Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Wow modo!!! Oliver still just has his two teeth and no sign of any more yet!
amy - hope alex gets better soon :hugs:

modo - hope you get a break from the dreaded teething!

sarah - i'm glad steve was with you when you got the flat tyre. i always stress that it's going to happen to me when i'm on my own!!!

i was wondering about LC too. hope she's ok.

i have spent my afternoon ironing, only 1 more basket left :happydance: i let it get really bad and it's taking me ages to get on top of it :blush: i am hoping to be more organised when i'm up to date!!! MIL had owen for a few hours which has given me the chance to spend ages on chores whilst danny slept :rolleyes: ](*,) he has thrown the rubbish at least when he went for owen =D> oh well i'm off to bread chicken fillets for dinner. speak later :wave:
Sarah: Thanks hon :hugs: Its really weird because Bobby got the first 2 teeth at 5.5 month then nothing till 8.5 months and suddenly he gets a whole bunch. Bet it's the same with Oliver. Sorry to hear about the flat tire, good thing Steve was with you :hugs:

Maybe: Breaded chicken sounds yummy. Do you know how many points they are? How do you make them? I find my chicken nuggets taste boring unless I use posh breadcrumbs. Can I have your recipe? Glad you got some help today :hugs:
modo - aww poor Bobby :hugs: Alex got his 6 teeth all in a row and we've had a nice break until now so hopefully you will too. I think he has some more trying to come through.

maybe - nice of Danny to sleep through you doing chores :grr: glad you had some help though :hugs:

Alex's eyes were a lot better today. putting the ointment in is no fun at all :( we havent done much today. I took the dog out a couple of times to have a change of scenery. I get cabin fever staying in all day but it sure is cold outside :cold:

oh and I nearly forgot, Alex has started standing unaided :shock: - he did it for about 20 seconds on Friday and then he did it again this evening :cloud9: clever boy (I'm looking forward to even more bruises and bumps!)
Wow Amy that is amazing! You must be so proud of Alex :hugs: Glad his eyes are clearing up, poor little boy :hugs: Bobby has been pulling himself up a lot know and seems quite used to falling. I hope he will be ok when he starts standing unaided!
Evening ladies!

Amy I'm glad Alex was a little better today :hugs: Clever boy standing unaided!!! Oliver has done it a couple of times but only for maybe 5 seconds. He just wants to be stood up all the time at the moment, or crawling around chasing the cat :haha: They are growing up sooooooooo fast!!!!!!

Modo & Maybe you're sooo right about it been a good thing that Steve was in the car! I think I would have been a bit of a state if I'd been on my own with Oliver! I would have just called the breakdown people out and let them deal with it but I would have been seriously freaked. It nearly happened though, on Friday when I drove to Sheffield I was going to take Steve's car but right at the last minute he took it instead - he was running late and he had his work things in his car and no time to switch them over. I'm sure that if I'd taken it it would have gone on the M1 :nope: Thank goodness Steve was running late that day :haha:

Maybe I ALWAYS have a huge ironing pile! I'm sure we have too many clothes :blush: After been unwell I have just this weekend got on top of the washing, so now I just have absolutely LOADS of ironing to do - so thats a couple of evenings next week sorted then!

Maybe did you speak to your MIL about the vitamins? I might have missed an update there.

Amy I haven't seen Taken . . . . so its worth watching?

I have heard from L-C on Facebook :thumbup: She is fine, just very busy, I think she has been keeping up with the thread but hasn't had chance to reply. The main thing is that she's fine :thumbup:

Muddles . . . how did it go with the council lady re the play group? Did I miss an update there too :blush::haha:

Well its mainly been housework and normal things here today, we went to Leeds this morning to get new tyres fitted on Steve's car and then called at the big Chinese Supermarket and bought some goodies. Steve doesn't often cook Chinese (his dad was Chinese) but he did today and YUM it was absolutely flippin gorgeous!! Oliver loved it too, it was the first time he's had Chinese and he ate loads and got really stuck in. Tonight Steve has a big poker game (online) so I'm just pottering about, doing some work and house work, and keeping out of his way :haha:

