no way he will do it yet!

Muddles thats the one, I couldn't remember what it was called :dohh: The kids are adorable! ALL those babies though - wow!!! They seemed like a really nice couple though. Thats just a whole lot of babies!!!!!

I haven't done a test but I'm sure I'm not. Unless what I thought was a period a few weeks ago wasn't, which I know can happen, but I'm sure its just this bug. Half of Steve's staff are off with it too, I'm sure thats what it is. If my af doesn't show up in a few weeks time I might be eating my words, but I'm confident its just the bug. I'm feeling a bit better today, thank goodness!

Bless Oliver and his bad habit! I give Oliverwoo water or formula in a sippycup and he goes mad, he gets sooooo excited as soon as he sees the cup :haha: He insists on holding the cup himself now and takes it off me if I hold it. If I take it away from him be shouts :haha: So after every mealtime he has a change of clothes now, because he's always soaking wet! I'll add a photo of Oliver with his sippy cup . . . he's very clever but I'm not sure he 100% gets it yet :rofl:

Well we finally got out of the house today :happydance: We walked into town with Steve and ran a few errands, and went out for lunch. It was really nice. Its baby club tomorrow and I'm so pleased that we feel well enough to go! :thumbup:

FruFru I hope you've told your friend a huge YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone heard from LC? I hope you're okay honey!! :hugs:



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Hi all -

Just a quicky from me ... we are just off to our first sing and sign session - this week was supposed to be a quiet week and we havent stopped, then probably into town before I go off to yoga tonight!

Sarah - that picture of Oliver is adorable!

Muddles - the drinking out the bowl is so cute!

Modo, Hannah - how are you?

Right I best be off or we will be late for our first session!
Well we were soposed to go to baby club this morning but Oliver slept sooooo well last night, he woke up at 11pm, and then 6am, then 9.30am!! Baby club starts at 9.30am so we had to give it a miss, it was lovely to sleep in though!!

I just ordered Oliver the leapfrog table thing that I put on Baby Bargains last night . . . its such a good price and he loves to stand up and play so I think he'll love it! I should probably put it away for his birthday but I know i wont lol!!

Hope everyone has a good day!
We have Roh's 8-12 month review in an hour or so :wacko:

Wish us luck, lets hope they don't decide he's backwards :haha:

H&F - I hope sing and sign was fun. Yay for the yoga!!! Yoga is awesome, exercise and me-time all rolled into one :thumbup:

Maybebaby - it sounds like you had a lovely time in Leeds. Have you thought anymore about sleep training Owen?

Sarah I am glad that you are starting to feel a bit better now :hugs: I will dig out the banana cake/muffin recipe for you and the weetabix cake for Modo too.
Do you think you might test to make sure about not being pregnant?
9.30am, wow. And to think I thought my 6.30 this morning was a lie in :rofl:

Muddles - yay for Oliver being 10months! I know what you mean about wondering where the time has gone. I had a look at my friends BLW cookbook and it looked quite good so I think I might order it from the library and have a go at some of the recipes.
I too am very disturbed by the Toddlers & Tiara's :nope: it just seems so wrong. I have watched a few of the Jon & Kate programmes, it is so sad that they ended up divorcing :sad:
:haha: at Oliver and drinking from the bowl!

Emera - Coo-ee that is a big increase in cake sales :shock: too right you deserve a payrise! Just goes to show how talented a chef you are :mrgreen:
I have loved baking and cooking in general for years. I would much rather eat something homemade than the mass-produced processed cakes from the supermarket.
Yay for your friend deciding to be a Mum :happydance: Bummer about :witch: getting you this month.
There is no way anyone in their right mind could think Roh is backwards!! Joni is the same age and can't crawl, cruise or say Mama yet and they reckoned she was doing just fine.

