Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


FruFru I'm glad you came to a decision about your trip :hugs: I think given the situation is was the right thing to do, bless your lovely friend though - what a diamond! Your walk sounds lovely! It was so sunny here today but absolutely FREEZING!

Maybe I was going to say Lakeland too but wow thats a lot for postage!! I tend to just go to their shops in Harrogate or York when I need something, they are always sending me brochures and making me want to buy more kitchen things :haha: :blush:

Amy I'm sure the interview went better than you think - stop thinking about it!! When you overthink something like that it always seems worse than it is. When will you find out? Well done again for getting to this stage though, you're going to get a fabby job really soon :hugs:

L-C Will sounds so gorgeous and cheeky!

Oliver and I stayed home today, we did plan to pop out but it was so cold!! So we stayed home and we'll pop out tomorrow. I managed to get quite a bit of housework done, including cleaning all Oliver's little finger prints off the sofa after he got hold of a newspaper yesterday :dohh: Pale grey leather sofas don't like dirty toddler fingers but I've got a feeling I might have to get used to it :haha:

Oh, and Oliver's new Leapfrog Groove & Learn table arrived today and he absolutely LOVES it!! He spent about an hour today playing with that, then crawling over to his first steps walker, playing on that, then chasing that cat, then back to the table . . . just around and around . . . it tired me out just watching!!!
Maybe - Well done on the weight! :yipee: I was going to suggest amazon too for bakeware, i'll look up some good quality brands for you in a while :winkwink:

LC - I'm missing BF :( Roh seems perfectly happy though :thumbup: Its been a long time since he would be fed to sleep, and he's not fed alot in the day since he went onto 3 meals, he loves his food!! He's taking more milk with the bottles than he was from BF, i'm certain, but sometimes he's not interested. Like tonight, i've come home, and there is still 5oz left from his evening bottle, and he only has 7oz 2 times a day maximum :shrug: Apparently he stuffed himself at dinner though and drank about 3oz of water. Formula works out pretty expensive!!! I'll be glad in a month or so, when we can move onto cows milk!
Technically you can freeze basil leaves by the way, it just tends to make them a bit soggy when you defrost them. Freezing any green leafy herbs or veg damages them, as the water in their cells expands and they burst, which means they turn to mush, also as it breaks down their structure, it destroys the vitamin content too. Think delicate leaves when there is a heavy frost in the winter, it kills the plant :) You'll get more flavour and freshness if you blend them with oil and refridgerate them instead :thumbup: the oil preserves them, so they keep for ages. Another tip if you have left over herbs, you can stick them whole (just scrunch them a little in your hand first) into a jar or bottle of olive oil and then leave it for a couple of days, then you have herb flavoured oil, great on tomato salads in the summer :) Just make sure that the herbs aren't sticking out of the oil, or they will decay as normal (generally they go mouldy).

As for naps. Roh generally only has one nap now, but it does depend when he gets up. He's quite lazy in the mornings and often won't get up until 9am. If he gets up before then he tends to need a little nap in the morning, like today he way up at 7am, and just had a little 30 minute rest at 10am. Then he has his main nap at 1pm, its usually at least 1.5 hours, and up to 3.5 hours. The days he only has one nap he tends to start getting a bit tired by about 11.30am, but he's generally ok through lunch. Now i've gotten him out of the bad habits he had with sleeping, i tend to be pretty flexible with his naps. And also if we are out, then he'll nap as and when. The other day we were out all day, and he napped 11am -12pm, and then 4pm - 5pm. As long as he gets about 2 hours a day, and doesn't fall asleep after 5pm, it doesn't affect his night sleeping now :thumbup: A standard day though, he'll get up about 8.30am ish, then nap from 1pm - 3.30pm, and then in bed by 7pm.

Modo - Shame about your foodprocessor! :hissy: I hate it when new things break! And i also coppy Roh when he blows raspberries, it makes him grin :cloud9:

FruFru - Bless your friend, people without children don't naturally consider these things i guess. It was such a sweet offer for her to make though, and i can totally understand why you won't take up the offer, as i'm sure she does :flower: Maybe you can do something else nice together? :)

Amy - I'm sure the interview wasn't as bad as you are thinking now. I always second guess myself after i've done stuff like that. Whatever the outcome, the experience is useful for you, getting back in the swing of doing interviews. And the fact they liked your CV enough to want to interview you is really good news :thumbup: I'd take the whole thing as a positive step, and a useful bit of practice :)

H&F - Hi! :hi:

Well, work was... work :cake: :cake: :cake: :haha:
OH said Roh's been lovely again today, i think we are both liking this phase :thumbup:
My ears are really aching again, and are all gooey :sick: I can't believe they are getting infected again, i don't know what the hell is going on with them, but its totally doing my head in!!!! I'm really fed up with it now, and i just want them to get sorted. I'm bored of going to the doctors about it, but i guess i'll have to make another trip there this week sometime :hissy: Gaaah! Stupid ears!!!:growlmad:

Right, opinions please...