Oh, and today we took the Jumperoo down :cry: It's been wonderful, but Oliver doesn't want to go into it now, he'd much rather be crawling around or standing up. I've been tending to pop him into his playpen if I need him to be contained :haha: while I have a cuppa or something. So the Jumperoo has been packed away, and I think my friend is going to buy it or I'll put it on ebay. It's quite sad when they outgrow things isn't it? :cry: Doesn't make me broody again yet though :haha:
modo - ahh bless Bobby being used to falling :hugs: Alex is good at falling, having a little cry and then shaking it off to get back to standing... and so it goes on :haha:

sarah - :haha: our poor cats get terrorised all round, they go upstairs to escape from the dog but then when I go up with alex I can almost hear them sigh :haha: he also chases them everywhere :haha: Yum, chinese mmmmmmmmmmm lucky you!!!
I love Taken but I quite like action films and this one is sort of about revenge. I Liam Neeson (sp?) in it, he plays the role brilliantly!
Great news about L-C. I know what its like when you get busy. Good to know she's ok :flower:
DO you not think of saving the jumperoo for the next one??? :winkwink: I HATE giving away Alex's clothes etc because its so final :cry: I would love more but Kerry doesnt. the good thing is they all go to Gabriel so that makes it easier. He hated my bumbo though so I might sell that. I just want to keep it all! :haha: I'm not broody at all now but I just know if I could i'd have another one, maybe 2 or 3. I love it so much! I couldnt imagine a life without my noisy brood :cloud9:
Oh Sarah, I want your Chinese food please sounds sooooo good! Bobby crawls after the kitties and the dog while laughing hysterically :lol:

Amy: :hugs: maybe Kerry will change his mind :hugs: a lot can happen in 2 or 3 years :hugs: Is taken the one where Liam's daughter and her cousin get kidnapped in Paris? Ben rented that one about a year ago and I quite liked it too :)
Amy I did think about keeping it :haha: I've kept loads of stuff though and Steve said we can just buy another one. I've kept lots of his clothes, the nicest ones, and things like his moses basket which Oliver hardly used and that I would want, but wouldn't want to buy again :haha:

I'm def going to sell Oliver's bumbo, I think he sat in it twice and hated it :dohh:
modo - yes thats Taken :thumbup: I love the thought of Bobby terrorising your pets while laughing hysterically :haha: babies are brilliant!! :cloud9:

sarah - the girls used their moses basket as a ship for their teddies and it got so squashed :haha::haha: so I bought a new (2nd hand) one for Alex and that was the hardest thing to give to my sister. Its lovely when you have another one and get out the clothes - it brings back so many happy memories :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: ahhh Alex loved his bumbo, i used to sit him in it while i put the washing out :haha:

I've got a telephone interview in the morning. I am getting nervous :wacko: I have absolutely no hope I'll go any further as I am way out of my depth but I think it will be good experience and i'm made up they liked my CV enough to call me back :blush:
i wonder who the ruler is, they often view this thread
OOhhhh Amy I saw 'The Ruler' too. I had a quick look and it looks like a long term lurker, last posted in 2009? Maybe they have a May 2010 baby?

Amy thats sweet that the girls used their moses baskets :) And that you got to pass Alex's to Gabriel. I'm not so attatched to mine . . . . Oliver never actually slept a full night in it :haha: and I think overall he slept for about 10 hours in it :rofl: But its a gorgeous basket and my mum and dad bought it. I am trying to think of a the best way to store it though, any ideas?