Modo - WHat did you decide to cook in the end? I made a lovely sundried tomato and bacon frittata for lunch with my friend yesterday and it was soooooo delicious :p Joni even had some at teatime.
The sleep training is going well thank you. Most nights she is going down nicely now. She always seems to wake at 12.10am and sometimes goes back to sleep in a couple of minutes but we had one night where it was 2 hours :shock: since then if she does not go right back to sleep the time she is awake seems to be reducing which is good :thumbup: Naps are going ok, sometimes she goes down with no fuss and sometimes she will take ages to settle. She generally always has a nap when we put her down which is progress as before we started with our sleep plan again she was starting to miss naps a lot and ending up really overtired. I love Dr Weissbluth's book, I still pick it up from time to time if Joni is having trouble settling and have a little read of the success stories to remind myself that what I am doing is in the best interests of the whole family.
Poor Hopey :hugs: I hope the op on Tuesday goes as planned. I have come across a few cat and dogs with few teeth and they manage just fine :hugs:
I will look out the recipe for you :hugs:

Hannah - :hi: I hope you house move went well and Amelia is doing well.

I am going into work tomorrow to have a meeting with my manager about returning to work. I am going to propose going back on 21 hours per week but with the hours spread over a fortnight. So I will always work 4.30pm-8pm Wednesday, 8am-4pm Thursday and Friday. The rest of the hours will be covered by me working 9-5 every other Saturday. The request has to be assessed by 'the board' so I am not sure how long that will take :shrug: Hubby is also having to put in a flexible working request to ask that he always works 8am-4pm on a Wednesday with the idea being I bring Joni to work with me to hand over to hubby when he finishes. The nursery was lovely and they said they have spaces for her on the THursday and Friday so I think I will look to get her started early April.

I have pretty much made up my mind that I am going to say yes to my friend about the yoga retreat. Bless her, after we spoke she texted to say that if I did not want to go that she would just give me the money instead :shock: I really don't think that I would be ok with that though :nope: I am just waiting on a bit of feedback from the yoga instructor about facilities for Joni before I give a definate yes.

Joni and I had a nice walk through the woods this afternoon using the baby back carrier. She really loves being in it :mrgreen: On the crawling front she is still writhing around on the floor like a fish out of water that can only go backwards :rofl: she has also started pulling a weird face which looks like a grimace but is actually her mimicking a toothy grin :haha: :cloud9:

#### NERD ALERT##### I finished my book today - Daughter of the Empire by Raymond E Feist and Janny Wurts - oh my goodness it was stunning!!!!!!!! I can't wait to start the second book now :mrgreen: I have also caught up with all the Outcasts from my V+ box so now I have to wait for the next one on the weekend BOO!!! I am also really enjoying the new series of True Blood and Raising Hope. The baby in Raising Hope is so damn cute. Hubby always gets really agitated after we watch it as it makes him want to go and get Joni up to cuddle her :haha: New series of "V" coming soon too :happydance:

See you all later xxx
Hey girls, I can't believe it's been so long! Amelia's nearly 8 months :cry: She's good, recently been going to bed earlier and sleeping 7:30-7:45 until 8:30am :D Still got 2 toothypegs and no sign of anymore :( and recently yesterday to be precise has started saying "mama" :blush: Sorry can't write any more for the moment as Amelia's trying to grab my keyboard :haha:
FruFru - Yes i am a talented chef :smug: :haha: well, won't get anywhere in life if i don't go bigging myself up :rofl: Seriously though, i've been doing it for a long time now, 16 years infact! So if i was still bad it would be a bit depressing. I went to a really old fashioned boarding school (i was beaten once with a leather strap for throwing someone elses doll out of the 4th floor window and breaking it - shows how old i am that they were still allowed to do that :haha:) the upside of that is i had 2 cooking lessons, 2 sewing lessons and one deportment and etiquette class a week. Deportment was a bit pointless, although i can get out of a sports car in a short skirt without flashing anything, amazing how often thats been useful in my life...not! However, i find it really handy that i can cook very well, sew well enough to be able to make all my own clothes if i really wanted, and i can darn properly too, quite useful with my OH's razor toes! :thumbup:
I really enjoyed this weeks episode of Outcasts, although found myself getting a bit emotional with all the stuff about the girl who was giving birth, and the scary "thats not Mummy" thing!
Glad you enjoyed your book so much :thumbup: I'm re-reading the Algebraist by Iain.M.Banks, i'm really enjoying it, i've read it before, but i must have been desperate to get through it and read it really fast, because i really don't remember any of the plot at all. Pretty cool though, as its like reading a new book :)
Also, good to hear you are thinking yes about the yoga retreat :thumbup: i can imagine you would feel a bit weird about taking the money instead i know i would, much nicer to have some quality time with your friend ;) Fingers crossed your working hours get approved for you :hugs:

