Thank you everyone for your reassurances about Hopey
I am still dreading Tuesday but feel less worried!
Sarah: I loved the picture of Oliver "drinking" from the sippy cup! He is so adorable

Maybe your area doesn't do a 9 month review. I know the last time I went to the Baby Centre (when Bobby was 4 months old) a mum was complaining about the fact that they got rid of it. They explained that they had merged with Hounslow and as Hounslow didn't do the review Richmond wasn't either. It sounded pretty crap to me! Glad you feel better hon! That sounds like a really nasty bug you had
Maybe: She is doing fine hon but the operation is on Tuesday so we will find out then how she is doing. I hope you had a lovely time in Leeds. How did it go? I really liked your pictures

Looks like you got a lot of shopping done

Bobby climbs up everything now (except our sofa) and doesn't know how to get down! He seems used to falling now and cries very little. Maybe I am so furious on your behalf regarding what your MIL said! How dare she?!! She has had children too. How can she show you so little sympathy?!! My house gets so messy and I only have one baby! If HER son helped you more maybe it would be tidier! GRRRR.
H&F: I am fine hon, thanks for asking

Just a bit nervous about Tuesday.
Emera: I wish I could sew! It would be great to be able to make Bobby clothes

Glad Roh's review went well

Well done for the 50th percentile! He has done so well. I loved reading how he cries when other babies cry. That really is so cute

Sorry to hear that your hubby messed up the bedtime routine. It does sound like he is having one sleep cycle then wondering where his Dad went

Hope you can fix it again soon

Glad the weather has been nice where you are. Its been so cold here

Sounds like Roh had a great time with the little girl

So cute about Roh kissing two girls

Wow at the bargains you got from the charity shops! I really like them.
Frufru: I made chicken nuggets in the end and they were very popular

Glad Joni's sleep training is going well

I love Dr Weissbluth's book too as it gave me a new perspective on sleeping. I hope your meeting with your manager went well. Glad you liked the nursery

Really glad you have decided to say yes to going away with your friend. It sounds lovely! I have a connecta carrier which I find quite easy to use. The only problem is I get so tired carrying Bobby. I am so out of shape!Sorry to hear about the teething problems. It was like that with Bobby as well. No new teeth for three months, followed by teething hell and 3 teeth came out! I think you do bring up good points about the holiday but I think Emera's suggesion is helpful

We will not say anything of course
Hannah: Well done to Amelia for the great sleeping. Bobby only had two teeth till he was 8.5 months and now had 5! They will probably come all at once for Amelia too!
Amy: Glad you are back hon