Aww, Amy your poor Dad!

I told OH about it, and he sends

too, he was really concerned for Gabriel, bless him. I think OH and i sharing the childcare 50/50 has made him alot softer and more mellow

in the past he would probably just have said "Oh why didn't he put the break on?" and then gone back to whatever he was doing if i told him about something like that

its definately a change for the better
Sarah - I meant to say happy 10 months to Oliver!
Those leapfrog tables are great, there is 2 of them at the playcentre, and Roh always goes for them. He tends to use them as an inpromtue walker there though, as its all laminate floors there, and they slide along quite nicely

Ironic seeing as he on't use an actually walker at all, he just sits down the second his one moves at all

I'm considering getting one, its a really good price on amazon!