Sarah - Love the picture of Oliver on FB, and the one withthe sippy cup is adoreable! :haha: Roh does that too, and as i don't use the valve, he gets totally soaked, just the same :haha: I'm sure he'll love the leapfrog table, i really should get something like that for Roh, he loves standing and playing too.

Hannah - Glad Amelia is doing well ;) Roh got 2 teeth really early on, and then nothing for over 4 months :rolleyes:

Muddles - Oliver drinking the milk out the cereal bowl sounds cute, my dad always did it when we were little, so i always have, and still do :blush:

H&F - Hope sing and sign was good, i booked on a class, but they lost my booking, so when i went to the first one, i wasn't on the list and the class was full :( I have to wait until next term now.

Now, who have i missed? I'm sure i missed something :wacko: i'll have to post again if i remember :hugs:

Well Roh's review went fine, i wasn't worried about it, i know he's doing great ;) They did weigh him though, which i wasn't expecting. Anyway, he's gone from the 9th centile to the top if the 50th centile :shock: he's 21lb exactly now! I knew he'd grown a load, but i though what with him not eating for a whole week last month that he'd just be on his line. My skinny little chap is getting tubby! :happydance: It was nice, although very funny, as everytime one of the babies there cried (it was a group review with 4 of us there) all the other started too! So cute! Roh always cries if other babies do, i like to think he's developing empathy early :haha: They also gave us a bookstart pack with a few really lovely board books in, and a toothbrush and toothpaste :thumbup:

Had a nightmare these last 3 nights, as every night about 10 minutes after i've gotten home from work Roh has woken up and started crying, its then taken more than 2 hours each night to settle him down. Quite apart from it being totally rubbish to work all day and then spend until 10pm getting him to sleep, he's looking really tired as he's not been sleeping enough. I was confused why he's doing it, so asked OH what he's doing at bedtime. OH has been giving him his bottle after his bath and then rocking him to sleep before putting him down :dohh: I asked him since when we EVER rocked him to sleep before?!?!?! Grrr, nightmare, so he's been doing one sleep cycle and then waking up wondering where he is etc. :dohh: Men, anyway, i pointed out we've been giving him his milkfeed before his bath and putting him down awake for at least 2 months now, if not longer! :dohh: Anyway, tonight was a nightmare getting him to sleep, and then he woke up after the first sleep cycle, so habit has definately formed there. Anyway, managed to get him back to sleep pretty fast, so fingers crossed he won't stick with it. :rolleyes:

Anyway, i need snacks and TV! :hugs:
Wow, apologies for the totally excessive use of the word "anyway" seems i got stuck on that!

Argh, I didn't know Jon and Kate got divorced!!!!! OMG!!!! I'm going to go and google shortly and find out more :haha:

Emera I'm glad Roh's review went well! I still haven't heard anything about Olivers :dohh: but I did hear that they are really behind with them at the moment. Bless you OH, thats sooooo something Steve would do . . . though I still feed Oliver to sleep :blush: I really think I need to get myself motivated and start working on his sleep rather than just going along doing what i'm doing because it still works. Or maybe I can . . . I don't know!! :wacko: I don;t use the valves in sippy cups either so we have the same spillage issues :haha:

Hannah thats great the Amelia is doing so well! :thumbup:

