Amy: How did your phone interview go? I am sure you did really well hon

I find Bobby crawling after the pets quite funny as well! It's really nice that the girls used theirs for their toys and Alex's went to Gabriel

We were really annoyed because Bobby outgrew his at 2.5 months and so we sold it on eBay long ago. We had to buy a small cot from Mothercare and a mattress as our cotbed wouldn't fit in our bedroom and we wanted to keep him there longer. We have kept the cot for any future baby.
Sarah: I have kept all of the expensive clothes my Mom bought Bobby for the next baby. At least then I'll feel less bad about their cost! Bobby barely used his Bumbo but for now we are keeping it as it's not that big. My consultant said that I can't have another baby till Bobby is 3 because of my c-section. We would like to have a 4 year age gap anyway so it's a good excuse to give relatives

We keep all the packed away stuff in our loft as well but I am going to be using it as my office so I might need to rethink that!
Emera: That so cute that Roh is blowing raspberries! Bobby does it too and I always copy him which he seems to enjoy
Maybe: Well done!!! That's amazing

I am so proud of you! Ok cool. Let me know your details when you have set it up and I can send you the money
LC: Great to hear from you hon! I had to laugh at Will hitting your DH with the toilet seat

I am sorry you are having a hard time with Will's sleeping. Are you thinking about any type of sleep training? Good luck to your DH on his exam. Good to hear that it will be over soon and you will be able to spend more time together

I have also been having a hard time with breakfast as Bobby seems to hate whatever I give him (apart from Weatabix minis). What a lovely picture of Will! He is so cute