I have such mixed feelings about having another baby. I'm so happy as things are. I'm sure if we had another baby it would still be wonderful, and I want Oliver to have a little brother and sister, but it does kind of worry me. And I worry how I would cope. I can imagine that I'd be like you though, that we would have two and love it and then I wouldn't want to stop :haha:

Good luck with the telephone interview!! Thats fantastic!! Like you say even just for the experience its great, and it should give you really good confidence in your CV too! Well done, and good luck - enjoy it!! :hugs:
sarah - yeah I looked too - only 2 posts since 2009! I often see they are viewing the thread. I wish in some ways we could make it private as its "our" thread in my eyes :haha:
you wont even worry about coping when no.2 comes along - you are such a natural mummy!! you'll be brilliant xxxxx 2 does make things a lot harder but its also double the fun :thumbup: I can imagine how planning for the second is hard - I was so scared when I fell pregnant with Holly that I wouldnt love her as much as Emily but I really do. I also worried about taking away from Emily but she was thrilled to have a little sister. It does all work out whatever the age gap :cloud9: I just love having children in the house even though they drive me doolally :haha::haha:
yeah i wonder if we could get the thread moved to GS then the lurkers might not know where it's gone!!! i dont like the fact people lurk on here :nope: what can they get out of it anyway :shrug:

amy - good luck with the interview!

sarah - i have kept so much stuff as my in laws have a flat they bought but don't live in. it all goes up there. there's a double pram, dylan and erin's old pram, loads of clothes, the cot dylan and erin used (and owen will use when danny goes for it!) amongst other stuff. at the moment owen is wearing lots of dylan's 9-12/12-18 clothes. i put on the outfit i bought for dylan's 1st birthday the other day and it was soooo cute :cloud9:

modo - for the breaded chicken i buy thinly filleted chicken breast and coat it in plain flour, dip it in eggs and then coat it in breadcrumbs which i buy from a spanish supermarket and are flavoured with garlic and parsley. then i fry it in vegetable oil and blot it with kitchen paper to take off the excess oil. i don't know how many points they are but i only have a couple of points with salad so i reckon it can't be too bad, maybe 4 points a slice max i reckon :shrug: i ususally do it on a day when i have points to spare so it doesnt really matter. the kids love it too. they have rice or chips with it. i can get you a packet of the breadcrumbs when i next go to spain if you like and post them to you!
Maybe all the stuff I pack away goes into the loft. I have my full silver cross travel system, plus all Olivers clothes etc. I have a little box and I keep my favourite outfit from each size in there and other special things, all the cards we got when Oliver was born etc. Its so nice to look at all his tiny tiny things :) I'm trying not to keep too much, we can always buy things again. Having said that, there is absolutely loads lol!

Its a shame there isn't a private section for threads like this. And the journals too, I'd love to start a journal but I'd rather it was private. I have thought about starting a blog that I can control the privacy to, I might still do that.

Oliver had a 'its more fun to be awake and playing' night last night :dohh: I think I got about five hours so it could be worse. Every time we have a bad night it makes we want to buy the no cry sleep solution book :haha: I think we're going to stroll into town later, so I might see if they have it in the library.

We're watching Milkshake this morning - it Rory the Racing Car Peter Kay?!?!
Haha Roh has discovered blowing raspberries, and now won't stop, its making me laugh :haha:

Amy - Well done Alex! He'll be running you ragged in no time toddling about! :D Roh stood alone quite a while ago, but then never did it again until a couple of days ago, and now he's really pushing his luck all the time, we've had quite a few tumbles yesterday :wacko: Hope the interview goes / went well :hugs: It must be really reassuring that they considered your CV, its a really good sign :thumbup:

Sarah - Yum chinese! Sounds delicious! I'm not quite so sad when Roh grows out of stuff, as it was all hand me down anyway, so we just send it back to my bro and SIL, or to my mum for my cousin to use with there little boy (he's 4 months now :shock:)
Glad your heard from LC too! :thumbup:

Maybe - Sounds like you cook up a storm! :flower:

Modo - If you want to make tastier breadcrumbs yourself, then toast the bread first and then rub it with a garlic clove thats cut in half before you crumb it, also, add a litttle salt and pepper to the crumbs. Also finely chopped herbs and/or paprika add to the flavour :winkwink:

Well, i had a very old friend stop over last night, who i haven't seen for years! It was really nice to see him again, although we all ended up going to bed too late! :sleep: I've got work today , booo! :brat: Don't wanna!