FruFru your friend sounds amazing! Just like you :kiss: I'm not going to test, I'm so sure I'm not, it would be a waste of a test :haha: Your walk sounds lovely! I hope you work approves your new hours :hugs:

I have felt so much better today! For the first time in over a week I felt up to cooking properly and really enjoyed it :) I was so annoyed because just before I got ill I did a lovely huge supermarket shop, and then what with Oliver and I both been ill and off our food most of the fresh stuff is no good. I hate throwing away food! I did cook up some things like pasta sauce to freeze just to save throwing away the tomatoes and onions etc. It was lovely to feel up to preparing proper meals again, I love meal times with Oliver :cloud9:

Oh, Emera, silly question from me :dohh: Can I freeze fresh basil leaves?

Tomorrow I have a meeting with one of my lovely brides, its a hotel in the next village to my mum and dad so they were going to take Oliver, but my mum is really ill with the same virus we both had :nope: If the weather is good, Dad is going to meet me at the hotel and take Oliver for a walk while I meet my bride, but if not I'll just take him with me and hope he behaves :haha: Or my Dad could just take him for a wonder around in the hotel and get a cuppa of something maybe, anything to keep him quiet :haha:
Sarah, you can't freeze fresh basil, but you can put it in the blender with a little olive oil, and then store that paste in the fridge for a few weeks, :thumbup: I do that to most the fresh herbs and garlic i buy as they last much longer :)

On that note, just thought i'd mention, as you said you were throwing food out, if items say, "use by" then that's a solid date, and you need to throw the item away the day after the shown date. If things say "best before" then use your common sense. If the tomato, onion, etc look ok (as in maybe a bit soft or wilting etc. but not mouldy) then go ahead and use them. :) I bought blueberrys a while ago that said best before 26 febuary, Roh and i munched the last few today :winkwink:
Supermarkets annoy me as the best before systems are for when the products won't look all perfect and shiny anymore, but really they are still perfectly usable sometimes weeks after that date. People take it as gospel and chuck sooo much away, it makes me sad :cry:

I order all my fruit and veg from an organic company, its delicious, although sometimes things are slightly weird shape, or i get giant knobbly apples :haha: I save a fair bit of money doing it though :thumbup:
Thankyou Emera!! I knew you'd know :haha: I'll get the blender out tomorrow :thumbup: I am always confused by best before dates :wacko: With fruit and veg I just tend to use it unless it looks like its gone off. We have a pretty good fridge and stuff seems to last really well in there. Where do you get your organic box thingy from? I love that idea!! I miss all the wierd shaped stuff we used to get when I was small :haha: Its like its only since we got our own chickens that I realised with bought eggs you never seem to see double yolks any more, and we get LOADS! Our hens go through phases where every egg has a double yolk!
Sarah i get all my shopping delivered from Abel & Cole, i find them really good, i've been using them for years now. They deliver in your area i think, they'd certainly deliver to the haribo factory which was the postcode i used on their site to check :haha: thats near you isn't it?

there, check them out :)
Lol, I was just looking on their website :haha:

Thankyou!!! I think I might give them a try! The fruit and veg boxes look like really good value!! Do you pay delivery on top of that price? What size box do you get?
Its 99p delivery fee, which i find is fine, as i get all my weekly shop from them, i get the medium veg box and the small gourmet box alternate weeks. I then order fruit ontop of that. I used to get the mixed box, i think it was the medium one. Likely your needs are sort of similar to mine as i know steve works late the same as my OH. We get 2 meals a week together, plus all the veg for Roh's food and mine too out of the boxes we get. They are unusual for a veg box company, in that they let you skip items from your box and replece it with something else (you don't get to choose the replacement though). Like i had too many potatoes left, so this week i skipped potatoes and they put in a coliflower instead. :thumbup:
OOhhhh Emera you've started something now :haha: Deliver with them is only 99p!!! I have a small box in my basket, I'm just trying to decide if I should get a small box or a medium one. Do the contents of the box change of a fairly regular basis?

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