We've been invited to OH's cousins wedding party on the 1st of May, which is a Sunday. Its somewhere near Manchester, so about 4 hours car journey. FIL is planning to take us along, as he's comeing from Cornwall, so it makes sense. I was thinking, "well, all good, we'll just go to the ceremony, stay for a chat, and then head back" the alternative to that, would be to stay in the hotel and then take it in turns to stay in the room with Roh once it gets past his bedtime. Failing that, i thought i could get my mum to come and babysit Roh whilst we go up there. Anyway, now we come to arranging it properly....

FIL has been invited to the ceremony, at 2pm, but we have only been invited to the second part of the reception, which starts at 7.30pm. Its not in a hotel, its in a restaurant, and all the hotels / b&bs are a taxi ride away from the venue. So we'll be arriving there at 1pm, and OH and i will have to amuse ourselves until 7.30pm. It pretty much knocks out any possibility of taking Roh along, as he'll be wanting to go to bed just before the party starts. As its on a Sunday, my mum won't be able to babysit, as she works on Mondays. Anyway, so OH has suggested the MIL :wacko:

The long and short of it is, OH now says i'm being difficult, because i'm looking for problems :saywhat: No i'm not, the whole thing is a total logistical nightmare! I really don't want to leave Roh behind, but i can't think of how it will work if we take him along. Plus the fact i doubt we can get anyone to babysit, he sort of forgets the fact that his mum still works too :dohh: I really don't want to go now :( I know OH is going to get in a major sulk with me about this :( Any ideas?
Emera I completely see where you are coming from - what does your OH suggest you do with Roh? Would your MIL travel up with you and watch him in the hotel while you go to the wedding?

If it were me, I wouldnt want to go. I wouldn't leave Oliver at home while I was so far away, and I can just imagine that taking him along, having an afternoon in a new strange place, bath etc in a strange place, etc etc, its just too much new stuff - Oliver would never settle, esp if I wasn't there then.

Its a really long way to go just for the night do too!!

Could your OH go without you?
Just read it again Emera . . . so your OH want to leave Roh with his mum all day, night, and then the next day until you get home?!?! Just so you can go to the evening reception? Nope, I would soooooo not be doing that :nope:
Sarah - Yeah i'm really not keen to leave him for so long, when i'm 4 hours drive away :( I think the conclusion we are coming to is either he'll have to come with us, and we will drop him with some of OH family who live nearby if they are having a babysitter for the evening for their children, and then we can stop over there, or OH will have to go on his own, and i'll stay home with Roh. I'm leaning towards the latter, as its a long journey for Roh, just to go spend the evening in a strange house with strangers :(
Yeah I think I'd go for the OH goes on his own option too. I wouldn't enjoy it anyway if Oliver was either 4 hours away or with strangers in a strange house.
If I was in your position Emera I would stay at home with Roh and let OH go on his own. Like both of you I would just not want to leave Joni with someone other than her Dad for such a long time when while she is still so little. It just seems far too much to take Roh on such a long car journey when you don't even get to see the wedding and then you and OH can't attend the reception together anyway :shrug:

I'm sure that his cousin will understand that it is not practical for you both to attend an evening reception so far from home when you have a baby/toddler.

BOO for your poorly ears :hugs2:

Thank you for the summary of Roh's naps, I have been meaning to ask you how the 1 nap was working out for a while. Joni gets up between 6-6.45 and goes to bed at 7 so she frequently still needs two naps - one around 8.30-9 for about 45mins and the other around 1-2 for an hour and a half. SOmetimes we only have one nap but I think it will be a while before she drops the morning nap on account of her super-early wake-up time. Maybe she might drop the nap and sleep longer at night when she starts crawling/walking :-k

Sarah - I was going to buy the leapfrog table and save it for Joni's birthday. Then I was at a friends the other day and she has one for her 13month old boy. I said we were getting one for Joni and she said we could have theirs as he doesn't play with it :thumbup: She has two older children (4 & 3) and her little lad only wants to play with their toys :rolleyes:
I hope it is a bit warmer for you today. It is really chilly here today, after the clear skies yesterday and last night, the temperature plummeted last night and I opened the curtains this morning to a frosty garden :cold:

