Evening ladies!
Amy I'm glad Alex was a little better today

Clever boy standing unaided!!! Oliver has done it a couple of times but only for maybe 5 seconds. He just wants to be stood up all the time at the moment, or crawling around chasing the cat

They are growing up sooooooooo fast!!!!!!
Modo & Maybe you're sooo right about it been a good thing that Steve was in the car! I think I would have been a bit of a state if I'd been on my own with Oliver! I would have just called the breakdown people out and let them deal with it but I would have been seriously freaked. It nearly happened though, on Friday when I drove to Sheffield I was going to take Steve's car but right at the last minute he took it instead - he was running late and he had his work things in his car and no time to switch them over. I'm sure that if I'd taken it it would have gone on the M1

Thank goodness Steve was running late that day
Maybe I ALWAYS have a huge ironing pile! I'm sure we have too many clothes

After been unwell I have just this weekend got on top of the washing, so now I just have absolutely LOADS of ironing to do - so thats a couple of evenings next week sorted then!
Maybe did you speak to your MIL about the vitamins? I might have missed an update there.
Amy I haven't seen Taken . . . . so its worth watching?
I have heard from L-C on Facebook

She is fine, just very busy, I think she has been keeping up with the thread but hasn't had chance to reply. The main thing is that she's fine
Muddles . . . how did it go with the council lady re the play group? Did I miss an update there too

Well its mainly been housework and normal things here today, we went to Leeds this morning to get new tyres fitted on Steve's car and then called at the big Chinese Supermarket and bought some goodies. Steve doesn't often cook Chinese (his dad was Chinese) but he did today and YUM it was absolutely flippin gorgeous!! Oliver loved it too, it was the first time he's had Chinese and he ate loads and got really stuck in. Tonight Steve has a big poker game (online) so I'm just pottering about, doing some work and house work, and keeping out of his way
Oh, and today we took the Jumperoo down

It's been wonderful, but Oliver doesn't want to go into it now, he'd much rather be crawling around or standing up. I've been tending to pop him into his playpen if I need him to be contained

while I have a cuppa or something. So the Jumperoo has been packed away, and I think my friend is going to buy it or I'll put it on ebay. It's quite sad when they outgrow things isn't it?

Doesn't make me broody again yet though