Well better go get Roh some breakfast, he's such a little angel at the moment :cloud9: He's got really chatty, its so cute :)

Have a good day everyone!

Oh, and hi lurkers! :hi:
sarah - i am going to re-read the no cry sleep solution. when i have time :haha:

emera - ooh i'm going to try your breadcrumb ideas! sound yummy :thumbup: owen has also discovered the delights of blowing raspberries :rofl:

owen and erin are tossing toys everywhere. dylan's at school thank god or the damage would be even worse :haha:
going by my bmi i am finally not in the overweight category any more :happydance:

Lets see how I get on.... my DH is home at the moment and is trying to sit on the loo (gorss I know but it is relevant). I can hear Will slamming the lid against the cistern and his back ha ha, that is what usually happens to me!

I'm sorry I have not been on for ages, things are so hectic, I do leave the computer on all day and check in when I can but when it comes to posting I start and then find that Will is up to mischief again....

Sarah, what a close escape with the flat tyre so glad you had Steve with you. Your business sounds great and like it's really coming along. We had to get rid of the jumperoo at Christmas, as soon as will could crawl that's all he has been doing. It is Peter Kay, me and DH had the same conversation over the weekend! Really like the driving pictures x

Amy, good luck with the interview!! more children, I don't seem to cope with one very well. Glad Alex is on the mend, getting the drops in must be a nightmare.

Maybe, glad you had a good time in Leeds, how was Owen on the flight? Sounds like you shopped til you dropped, I could really do with that. Need to lose the weight first, I'm not doing very well on that front! It's annoying because the WW works.....if you stick to it and I just don't seem to be able to. Danny's parade looked great!

Frufru, what a lovely offer from your friend, I hope it's Jonny friendly so you can go, it would be lovely. Your baking sounds great, I made a banana and raisin tea loaf last week that I was very chuffed with. How is the sleep training going?? Will wakes at the exact time most nights, which I think is habit bhut I'm really not sure how to break it.

Emera, how is the not BF going? I would like to have gotten Will off now ready for work but he's not having any of it. I haven't really pushed it though and will tell work that I can only work days, hopefully they will accept that, not sure what I'll do if they don't. I have been freezing basil for ages ha ha, didn't know you couldn't, doesn't make it poisonous does it??? what a div! Roh sounds just adorable, I'm glad he's being so lovely for you at the moment.

Muddles, I love your pictures on facebook xx

Modo, Bobby really sounds like he is coming on and how brave is he with his teeth, we have a whole week of struggles every time x

Well, we just seem to be so busy, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed too and seem to have seem one too many people with babies who have been sleeping through forever. I feel bad that I feel so hard done by but I'm just so tired and run down. I really don't know how you do it maybe. The thought of having to work on tope of this in four weeks, makes me quite nervous.

Will is so cute and coming on so fast, but he is into everything, I turn my back for a second and he's in trouble again, he has a reputation a sing and sign already! My friedn has been away for two weeks but is now back thank goodness. My DH has been studying for an exam so he has been studying hard and so we have only had one evening together a week for ages, think I have been craving some fun, I look forward to that one evening and then fall asleep ha ha. Exam is tomorrow and so hubby back tomorrow night yay!!

I took Will to my Mum's over night on Friday and he was great, first night in the travel cot, he did brilliantly. I did buy a proper mattress for it though.

Will has taken to closing his eyes to hide, it's so funny!

Anyone else exhausted thinking up new lunch/dinner ideas. Dinners are better but Will is very fussy at breakfast and lunch. He had scotch pancakes yesterday and loved them!


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Even with DH supervision in the time it has taken to post Will has emptied my wardrobe urh

H&F Hi xx

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