Well I better shoot off and get a few jobs done while Joni finishes her nap. We are meeting up with some Mummies and Babies at our surestart today for a catch up which will be lovely :)

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
oops just spent £20 in m&s online sale, they have fleeces and t shirts for £3, I got 3 fleeces and two t shirts for £17, not bad!
LC - good bargains! :thumbup:

emera - sorry your ears are playing up again :hugs: as for your wedding dilemma i wouldn't go. i also favour the option of your OH just going with your FIL. it seems a long way to go when you've not even been invited to the whole ceremony. my friend is getting married near manchester in october and we aren't going as it's just a logistical nightmare as you say (not to mention the cost!) and she understands so i'm sure your OH cousin will understand.

frufru - glad you managed to make up your mind about the retreat!

sarah - i want to get a table thingy like you have bought for oliver but i have no space (and danny might kill me :haha: )
Emera thank you for running through Roh's naps, I really need to get on track with Will's. He had an hour and a half this morning, so who knows think he must be transitional at the moment.

I don't think I'd be going to the wedding either, it's just too far and only the evening do, I'd stay at home and let OH go xx

I was supposed to be going out for a walk with my friend this afternoon but she has just cancelled. Bit gutted just have to think something else up, might go to the park and have a bit of a stroll myself. Will and I have already been into town and back this morning and we did a massive walk yesterday.

Trying to sort going back to work out, I'm not sure what role I'm going back to even. They have said they will accept my propsed shift pattern which is good! I can't wear some of the uniform if I'm still feeding which reduces the options slightly, I hadn't even considered that! Will is not showing any signs of coming off it yet....

Maybe did you do your amazon order in the end??
i decided to do the order but they said they wont post those items to gib :saywhat: i have had books and a chugginton railway from them but apparently they wont post this :shrug: my sister has had the same problem though!

lc what shifts will you do? is it full time?
no part time, well 30 hours. I'm doing 6 days and 4 lates over 3 weeks.

Sound like they all think Gib is like the Burmuda triangle or something??

My netbook is playing up again :dohh: so I'm on the laptop . . . its a good job Steve's at work :haha:

L-C those hours sound good! Is Will going to be going to a Nursery? I hope you had a nice walk, I hate it when people cancel on me at the last minute! I think I might have to go and have a look at the M&S Sale now :haha:

Maybe thats so rubbish!! You should have bought some while you were in Leeds! I'm not a big fan of silicone baking stuff, I'm not sure why. I did buy a mini muffin tray though from Habitat, for making Oliver-sized muffins. I paid about £12 though and then saw some in the pound shop :haha: For how often I will use it I'm sure the pound shop one would have done the job :dohh:

FruFru Thats so great about getting the table from your friend!! Its great, Joni will love it! I hope you had fun meeting with your mummy friends!

I was meaning to say yesterday about breakfast . . . these are the normal things we have:
English Muffins
Mini Pancakes
Toasted Tea Cakes
Lots of other breakfasty bread products, with butter or fruit purees
Porridge (sp)
Scrambled Egg & Toast

I ususally offer Oliver one bready thing, at least one fruit thing, and then either porridge or a yoghurt.

I've been making the porridge up with formula and then giving Oliver any formula I don't use in a sippy cup. Today I gave it to him in a bottle, just to see what he did, and for the first time since he was 12 weeks old he drank from a bottle. I'm not sure if thats a good thing, and I'm not sure if it will even come in useful, but I do feel a bit better knowing that if for some reason I had to stop breastfeeding he could have a bottle. And it might also mean that Steve and I could go out one night :shock:

It was such lovely weather here today! I LOVE the spring weather - I've filled the house with Daffodils so I must be feeling springlike :haha: We walked into town earlier and it was so nice to get out and about, I'm really hoping that the weather is good tomorrow too so that we can go for a walk. We had pancakes for tea, of course, Oliver had banana in his and loved them but OMG he was COVERED in banana!!
Sarah I met with a lady from the Toddler Group Initiative last week and she gave me a pack of stuff with forms and paperwork templates that i would need. I knew there would be some paperwork but I didn't realise that there was so much (you need to have AGMs each year). I would still like to do it but I need to find a few other people to help as you need to have a committee and more than one person to sign cheques for the groups' bank account.

Oliver's cough has pretty much gone, after him having it for just over a month! Took him back to the doctors last week and said that he was still waking up multiple times a every night coughing, almost being sick/being sick then crying. I did tell the doctor this the first time but he sent us on our way with an inhaler (which did nothing apart from make him cough more). We saw a different doctor last week and he gave him antibiotics and almost immediately he started sleeping better and his cough started to clear up.

I know some of you were talking about naps. Oliver used to have two 40 minute naps each day until about 3 weeks ago where he dropped the second nap and suddenly started sleeping for 1.5 hours. This has gradually increased to one nap of around 2 hours :happydance: He has also cut out his afternoon bf so he now feeds just before his morning nap, just before bed then once (but occassionally twice) during the night (he is in bed 7pm- between 7:30 and 8:30am).

Sorry for not replying to you all but H wants the computer. Hope everyone is well.
Hi there, sorry I didnt get back on last night, Alex had a raging temperature :dohh:

frufru its good you came to a decision about the trip and I would feel the same - it was such a lovely gesture that even without going it would mean alot :flower:

emera - I would stay at home too, 4 hours away for a reception sounds too exhausting to me :sleep:

LC - good news work have accepted your proposed shift pattern :thumbup:

maybe - cant believe they wont deliver to gibralter!! :dohh:

sarah - the leapfrog table sounds like fun :thumbup: I dont even know what one is so I will have a look :winkwink:

I didnt get the job but I'm honestly not worried as it was way out of my league - so I'm chuffed I got as far as I did. It was for a recruitment consultant :haha:

well I have had a horrible day :cry: this might be long. I stayed off work as Alex was poorly all night. He bucked up in the day though so i went for a walk along the sea wall with my parents, Gabriel and the dogs. We were on the part of the walk where the sea wall is highest in relation to the beach - at least a 5 foot drop. The dogs had run off together. I wasnt worried I knew they'd come back. I was standing back from the edge with Alex in his buggy. My dad was nearer the edge with Gabriel in his buggy. My dad was shouting for his dog and moved away from Gabriel. it was like slow motion. I looked at my Dad and looked and the buggy and could see it rolling. I thought where is Gabriel, thinking he surely couldnt be in the pram. but he was....and it went over the wall.... it was awful. i screamed at my dad and he said oh my god and jumped over the wall. My mum was on the beach and she screamed and started running. I pushed Alex nearer the edge and put the brake on HARD and I jumped over. I felt sick i was sooooo scared about Gabriel. My dad turned the pram over, Gabriel was screaming and screaming. My dad said he's ok but I could see a huge bulge growing on his head. I screamed no he isnt and got him out of the pram. I was shaking. I knew I had to do something though so got a big wad of tissues out of my pocket and got my mum to soak them in the sea. I held it on Gabriel's head and walked back to ALex with him. My mum was shouting at my dad saying how could you be so stupid.. but I knew it was just one of those horrible split second things. I really pulled myself together and had a good look at him. the beach is pebbles and i think the handles of the buggy hit first and luckily the pebbles would have moved when he hit so it was better than him hitting concrete (which it is in some places). We got back to the cars, my mum was crying saying how can i tell Becky that Dad didnt put the brake on and left him to go over the edge :cry::cry::cry: we didnt know whether to take him to the docs but Chris, his dad was at home so we just took him there. He is oK, he has 2 large swollen lumps on his forhead, one with a graze. he has a bruised eye and cheek :cry::cry: it was just the most horrific experience. i can t get the image of the pram going over out of my head. They told my sister and Chris that the pram just fell on its side, my mum thought it was too horrible to tell her the truth but i feel wrong not telling her. sorry this is so long, i had to get it out. thanks for reading if you got this far.... going to have nightmares tonight :cry:

then i burnt my hand badly making pancakes! what a day :(
Muddles its such a shame that they make these things so complicated!!!

I have just ordered the No Cry Sleep Solution and the No Cry Nap Solution from Amazon. I'm sure Oliver would nap for longer if he wasn't always laid on my knee :dohh: I don't mind him napping on me at all, but I'm starting to think it would be better for him to nap in his cot. And if he naps in his cot in his room, then I guess thats a step towards him moving into there at night too. Again, I just love him been in with me, but I do sometimes wonder if I'm keeping him awake / waking him up. Anyway, I've ordered the books, so I'll just see how it goes.
OMG Amy!!!!!!!! I had to read that several times . . . OMG!!! Poor little Gabriel, and you guys too, I just can't imagine!!!! Oh I could cry just reading that!! I bet your Dad feels so awful, like you say its one of those things - oh poor baby!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you!!!!!
sarah - its a good book and you can take what you think might work for you from it :) Happy 10 months oliver!!! :happydance: x

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